''' plasmac_gcode.py Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Phillip A Carter Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022 Gregory D Carl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ''' import os import sys import linuxcnc import math import shutil import time from subprocess import run as RUN from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QDialog, QScrollArea, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QPushButton, QStyle, QFrame app = QApplication(sys.argv) ini = linuxcnc.ini(os.environ['INI_FILE_NAME']) cmd = linuxcnc.command() inPath = sys.argv[1] inFile = os.path.basename(inPath) if inFile == 'rfl.ngc': with open(inPath, 'r') as inCode: for line in inCode: print(line.strip()) sys.exit() # assume gui to be qtplasmac unless a specific gui selected if 'axis' in ini.find('DISPLAY', 'DISPLAY'): gui = 'plasmac' tmpPath = '/tmp/plasmac' cutTypePin = 'axisui.cut-type' matNumPin = 'axisui.material-change-number' convBlockPin = 'axisui.conv-block-loaded' matTmpPin = 'axisui.material-temp' matReloadPin = 'axisui.material-reload' fgColor = '#ffee00' bgColor = '#050505' bgAltColor = '#36362e' notice = 'The line numbers in the original file may differ from what is shown below.\n\n' else: gui = 'qtplasmac' tmpPath = '/tmp/qtplasmac' cutTypePin = 'qtplasmac.cut_type' matNumPin = 'qtplasmac.material_change_number' convBlockPin = 'qtplasmac.conv_block_loaded' matTmpPin = 'qtplasmac.material_temp' matReloadPin = 'qtplasmac.material_reload' response = RUN(['halcmd', 'getp', 'qtplasmac.color_fg'], capture_output = True) fgColor = str(hex(int(response.stdout.decode()))).replace('0x', '#') response = RUN(['halcmd', 'getp', 'qtplasmac.color_bg'], capture_output = True) bgColor = str(hex(int(response.stdout.decode()))).replace('0x', '#') response = RUN(['halcmd', 'getp', 'qtplasmac.color_bgalt'], capture_output = True) bgAltColor = str(hex(int(response.stdout.decode()))).replace('0x', '#') response = RUN(['halcmd', 'getp', 'plasmac.max-offset'], capture_output = True) notice = 'If the G-code editor is used to resolve the following issues, the lines with errors\n' notice += 'will be highlighted. The line numbers may differ from what is shown below.\n\n' filteredBkp = '{}/filtered_bkp.ngc'.format(tmpPath) errorFile = '{}/gcode_errors.txt'.format(tmpPath) materialFile = '{}_material.cfg'.format(ini.find('EMC', 'MACHINE')) tmpMaterialFile = '{}/{}_material.gcode'.format(tmpPath, ini.find('EMC', 'MACHINE')) tmpMatNum = 1000000 tmpMatNam = '' prefsFile = ini.find('EMC', 'MACHINE') + '.prefs' response = RUN(['halcmd', 'getp', '{}'.format(cutTypePin)], capture_output = True) cutType = int(response.stdout.decode()) response = RUN(['halcmd', 'getp', '{}'.format(matNumPin)], capture_output = True) currentMat = int(response.stdout.decode()) response = RUN(['halcmd', 'getp', 'plasmac.max-offset'], capture_output = True) zMaxOffset = float(response.stdout.decode()) RUN(['halcmd', 'setp', '{}'.format(convBlockPin), '0']) metric = ['mm', 4] imperial = ['in', 6] units, precision = imperial if ini.find('TRAJ', 'LINEAR_UNITS').lower() == 'inch' else metric if units == 'mm': minDiameter = 32 ocLength = 4 unitsPerMm = 1 blendTolerance = 0.1 else: minDiameter = 1.26 ocLength = 0.157 unitsPerMm = 0.03937 blendTolerance = 0.004 unitMultiplier = 1 gcodeList = [] newMaterial = [] firstMaterial = '' line = '' rapidLine = '' lastX = 0 lastY = 0 oBurnX = 0 oBurnY = 0 lineNum = 0 lineNumOrg = 0 distMode = 90 # absolute arcDistMode = 91.1 # incremental holeVelocity = 60 material = [0, False] overCut = False holeActive = False holeEnable = False arcEnable = False customDia = False customLen = False torchEnable = True pierceOnly = False scribing = False spotting = False offsetG4x = False zSetup = False zBypass = False pathBlend = False convBlock = False filtered = False firstMove = False codeError = False errors = 'The following errors will affect the process.\n' errors += 'Errors must be fixed before reloading this file.\n' errorMath = [] errorMissMat = [] errorNoMat = [] errorBadMat = [] errorTempMat = [] errorNewMat = [] errorEditMat = [] errorWriteMat = [] errorReadMat = [] errorCompMat = [] errorFirstMove = [] errorLines = [] codeWarn = False warnings = 'The following warnings may affect the quality of the process.\n' warnings += 'It is recommended that all warnings are fixed before running this file.\n' warnUnitsDep = [] warnPierceScribe = [] warnMatLoad = [] warnHoleDir = [] warnCompTorch = [] warnCompVel = [] warnFeed = [] warnChar = [] # feedback dialog def dialog_box(title, icon, errorText, warningText): dlg = QDialog() scroll = QScrollArea(dlg) widget = QWidget() vbox = QVBoxLayout() labelN = QLabel(notice, objectName = 'labelN') lineE = QFrame(objectName = 'lineE') lineE.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine) labelE1 = QLabel(objectName = 'labelE1') labelE2 = QLabel() lineW = QFrame(objectName = 'lineW') lineW.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine) labelW1 = QLabel(objectName = 'labelW1') labelW2 = QLabel() vbox.addWidget(labelN) vbox.addWidget(lineE) vbox.addWidget(labelE1) vbox.addWidget(labelE2) vbox.addWidget(lineW) vbox.addWidget(labelW1) vbox.addWidget(labelW2) widget.setLayout(vbox) btn = QPushButton('OK', dlg) dlg.setWindowTitle(title) dlg.setWindowIcon(QIcon(dlg.style().standardIcon(icon))) dlg.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) dlg.setModal(False) dlg.setFixedWidth(600) dlg.setFixedHeight(310) scroll.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) scroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) scroll.setWidgetResizable(True) scroll.setWidget(widget) scroll.setGeometry(5, 5, 590, 250) btn.move(270,260) btn.clicked.connect(lambda w: dlg_ok_clicked(dlg)) if errorText: labelE1.setText(errors) labelE2.setText(errorText) else: lineE.hide() labelE1.hide() labelE2.hide() if warningText: labelW1.setText(warnings) labelW2.setText(warningText) else: lineW.hide() labelW1.hide() labelW2.hide() dlg.setStyleSheet(' \ * {{ color: {0}; background: {1}}} \ QScrollArea {{color:{0}; background:{1}; border:1px solid {0}; border-radius:4px; padding:4px}} \ QPushButton {{border:2px solid {0}; border-radius:4px; font:12pt; width:60px; height:40px}} \ QPushButton:pressed {{border:1px solid {0}}} \ QScrollBar:vertical {{background:{2}; border:0px; border-radius:4px; margin: 0px; width:20px}} \ QScrollBar::handle:vertical {{background:{0}; border:2px solid {0}; border-radius:4px; margin:2px; min-height:40px}} \ QScrollBar::add-line:vertical {{height:0px}} \ QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical {{height:0px}} \ QVboxLayout {{margin:100}} \ #labelN {{font-style:italic}} \ #lineE, #lineW {{border:1px solid {0}}} \ #labelE1, #labelW1 {{font-weight:bold}}'.format(fgColor, bgColor, bgAltColor)) dlg.exec() def dlg_ok_clicked(dlg): dlg.accept() # set hole type def set_hole_type(h): global holeEnable, overCut, arcEnable if h == 1: holeEnable = True arcEnable = False overCut = False elif h == 2: holeEnable = True arcEnable = False overCut = True elif h == 3: holeEnable = True arcEnable = True overCut = False elif h == 4: holeEnable = True arcEnable = True overCut = True else: holeEnable = False arcEnable = False overCut = False # check if arc is a hole def check_if_hole(): global lastX, lastY, minDiameter I, J, isHole = 0, 0, 0 if distMode == 91: # get absolute X & Y from incremental coordinates endX = lastX + get_axis_value('x') if 'x' in line else lastX endY = lastY + get_axis_value('y') if 'y' in line else lastY else: # get absolute X & Y endX = get_axis_value('x') if 'x' in line else lastX endY = get_axis_value('y') if 'y' in line else lastY if arcDistMode == 90.1: # convert I & J to incremental to make diameter calculations easier if 'i' in line: I = get_axis_value('i') - lastX if 'j' in line: J = get_axis_value('j') - lastY else: # get incremental I & J if 'i' in line: I = get_axis_value('i') if 'j' in line: J = get_axis_value('j') if lastX and lastY and lastX == endX and lastY == endY: isHole = True diameter = get_hole_diameter(I, J, isHole) gcodeList.append(line) if isHole and overCut and diameter <= minDiameter and ocLength: overburn(I, J, diameter / 2) return else: lastX = endX lastY = endY # get hole diameter and set velocity percentage def get_hole_diameter(I, J, isHole): global lineNum, lineNumOrg, errorLines, holeActive, codeWarn, warnCompVel, warnHoleDir if offsetG4x: diameter = math.sqrt((I ** 2) + (J ** 2)) * 2 else: if material[0] in materialDict: kerfWidth = materialDict[material[0]][1] / 2 * unitMultiplier else: kerfWidth = 0 diameter = (math.sqrt((I ** 2) + (J ** 2)) * 2) + kerfWidth # velocity reduction is required if diameter <= minDiameter and (isHole or arcEnable): if offsetG4x: lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append(';m67 e3 q0 (inactive due to g41)') codeWarn = True warnCompVel.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) elif not holeActive: if diameter <= minDiameter: lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append('m67 e3 q{0} (diameter:{1:0.3f}, velocity:{0}%)'.format(holeVelocity, diameter)) holeActive = True if line.startswith('g2') and isHole: codeWarn = True warnHoleDir.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) # no velocity reduction required else: if holeActive: lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append('m67 e3 q0 (arc complete, velocity 100%)') holeActive = False return diameter # turn torch off and move 4mm (0.157) past hole end def overburn(I, J, radius): global lineNum, lineNumOrg, errorLines, lastX, lastY, torchEnable, ocLength, warnCompTorch, arcDistMode, oBurnX, oBurnY, codeWarn centerX = lastX + I centerY = lastY + J cosA = math.cos(ocLength / radius) sinA = math.sin(ocLength / radius) cosB = ((lastX - centerX) / radius) sinB = ((lastY - centerY) / radius) lineNum += 1 if offsetG4x: gcodeList.append(';m62 p3 (inactive due to g41)') codeWarn = True warnCompTorch.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) else: gcodeList.append('m62 p3 (disable torch)') torchEnable = False #clockwise arc if line.startswith('g2'): endX = centerX + radius * ((cosB * cosA) + (sinB * sinA)) endY = centerY + radius * ((sinB * cosA) - (cosB * sinA)) dir = '2' #counterclockwise arc else: endX = centerX + radius * ((cosB * cosA) - (sinB * sinA)) endY = centerY + radius * ((sinB * cosA) + (cosB * sinA)) dir = '3' lineNum += 1 # restore I & J back to absolute from incremental conversion in check_if_hole if arcDistMode == 90.1: I += lastX J += lastY if distMode == 91: # output incremental X & Y gcodeList.append('g{0} x{1:0.{5}f} y{2:0.{5}f} i{3:0.{5}f} j{4:0.{5}f} (overburn)'.format(dir, endX - lastX, endY - lastY, I, J, precision)) else: # output absolute X & Y gcodeList.append('g{0} x{1:0.{5}f} y{2:0.{5}f} i{3:0.{5}f} j{4:0.{5}f} (overburn)'.format(dir, endX, endY, I, J, precision)) oBurnX = endX - lastX oBurnY = endY - lastY # fix incremental coordinates after overburn def fix_overburn_incremental_coordinates(line): newLine = line[:2] if 'x' in line and 'y' in line: x = get_axis_value('x') if x is not None: newLine += 'x{:0.4f}'.format(x - oBurnX) y = get_axis_value('y') if y is not None: newLine += 'y{:0.4f}'.format(y - oBurnY) return newLine elif 'x in line': x = get_axis_value('x') if x is not None: newLine += 'x{:0.4f}y{:0.4f}'.format(x - oBurnX, oBurnY) return newLine elif 'y' in line: y = get_axis_value('y') if y is not None: newLine += 'x{:0.4f}y{:0.4f}'.format(oBurnX, y - oBurnY) return newLine else: return line # get axis value def get_axis_value(axis): tmp1 = line.split(axis)[1].replace(' ','') if not tmp1[0].isdigit() and not tmp1[0] == '.' and not tmp1[0] == '-': return None n = 0 tmp2 = '' while 1: if tmp1[n].isdigit() or tmp1[n] == '.' or tmp1[n] == '-': tmp2 += tmp1[n] n += 1 else: break if n >= len(tmp1): break return float(tmp2) # set the last X and Y coordinates def set_last_coordinates(Xpos, Ypos): if line[0] in ['g','x','y']: if 'x' in line: if get_axis_value('x') is not None: if distMode == 91: # get absolute X from incremental position Xpos += get_axis_value('x') else: # get absolute X Xpos = get_axis_value('x') if 'y' in line: if get_axis_value('y') is not None: if distMode == 91: # get absolute X from incremental position Ypos += get_axis_value('y') else: # get absolute X Ypos = get_axis_value('y') return Xpos, Ypos # comment out all Z commands def comment_out_z_commands(): global lineNum, holeActive newline = '' newz = '' removing = 0 comment = 0 maths = 0 for bit in line: if comment: if bit == ')': comment = 0 newline += bit elif removing: if bit == '[': newz += bit maths += 1 elif bit == ']': newz += bit maths -= 1 elif maths: newz += bit elif bit in '0123456789.- ': newz += bit else: removing = 0 if newz: newz = newz.rstrip() newline += bit elif bit == '(': comment = 1 newline += bit elif bit == 'z': removing = 1 newz += '(' + bit else: newline += bit if holeActive: lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append('m67 e3 q0 (arc complete, velocity 100%)') holeActive = False return '{} {})'.format(newline, newz) # check if math used or explicit values def check_math(axis): global lineNum, lineNumOrg, errorLines, codeError, errorMath tmp1 = line.split(axis)[1] if tmp1.startswith('[') or tmp1.startswith('#'): codeError = True if lineNum not in errorMath: errorMath.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) return True return False # do material change def do_material_change(): global lineNum, lineNumOrg, errorLines, firstMaterial, codeError, errorMissMat, errorNoMat, errorBadMat if '(' in line: a = line.split('(', 1)[0] elif ';' in line: a = line.split(';', 1)[0] else: a = line b = a.replace('m190', '').strip() # check for missing p or material if not len(b) or b[0] != 'p' or b == 'p': codeError = True errorNoMat.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) gcodeList.append(';{}'.format(line)) return True c = b.split('p', 1)[1] m = '' # get the material number for mNum in c.strip(): if mNum in '0123456789': m += mNum else: codeError = True errorBadMat.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) gcodeList.append(';{}'.format(line)) return True material[0] = int(m) material[1] = True # check if material exists if material[0] not in materialDict and material[0] < 1000000: codeError = True errorMissMat.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) RUN(['halcmd', 'setp', '{}'.format(matNumPin), '{}'.format(material[0])]) if not firstMaterial: firstMaterial = material[0] gcodeList.append(line) # check if material edit required def check_material_edit(): global lineNum, lineNumOrg, errorLines, tmpMatNum, tmpMatNam, codeError, errorNewMat, errorEditMat tmpMaterial = False newMaterial = [] th = 0 kw = jh = jd = pe = gp = 0.0 cm = 1 ca = 15 cv = 100 try: if 'ph=' in line and 'pd=' in line and 'ch=' in line and 'fr=' in line: if '(o=0' in line: tmpMaterial = True nu = tmpMatNum na = 'Temporary {}'.format(tmpMatNum) tmpMatNam = na newMaterial.append(0) elif '(o=1' in line and 'nu=' in line and 'na=' in line: newMaterial.append(1) elif '(o=2' in line and 'nu=' in line and 'na=' in line: newMaterial.append(2) if newMaterial[0] in [0, 1, 2]: for item in line.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(','): # mandatory items if 'nu=' in item and not tmpMaterial: nu = int(item.split('=')[1]) elif 'na=' in item: na = item.split('=')[1].strip() if tmpMaterial: tmpMatNam = na elif 'ph=' in item: ph = float(item.split('=')[1]) if unitMultiplier != 1: ph = ph / unitMultiplier elif 'pd=' in item: pd = float(item.split('=')[1]) elif 'ch=' in item: ch = float(item.split('=')[1]) if unitMultiplier != 1: ch = ch / unitMultiplier elif 'fr=' in item: fr = float(item.split('=')[1]) if unitMultiplier != 1: fr = fr / unitMultiplier # optional items elif 'kw=' in item: kw = float(item.split('=')[1]) if unitMultiplier != 1: kw = kw / unitMultiplier elif 'th=' in item: th = int(item.split('=')[1]) elif 'jh=' in item: jh = float(item.split('=')[1]) if unitMultiplier != 1: jh = ph / unitMultiplier elif 'jd=' in item: jd = float(item.split('=')[1]) elif 'ca=' in item: ca = float(item.split('=')[1]) elif 'cv=' in item: cv = float(item.split('=')[1]) elif 'pe=' in item: pe = float(item.split('=')[1]) elif 'gp=' in item: gp = float(item.split('=')[1]) elif 'cm=' in item: cm = float(item.split('=')[1]) for i in [nu,na,kw,th,ph,pd,jh,jd,ch,fr,ca,cv,pe,gp,cm]: newMaterial.append(i) if newMaterial[0] == 0: write_temporary_material(newMaterial) elif nu in materialDict and newMaterial[0] == 1: codeError = True errorNewMat.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) else: rewrite_material_file(newMaterial) else: codeError = True errorEditMat.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) except: codeError = True errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) # write temporary materials file def write_temporary_material(data): global lineNum, lineNumOrg, errorLines, errorTempMat, warnMatLoad, material, codeError, codeWarn try: with open(tmpMaterialFile, 'w') as fWrite: if gui == 'plasmac': fWrite.write('[MATERIAL_NUMBER_{}]\n'.format(tmpMatNum)) else: fWrite.write('#plasmac temporary material file\n') fWrite.write('\nnumber={}\n'.format(tmpMatNum)) fWrite.write('NAME={}\n'.format(tmpMatNam)) fWrite.write('KERF_WIDTH={}\n'.format(data[3])) fWrite.write('THC_ENABLE={}\n'.format(data[4])) fWrite.write('PIERCE_HEIGHT={}\n'.format(data[5])) fWrite.write('PIERCE_DELAY={}\n'.format(data[6])) fWrite.write('PUDDLE_JUMP_HEIGHT={}\n'.format(data[7])) fWrite.write('PUDDLE_JUMP_DELAY={}\n'.format(data[8])) fWrite.write('CUT_HEIGHT={}\n'.format(data[9])) fWrite.write('CUT_SPEED={}\n'.format(data[10])) fWrite.write('CUT_AMPS={}\n'.format(data[11])) fWrite.write('CUT_VOLTS={}\n'.format(data[12])) fWrite.write('PAUSE_AT_END={}\n'.format(data[13])) fWrite.write('GAS_PRESSURE={}\n'.format(data[14])) fWrite.write('CUT_MODE={}\n'.format(data[15])) fWrite.write('\n') except: codeError = True errorTempMat.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) materialDict[tmpMatNum] = [data[10], data[3]] RUN(['halcmd', 'setp', '{}'.format(matTmpPin), '{}'.format(tmpMatNum)]) material[0] = tmpMatNum matDelay = time.time() while 1: if time.time() > matDelay + 3: codeWarn = True warnMatLoad.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) break response = RUN(['halcmd', 'getp', '{}'.format(matTmpPin)], capture_output = True) if not int(response.stdout.decode()): break # rewrite the material file def rewrite_material_file(newMaterial): global lineNum, warnMatLoad, errorLines, codeWarn copyFile = '{}.bkp'.format(materialFile) shutil.copy(materialFile, copyFile) inFile = open(copyFile, 'r') outFile = open(materialFile, 'w') while 1: line = inFile.readline() if not line: break if not line.strip().startswith('[MATERIAL_NUMBER_'): outFile.write(line) else: break while 1: if not line: add_edit_material(newMaterial, outFile) break if line.strip().startswith('[MATERIAL_NUMBER_'): mNum = int(line.split('NUMBER_')[1].replace(']','')) if mNum == newMaterial[1]: add_edit_material(newMaterial, outFile) if mNum != newMaterial[1]: outFile.write(line) line = inFile.readline() if not line: break if newMaterial[1] not in materialDict: add_edit_material(newMaterial, outFile) inFile.close() outFile.close() RUN(['halcmd', 'setp', '{}'.format(matReloadPin), '1']) get_materials() matDelay = time.time() while 1: if time.time() > matDelay + 3: codeWarn = True warnMatLoad.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) break response = RUN(['halcmd', 'getp', '{}'.format(matReloadPin)], capture_output = True) if not int(response.stdout.decode()): break # add a new material or or edit an existing material def add_edit_material(material, outFile): global lineNum, lineNumOrg, errorLines, codeError, ErrorWriteMat try: outFile.write('[MATERIAL_NUMBER_{}]\n'.format(material[1])) outFile.write('NAME = {}\n'.format(material[2])) outFile.write('KERF_WIDTH = {}\n'.format(material[3])) outFile.write('THC = {}\n'.format(material[4])) outFile.write('PIERCE_HEIGHT = {}\n'.format(material[5])) outFile.write('PIERCE_DELAY = {}\n'.format(material[6])) outFile.write('PUDDLE_JUMP_HEIGHT = {}\n'.format(material[7])) outFile.write('PUDDLE_JUMP_DELAY = {}\n'.format(material[8])) outFile.write('CUT_HEIGHT = {}\n'.format(material[9])) outFile.write('CUT_SPEED = {}\n'.format(material[10])) outFile.write('CUT_AMPS = {}\n'.format(material[11])) outFile.write('CUT_VOLTS = {}\n'.format(material[12])) outFile.write('PAUSE_AT_END = {}\n'.format(material[13])) outFile.write('GAS_PRESSURE = {}\n'.format(material[14])) outFile.write('CUT_MODE = {}\n'.format(material[15])) outFile.write('\n') except: codeError = True errorWriteMat.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) # create a dict of material numbers and kerf widths def get_materials(): global lineNum, lineNumOrg, errorLines, materialDict, codeError, errorReadMat try: with open(prefsFile, 'r') as rFile: fRate = kWidth = 0.0 for line in rFile: if line.startswith('Cut feed rate'): fRate = float(line.split('=')[1].strip()) if line.startswith('Kerf width'): kWidth = float(line.split('=')[1].strip()) mNumber = 0 with open(materialFile, 'r') as mFile: materialDict = {mNumber: [fRate, kWidth]} while 1: line = mFile.readline() if not line: break elif line.startswith('[MATERIAL_NUMBER_') and line.strip().endswith(']'): mNumber = int(line.rsplit('_', 1)[1].strip().strip(']')) break while 1: line = mFile.readline() if not line: materialDict[mNumber] = [fRate, kWidth] break elif line.startswith('[MATERIAL_NUMBER_') and line.strip().endswith(']'): materialDict[mNumber] = [fRate, kWidth] mNumber = int(line.rsplit('_', 1)[1].strip().strip(']')) elif line.startswith('CUT_SPEED'): fRate = float(line.split('=')[1].strip()) elif line.startswith('KERF_WIDTH'): kWidth = float(line.split('=')[1].strip()) except: codeError = True errorReadMat.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) def check_f_word(line): global lineNum, lineNumOrg, errorLines, materialDict, codeWarn, warnFeed begin, inFeed = line.split('f', 1) # if feed rate from material file if inFeed.startswith('#<_hal[plasmac.cut-feed-rate]>'): # change feed rate if gcode file not in same units as machine units if unitMultiplier != 1: line = begin + '{}f[#<_hal[plasmac.cut-feed-rate]> * {}]\n'.format(begin, unitMultiplier) return line # if explicit feed rate rawFeed = '' codeFeed = 0.0 # get feed rate if it is digits while len(inFeed) and (inFeed[0].isdigit() or inFeed[0] == '.'): rawFeed = rawFeed + inFeed[0] inFeed = inFeed[1:].lstrip() if not rawFeed: return line codeFeed = float(rawFeed) matFeed = float(materialDict[material[0]][0]) * unitMultiplier # this may need scaling ... diff = 1 if codeFeed < matFeed - diff or codeFeed > matFeed + diff: codeWarn = True warnFeed.append([lineNum, rawFeed, material[0], materialDict[material[0]][0]]) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) return line # *** we need a lot more work done here *** def illegal_character(line): line = line.replace(' ', '') # single character line with invalid character if len(line) == 1 and line not in '/;%': return 1 # comment is missing a parenthesis elif ('(' in line and line[-1] != ')') or ((line[-1] == ')' and not '(' in line)): return 1 # process starting alpha elif line[0].isalpha(): # line starts with two alpha characters (this could be refined) if line[1].isalpha(): return 1 # process starting non-alpha elif not line[0].isalpha(): # invalid first character if line[0] not in '/;(#@^%': return 1 # process numbered and named parameters if line[0] == '#' or line[:2] == '#<': line = line.lstrip('#') # remove trailing comment for further processing if '(' in line: line = line.split('(')[0].strip() # parameter is missing equals sign if not '=' in line: return 1 # left = parameter, right = value (we don't process right side yet) left, right = line.split('=') # named parameter is missing a chevron if left[0] == '<' and not '>' in left: return 1 # numbered parameter is not a number elif left[0] != '<' and not left.isdigit(): return 1 return 0 def message_set(msgType, msg): if len(msgType) > 1: msg += 'Lines: ' else: msg += 'Line: ' count = 0 for line in msgType: if codeError: line += 1 if count > 0: msg += ', {}'.format(line) else: msg += '{}'.format(line) count += 1 msg += '\n\n' return msg # get a dict of materials get_materials() # start processing the gcode file with open(inPath, 'r') as inCode: if ';qtplasmac filtered G-code file' in inCode.read(): filtered = True inCode.seek(0) for line in inCode: lineNum += 1 lineNumOrg += 1 # if original is already filtered there is no need to process the line if filtered: if not ';qtplasmac filtered G-code file' in line: gcodeList.append(line.rstrip()) continue # check if original is a conversational block if line.startswith(';conversational block'): convBlock = True RUN(['halcmd', 'setp', '{}'.format(convBlockPin), '1']) # remove whitespace and trailing periods line = line.strip().rstrip('.') # remove line numbers if line.lower().startswith('n'): line = line[1:] while line[0].isdigit() or line[0] == '.': line = line[1:].lstrip() if not line: break # if empty line then no need to process if not line: gcodeList.append(line) continue # if line is a comment then gcodeList.append it and get next line if line.startswith(';') or line.startswith('(') and not line.startswith('(o='): gcodeList.append(line) continue # if illegal characters comment the line if illegal_character(line): codeWarn = True warnChar.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) gcodeList.append(';{}'.format(line)) continue # check for a material edit if line.startswith('(o='): check_material_edit() # add comment for temporary material if line.startswith('(o=0'): lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append(';temporary material #{}'.format(tmpMatNum)) gcodeList.append(line) # add material change for temporary material if line.startswith('(o=0'): lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append('m190 p{}'.format(tmpMatNum)) lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append('m66 p3 l3 q1') tmpMatNum += 1 continue # if a ; comment at end of line, convert line to lower case and remove spaces, preserve comment as is elif ';' in line: a,b = line.split(';', 1) line = '{} ({})'.format(a.strip().lower().replace(' ',''),b.replace(';','').replace('(','').replace(')','')) # if a () comment at end of line, convert line to lower case and remove spaces, preserve comment as is elif '(' in line: a,b = line.split('(', 1) line = '{} ({})'.format(a.strip().lower().replace(' ',''),b.replace('(','').replace(')','')) # if any other line, convert line to lower case and remove spaces else: line = line.lower().replace(' ','') # remove leading 0's from G & M codes if (line.lower().startswith('g') or \ line.lower().startswith('m')) and \ len(line) > 2: while line[1] == '0' and len(line) > 2: if line[2].isdigit(): line = line[:1] + line[2:] else: break # if incremental distance mode fix overburn coordinates if line[:2] in ['g0', 'g1'] and distMode == 91 and (oBurnX or oBurnY): line = fix_overburn_incremental_coordinates(line) # if z motion is to be kept if line.startswith('#'): if '(' in line: keepZ = int(line.split('=')[1].split('(')[0]) else: keepZ = int(line.split('=')[1]) if keepZ == 1: zBypass = True else: zBypass = False gcodeList.append(line) continue # remove any additional z max moves if '[#<_ini[axis_z]max_limit>' in line and zSetup: continue # set path blending if 'g64' in line: pathBlend = True if not pathBlend and ('g0' in line or 'g1' in line or 'm3' in line): blend = blendTolerance * unitMultiplier gcodeList.append('g64p{}'.format(blend)) pathBlend = True # set initial Z height if not zSetup and not zBypass and ('g0' in line or 'g1' in line or 'm3' in line): offsetTopZ = zMaxOffset * unitsPerMm * unitMultiplier moveTopZ = 'g53g0z[#<_ini[axis_z]max_limit>*{}-{:.3f}] (Z just below max height)'.format(unitMultiplier, offsetTopZ) if not '[#<_ini[axis_z]max_limit>' in line: lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append(moveTopZ) else: line = moveTopZ zSetup = True # set default units if 'g21' in line: if units == 'in': unitMultiplier = 25.4 if not customDia: minDiameter = 32 if not customLen: ocLength = 4 elif 'g20' in line: if units == 'mm': unitMultiplier = 0.03937 if not customDia: minDiameter = 1.26 if not customLen: ocLength = 0.157 # check for g41 or g42 offsets if 'g41' in line or 'g42' in line: offsetG4x = True if 'kerf_width-f]>' in line and unitMultiplier != 1: line = line.replace('#<_hal[qtplasmac.kerf_width-f]>', \ '[#<_hal[qtplasmac.kerf_width-f]> * {}]'.format(unitMultiplier)) # check for g4x offset cleared elif 'g40' in line: offsetG4x = False # set first movement flag if line[:3] in ['g0x', 'g0y', 'g1x', 'g1y'] or line[:6] in ['g53g0x', 'g53g0y', 'g53g1x', 'g53g1y']: firstMove = True # is there an m3 before we've made a movement if 'm3' in line and not 'm30' in line and not firstMove: codeError = True errorFirstMove.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) # are we scribing if line.startswith('m3$1s'): if pierceOnly: codeWarn = True warnPierceScribe.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) scribing = False else: scribing = True gcodeList.append(line) continue # if pierce only mode if pierceOnly: # Don't pierce spotting operations if line.startswith('m3$2'): spotting = True gcodeList.append('(Ignoring spotting operation as pierce-only is active)') continue # Ignore spotting blocks when pierceOnly if spotting: if line.startswith('m5$2'): firstMove = False spotting = False continue if line.startswith('g0'): rapidLine = line continue if line.startswith('m3') and not line.startswith('m3$1'): pierces += 1 gcodeList.append('\n(Pierce #{})'.format(pierces)) gcodeList.append(rapidLine) gcodeList.append('M3 $0 S1') gcodeList.append('G91') gcodeList.append('G1 X.000001') gcodeList.append('G90\nM5 $0') rapidLine = '' continue if not pierces or line.startswith('o') or line.startswith('#'): gcodeList.append(line) continue # test for pierce only mode if (line.startswith('#') and line.split('=')[1][0] == '1') or (not pierceOnly and cutType == 1): if scribing: codeWarn = True warnPierceScribe.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) else: pierceOnly = True pierces = 0 rapidLine = '' gcodeList.append(line) if not cutType == 1: continue if line.startswith('#'): if '(' in line: ocLength = float(line.split('=')[1].split('(')[0]) else: ocLength = float(line.split('=')[1]) customLen = True gcodeList.append(line) continue # if hole sensing code if line.startswith('#'): if '(' in line: set_hole_type(int(line.split('=')[1].split('(')[0])) else: set_hole_type(int(line.split('=')[1])) gcodeList.append(line) continue # if hole diameter command if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('#'): if '(' in line: minDiameter = float(line.split('=')[1].split('(')[0]) customDia = True else: minDiameter = float(line.split('=')[1]) customDia = True gcodeList.append(line) if '#'): if '(' in line: holeVelocity = float(line.split('=')[1].split('(')[0]) else: holeVelocity = float(line.split('=')[1]) gcodeList.append(line) continue # if material change if line.startswith('m190'): do_material_change() if not 'm66' in line: continue # wait for material change if 'm66' in line: if offsetG4x: codeError = True errorCompMat.append(lineNum) errorLines.append(lineNumOrg) gcodeList.append(line) continue # set arc modes if 'g90' in line and not 'g90.' in line: distMode = 90 # absolute distance mode if 'g91' in line and not 'g91.' in line: distMode = 91 # incremental distance mode if 'g90.1' in line: arcDistMode = 90.1 # absolute arc distance mode if 'g91.1' in line: arcDistMode = 91.1 # incremental arc distance mode if not zBypass: # if z axis in line if 'z' in line and line.split('z')[1][0] in '0123456789.- [' and not '[axis_z]max_limit' in line: # if no other axes comment it if 1 not in [c in line for c in 'xybcuvw']: if '(' in line: gcodeList.append('({} {}'.format(line.split('(')[0], line.split('(')[1])) elif ';' in line: gcodeList.append('({} {}'.format(line.split(';')[0], line.split(';')[1])) else: gcodeList.append('({})'.format(line)) continue # other axes in line, comment out the Z axis if not '(z' in line: if holeEnable and ('x' in line or 'y' in line): lastX, lastY = set_last_coordinates(lastX, lastY) result = comment_out_z_commands() gcodeList.append(result) continue # if an arc command if (line.startswith('g2') or line.startswith('g3')) and line[2].isalpha(): if holeEnable and not convBlock: stop = False # check if we can read the values correctly if 'x' in line: stop = check_math('x') if 'y' in line and not stop: stop = check_math('y') if 'i' in line and not stop: stop = check_math('i') if 'j' in line and not stop: stop = check_math('j') if not stop: check_if_hole() else: gcodeList.append(line) continue # if torch off, flag it then gcodeList.append it if line.startswith('m62p3') or line.startswith('m64p3'): torchEnable = False gcodeList.append(line) continue # if torch on, flag it then gcodeList.append it if line.startswith('m63p3') or line.startswith('m65p3'): torchEnable = True gcodeList.append(line) continue # if spindle off if line.startswith('m5'): if len(line) == 2 or (len(line) > 2 and not line[2].isdigit()): firstMove = False gcodeList.append(line) # restore velocity if required if holeActive: lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append('m68 e3 q0 (arc complete, velocity 100%)') holeActive = False # if torch off, allow torch on if not torchEnable: lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append('m65 p3 (enable torch)') torchEnable = True else: gcodeList.append(line) continue # if program end if line.startswith('m2') or line.startswith('m30') or line.startswith('%'): # restore velocity if required if holeActive: lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append('m68 e3 q0 (arc complete, velocity 100%)') holeActive = False # if torch off, allow torch on if not torchEnable: lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append('m65 p3 (enable torch)') torchEnable = True # restore hole sensing to default if holeEnable: lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append('#=0 (disable hole sensing)') holeEnable = False if firstMaterial: RUN(['halcmd', 'setp', '{}'.format(matNumPin), '{}'.format(firstMaterial)]) gcodeList.append(line) continue # check feed rate if 'f' in line: line = check_f_word(line) # restore velocity if required if holeActive: lineNum += 1 gcodeList.append('m67 e3 q0 (arc complete, velocity 100%)') holeActive = False # set last X/Y position if holeEnable and len(line) and ('x' in line or 'y' in line): lastX, lastY = set_last_coordinates(lastX, lastY) gcodeList.append(line) # for pierce only mode if pierceOnly: gcodeList.append('') if rapidLine: gcodeList.append('{}'.format(rapidLine)) gcodeList.append('M2 (END)') # error and warning notifications if codeError or codeWarn: errorText = '' warnText = '' with open(errorFile, 'w') as errFile: for line in errorLines: errFile.write('{}\n'.format(line)) if codeError: print('M2 (end program)') if errorMath: msg = 'G2 and G3 moves require explicit values if hole sensing is enabled.\n' errorText += message_set(errorMath, msg) if errorMissMat: msg = 'The Material selected is missing from the material file.\n' errorText += message_set(errorMissMat, msg) if errorNoMat: msg = 'A Material was not specified after M190.\n' errorText += message_set(errorNoMat, msg) if errorBadMat: msg = 'An invalid Material was specified after M190 P.\n' errorText += message_set(errorBadMat, msg) if errorTempMat: msg = 'Error attempting to add a temporary material.\n' errorText += message_set(errorTempMat, msg) if errorNewMat: msg = 'Cannot add new material, number is in use.\n' errorText += message_set(errorNewMat, msg) if errorEditMat: msg = 'Cannot add or edit material from G-Code file with invalid parameter or value.\n' errorText += message_set(errorEditMat, msg) if errorWriteMat: msg = 'Error attempting to write to the material file.\n' errorText += message_set(errorWriteMat, msg) if errorReadMat: msg = 'Error attempting to read from the material file.\n' errorText += message_set(errorReadMat, msg) if errorCompMat: msg = 'Cannot validate a material change with cutter compensation active.\n' errorText += message_set(errorCompMat, msg) if errorFirstMove: msg = 'M3 command detected before movement.\n' errorText += message_set(errorFirstMove, msg) if codeWarn: if warnUnitsDep: msg = ' and # are deprecated in favour of #.\n' msg += 'The diameter will be set in the current units of the G-Code file.\n' warnText += message_set(warnUnitsDep, msg) if warnPierceScribe: msg = 'Pierce only mode is invalid while scribing.\n' warnText += message_set(warnPierceScribe, msg) if warnMatLoad: msg = 'Materials were not reloaded in a timely manner.\n' msg = 'Try reloading the G-Code file.\n' warnText += message_set(warnMatLoad, msg) if warnHoleDir: msg = 'This cut appears to be a hole, did you mean to cut it clockwise?\n' warnText += message_set(warnHoleDir, msg) if warnCompTorch: msg = 'Cannot enable/disable torch with G41/G42 compensation active.\n' warnText += message_set(warnCompTorch, msg) if warnCompVel: msg = 'Cannot reduce velocity with G41/G42 compensation active.\n' warnText += message_set(warnCompVel, msg) if warnFeed: for n in range(0, len(warnFeed)): msg0 = 'Line' msg1 = 'does not match Material' msg2 = 'feed rate of ' warnText += '{} {:0.0f}: F{} {}_{}\'s {} {:0.0f}\n'.format(msg0, warnFeed[n][0], warnFeed[n][1], msg1, warnFeed[n][2], msg2, warnFeed[n][3]) if warnChar: msg = 'Invalid characters, line has been commented out.\n' warnText += message_set(warnChar, msg) dialog_box('G-Code Errors & Warnings', QStyle.SP_MessageBoxCritical, errorText, warnText) # create empty error file if no errors else: with open(errorFile, 'w') as errFile: pass # output the finalised G-code with open(filteredBkp, 'w') as outFile: for line in gcodeList: print(line) outFile.write('{}\n'.format(line)) print(';qtplasmac filtered G-code file') outFile.write(';qtplasmac filtered G-code file')