import linuxcnc import os,sys # path to the configuration the user requested # used to see if the is local handler files to use try: CONFIGPATH = os.environ['CONFIG_DIR'] CONFIGDIR = os.path.join(CONFIGPATH, '') except: print('**** PANEL COMMAND: no file in config directory') CONFIGPATH = os.path.expanduser("~") CONFIGDIR = os.path.join(CONFIGPATH, '') # constants JOGJOINT = 1 JOGTELEOP = 0 inifile = linuxcnc.ini(os.environ['INI_FILE_NAME']) trajcoordinates = inifile.find("TRAJ", "COORDINATES").lower().replace(" ","") jointcount = int(inifile.find("KINS","JOINTS")) DBG_state = 0 def DBG(str): if DBG_state > 0: print(str) # Loads user commands from a file named '' from the config def load_handlers(usermod,halcomp,builder,commands,master): hdl_func = 'get_handlers' mod = object = None def add_handler(method, f): if method in handlers: handlers[method].append(f) else: handlers[method] = [f] handlers = {} for u in usermod: (directory,filename) = os.path.split(u) (basename,extension) = os.path.splitext(filename) if directory == '': directory = '.' if directory not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0,directory) DBG( 'panelui: adding import dir %s' % directory) try: mod = __import__(basename) except ImportError as msg: print("panelui: module '%s' skipped - import error: %s" %(basename,msg)) continue DBG( "panelui: module '%s' imported OK" % mod.__name__) try: # look for 'get_handlers' function h = getattr(mod,hdl_func,None) if h and callable(h): DBG("panelui: module '%s' : '%s' function found" % (mod.__name__,hdl_func)) objlist = h(halcomp,builder,commands,master) else: # the module has no get_handlers() callable. # in this case we permit any callable except class Objects in the module to register as handler DBG("panelui: module '%s': no '%s' function - registering only functions as callbacks" % (mod.__name__,hdl_func)) objlist = [mod] # extract callback candidates for object in objlist: #DBG("Registering handlers in module %s object %s" % (mod.__name__, object)) if isinstance(object, dict): methods = list(dict.items()) else: methods = [(n, getattr(object, n, None)) for n in dir(object)] for method,f in methods: if method.startswith('_'): continue if callable(f): DBG("panelui: Register callback '%s' in %s" % (method, basename)) add_handler(method, f) except Exception as e: print("**** PANELUI ERROR: trouble looking for handlers in '%s': %s" %(basename, e)) # Wrap lists in Trampoline, unwrap single functions for n,v in list(handlers.items()): if len(v) == 1: handlers[n] = v[0] else: handlers[n] = Trampoline(v) return handlers,mod,object # trampoline and load_handlers are used for custom keyboard commands class Trampoline(object): def __init__(self,methods): self.methods = methods def __call__(self, *a, **kw): for m in self.methods: m(*a, **kw) # linuxcnc commands class CNC_COMMANDS(): def __init__(self, master): global DBG_state DBG_state = master._dbg self.emc = linuxcnc self.emcstat = linuxcnc.stat() self.emccommand = linuxcnc.command() self.return_to_mode = -1 # if not -1 return to the mode specified = 0; self.jog_velocity = 100.0/60.0 self.angular_jog_velocity = 3600/60 self._mdi = 0 self.isjogging = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] self.restart_line_number = self.restart_reset_line = 0 try: handlers,self.handler_module,self.handler_instance = \ load_handlers([CONFIGDIR], self.emcstat, self.emccommand,self, master) except Exception as e: print(e) def mdi_active(self, wname, m): self._mdi = m def mist_on(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.mist(1) def mist_off(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.mist(0) def flood_on(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.flood(1) def flood_off(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.flood(0) def estop(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.state(self.emc.STATE_ESTOP) def estop_reset(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.state(self.emc.STATE_ESTOP_RESET) def machine_off(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.state(self.emc.STATE_OFF) def machine_on(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.state(self.emc.STATE_ON) def home_all(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) self.emccommand.home(-1) def unhome_all(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) self.emccommand.unhome(-1) def home_selected(self, wname, joint): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) self.emccommand.home(int(joint)) def unhome_selected(self, wname, joint): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) self.emccommand.unhome(int(joint)) def jogging(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) def override_limits(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) self.emccommand.override_limits() def spindle_forward_adjust(self, wname, rpm=100): if self.get_mode() == self.emc.MODE_MDI: self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) speed = self.is_spindle_running() if speed == 0: self.emccommand.spindle(1,float(rpm)); elif speed > 0: self.emccommand.spindle(self.emc.SPINDLE_INCREASE) else: self.emccommand.spindle(self.emc.SPINDLE_DECREASE) def spindle_forward(self, wname, rpm=100): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) speed = self.is_spindle_running() if speed == 0: self.emccommand.spindle(1,float(rpm)); def spindle_stop(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) self.emccommand.spindle(0); def spindle_reverse(self, wname, rpm=100): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) speed = self.is_spindle_running() if speed == 0: self.emccommand.spindle(-1,float(rpm)); def spindle_reverse_adjust(self, wname, rpm=100): if self.get_mode() == self.emc.MODE_MDI: self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) speed = self.is_spindle_running() if speed == 0: self.emccommand.spindle(-1,float(rpm)); elif speed < 0: self.emccommand.spindle(self.emc.SPINDLE_INCREASE) else: self.emccommand.spindle(self.emc.SPINDLE_DECREASE) def spindle_faster(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) self.emccommand.spindle(0,self.emc.SPINDLE_INCREASE) def spindle_slower(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) self.emccommand.spindle(0,self.emc.SPINDLE_DECREASE) def set_linear_jog_velocity(self, wname, cmd): velocity = float(cmd) if velocity is not None: rate = self.jog_velocity = velocity / 60.0 for axisnum in (0,1,2,6,7,8): if self.isjogging[axisnum]: jjogmode,j_or_a = self.get_jog_info(axisnum) self.emccommand.jog(self.emc.JOG_CONTINUOUS, jjogmode, j_or_a, self.isjogging[axisnum] * rate) def set_angular_jog_velocity(self, wname, cmd): angular = float(cmd) if velocity is not None: rate = self.angular_jog_velocity = angular / 60.0 for axisnum in (3,4,5): if self.isjogging[axisnum]: jjogmode,j_or_a = self.get_jog_info(axisnum) self.emccommand.jog(self.emc.JOG_CONTINUOUS, jjogmode, j_or_a, self.isjogging[axisnum] * rate) def continuous_jog(self, wname, cmd): axisnum = int(cmd[0]) jjogmode,j_or_a = self.get_jog_info(axisnum) if j_or_a == -1 or jjogmode == -1: print('missconfigured joint/axis or mode for {}'.format(axisnum)) return direction = int(cmd[1]) if direction == 0: self.isjogging[axisnum] = 0 self.emccommand.jog(self.emc.JOG_STOP, jjogmode, j_or_a) else: if axisnum in (3,4,5): rate = self.angular_jog_velocity else: rate = self.jog_velocity self.isjogging[axisnum] = direction self.emccommand.jog(self.emc.JOG_CONTINUOUS, jjogmode, j_or_a, direction * rate) def incremental_jog(self, wname, cmd): axisnum = int(cmd[0]) jjogmode,j_or_a = self.get_jog_info(axisnum) if j_or_a == -1 or jjogmode == -1: print('missconfigured joint/axis or mode for {}'.format(axisnum)) return direction = int(cmd[1]) distance = float(cmd[2]) self.isjogging[axisnum] = direction if axisnum in (3,4,5): rate = self.angular_jog_velocity else: rate = self.jog_velocity self.emccommand.jog(self.emc.JOG_INCREMENT, jjogmode, j_or_a, direction * rate, distance) self.isjogging[axisnum] = 0 def quill_up(self, wname, cmd): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) self.emccommand.wait_complete() self.mdi('G53 G0 Z %f'% float(cmd)) def feed_hold(self, wname, cmd): self.emccommand.set_feed_hold(int(cmd)) def feed_override(self, wname, f): self.emccommand.feedrate(f) def rapid_override(self, wname, f): self.emccommand.rapidrate(f) def spindle_override(self, wname, s): self.emccommand.spindleoverride(0,s) def max_velocity(self, wname, m): self.emccommand.maxvel(m) def reload_tooltable(self, wname, b): self.emccommand.load_tool_table() def optional_stop(self, wname, cmd): self.emccommand.set_optional_stop(int(cmd)) def block_delete(self, wname, cmd): self.emccommand.set_block_delete(int(cmd)) def abort(self, wname, cmd=None): self.emccommand.abort() def pause(self, wname, cmd=None): def resume(self, wname, cmd=None): def single_block(self, wname, s): = s self.emcstat.poll() if self.emcstat.queue > 0 or self.emcstat.paused: # program or mdi is running if s: else: # make sure linuxcnc is in AUTO mode # if Linuxcnc is paused then pushing cycle start will step the program # else the program starts from restart_line_number # after restarting it resets the restart_line_number to 0. # You must explicitly set a different restart line each time def smart_cycle_start(self, wname, cmd=None): self.emcstat.poll() if self.emcstat.task_mode != self.emc.MODE_AUTO: self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_AUTO) self.emccommand.wait_complete() self.emcstat.poll() if self.emcstat.paused: return if self.emcstat.interp_state == self.emc.INTERP_IDLE: print(self.restart_line_number), self.restart_line_number) self.restart_line_number = self.restart_reset_line # This restarts the program at the line specified directly (without cyscle start push) def re_start(self, wname, line): self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_AUTO) self.emccommand.wait_complete(), line) self.restart_line_number = self.restart_reset_line # checks if ready for commands # calls MDI commands and when idle, periodic() will return to the mode it was in def mdi_and_return(self, wname, cmd): if self.ok_for_mdi(): self.return_to_mode = self.get_mode() # for periodic() self.set_mdi_mode() if isinstance(cmd,list): for i in cmd: #print(str(i)) self.emccommand.mdi(str(i)) else: self.emccommand.mdi(str(cmd)) # call MDI commands, set mode if needed def mdi(self, wname, cmd): self.set_mdi_mode() if isinstance(cmd,list): for i in cmd: #print(str(i)) self.emccommand.mdi(str(i)) else: self.emccommand.mdi(str(cmd)) # set the restart line, you can the either restart directly # or restart on the cycle start button push # see above. # reset option allows one to change the default restart after it next restarts # eg while a restart dialog is open, always restart at the line it says # when the dialog close change the line and reset both to zero def set_restart_line (self, wname, line,reset=0): self.restart_line_number = line self.restart_reset_line = reset def set_manual_mode(self): self.emcstat.poll() if self.emcstat.task_mode != self.emc.MODE_MANUAL: self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MANUAL) self.emccommand.wait_complete() def set_mdi_mode(self): self.emcstat.poll() if self.emcstat.task_mode != self.emc.MODE_MDI: self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_MDI) self.emccommand.wait_complete() def set_auto_mode(self): self.emcstat.poll() if self.emcstat.task_mode != self.emc.MODE_AUTO: self.emccommand.mode(self.emc.MODE_AUTO) self.emccommand.wait_complete() def get_mode(self): self.emcstat.poll() return self.emcstat.task_mode def ok_for_mdi(self): self.emcstat.poll() s = self.emcstat return not s.estop and s.enabled and s.homed and \ (s.interp_state == self.emc.INTERP_IDLE) def is_spindle_running(self): self.emcstat.poll() s = self.emcstat if s.spindle[0]['enabled']: return s.spindle[0]['speed'] else: return 0 def periodic(self): # return mode back to preset variable, when idle if self.return_to_mode > -1: self.emcstat.poll() if self.emcstat.interp_state == self.emc.INTERP_IDLE: self.emccommand.mode(self.return_to_mode) self.return_to_mode = -1 def __getitem__(self, item): return getattr(self, item) def __setitem__(self, item, value): return setattr(self, item, value) def get_jjogmode(self): self.emcstat.poll() if self.emcstat.motion_mode == linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_FREE: return JOGJOINT if self.emcstat.motion_mode == linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_TELEOP: return JOGTELEOP print(" unexpected motion_mode",self.emcstat.motion_mode) return JOGTELEOP def jnum_for_axisnum(self,axisnum): if self.emcstat.kinematics_type != linuxcnc.KINEMATICS_IDENTITY: print("\n%s:\n Joint jogging not supported for" "non-identity kinematics"%__file__) return -1 # emcJogCont() et al reject neg joint/axis no.s jnum = trajcoordinates.index( "xyzabcuvw"[axisnum] ) if jnum > jointcount: print("\n%s:\n Computed joint number=%d for axisnum=%d " "exceeds jointcount=%d with trajcoordinates=%s" %(__file__,jnum,axisnum,jointcount,trajcoordinates)) # Note: primary gui should protect for this misconfiguration # decline to jog return -1 # emcJogCont() et al reject neg joint/axis no.s return jnum def get_jog_info (self, num): jmode = self.get_jjogmode() if jmode == JOGJOINT: return jmode, self.jnum_for_axisnum(num) return jmode,num