Basic Machine Page Machine Basics: Pick the name of the configuration- spaces will be converted to under-score. Pick the available axis. Pick metric or standard units for pncconf data entry. Computer Response Time: Test latency of the computer. choose the servo period. I/O Ports / Boards: pick the number and type of mesa boards to configure. The available type depends on the firmware packages downloaded and if any boards are 'blacklisted'. At least one Mesa board is required as the parallel port can't be configured for stepper / servo control. Parallel ports must have the address specified and can be specified as 'OUT' or 'IN' which changes the available 8 data pins between output or input. Press the Parport Address Search button to display info on all PCI cards installed. Look for One that mentions Parallel port, It should have addresses specified. Choose one and try it. GUI Frontend list: This specifies the graphical display EMC will use. Each one has different option. AXIS -fully supports lathes. -is the most developed and used frontend -is designed to be used with mouse and keyboard -is tkinter based so integrates PYVCP panels naturally. -has a graphical window. -allows VCP panels integrated on the side or in center tab TOUCHY -Touchy was designed to be used with a touchscreen, some minimal physical switches and a MPG wheel. -requires cycle-start, abort, and single-step signals and buttons -It also requires shared axis MPG jogging to be selected. -is GTK based so integrates GLADE VCP panels naturally. -allows VCP panels integrated in the center Tab -has no graphical window -look can be changed with custom themes MINI -standard on OEM Sherline machines -does not use Estop -no vcp integration TkEMC - hi contrast bright blue screen -