/* Classic Ladder Project */ /* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marc Le Douarain */ /* http://www.multimania.com/mavati/classicladder */ /* http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/classicladder */ /* August 2005 */ /* ------------------------------------------- */ /* Socket for Modbus master (Distributed I/O) */ /* + making call to low-level serial functions */ /* if this is the mode used */ /* ------------------------------------------- */ /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */ /* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either */ /* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU */ /* Lesser General Public License for more details. */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // Chris Morley July 08 (EMC) #include #include #define _(x) gettext(x) #include #include #include #ifdef __WIN32__ #include #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include "classicladder.h" #include "global.h" #include "socket_modbus_master.h" #include "protocol_modbus_master.h" #include "serial_common.h" #ifdef __WIN32__ #define SOCK_FD SOCKET #define SOCK_INVALID SOCKET_ERROR HANDLE ThreadHandleClient = NULL; DWORD ThreadIdClient; #else #define SOCK_FD unsigned int #define SOCK_INVALID -1 pthread_t thread_socket_client; #endif #define BUF_SIZE 512 // will work, if all reqs are different IP address... (perhaps too much and not necessary...) #define NBR_CLIENTS_MAX NBR_MODBUS_MASTER_REQ int ClientSocketRunning = 0; int ClientSocketOpened[ NBR_CLIENTS_MAX ]; // -1 if not opened, else req nbr (to retrieve directly IP address) SOCK_FD ClientSockDescrip[ NBR_CLIENTS_MAX ]; SOCK_FD client_s; // Client socket descriptor int CptErrors = 0; int NbrFrames = 0; void InitSocketModbusMaster( ) { int Error; int ScanClientSock; // WSAStartup for Windows already done for socket server... for( ScanClientSock=0; ScanClientSock connect to slave... */ char VerifyTcpConnection( char * SlaveAdr ) { char AlreadyConnected = FALSE; char FreeOneFound = FALSE; // verify all connections, to see if one is opened with the same IP address... int ScanClientSock = 0; do { if ( ClientSocketOpened[ ScanClientSock ]!=-1 ) { if ( strcmp( SlaveAdr, ModbusMasterReq[ ClientSocketOpened[ ScanClientSock ] ].SlaveAdr )==0 ) { AlreadyConnected = TRUE; } } if ( !AlreadyConnected ) ScanClientSock++; } while( !AlreadyConnected && ScanClientSock find a free if ( !AlreadyConnected ) { ScanClientSock = 0; do { if ( ClientSocketOpened[ ScanClientSock ]==-1 ) FreeOneFound = TRUE; else ScanClientSock++; } while( !FreeOneFound && ScanClientSock=2 ) printf(_("Init socket for I/O module (%d)...\n"), ScanClientSock); client_s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if ( client_s==SOCK_INVALID ) { printf(_("Failed to open I/O socket master...\n")); } else { int NumPort = 502; // default Modbus port char * PosiSep; memset(&io_module_addr, 0, sizeof(io_module_addr)); /* Zero out structure */ io_module_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* Internet address family */ // verify if port given in string ? PosiSep = strchr( SlaveAdr, ':' ); if ( PosiSep==NULL ) { io_module_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( SlaveAdr ); /* Server IP address */ } else { static char Address[ 50 ]; rtapi_strxcpy( Address, SlaveAdr ); Address[ PosiSep-SlaveAdr ] = '\0'; NumPort = atoi( PosiSep+1 ); io_module_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( Address ); /* Server IP address */ } io_module_addr.sin_port = htons( NumPort ); /* Server port */ if( ModbusDebugLevel>=2 ) printf(_("Connecting I/O module...\n")); /* Establish the connection with the I/O module */ if (connect(client_s, (struct sockaddr *) &io_module_addr, sizeof(io_module_addr)) >= 0) { int ScanModbusTableForIpAddr = 0; int OffsetIpAdrFound = -1; do { if ( strcmp( SlaveAdr, ModbusMasterReq[ ScanModbusTableForIpAddr ].SlaveAdr )==0 ) OffsetIpAdrFound = ScanModbusTableForIpAddr; else ScanModbusTableForIpAddr++; } while( OffsetIpAdrFound==-1 && ScanModbusTableForIpAddr=2 ) printf(_("INFO CLASSICLADDER- Sending frame to I/O module...\n")); /* Send the Modbus frame */ LgtSend = send(client_s, Frame, LgtFrame, 0); if ( LgtSend==LgtFrame ) Status = 0; else printf(_("ERROR CLASSICLADDER- FAILED TO SEND ON SOCKET !!!(LgtSend=%d)\n"),LgtSend); } return Status; } int WaitRespSocketModbusMaster( char * Buff, int BuffSize, int TimeOutResponseMilliSecs ) { int ResponseSize = 0; int recep_descrip; fd_set myset; struct timeval tv; FD_ZERO( &myset); // add descrip to survey and set time-out wanted ! FD_SET( client_s, &myset ); tv.tv_sec = 0; //seconds tv.tv_usec = TimeOutResponseMilliSecs*1000; //micro-seconds recep_descrip = select( 16, &myset, NULL, NULL, &tv ); if ( recep_descrip>0 ) { int bytesRcvd; if( ModbusDebugLevel>=2 ) {printf(_("INFO CLASSICLADDER- waiting for slave response...\n"));} if ((bytesRcvd = recv(client_s, Buff, BuffSize, 0)) > 0) {ResponseSize = bytesRcvd;} } return ResponseSize; } void CloseSocketModbusMaster( void ) { int ScanClientSock; ClientSocketRunning = 0; #ifdef __WIN32__ if ( ThreadHandleClient ) TerminateThread( ThreadHandleClient, 0); #endif // close sockets for( ScanClientSock=0; ScanClientSockLadderState!=STATE_RUN) { DoPauseMilliSecs( ModbusTimeInterFrame ); } else { SizeQuestionToAsk = ModbusMasterAsk( (unsigned char*)AdrIP, (unsigned char*)QuestionFrame ); if ( SizeQuestionToAsk>0 ) { if ( ModbusSerialPortNameUsed[ 0 ]=='\0' ) { SendResultStatus = SendSocketModbusMaster( AdrIP, 502, QuestionFrame, SizeQuestionToAsk ); } else { // before sending queston, set size of frame that will be to receive after! SerialSetResponseSize( 1/*adr*/+GetModbusResponseLenghtToReceive()+2/*crc*/, ModbusTimeOutReceipt ); SerialSend( QuestionFrame, SizeQuestionToAsk ); } if ( SendResultStatus==0 ) { if ( ModbusTimeAfterTransmit>0 ) { // useful for USB-RS485 dongle... if( ModbusDebugLevel>=3 ) printf(_("INFO CLASSICLADDER- after transmit delay now...%i milliseconds\n"),ModbusTimeAfterTransmit); DoPauseMilliSecs( ModbusTimeAfterTransmit ); } if ( ModbusSerialPortNameUsed[ 0 ]=='\0' ) ResponseSize = WaitRespSocketModbusMaster( ResponseFrame, 800, ModbusTimeOutReceipt ); else ResponseSize = SerialReceive( ResponseFrame, 800, ModbusTimeOutReceipt ); NbrFrames++; if ( ResponseSize==0 ) printf(_("ERROR CLASSICLADDER- MODBUS NO RESPONSE (Errs=%d/%d) !?\n"), ++CptErrors, NbrFrames); if ( !TreatModbusMasterResponse( (unsigned char *)ResponseFrame, ResponseSize ) ) { // trouble? => flush all (perhaps we can receive now responses for old asks // and are shifted between ask/resp...) if ( ModbusSerialPortNameUsed[ 0 ]!='\0' ) SerialFlush( ); } } DoPauseMilliSecs( ModbusTimeInterFrame ); } else { // sleep( 1 ); DoPauseMilliSecs( 1000 ); } } } #ifndef __WIN32__ pthread_exit(NULL); #endif }