File changes for EMC classicladder 7.124 from original 7.124 Jan. 2007 arith_eval.c/.h: --- backported fix from version 7.126 to fix a crash if variable number is not a number --- changed printf to rtapi_print on line 414 arrays.c: --- changed extensively. Removed most allocation code besides what EMC needs for realtime and user programs. --- added #ifndef RTAPI around INCLUDE of files.h which caused error in realtime (no directory access in realtime) --- this also means adding #ifndef RTAPI around 'CleanAndRemoveTmpDir' call in 'classicladder_free_all' --- copy GeneralParams into GeneralParamsMirror (in user code only) so config window displays proper info --- add CurentProjectFileName to infosgene array so filename is remembered when GUI is closed --- add space for %E variables Calc.c: --- removed define for module and RTAI --- removed and moved period calculation to module_hal.c --- changed inputCountrol pin of old timers to be always true so it behaves as previous old timers. check out-CalcTypeTimer() classicladder.c: --- changed extensively. Removed most of initialization code besides what was added for HAL. --- A config file can be loaded from the command line for modbus info *depreciated* --- to use MODBUS master use --modmaster --- to use MODBUS slave use --modslave --- to set debug level for rtapi_print use --debug --- if a program was loaded previously and you load classicladder again with a ladder program specified it will load it instead of ignoring it. --- change to put CurrentProjectfileName into infosgene array --- change to display ladder program name on section display window classicladder.h: --- small amount added. Add definitions for HAL s32 pins and For HAL support. --- changed define for symbols comment length from 30 to 50 for long signal names --- add defines for new variable %QW and %IW --- added external variable modmaster --- added NBR_PHYS_WORDS_INPUTS and NBR_PHYS_WORDS_OUTPUTS for support of %WQ and %IW variables --- added CurrentProjectFileName[ 400 ] to StrInfosGene for Filename to be stored in shared mem --- added defines etc for %E variables classicladder gtk.c: --- removed define for hardware.h --- changed gtk_exit(0) to gtk_main_quit in function QuitAppliGtk() so program returns to where we called gtk_main in --- run/stop and reset buttons send messages to statusbar --- classicladder will ask to confirm quit and ( if running ) reset --- classicladder warns you that modbus will stop if you quit GUI --- change to display ladder program name on section display window --- added CheckErrors() for checking %E variables so a error message can be displayed --- added ShowErrorMessage() for same config.c : --- added printf so we know when a modbus config file is loading config_gtk.c: --- removed define for hardware.h --- added #ifndef HAL_SUPPORT around any code for direct I/O to hide it from configure window --- modified to show number of s32 in and out pins --- modified modbus page to added options for read hold register, write register(s) and echo --- if no modbus config is loaded then the modbus config page tells you this, otherwise it displays normally. --- added a communication page for changing com settings radio buttons change settings immediately. --- split the i/o page into two pages to improve size of config window --- combine the i/o page back to one :) --- add radio buttons for selecting variable that modbus maps to --- add spin text entry selection for port name and port speed drawing.c: --- added colour to variable names for input (red) and output (blue) in section display drawing area --- change background color of section display edit.c --- added two calls to check for hal signal names (see GetElementPropertiesForStatusBar ) one for I, Q, and B variables and another for W variables in expressions --- added code to default the variable name to I or Q for simple in or out elements --- added code for proper erasure of connection-to-top with eraser object. edit.h --- added prototype for ConvVarNameToHalSigName() --- added prototype for FirstVariableInArithm() --- added prototype for SetDefaultVariableType() file.c --- modified not to load info into GeneralParamsMirror because only realtime can do that --- added function to load modbus com info --- added call to re initialize modbus after loading a program --- add function to load/save MODBUS com settings files_project.c --- change to infosgene->CurrentProjectFileName to support filenames in shared memory emc_mods.c and emc_mods.h: --- added Jeffs function to check for HAL signal names (called by function GetElementPropertiesForStatusBar in edit.c) --- added function to check the first variable in an expression, for a HAL signal (called by function GetElementPropertiesForStatusBar in edit.c) manager.c: --- added small amount INCLUDE for HAL/RTAPI support. Module_hal.c: --- new program based on original module adds hal support/pins initialization of realtime code etc. --- added code to refresh rungs at period rate unless period less then 1 MS then it waits till at least 1 MS has passed protocol_modbus_master.c --- added code for modbus functions 1, 3, 6, 16, and 8 (read coils, read holding register, write single register, write multiple registers, echo) --- changed ModbusEleOffset=1 to =0 (not to modbus standard but easier and fairly common) and can change this in com page now. --- improved debug messages so slave address and function code are easily identified --- added a write to %E0 for modbus communication error protocol_modbus_master.h --- added defines for same as above spy_vars_gtk.c: --- changed to be able to toggle vars windows (one, the other, both , both close) by clicking the button. --- added messages to statusbar when window toggled --- made integer window toggle from symbol names to variable names when section display window button is toggled. --- added colours to variables to diffientiate between in,out and internal variables --- if the number of words defined is less then number of words normally displayed the window adjusts --- displays max 15 word variables now. symbols_gtk.c: --- changed to show HAL signals in comment slot --- added messages to statusbar when window toggled --- change to have only one editable line (gets rid of mass of blank lines) SUBMAKEFILE: --- completely different for EMC. This makefile is for the user program only. --- All the DEFINEs for user space: -DSEQUENTIAL_SUPPORT -DHAL_SUPPORT -DDYNAMIC_PLCSIZE -DRT_SUPPORT -DOLD_TIMERS_MONOS_SUPPORT -DMODBUS_IO_MASTER -DGNOME_PRINT_USE -DGTK_INTERFACE -DGTK2 --- added emc_mods.c to compile list vars_access.c --- add %E %IW %QW variables vars_names.c/.h: --- backported fix from version 7.126 to fix a crash if variable number is not a number --- fix so if symbol name is blank will return the variable name instead (fix crash) --- add %E %IW %QW variables vars_names_list.c: --- add %E %IW %QW variables MAKE file: --- The makefile in source folder contains instructions for realtime program. added defines for modbus --- All the DEFINEs for realtime: -DSEQUENTIAL_SUPPORT -DHAL_SUPPORT -DDYNAMIC_PLCSIZE -DRT_SUPPORT -DOLD_TIMERS_MONOS_SUPPORT -DMODBUS_IO_MASTER classicladder_rt.o includes: module_hal.o,arithm_eval.o,arrays.o,calc.o,calc_sequential.o,manager.o,symbols.o,vars_access.o