component lowpass "Low-pass filter"; notes """ \\fBgain\\fR pin setting The digital filter implemented is equivalent to a unity-gain continuous-time single-pole low-pass filter that is preceded by a zero-order-hold and sampled at a fixed period. For a pole at \\fB-a\\fR (radians/seconds) the corresponding continuous-time lowpass filter LaPlace transfer function is: \\fBH(s) = a/(s + a)\\fR For a sampling period \\fBT\\fR (seconds), the gain for this Hal lowpass component is: \\fBgain = 1 - e^(-a * T)\\fR e = 2.71828 \\fBExamples:\\fR T = 0.001 seconds (typical servo thread period) a = (2*pi*100) (\\fB100Hz\\fR bandwidth single pole) gain = \\fB0.466\\fR T = 0.001 seconds (typical servo thread period) a = (2*pi*10) ( \\fB10Hz\\fR bandwidth single pole) gain = \\fB0.0609\\fR T = 0.001 seconds (typical servo thread period) a = (2*pi*1) ( \\fB1Hz\\fR bandwidth single pole) gain = \\fB0.0063\\fR """; pin in float in; pin out float out " out += (in - out) * gain "; pin in bit load "When TRUE, copy \\fBin\\fR to \\fBout\\fR instead of applying the filter equation."; param rw float gain; function _; license "GPL"; author "Jeff Epler"; notes "The effect of a specific \\fBgain\\fR value is dependent on the period of the function that \\fBlowpass.\\fIN\\fR is added to."; ;; FUNCTION(_) { if(load) out = in; else out += (in - out) * gain; }