/* Classic Ladder Project */ /* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marc Le Douarain */ /* http://www.multimania.com/mavati/classicladder */ /* http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/classicladder */ /* November 2002 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Load/Save Sequential pages parameters */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */ /* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either */ /* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU */ /* Lesser General Public License for more details. */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #define _(x) gettext(x) #include #include #include #include #include "classicladder.h" #include "global.h" #include "files.h" #include "files_sequential.h" #include char ConvTypeOffsetVar(char * RawLine,int *VarType,int * VarOffset) { char * StartOfValue; char * EndOfValue; StartOfValue = RawLine; EndOfValue = RawLine; /* Extract Var Type */ do { EndOfValue++; } while(*EndOfValue!='/' && *EndOfValue!='\0'); *EndOfValue++ = '\0'; *VarType = atoi(StartOfValue); /* Extract Var Offset in the type table */ StartOfValue = EndOfValue; do { EndOfValue++; } while( *EndOfValue!=10 && *EndOfValue!='\0'); *EndOfValue++ = '\0'; *VarOffset = atoi(StartOfValue); return TRUE; } char LoadSequential(char * FileName) { FILE * File; char Okay = FALSE; char Line[300]; char * LineOk; int NumStep,NumTransi,ScanStep,NumSeqComment; StrStep * pStep; StrTransition * pTransi; StrSeqComment * pSeqComment; char * pCommentString; int StepData[100]; int ScanData; char * pSearch; File = fopen(FileName,"rt"); if (File) { do { LineOk = cl_fgets(Line,300,File); if (LineOk) { switch(Line[0]) { case ';': break; case '#': if(strncmp(&Line[1],"VER=",4)==0) { if (atoi(&Line[5])>1) { printf(_("Sequential version not supported...\n")); LineOk = FALSE; } } break; case 'S': ConvRawLineOfNumbers(&Line[1],6,StepData); NumStep = StepData[ 0 ]; pStep = &Sequential->Step[ NumStep ]; pStep->InitStep = StepData[ 1 ]; pStep->StepNumber = StepData[ 2 ]; pStep->NumPage = StepData[ 3 ]; pStep->PosiX = StepData[ 4 ]; pStep->PosiY = StepData[ 5 ]; break; case 'T': ConvRawLineOfNumbers(&Line[1],1+4*NBR_SWITCHS_MAX+3,StepData); ScanData = 0; NumTransi = StepData[ ScanData++ ]; pTransi = &Sequential->Transition[ NumTransi ]; for ( ScanStep=0; ScanStepNumStepToActiv[ ScanStep ] = StepData[ ScanData++ ]; for ( ScanStep=0; ScanStepNumStepToDesactiv[ ScanStep ] = StepData[ ScanData++ ]; for ( ScanStep=0; ScanStepNumTransLinkedForStart[ ScanStep ] = StepData[ ScanData++ ]; for ( ScanStep=0; ScanStepNumTransLinkedForEnd[ ScanStep ] = StepData[ ScanData++ ]; pTransi->NumPage = StepData[ ScanData++ ]; pTransi->PosiX = StepData[ ScanData++ ]; pTransi->PosiY = StepData[ ScanData++ ]; break; case 'C': NumTransi = atoi( &Line[1] ); pTransi = &Sequential->Transition[ NumTransi ]; pSearch = Line; do { pSearch++; } while( *pSearch!=',' ); pSearch++; pSearch++; pSearch++; ConvTypeOffsetVar( pSearch, &pTransi->VarTypeCondi, &pTransi->VarNumCondi ); break; case 'N': pCommentString = ConvRawLineOfNumbers( &Line[1], 4, StepData ); ScanData = 0; NumSeqComment = StepData[ ScanData++ ]; pSeqComment = &Sequential->SeqComment[ NumSeqComment ]; pSeqComment->NumPage = StepData[ ScanData++ ]; pSeqComment->PosiX = StepData[ ScanData++ ]; pSeqComment->PosiY = StepData[ ScanData++ ]; if ( pCommentString!= NULL && *pCommentString != '\0' ) { rtapi_strxcpy( pSeqComment->Comment, pCommentString ); // RemoveEndLine( pSeqComment->Comment ); } break; } } } while(LineOk); fclose(File); Okay = TRUE; } return (Okay); } void SaveArray( FILE * File, short int * pArray ) { int ScanStep = 0; do { // if ( ScanStep>0 ) // fprintf( File, "-" ); fprintf( File, "%d", pArray[ ScanStep ] ); fprintf( File, "," ); ScanStep++; } while( ScanStepStep[ NumStep ]; if ( pStep->NumPage!=-1 ) { fprintf( File, S_LINE "S%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", NumStep, pStep->InitStep, pStep->StepNumber, pStep->NumPage, pStep->PosiX, pStep->PosiY ); fprintf( File, E_LINE "\n" ); } } for (NumTransi=0; NumTransiTransition[ NumTransi ]; if ( pTransi->NumPage!=-1 ) { fprintf( File, S_LINE "T%d,", NumTransi ); SaveArray( File, pTransi->NumStepToActiv ); SaveArray( File, pTransi->NumStepToDesactiv ); SaveArray( File, pTransi->NumTransLinkedForStart ); SaveArray( File, pTransi->NumTransLinkedForEnd ); fprintf( File, "%d,%d,%d", pTransi->NumPage, pTransi->PosiX, pTransi->PosiY ); fprintf( File, E_LINE "\n" ); } } for (NumTransi=0; NumTransiTransition[ NumTransi ]; if ( pTransi->NumPage!=-1 ) { fprintf( File, S_LINE "C%d,0,%d/%d", NumTransi, pTransi->VarTypeCondi, pTransi->VarNumCondi ); fprintf( File, E_LINE "\n" ); } } for( NumSeqComment=0; NumSeqCommentSeqComment[ NumSeqComment ]; if ( pSeqComment->NumPage!=-1 ) { fprintf( File, S_LINE "N%d,", NumSeqComment ); fprintf( File, "%d,%d,%d,", pSeqComment->NumPage, pSeqComment->PosiX, pSeqComment->PosiY ); fprintf( File, "%s", pSeqComment->Comment ); fprintf( File, E_LINE "\n" ); } } fclose(File); Okay = TRUE; } return (Okay); }