component ilowpass "Low-pass filter with integer inputs and outputs"; description """While it may find other applications, this component was written to create smoother motion while jogging with an MPG. In a machine with high acceleration, a short jog can behave almost like a step function. By putting the \\fBilowpass\\fR component between the MPG encoder \\fBcounts\\fR output and the axis \\fRjog-counts\\fR input, this can be smoothed. Choose \\fBscale\\fR conservatively so that during a single session there will never be more than about 2e9/\\fBscale\\fR pulses seen on the MPG. Choose \\fBgain\\fR according to the smoothing level desired. Divide the \\fRaxis.\\fIN\\fR.jog-scale\\fR values by \\fBscale\\fR."""; pin in s32 in; pin out s32 out """\\fBout\\fR tracks \\fBin\\fR*\\fBscale\\fR through a low-pass filter of \\fBgain\\fR per period."""; param rw float scale = 1024 """A scale factor applied to the output value of the low-pass filter."""; param rw float gain = .5 """Together with the period, sets the rate at which the output changes. Useful range is between 0 and 1, with higher values causing the input value to be tracked more quickly. For instance, a setting of 0.9 causes the output value to go 90% of the way towards the input value in each period."""; variable double value; function _ "Update the output based on the input and parameters."; license "GPL"; author "Jeff Epler"; ;; #include FUNCTION(_) { value += (in - value) * gain; out = (int)(rtapi_s64)floor((value * scale) + 0.5); }