/* Classic Ladder Project */ /* Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Marc Le Douarain */ /* http://membres.lycos.fr/mavati/classicladder/ */ /* http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/classicladder */ /* May 2001 */ /* ------ */ /* Editor */ /* ------ */ /* This part of the editor is the one who will not change even if if we use */ /* another gui instead of gtk... who know? */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */ /* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either */ /* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU */ /* Lesser General Public License for more details. */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #define _(x) gettext(x) #include #include #include #include #include "classicladder.h" #include "global.h" #include "drawing.h" #include "edit.h" #include "editproperties_gtk.h" #include "calc.h" #include "files.h" #include "arithm_eval.h" #include "classicladder_gtk.h" #include "manager.h" #ifdef SEQUENTIAL_SUPPORT #include "edit_sequential.h" #endif #include "symbols.h" #include "vars_names.h" #include /* This array give for each special elements the size used */ #define TYPEELERULE 0 #define XSIZEELERULE 1 #define YSIZEELERULE 2 static short int RulesForSpecialElements[][3] = { {ELE_TIMER , 2, 2 } , {ELE_MONOSTABLE, 2, 2 }, {ELE_COUNTER, 2, 4 }, {ELE_TIMER_IEC, 2, 2 }, {ELE_COMPAR, 3, 1 }, {ELE_OUTPUT_OPERATE, 3, 1 }, {-1, -1, -1}/*end*/ }; // pointer on a string error explanation... char * ErrorMessageVarParser = NULL; // used to mark the functions blocs already used #ifdef OLD_TIMERS_MONOS_SUPPORT char NumTimersUsedInRung[ 256 ]; char NumMonostablesUsedInRung[ 256 ]; #endif char NumCountersUsedInRung[ 256 ]; char NumNewTimersUsedInRung[ 256 ]; int ConvBaseInTextToId(char * text) { int ScanBase = 0; int BaseFound = BASE_SECS; do { if (strcmp(text,CorresDatasForBase[ScanBase].ParamSelect)==0) BaseFound = ScanBase; ScanBase++; } while(ScanBaseFirstRung; do { if (strcmp(RungArray[ScanRung].Label,LabelName)==0) RungFound = ScanRung; if (ScanRung == InfosGene->LastRung) Done = TRUE; else ScanRung = RungArray[ScanRung].NextRung; } while(!Done); return RungFound; } void LoadElementProperties(StrElement * Element) { char TextToWrite[100]; int NumParam; #ifdef OLD_TIMERS_MONOS_SUPPORT StrTimer * Timer = NULL; StrMonostable * Monostable = NULL; #endif StrCounter * Counter = NULL; StrTimerIEC * TimerIEC = NULL; for(NumParam=0;NumParamType) { case ELE_INPUT: case ELE_INPUT_NOT: case ELE_RISING_INPUT: case ELE_FALLING_INPUT: case ELE_OUTPUT: case ELE_OUTPUT_NOT: case ELE_OUTPUT_SET: case ELE_OUTPUT_RESET: rtapi_strxcpy(TextToWrite,CreateVarName(Element->VarType,Element->VarNum)); SetProperty(0,_("Variable"),TextToWrite); break; case ELE_OUTPUT_JUMP: SetProperty(0,_("JumpToLabel"),RungArray[Element->VarNum].Label); break; case ELE_OUTPUT_CALL: snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%d",Element->VarNum); SetProperty(0,_("Sub-Routine"),TextToWrite); break; #ifdef OLD_TIMERS_MONOS_SUPPORT case ELE_TIMER: Timer = &TimerArray[Element->VarNum]; snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%d",Element->VarNum); SetProperty(0,_("TimerNbr"),TextToWrite); snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%s",CorresDatasForBase[ ConvBaseInMilliSecsToId(Timer->Base) ].ParamSelect); SetProperty(1,_("Base"),TextToWrite); snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%d",Timer->Preset/Timer->Base); SetProperty(2,_("Preset"),TextToWrite); break; case ELE_MONOSTABLE: Monostable = &MonostableArray[Element->VarNum]; snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%d",Element->VarNum); SetProperty(0,_("MonostNbr"),TextToWrite); snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%s",CorresDatasForBase[ ConvBaseInMilliSecsToId(Monostable->Base) ].ParamSelect); SetProperty(1,_("Base"),TextToWrite); snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%d",Monostable->Preset/Monostable->Base); SetProperty(2,_("Preset"),TextToWrite); break; #endif case ELE_COUNTER: Counter = &CounterArray[Element->VarNum]; snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%d",Element->VarNum); SetProperty(0,_("CounterNbr"),TextToWrite); snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%d",Counter->Preset); SetProperty(1,_("Preset"),TextToWrite); break; case ELE_TIMER_IEC: TimerIEC = &NewTimerArray[Element->VarNum]; snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%d",Element->VarNum); SetProperty(0,_("TimerNbr"),TextToWrite); snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%s",CorresDatasForBase[ ConvBaseInMilliSecsToId(TimerIEC->Base) ].ParamSelect); SetProperty(1,_("Base"),TextToWrite); snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%d",TimerIEC->Preset); SetProperty(2,_("Preset"),TextToWrite); snprintf(TextToWrite, sizeof(TextToWrite),"%s",TimersModesStrings[ (int)TimerIEC->TimerMode ]); SetProperty(3,_("TimerMode"),TextToWrite); break; case ELE_COMPAR: case ELE_OUTPUT_OPERATE: rtapi_strxcpy(TextToWrite,DisplayArithmExpr(EditArithmExpr[Element->VarNum].Expr,0)); SetProperty(0,_("Expression"),TextToWrite); break; } } } char * GetElementPropertiesForStatusBar(StrElement * Element) { static char PropertiesText[100]; #ifdef OLD_TIMERS_MONOS_SUPPORT StrTimer * Timer = NULL; StrMonostable * Monostable = NULL; #endif StrCounter * Counter = NULL; StrTimerIEC * TimerIEC = NULL; rtapi_strxcpy( PropertiesText, "" ); if (Element) { switch(Element->Type) { case ELE_INPUT: case ELE_INPUT_NOT: case ELE_RISING_INPUT: case ELE_FALLING_INPUT: case ELE_OUTPUT: case ELE_OUTPUT_NOT: case ELE_OUTPUT_SET: case ELE_OUTPUT_RESET: snprintf(PropertiesText, sizeof(PropertiesText), _("Variable: %s Hal sig: %s"),CreateVarName(Element->VarType,Element->VarNum),ConvVarNameToHalSigName(CreateVarName(Element->VarType,Element->VarNum))); break; case ELE_OUTPUT_JUMP: snprintf(PropertiesText, sizeof(PropertiesText), _("Label: %s"), RungArray[Element->VarNum].Label); break; case ELE_OUTPUT_CALL: snprintf(PropertiesText, sizeof(PropertiesText), _("Sub-Routine: %d"), Element->VarNum); break; #ifdef OLD_TIMERS_MONOS_SUPPORT case ELE_TIMER: Timer = &TimerArray[Element->VarNum]; snprintf(PropertiesText, sizeof(PropertiesText), _("%cT%d: Preset=%d Base=%s"), '%', Element->VarNum, Timer->Preset/Timer->Base, CorresDatasForBase[ ConvBaseInMilliSecsToId(Timer->Base) ].ParamSelect); break; case ELE_MONOSTABLE: Monostable = &MonostableArray[Element->VarNum]; snprintf(PropertiesText, sizeof(PropertiesText), _("%cM%d: Preset=%d Base=%s"), '%', Element->VarNum, Monostable->Preset/Monostable->Base, CorresDatasForBase[ ConvBaseInMilliSecsToId(Monostable->Base) ].ParamSelect); break; #endif case ELE_COUNTER: Counter = &CounterArray[Element->VarNum]; snprintf(PropertiesText, sizeof(PropertiesText), _("%cC%d: Preset=%d"), '%', Element->VarNum, Counter->Preset); break; case ELE_TIMER_IEC: TimerIEC = &NewTimerArray[Element->VarNum]; snprintf(PropertiesText, sizeof(PropertiesText), _("%cTM%d: Preset=%d Base=%s Mode=%s"), '%', Element->VarNum, TimerIEC->Preset, CorresDatasForBase[ ConvBaseInMilliSecsToId(TimerIEC->Base) ].ParamSelect, TimersModesStrings[ (int)TimerIEC->TimerMode ]); break; case ELE_COMPAR: case ELE_OUTPUT_OPERATE: snprintf(PropertiesText, sizeof(PropertiesText),_("HAL sig: %s"),FirstVariableInArithm(DisplayArithmExpr(ArithmExpr[Element->VarNum].Expr,0))); break; } } return PropertiesText; } /* Convert a string to a number if >=Min and <=Max */ /* return TRUE if okay */ int TextToNumber(char * text,int ValMin,int ValMaxi,int *ValFound) { int IsOk = TRUE; int Value; Value = atoi(text); if ( (ValueValMaxi) ) IsOk = FALSE; if (IsOk) *ValFound = Value; return IsOk; } /* Convert a string of arithmetic expression for the arithm_eval format : */ /* Variables becomes @type/offset@ or @type/offset[indextype/indexoffset]@*/ /* Then verify all the expression using arithm_eval */ /* return pointer on the new string converted and verified if okay, else NULL */ char * TextParserForArithmExpr(char * text, int TypeElement) { static char NewExpr[100]; char Buffer[20]; int ItIsOk = TRUE; int VarType; int VarOffset; char * ptr = text; int StringLength; char VarIndexedIsFound = FALSE; ErrorMessageVarParser = NULL; if ( text[0]=='\0' ) return NULL; rtapi_strxcpy(NewExpr,""); /* Convert expression for variables authorized */ do { char SimpleCharCopy = FALSE; char SymbolBuff[ LGT_SYMBOL_STRING+10 ]; char SymbolFound = FALSE; int SymbolLength = 1; //printf("current ptr = '%c'\n", *ptr ); // verify if it seems to be a symbol name... if ( ( *ptr>='A' && *ptr<='Z' ) || ( *ptr>='a' && * ptr<='z' ) ) { char * End = ptr; char CharIn = FALSE; // possible end here ? do { CharIn = FALSE; End++; if ( *End==VAR_ATTRIBUTE_SEP || ( *End>='A' && *End<='Z' ) || ( *End>='a' && *End<='z' ) || ( *End>='0' && *End<='9' ) ) CharIn = TRUE; if ( CharIn ) SymbolLength++; //printf("--> %c / lgt=%d / In=%d\n", *End, SymbolLength, CharIn ); } while ( (*End!='\0' ) && CharIn ); strncpy( SymbolBuff, ptr, SymbolLength ); SymbolBuff[ SymbolLength ] = '\0'; //printf("symbol search on this string : %s - lgt=%d (text=%s)\n", SymbolBuff, SymbolLength, ptr ); if ( ConvSymbolToVarName( SymbolBuff )!=NULL ) SymbolFound = TRUE; } /* Verify if it is a variable (character and number) (or a symbol already found) */ // if ( SymbolFound==TRUE || ( *ptr=='%' && ( ( *(ptr+2)>='0' && *(ptr+2)<='9' ) || ( *(ptr+3)>='0' && *(ptr+3)<='9' ) ) ) ) // Call variable parser if symbol found -or- '%' character if ( SymbolFound==TRUE || *ptr=='%' ) { //printf("calling parser var...\n"); if (TextParserForAVar( SymbolFound==TRUE?SymbolBuff:ptr,&VarType,&VarOffset,&StringLength,FALSE/*PartialNames*/)) { //printf( "parser var give => %d/%d length=%d\n", VarType, VarOffset, StringLength ); if ( VarIndexedIsFound==FALSE ) rtapi_strxcat( NewExpr, "@" ); snprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer),"%d/%d",VarType,VarOffset); rtapi_strxcat(NewExpr,Buffer); ptr = ptr + (SymbolFound==TRUE?SymbolLength:StringLength); if ( *ptr!='[' && VarIndexedIsFound==FALSE ) rtapi_strxcat( NewExpr, "@" ); if ( TEST_VAR_IS_A_BOOL( VarType,VarOffset ) ) { ItIsOk = FALSE; ErrorMessageVarParser = _("Incompatible type of variable (must be an integer!)"); } } else { //printf("parser var give FALSE!\n"); SimpleCharCopy = TRUE; // break; } } else { SimpleCharCopy = TRUE; } if ( SimpleCharCopy ) { //printf("copy:'%c'.\n", *ptr); snprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer),"%c",*ptr); rtapi_strxcat(NewExpr, Buffer); // end of variable mark to add now after an indexed one ! if ( *ptr==']' ) { rtapi_strxcat( NewExpr, "@" ); VarIndexedIsFound = FALSE; } if ( *ptr=='[' ) VarIndexedIsFound = TRUE; ptr++; } } while( (*ptr) && ItIsOk ); /* Verify length of the expression */ if (ItIsOk) { if (strlen(NewExpr)>=ARITHM_EXPR_SIZE-1) { NewExpr[ ARITHM_EXPR_SIZE-1 ] = '\0'; printf(_("New expr=%s\n"), NewExpr ); ItIsOk = FALSE; ErrorMessageVarParser = _("Expression too long"); } } //printf("Parser Arithm ; ItIsOk=%d ; OriExpr=%s ; NewExpr=%s\n",ItIsOk, text, NewExpr); /* Verify expression converted */ if (ItIsOk) { if (TypeElement==ELE_OUTPUT_OPERATE) ErrorMessageVarParser = VerifySyntaxForMakeCalc(NewExpr); else ErrorMessageVarParser = VerifySyntaxForEvalCompare(NewExpr); if (ErrorMessageVarParser) ItIsOk = FALSE; } /* Error Message */ if (ErrorMessageVarParser) { ShowMessageBox(_("Error"),ErrorMessageVarParser,_("Ok")); } /* Give result */ if (ItIsOk) return NewExpr; else return NULL; } void SaveElementProperties() { int IdBase; int Preset; int NumRungToJump; #ifdef OLD_TIMERS_MONOS_SUPPORT StrTimer * Timer = NULL; StrMonostable * Monostable = NULL; #endif StrCounter * Counter = NULL; StrTimerIEC * TimerIEC = NULL; char * NewArithmExpr; int SubRoutineToCall; int VarTypeEntered,VarNumEntered; #ifdef SEQUENTIAL_SUPPORT int iCurrentLanguage = SectionArray[ InfosGene->CurrentSection ].Language; if ( iCurrentLanguage==SECTION_IN_SEQUENTIAL ) { SaveSeqElementProperties( ); return; } #endif if (EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit) { switch(EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->Type) { case ELE_INPUT: case ELE_INPUT_NOT: case ELE_RISING_INPUT: case ELE_FALLING_INPUT: case ELE_OUTPUT: case ELE_OUTPUT_NOT: case ELE_OUTPUT_SET: case ELE_OUTPUT_RESET: if ( TextParserForAVar(GetProperty(0),&VarTypeEntered,&VarNumEntered,NULL,FALSE/*PartialNames*/) ) { if ( !TEST_VAR_IS_A_BOOL( VarTypeEntered,VarNumEntered ) ) { ShowMessageBox(_("Error"),_("You must select a boolean variable !"),_("Ok")); } else { EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarType = VarTypeEntered; EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum = VarNumEntered; } } else { if (ErrorMessageVarParser) ShowMessageBox(_("Error"),ErrorMessageVarParser,_("Ok")); else ShowMessageBox( _("Error"), _("Unknown variable..."), _("Ok") ); } break; #ifdef OLD_TIMERS_MONOS_SUPPORT case ELE_TIMER: TextToNumber(GetProperty(0),0,NBR_TIMERS-1,&EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum); Timer = &TimerArray[EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum]; IdBase = ConvBaseInTextToId(GetProperty(1)); Timer->Base = CorresDatasForBase[IdBase].ValueInMS; rtapi_strxcpy(Timer->DisplayFormat,CorresDatasForBase[IdBase].DisplayFormat); if (TextToNumber(GetProperty(2),0,999,&Preset)) Timer->Preset = Preset * Timer->Base; break; case ELE_MONOSTABLE: TextToNumber(GetProperty(0),0,NBR_MONOSTABLES-1,&EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum); Monostable = &MonostableArray[EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum]; IdBase = ConvBaseInTextToId(GetProperty(1)); Monostable->Base = CorresDatasForBase[IdBase].ValueInMS; rtapi_strxcpy(Monostable->DisplayFormat,CorresDatasForBase[IdBase].DisplayFormat); if (TextToNumber(GetProperty(2),0,999,&Preset)) Monostable->Preset = Preset * Monostable->Base; break; #endif case ELE_COUNTER: TextToNumber(GetProperty(0),0,NBR_COUNTERS-1,&EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum); Counter = &CounterArray[EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum]; if (TextToNumber(GetProperty(1),0,9999,&Preset)) Counter->Preset = Preset; break; case ELE_TIMER_IEC: TextToNumber(GetProperty(0),0,NBR_TIMERS_IEC-1,&EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum); TimerIEC = &NewTimerArray[EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum]; IdBase = ConvBaseInTextToId(GetProperty(1)); TimerIEC->Base = CorresDatasForBase[IdBase].ValueInMS; rtapi_strxcpy(TimerIEC->DisplayFormat,CorresDatasForBase[IdBase].DisplayFormat); if (TextToNumber(GetProperty(2),0,999,&Preset)) TimerIEC->Preset = Preset; TimerIEC->TimerMode = ConvTimerModeInTextToId( GetProperty(3) ); break; case ELE_OUTPUT_JUMP: NumRungToJump = ConvLabelToNumRung(GetProperty(0)); if (NumRungToJump>=0) EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum = NumRungToJump; break; case ELE_OUTPUT_CALL: if ( TextToNumber(GetProperty(0),0,NBR_SECTIONS-1,&SubRoutineToCall) ) { if ( VerifyIfSubRoutineNumberExist( SubRoutineToCall ) ) EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum = SubRoutineToCall; } break; case ELE_COMPAR: NewArithmExpr = TextParserForArithmExpr(GetProperty(0), ELE_COMPAR); if (NewArithmExpr) rtapi_strxcpy(EditArithmExpr[EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum].Expr,NewArithmExpr); else rtapi_strxcpy(EditArithmExpr[EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum].Expr,"#"); //used but invalid! break; case ELE_OUTPUT_OPERATE: NewArithmExpr = TextParserForArithmExpr(GetProperty(0), ELE_OUTPUT_OPERATE); if (NewArithmExpr) rtapi_strxcpy(EditArithmExpr[EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum].Expr,NewArithmExpr); else rtapi_strxcpy(EditArithmExpr[EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit->VarNum].Expr,"#"); //used but invalid! break; } /* display back to show what we have really understand... */ LoadElementProperties (EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit); } } /* For editing, we do not touch directly the current arithm expressions. We work on the edit ones. It is only when the edited rung is applied that we copy the expressions edited */ void CopyCurrentArithmExpr() { int NumExpr; for (NumExpr=0; NumExprElement[x][y].Type = ELE_FREE; pRung->Element[x][y].ConnectedWithTop = 0; pRung->Element[x][y].VarType = 0; pRung->Element[x][y].VarNum = 0; pRung->Element[x][y].DynamicState = 0; } } pRung->Used = TRUE; pRung->PrevRung = -1; pRung->NextRung = -1; } int GetNbrRungsDefined( void ) { int NbrRungsUsed = 0; int ScanRung; for( ScanRung=0; ScanRung=0) { EditDatas.ModeEdit = TRUE; EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit = NULL; autorize_prevnext_buttons(FALSE); clear_label_comment(); CopyCurrentArithmExpr(); CopyUsedFonctionBlockBeforeEdit( ); } } void InsertRung() { /* not really different than adding a rung... */ AddRung(); EditDatas.DoBeforeFinalCopy = MODE_INSERT; } void ModifyCurrentRung() { CopyRungToRung(&RungArray[InfosGene->CurrentRung],&EditDatas.Rung); EditDatas.DoBeforeFinalCopy = MODE_MODIFY; EditDatas.NumRung = InfosGene->CurrentRung; EditDatas.ModeEdit = TRUE; EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit = NULL; autorize_prevnext_buttons(FALSE); CopyCurrentArithmExpr(); CopyUsedFonctionBlockBeforeEdit( ); } void DeleteCurrentRung() { int NextDeleted; int PrevDeleted; int NewCurrent; int OldCurrent; int x,y; /* do not destroy the last one ! */ if ( !((InfosGene->CurrentRung==InfosGene->FirstRung) && (InfosGene->CurrentRung==InfosGene->LastRung)) ) { PrevDeleted = RungArray[InfosGene->CurrentRung].PrevRung; NextDeleted = RungArray[InfosGene->CurrentRung].NextRung; NewCurrent = NextDeleted; /* deleting first rung ?*/ if (InfosGene->CurrentRung==InfosGene->FirstRung) { InfosGene->FirstRung = NextDeleted; } else { RungArray[PrevDeleted].NextRung = NextDeleted; } /* deleting last rung ? */ if (InfosGene->CurrentRung==InfosGene->LastRung) { InfosGene->LastRung = PrevDeleted; NewCurrent = InfosGene->LastRung; } else { RungArray[NextDeleted].PrevRung = PrevDeleted; } /* the rung is now free ! */ OldCurrent = InfosGene->CurrentRung; RungArray[InfosGene->CurrentRung].Used = FALSE; InfosGene->CurrentRung = NewCurrent; DrawRungs(); UpdateVScrollBar(); refresh_label_comment( ); /* save infos for the current section */ SectionArray[ InfosGene->CurrentSection ].FirstRung = InfosGene->FirstRung; SectionArray[ InfosGene->CurrentSection ].LastRung = InfosGene->LastRung; /* kill the expressions used on the rung deleted */ for (y=0;yCurrentRung; NextNew = RungArray[InfosGene->CurrentRung].NextRung; RungArray[EditDatas.NumRung].PrevRung = PrevNew; /* new added is not the last now ? */ if (InfosGene->CurrentRung!=InfosGene->LastRung) { RungArray[EditDatas.NumRung].NextRung = NextNew; RungArray[NextNew].PrevRung = EditDatas.NumRung; } RungArray[PrevNew].NextRung = EditDatas.NumRung; /* we can now update LastRung */ if (InfosGene->CurrentRung==InfosGene->LastRung) { InfosGene->LastRung = EditDatas.NumRung; } /* Here is the new current ! */ InfosGene->CurrentRung = EditDatas.NumRung; UpdateVScrollBar(); break; /* Insert rung edited before current rung */ case MODE_INSERT: PrevNew = RungArray[InfosGene->CurrentRung].PrevRung; NextNew = InfosGene->CurrentRung; RungArray[EditDatas.NumRung].NextRung = NextNew; /* new added is not the first now ? */ if (InfosGene->CurrentRung!=InfosGene->FirstRung) { RungArray[EditDatas.NumRung].PrevRung = PrevNew; RungArray[PrevNew].NextRung = EditDatas.NumRung; } else { InfosGene->FirstRung = EditDatas.NumRung; } RungArray[NextNew].PrevRung = EditDatas.NumRung; /* Here is the new current ! */ InfosGene->CurrentRung = EditDatas.NumRung; UpdateVScrollBar(); break; } /* save infos for the current section */ SectionArray[ InfosGene->CurrentSection ].FirstRung = InfosGene->FirstRung; SectionArray[ InfosGene->CurrentSection ].LastRung = InfosGene->LastRung; EditDatas.ModeEdit = FALSE; EditDatas.ElementUnderEdit = NULL; EditDatas.NumElementSelectedInToolBar = -1; LoadElementProperties(NULL); DrawRungs(); autorize_prevnext_buttons(TRUE); InfosGene->AskConfirmationToQuit = TRUE; } /* When we fall on an "unusable" element of a big one, we return new posix and posiy of the "alive" block */ void CheckForBlocksOfBigElement(StrRung *pRungToCheck, int * PosiX,int * PosiY ) { int ScanX,ScanY; int ScanForRule; /* on an "unusable" ? */ if (pRungToCheck->Element[*PosiX][*PosiY].Type==ELE_UNUSABLE) { /* we now will have to check for all the "alive" block of bigs elements */ for (ScanY=0;ScanYElement[ScanX][ScanY].Type == RulesForSpecialElements[ScanForRule][TYPEELERULE]) { /* Have we clicked in it ? */ if ( (*PosiX>=ScanX-RulesForSpecialElements[ScanForRule][XSIZEELERULE]-1) && (*PosiX<=ScanX) && (*PosiY>=ScanY) && (*PosiY<=ScanY+RulesForSpecialElements[ScanForRule][YSIZEELERULE]-1) ) { /* We've got it ! */ /* We make as we have clicked on the "alive" block ! */ *PosiX = ScanX; *PosiY = ScanY; return; } } ScanForRule++; } while(RulesForSpecialElements[ScanForRule][0]!=-1); } } } } int VerifyRulesForElement(short int NumEle,int PosiX,int PosiY) { int RulePass; int ItIsOk = TRUE; int ItIsAnOutputEle = FALSE; if ( (NumEle==ELE_OUTPUT) || (NumEle==ELE_OUTPUT_NOT) || (NumEle==ELE_OUTPUT_SET) || (NumEle==ELE_OUTPUT_RESET) || (NumEle==ELE_OUTPUT_JUMP) || (NumEle==ELE_OUTPUT_CALL) || (NumEle==ELE_OUTPUT_OPERATE) ) ItIsAnOutputEle = TRUE; /* verify for outputs if we are under output zone (right column) */ if ( (PosiX==RUNG_WIDTH-1) && !ItIsAnOutputEle ) { ItIsOk = FALSE; } /* verify for inputs if we are under input zone (not right column) */ if ( (PosiX= RUNG_HEIGHT) ) ItIsOk = FALSE; } RulePass++; } while(RulesForSpecialElements[RulePass][0]!=-1); /* verify if we are not on another part of a big element ! */ if (EditDatas.Rung.Element[PosiX][PosiY].Type==ELE_UNUSABLE) ItIsOk = FALSE; return ItIsOk; } /* used for destroying or adding a big element */ /* when destroying : filling all the blocks with ELE_FREE */ /* when adding : filling all the blocks with ELE_UNUSABLE */ /* the block "alive" is written elsewhere */ void CleanForBigElement(short int NumEle,int PosiX,int PosiY,short int FillWithThis) { int RulePass; int PassX,PassY; RulePass = 0; do { if (RulesForSpecialElements[RulePass][TYPEELERULE] == NumEle ) { for (PassX = PosiX - RulesForSpecialElements[RulePass][XSIZEELERULE] +1 ; PassX<=PosiX ; PassX++) { for (PassY = PosiY ; PassY<=PosiY + RulesForSpecialElements[RulePass][YSIZEELERULE] -1 ; PassY++) { CheckForFreeingArithmExpr(PassX,PassY); SetUsedStateFunctionBlock( EditDatas.Rung.Element[PassX][PassY].Type, EditDatas.Rung.Element[PassX][PassY].VarNum, FALSE ); EditDatas.Rung.Element[PassX][PassY].Type = FillWithThis; EditDatas.Rung.Element[PassX][PassY].ConnectedWithTop = 0; EditDatas.Rung.Element[PassX][PassY].DynamicOutput = 0; } } } RulePass++; } while(RulesForSpecialElements[RulePass][0]!=-1); } void CheckBigElementTopLeft(short int NumEle,int * PosiX) { int RulePass; RulePass = 0; do { if (RulesForSpecialElements[RulePass][TYPEELERULE] == NumEle ) { *PosiX = *PosiX + RulesForSpecialElements[RulePass][XSIZEELERULE] - 1; if ( *PosiX>=RUNG_WIDTH ) { *PosiX = RUNG_WIDTH-1; } } RulePass++; } while(RulesForSpecialElements[RulePass][0]!=-1); } void GetSizesOfAnElement(short int NumEle,int * pSizeX, int * pSizeY) { int RulePass; // default size of an element *pSizeX = 1; *pSizeY = 1; RulePass = 0; do { if (RulesForSpecialElements[RulePass][TYPEELERULE] == NumEle ) { *pSizeX = RulesForSpecialElements[RulePass][XSIZEELERULE]; *pSizeY = RulesForSpecialElements[RulePass][YSIZEELERULE]; } RulePass++; } while( RulesForSpecialElements[RulePass][0]!=-1 && *pSizeX==1 && *pSizeY==1 ); if ( NumEle==ELE_FREE || NumEle==ELE_CONNECTION || NumEle==ELE_UNUSABLE ) { *pSizeX = 0; *pSizeY = 0; } if ( NumEle>=EDIT_CNX_WITH_TOP ) { printf(_("!!!Abnormal current type=%d in rung...(file %s,line %d)\n"), NumEle, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); *pSizeX = 0; *pSizeY = 0; } } /* return TRUE if contact or coil element */ int IsASimpleElement(int Element) { int Res = FALSE; if ( (Element==ELE_INPUT) || (Element==ELE_INPUT_NOT) || (Element==ELE_RISING_INPUT) || (Element==ELE_FALLING_INPUT) || (Element==ELE_OUTPUT) || (Element==ELE_OUTPUT_NOT) || (Element==ELE_OUTPUT_SET) || (Element==ELE_OUTPUT_RESET) || (Element==ELE_OUTPUT_JUMP) || (Element==ELE_OUTPUT_CALL) ) Res = TRUE; return Res; } char ConvertDoublesToRungCoor( double coorx, double coory, int * pRungX, int * pRungY ) { char cOk = FALSE; /* correspond to which block ? */ *pRungX = coorx/InfosGene->BlockWidth; *pRungY = coory/InfosGene->BlockHeight; if ( (*pRungXBlockWidth, y-RungY*InfosGene->BlockHeight, RungX, RungY); /* check for "unusable" blocks */ if (EditDatas.NumElementSelectedInToolBar==EDIT_POINTER || EditDatas.NumElementSelectedInToolBar==EDIT_ERASER ) CheckForBlocksOfBigElement( &EditDatas.Rung, &RungX,&RungY ); if (EditDatas.NumElementSelectedInToolBar!=EDIT_CNX_WITH_TOP && EditDatas.NumElementSelectedInToolBar!=EDIT_POINTER && EditDatas.NumElementSelectedInToolBar!=EDIT_LONG_CONNECTION ) { NumElement = EditDatas.NumElementSelectedInToolBar; /* For big element, click insert top-left of the element */ CheckBigElementTopLeft(NumElement,&RungX); /* already the same element ? => if yes kill it! */ if (NumElement==EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].Type) { NumElement = EDIT_ERASER; } /* apply the new element */ if (NumElement==EDIT_ERASER) { /* the blocks other than the "alive" are now free... */ CleanForBigElement(EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].Type,RungX,RungY,ELE_FREE); EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].DynamicOutput = 0; if (((x-RungX*InfosGene->BlockWidth)>=0) && ((x-RungX*InfosGene->BlockWidth)<=15) && (EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].ConnectedWithTop)) { EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].ConnectedWithTop = 0; }else{ EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].Type = ELE_FREE; } }else{ if (VerifyRulesForElement(NumElement,RungX,RungY)) { /* the blocks other than the "alive" are now free... */ CleanForBigElement(EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].Type,RungX,RungY,ELE_FREE); /* for big element with only one block "alive" we must mark the others */ /* blocks as unusable */ CleanForBigElement(NumElement,RungX,RungY,ELE_UNUSABLE); // if not a simple element (contact/coil) replaced by a simple element, clean VarNum if ( !(IsASimpleElement(NumElement) && IsASimpleElement(EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].Type)) ) { EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].VarNum = 0; } // function block element, set directly a free number one... if ( !(IsASimpleElement(NumElement) ) ) { EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].VarNum = GetFreeNumberFunctionBlock( NumElement ); //TODO: better error handling here (not creating element after...) if ( EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].VarNum==-1 ) { ShowMessageBox( _("Error"), _("No more free function block available...please delete!"), _("Ok") ); EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].VarNum = 0; } SetUsedStateFunctionBlock( NumElement, EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].VarNum, TRUE ); } // if the area was free before then set the default variable letter based on edit type if (EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].Type == ELE_FREE) { int defaultvarname= SetDefaultVariableType(NumElement); if (defaultvarname!=ELE_NO_DEFAULT_NAME) { EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].VarType =defaultvarname ; } } EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].Type = NumElement; CheckForAllocatingArithmExpr(RungX,RungY); } } } if (EditDatas.NumElementSelectedInToolBar==EDIT_CNX_WITH_TOP) { if (EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].ConnectedWithTop) { EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].ConnectedWithTop = 0; } else { if (RungY>0) EditDatas.Rung.Element[RungX][RungY].ConnectedWithTop = 1; } } if (EditDatas.NumElementSelectedInToolBar==EDIT_LONG_CONNECTION) { int ScanX = RungX; while(EditDatas.Rung.Element[ScanX][RungY].Type==ELE_FREE && ScanXCurrentSection ].Language; if ( iCurrentLanguage==SECTION_IN_LADDER ) { if ( ( y >= InfosGene->OffsetCurrentRungDisplayed ) && ( y < InfosGene->OffsetCurrentRungDisplayed+InfosGene->BlockHeight*RUNG_HEIGHT ) ) EditElementInRung( x, y - InfosGene->OffsetCurrentRungDisplayed ); } #ifdef SEQUENTIAL_SUPPORT if ( iCurrentLanguage==SECTION_IN_SEQUENTIAL ) EditElementInSeqPage( x+InfosGene->HScrollValue, y+InfosGene->VScrollValue ); #endif } char * GetLadderElePropertiesForStatusBar(double x,double y) { if ( ( y >= InfosGene->OffsetCurrentRungDisplayed ) && ( y < InfosGene->OffsetCurrentRungDisplayed+InfosGene->BlockHeight*RUNG_HEIGHT ) ) { int RungX,RungY; if ( ConvertDoublesToRungCoor( x, y - InfosGene->OffsetCurrentRungDisplayed, &RungX, &RungY ) ) { StrElement * Element; CheckForBlocksOfBigElement( &RungArray[InfosGene->CurrentRung], &RungX,&RungY ); Element = &RungArray[InfosGene->CurrentRung].Element[RungX][RungY]; return GetElementPropertiesForStatusBar( Element ); } } return ""; } // this sets the variable type based on the type of edit-element (NumElement) being used int SetDefaultVariableType(int NumElement) { switch ( NumElement) { case ELE_INPUT: case ELE_INPUT_NOT: case ELE_RISING_INPUT: case ELE_FALLING_INPUT: return 50; //letter I break; case ELE_OUTPUT: case ELE_OUTPUT_NOT: case ELE_OUTPUT_SET: case ELE_OUTPUT_RESET: return 60; //letter Q break; default:; } return ELE_NO_DEFAULT_NAME; }