-0.050000000000000003 0.050000000000000003 Type 1 Type 2 No Yes Same Opposite Towards Negative Limit Towards Positive Limit True False 22 3 True False Use Encoder Index For Home: 0 15 16 GTK_FILL True False Home Final Velocity: 0 14 15 GTK_FILL True False Home Latch Direction: True 0 13 14 GTK_FILL True False Home Search Direction: True 0 11 12 GTK_FILL True False Home latch Velocity: 0 12 13 GTK_FILL True False True False False xbacklash_adjust 4 1 2 19 20 GTK_FILL GTK_FILL Use Compensation Filename: False True True False True 18 19 GTK_FILL Use Backlash Compensation: False True True False True 19 20 GTK_FILL True False Final Home Position location (Offset from machine zero Origin): True 0 0.4699999988079071 2 7 8 GTK_FILL True False Negative Travel Distance (Machine zero Origin to end of - travel): True 0 2 6 7 GTK_FILL True False Tandem Home Switch location (Offset from machine zero Origin): True 0 2 9 10 GTK_FILL True False Home Search Velocity: True 0 10 11 GTK_FILL True False Positive Travel Distance (Machine zero Origin to end of + travel): True 0 2 5 6 GTK_FILL True False Home Search Sequence: True 0 16 17 GTK_FILL True False Home Switch location (offset from machine zero Origin): 0 2 8 9 GTK_FILL True False True False False 1 2 18 19 GTK_FILL GTK_FILL True False False xcompfile_store 0 2 3 18 19 True True 15 False False 2 3 5 6 True True 15 False False 2 3 6 7 True True 15 False False 2 3 7 8 True True 15 False False 2 3 8 9 GTK_FILL True True 15 False False 2 3 9 10 True True False False 2 3 10 11 True False xserachdir_store 0 2 3 11 12 GTK_FILL True False xlatchdir_store 0 2 3 13 14 GTK_FILL True False xindexhome_store 0 2 3 15 16 GTK_FILL True True False False 2 3 16 17 True True False False 2 3 12 13 True False mm / minute 0.94999998807907104 1 2 12 13 GTK_FILL True True False False 2 3 14 15 True False mm / minute 0.94999998807907104 1 2 14 15 GTK_FILL True False mm / minute 0.94999998807907104 1 2 10 11 GTK_FILL