component max31855 "Support for the MAX31855 Thermocouple-to-Digital converter using bitbanged spi"; description """The component requires at least 3 pins to bitbang spi protocol, for example: \\fB loadrt max31855 personality=1\\fR \\fB setp hm2_6i25.0.gpio.023.is_output true\\fR \\fB setp hm2_6i25.0.gpio.024.is_output true\\fR \\fB net hm2_6i25.0.gpio.023.out max31855.0.clk.out\\fR \\fB net hm2_6i25.0.gpio.024.out max31855.0.cs.out\\fR \\fB net hm2_6i25.0.gpio.033.in_not\\fR \\fB addf max31855.0.bitbang-spi servo-thread \\fR The MAX31855 supports a range of -270C to 1800C, however linearization data is only available for the -200C to 1350C range, beyond which raw temperature is returned. Temperature pins are provided for readings in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin, temperature values are not updated while a fault condition is present. The personality parameter is used to indicate the number of sensors. Multiple sensors share the clk and cs pins, but connect to discrete data input pins. A maximum of 15 sensors are supported. """; pin in bit [15 : (personality & 0xf)] "Pin(s) connected to data out."; pin out bit cs.out "Pin connected to cs, pulled low to shift data, pulled high for data refresh."; pin out bit clk.out "Pin connected to clk."; pin out float temp_celsius.# [15 : (personality & 0xf)] """Temperature output values in Celsius."""; pin out float temp_fahrenheit.# [15 : (personality & 0xf)] """Temperature in Fahrenheit."""; pin out float temp_kelvin.# [15 : (personality & 0xf)] """Temperature in Kelvin."""; pin out bit fault.# [15 : (personality & 0xf)] "Fault condition detected."; pin out unsigned fault_flags.# [15 : (personality & 0xf)] "Fault flags: 0x1 = open sensor, 0x2 short to gnd, 0x3 short to vcc."; variable unsigned data_frame [15]; variable unsigned state = 1; function bitbang_spi fp; license "GPL"; author "Joseph Calderon"; ;; #include "rtapi_math.h" static float accpoly(float *v, size_t n, float p) { int i; float ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ret += v[i] * pow(p, i); } return ret; } static float to_kelvin(float celsius) { return celsius + 273.15; } static float to_fahrenheit(float celsius) { return celsius * 1.80 + 32.0; } static float read_celsius(int32_t v) { if (v & 0x7) { return nan(""); /* fault bit(s) set */ } /* thermocouple temperature is in bits 31:18 */ if (v & 0x80000000) { v = 0xffffc000 | ((v >> 18) & 0x0003ffff); /* extend sign bit */ } else { v >>= 18; } return v / 4.0; /* 0.25 degree resolution */ } static float read_internal(int32_t v) { if (v & 0x7) { return nan(""); /* fault bit(s) set */ } /* internal temperature is in bits 15:4 */ v = 0x0000ffff & v; if (v & 0x8000) { v = 0xfffff000 | ((v >> 4) & 0x00000fff); /* extend sign bit */ } else { v >>= 4; } return v / 16.0; /* 0.0625 degree resolution */ } static float read_celsius_adjusted(int32_t sensor_data) { float temp_raw = read_celsius(sensor_data); float temp_internal = read_internal(sensor_data); float voltage_internal = 0, voltage_thermocouple = 0, temp_corrected = 0; if (isnan(temp_raw) || isnan(temp_internal)) return nan(""); /* NIST K-Type table ( */ float coeff[][11] = { {-0.0176004134, 0.0389212035, 1.85587705e-05, -9.94575942e-08, 3.18409465e-10, -5.60728439e-13, 5.60750581e-16, -3.20207199e-19, 9.71511487e-23, -1.21047216e-26, 0}, {0, 0.0394501276, 2.36223732e-05, -3.28589067e-07, -4.99048269e-09, -6.75090608e-11, -5.74103265e-13, -3.10888726e-15, -1.0451609e-17, -1.9889267e-20, -1.63226981e-23}, {0, 25.1734619, -1.16628778, -1.08336377, -0.897735417, -0.373423755, -0.0866326466, -0.0104505979, -0.000519205758, 0, 0}, {0, 25.0835495, 0.0786010623, -0.250313103, 0.0831526965, -0.0122803403, 0.000980403624, -4.41302982e-05, 1.05773404e-06, -1.05275504e-08, 0}, {-131.805801, 48.3022194, -1.64603102, 0.0546473116, -0.000965071493, 8.80219341e-06, -3.1108101e-08, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; int coeff_cols = sizeof(coeff[0]) / sizeof(float); /* determine thermocouple voltage by subtracting internal temp and adjusting * for K-type thermocouple */ voltage_thermocouple = (temp_raw - temp_internal) * 0.041276; if (temp_internal >= 0) { float a[] = {0.118597597, -0.000118343203, 126.968597}; /* for positive temps additional exponential coefficients are needed */ voltage_internal += accpoly(coeff[0], coeff_cols, temp_internal); voltage_internal += a[0] * exp(a[1] * pow((temp_internal - a[2]), 2)); } else if (temp_internal < 0) { voltage_internal += accpoly(coeff[1], coeff_cols, temp_internal); } float voltage_total = voltage_thermocouple + voltage_internal; /* linearize temperature depending on voltage range */ if (voltage_total < 0) { /* Temperature is between -200 and 0C. */ temp_corrected += accpoly(coeff[2], coeff_cols, voltage_total); } else if (voltage_total < 20.644) { /* Temperature is between 0C and 500C. */ temp_corrected += accpoly(coeff[3], coeff_cols, voltage_total); } else if (voltage_total < 54.886) { /* Temperature is between 500C and 1372C. */ temp_corrected += accpoly(coeff[4], coeff_cols, voltage_total); } else { /* NIST only has data for K-type thermocouples from -200C to +1372C. */ temp_corrected = temp_raw; } return temp_corrected; } FUNCTION(bitbang_spi) { int nbit = (state >> 1) & 0x3f; int delay = (state >> 7) & 0x3ff; int cs = state & 0x1; clk_out ^= 0x1; if (cs) { /* data refreshes when cs is pulled high */ delay--; if (delay <= 0) { nbit = 32; cs = 0; } } else { int i, n = (personality > 15) ? 15 : personality; /* with cs low pull data bits when clock is high */ if (clk_out) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { data_frame[i] |= (data_in(i) << nbit); } nbit--; } if (nbit < 0) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { float f = read_celsius_adjusted((int32_t)data_frame[i]); fault(i) = (data_frame[i] & 0x7) ? TRUE : FALSE; fault_flags(i) = data_frame[i] & 0x7; if (isnan(f)) { rtapi_print("max31855: sensor %d detected fault %x\n", i, data_frame[i] & 0x7); } else { temp_celsius(i) = f; temp_fahrenheit(i) = to_fahrenheit(f); temp_kelvin(i) = to_kelvin(f); } data_frame[i] = 0; } nbit = 0; cs = 1; } delay++; } state = (delay << 7) | (nbit << 1) | cs; cs_out = cs; }