component clarkeinv "Inverse Clarke transform"; description """The inverse Clarke transform can be used rotate a vector quantity and then translate it from Cartesian coordinate system to a three phase system (three components 120 degrees apart)."""; see_also """\\fBclarke2\\fR(9) and \\fBclarke3\\fR(9) for the forward transform."""; pin in float x; pin in float y "cartesian components of input"; pin in float h "homopolar component of input (usually zero)"; pin in float theta "rotation angle: 0.00 to 1.00 = 0 to 360 degrees"; pin out float a; pin out float b; pin out float c "three phase output vector"; function _; license "GPL"; author "John Kasunich"; ;; #include /* for the details, google "clarke transform", or see section 3 of and/or appendix B of */ #define K1 (0.500000000000000) /* 1/2 */ #define K2 (0.866025403784439) /* sqrt(3)/2 */ #define K3 (0.707106781186547) /* 1/sqrt(2) */ #define rev2rad (6.283185308) /* 2 * pi */ FUNCTION(_) { double xr, yr, rads, costheta, sintheta; // rotate it rads = theta * rev2rad; costheta = cos(rads); sintheta = sin(rads); xr = x * costheta - y * sintheta; yr = x * sintheta + y * costheta; /* transform to three phase */ a = xr + K3*h; b = -K1*xr + K2*yr + K3*h; c = -K1*xr - K2*yr + K3*h; }