/******************************************************************** * Description: pid.c * This file, 'pid.c', is a HAL component that provides * Proportional/Integral/Derivative control loops. * * Author: John Kasunich, Peter G. Vavaroutsos, Petter Reinholdtsen * License: GPL Version 2 * * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, 2022 All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007 Peter G. Vavaroutsos * * Last change: ********************************************************************/ /** This file, 'pid.c', is a HAL component that provides Proportional/ Integral/Derivative control loops. It is a realtime component. It supports a maximum of 16 PID loops. The number of pid components is set by the module parameter 'num_chan=' when the component is insmod'ed. Alternatively, use the names= specifier and a list of unique names separated by commas. The names= and num_chan= specifiers are mutually exclusive. In this documentation, it is assumed that we are discussing position loops. However this component can be used to implement other loops such as speed loops, torch height control, and others. Each loop has a number of pins and parameters, whose names begin with 'pid.x.', where 'x' is the channel number. Channel numbers start at zero. The three most important pins are 'command', 'feedback', and 'output'. For a position loop, 'command' and 'feedback' are in position units. For a linear axis, this could be inches, mm, metres, or whatever is relevant. Likewise, for a angular axis, it could be degrees, radians, etc. The units of the 'output' pin represent the change needed to make the feedback match the command. As such, for a position loop 'Output' is a velocity, in inches/sec, mm/sec, degrees/sec, etc. Each loop has several other pins as well. 'error' is equal to 'command' minus 'feedback'. 'enable' is a bit that enables the loop. If 'enable' is false, all integrators are reset, and the output is forced to zero. If 'enable' is true, the loop operates normally. The PID gains, limits, and other 'tunable' features of the loop are implemented as parameters. These are as follows: Pgain Proportional gain Igain Integral gain Dgain Derivative gain bias Constant offset on output FF0 Zeroth order Feedforward gain FF1 First order Feedforward gain FF2 Second order Feedforward gain FF3 Third order Feedforward gain deadband Amount of error that will be ignored maxerror Limit on error maxerrorI Limit on error integrator maxerrorD Limit on error differentiator maxcmdD Limit on command differentiator maxcmdDD Limit on command 2nd derivative maxcmdDDD Limit on command 3rd derivative maxoutput Limit on output value All of the limits (max____) are implemented such that if the parameter value is zero, there is no limit. A number of internal values which may be useful for testing and tuning are also available as parameters. To avoid cluttering the parameter list, these are only exported if "debug=1" is specified on the insmod command line. errorI Integral of error errorD Derivative of error commandD Derivative of the command commandDD 2nd derivative of the command commandDDD 3rd derivative of the command The PID loop calculations are as follows (see the code for all the nitty gritty details): error = command - feedback if ( abs(error) < deadband ) then error = 0 limit error to +/- maxerror errorI += error * period limit errorI to +/- maxerrorI errorD = (error - previouserror) / period limit errorD to +/- maxerrorD commandD = (command - previouscommand) / period limit commandD to +/- maxcmdD commandDD = (commandD - previouscommandD) / period limit commandDD to +/- maxcmdDD commandDDD = (commandDD - previouscommandDD) / period limit commandDDD to +/- maxcmdDDD output = bias + error * Pgain + errorI * Igain + errorD * Dgain + command * FF0 + commandD * FF1 + commandDD * FF2 + commandDDD * FF3 limit output to +/- maxoutput This component exports one function called 'pid.x.do-pid-calcs' for each PID loop. This allows loops to be included in different threads and execute at different rates. */ /** Copyright (C) 2003 John Kasunich */ /** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. THE AUTHORS OF THIS LIBRARY ACCEPT ABSOLUTELY NO LIABILITY FOR ANY HARM OR LOSS RESULTING FROM ITS USE. IT IS _EXTREMELY_ UNWISE TO RELY ON SOFTWARE ALONE FOR SAFETY. Any machinery capable of harming persons must have provisions for completely removing power from all motors, etc, before persons enter any danger area. All machinery must be designed to comply with local and national safety codes, and the authors of this software can not, and do not, take any responsibility for such compliance. This code was written as part of the EMC HAL project. For more information, go to www.linuxcnc.org. */ #include "rtapi.h" /* RTAPI realtime OS API */ #include "rtapi_app.h" /* RTAPI realtime module decls */ #include "rtapi_string.h" #include "hal.h" /* HAL public API decls */ /* module information */ MODULE_AUTHOR("John Kasunich"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("PID Loop Component for EMC HAL with auto tune support"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); static int num_chan; /* number of channels */ static int default_num_chan = 3; RTAPI_MP_INT(num_chan, "number of channels"); static int howmany; #define MAX_CHAN 16 char *names[MAX_CHAN] ={0,}; RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_STRING(names, MAX_CHAN,"pid names"); static int debug = 0; /* flag to export optional params */ RTAPI_MP_INT(debug, "enables optional params"); #define NAME "PID" #define AUTO_TUNER 1 #ifdef AUTO_TUNER #include "rtapi_math.h" #define PI 3.141592653589 typedef enum { STATE_PID, STATE_TUNE_IDLE, STATE_TUNE_START, STATE_TUNE_POS, STATE_TUNE_NEG, STATE_TUNE_ABORT, } State; // Values for tune-type parameter. typedef enum { TYPE_PID, TYPE_PI_FF1, } Mode; #endif /* AUTO_TUNER */ /*********************************************************************** * STRUCTURES AND GLOBAL VARIABLES * ************************************************************************/ /** This structure contains the runtime data for a single PID loop. The data is arranged to optimize speed - they are placed in the order in which they will be accessed, so that when one item is accessed, the next item(s) will be pulled into the cache. In addition, items that are written are grouped together, so only a few cache lines will need to be written back to main memory. */ typedef struct { hal_bit_t *enable; /* pin: enable input */ hal_float_t *command; /* pin: commanded value */ hal_float_t *commandvds; /* pin: commanded derivative dummysig */ hal_float_t *commandv; /* pin: commanded derivative value */ hal_float_t *feedback; /* pin: feedback value */ hal_float_t *feedbackvds; /* pin: feedback derivative dummysig */ hal_float_t *feedbackv; /* pin: feedback derivative value */ hal_float_t *error; /* pin: command - feedback */ hal_float_t *deadband; /* pin: deadband */ hal_float_t *maxerror; /* pin: limit for error */ hal_float_t *maxerror_i; /* pin: limit for integrated error */ hal_float_t *maxerror_d; /* pin: limit for differentiated error */ hal_float_t *maxcmd_d; /* pin: limit for differentiated cmd */ hal_float_t *maxcmd_dd; /* pin: limit for 2nd derivative of cmd */ hal_float_t *maxcmd_ddd; /* pin: limit for 3rd derivative of cmd */ hal_float_t *error_i; /* opt. pin: integrated error */ double prev_error; /* previous error for differentiator */ hal_float_t *error_d; /* opt. pin: differentiated error */ double prev_cmd; /* previous command for differentiator */ double prev_fb; /* previous feedback for differentiator */ double limit_state; /* +1 or -1 if in limit, else 0.0 */ hal_float_t *cmd_d; /* opt. pin: differentiated command */ hal_float_t *cmd_dd; /* opt. pin: 2nd derivative of command */ hal_float_t *cmd_ddd; /* opt. pin: 3rd derivative of command */ hal_float_t *bias; /* param: steady state offset */ hal_float_t *pgain; /* pin: proportional gain */ hal_float_t *igain; /* pin: integral gain */ hal_float_t *dgain; /* pin: derivative gain */ hal_float_t *ff0gain; /* pin: feedforward proportional */ hal_float_t *ff1gain; /* pin: feedforward derivative */ hal_float_t *ff2gain; /* pin: feedforward 2nd derivative */ hal_float_t *ff3gain; /* pin: feedforward 3rd derivative */ hal_float_t *maxoutput; /* pin: limit for PID output */ hal_float_t *output; /* pin: the output value */ hal_bit_t *saturated; /* pin: TRUE when the output is saturated */ hal_float_t *saturated_s; /* pin: the time the output has been saturated */ hal_s32_t *saturated_count; /* pin: the time the output has been saturated */ hal_bit_t *index_enable; /* pin: to monitor for step changes that would otherwise screw up FF */ hal_bit_t *error_previous_target; /* pin: measure error as new position vs previous command, to match motion's ideas */ char prev_ie; #ifdef AUTO_TUNER /* Autotune related */ hal_float_t *tuneEffort; /* pin: Control effort for limit cycle. */ hal_u32_t *tuneCycles; hal_u32_t *tuneType; hal_bit_t *pTuneMode; /* pin: 0=PID, 1=tune.*/ hal_bit_t *pTuneStart; /* pin: Set to 1 to start an auto-tune cycle. Clears automatically when the cycle has finished. */ hal_float_t *ultimateGain; /* Calc by auto-tune from limit cycle. */ hal_float_t *ultimatePeriod; /* Calc by auto-tune from limit cycle. */ /* Private data */ State state; hal_u32_t cycleCount; hal_u32_t cyclePeriod; hal_float_t cycleAmplitude; hal_float_t totalTime; hal_float_t avgAmplitude; #endif /* AUTO_TUNER */ } hal_pid_t; /* pointer to array of pid_t structs in shared memory, 1 per loop */ static hal_pid_t *pid_array; /* other globals */ static int comp_id; /* component ID */ /*********************************************************************** * LOCAL FUNCTION DECLARATIONS * ************************************************************************/ static int export_pid(hal_pid_t * addr,char * prefix); static void calc_pid(void *arg, long period); /*********************************************************************** * INIT AND EXIT CODE * ************************************************************************/ int rtapi_app_main(void) { int n, retval,i; if(num_chan && names[0]) { rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"num_chan= and names= are mutually exclusive\n"); return -EINVAL; } if(!num_chan && !names[0]) num_chan = default_num_chan; if(num_chan) { howmany = num_chan; } else { howmany = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHAN; i++) { if ( (names[i] == NULL) || (*names[i] == 0) ){ break; } howmany = i + 1; } } /* test for number of channels */ if ((howmany <= 0) || (howmany > MAX_CHAN)) { rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, NAME ": ERROR: invalid number of channels: %d\n", howmany); return -1; } /* have good config info, connect to the HAL */ comp_id = hal_init("pid"); if (comp_id < 0) { rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, NAME ": ERROR: hal_init() failed\n"); return -1; } /* allocate shared memory for pid loop data */ pid_array = hal_malloc(howmany * sizeof(hal_pid_t)); if (pid_array == 0) { rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, NAME ": ERROR: hal_malloc() failed\n"); hal_exit(comp_id); return -1; } /* export variables and function for each PID loop */ i = 0; // for names= items for (n = 0; n < howmany; n++) { /* export everything for this loop */ if(num_chan) { char buf[HAL_NAME_LEN + 1]; rtapi_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "pid.%d", n); retval = export_pid(&(pid_array[n]), buf); } else { retval = export_pid(&(pid_array[n]), names[i++]); } if (retval != 0) { rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, NAME ": ERROR: loop %d var export failed\n", n); hal_exit(comp_id); return -1; } } rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_INFO, NAME ": installed %d PID loops\n", howmany); hal_ready(comp_id); return 0; } void rtapi_app_exit(void) { hal_exit(comp_id); } #ifdef AUTO_TUNER /*********************************************************************** * Auto tuning CALCULATIONS * ************************************************************************/ static void Pid_CycleEnd(hal_pid_t *pid) { pid->cycleCount++; pid->avgAmplitude += pid->cycleAmplitude / *(pid->tuneCycles); pid->cycleAmplitude = 0; pid->totalTime += pid->cyclePeriod * 0.000000001; pid->cyclePeriod = 0; } /* * Perform an auto-tune operation. Sets up a limit cycle using the specified * tune effort. Averages the amplitude and period over the specified number of * cycles. This characterizes the process and determines the ultimate gain * and period, which are then used to calculate PID. * * CO(t) = P * [ e(t) + 1/Ti * (f e(t)dt) - Td * (d/dt PV(t)) ] * * Pu = 4/PI * tuneEffort / responseAmplitude * Ti = 0.5 * responsePeriod * Td = 0.125 * responsePeriod * * P = 0.6 * Pu * I = P * 1/Ti * D = P * Td */ static void Pid_AutoTune(hal_pid_t *pid, long period) { hal_float_t error; // Calculate the error. error = *pid->command - *pid->feedback; *pid->error = error; // Check if enabled and if still in tune mode. if(!*pid->enable || !*pid->pTuneMode){ pid->state = STATE_TUNE_ABORT; } switch(pid->state){ case STATE_TUNE_IDLE: // Wait for tune start command. if(*pid->pTuneStart) pid->state = STATE_TUNE_START; break; case STATE_TUNE_START: // Initialize tuning variables and start limit cycle. pid->state = STATE_TUNE_POS; pid->cycleCount = 0; pid->cyclePeriod = 0; pid->cycleAmplitude = 0; pid->totalTime = 0; pid->avgAmplitude = 0; *(pid->ultimateGain) = 0; *(pid->ultimatePeriod) = 0; *pid->output = *(pid->bias) + fabs(*(pid->tuneEffort)); break; case STATE_TUNE_POS: case STATE_TUNE_NEG: pid->cyclePeriod += period; if(error < 0.0){ // Check amplitude. if(-error > pid->cycleAmplitude) pid->cycleAmplitude = -error; // Check for end of cycle. if(pid->state == STATE_TUNE_POS){ pid->state = STATE_TUNE_NEG; Pid_CycleEnd(pid); } // Update output so user can ramp effort until movement occurs. *pid->output = *(pid->bias) - fabs(*(pid->tuneEffort)); }else{ // Check amplitude. if(error > pid->cycleAmplitude) pid->cycleAmplitude = error; // Check for end of cycle. if(pid->state == STATE_TUNE_NEG){ pid->state = STATE_TUNE_POS; Pid_CycleEnd(pid); } // Update output so user can ramp effort until movement occurs. *pid->output = *(pid->bias) + fabs(*(pid->tuneEffort)); } // Check if the last cycle just ended. This is really the number // of half cycles. if(pid->cycleCount < *(pid->tuneCycles)) break; // Calculate PID using Relay (Åström-Hägglund) method *(pid->ultimateGain) = (4.0 * fabs(*(pid->tuneEffort)))/(PI * pid->avgAmplitude); *(pid->ultimatePeriod) = 2.0 * pid->totalTime / *(pid->tuneCycles); *(pid->ff0gain) = 0; *(pid->ff2gain) = 0; if(*(pid->tuneType) == TYPE_PID){ // insert ultimate gain and period in Ziegler-Nichols PID method *(pid->pgain) = 0.6 * *(pid->ultimateGain); *(pid->igain) = 1.2 * *(pid->ultimateGain) / (*(pid->ultimatePeriod)); *(pid->dgain) = (3.0/40.0) * *(pid->ultimateGain) * *(pid->ultimatePeriod); *(pid->ff1gain) = 0; }else{ // insert ultimate gain and period in Ziegler-Nichols PI method *(pid->pgain) = 0.45 * *(pid->ultimateGain); *(pid->igain) = 0.54 * *(pid->ultimateGain) / (*(pid->ultimatePeriod)); *(pid->dgain) = 0; // Scaling must be set so PID output is in user units per second. *(pid->ff1gain) = 1; } // Fall through. case STATE_TUNE_ABORT: default: // Force output to bias. *pid->output = *(pid->bias); // Abort any tuning cycle in progress. *pid->pTuneStart = 0; pid->state = (*pid->pTuneMode)? STATE_TUNE_IDLE: STATE_PID; } } #endif /* AUTO_TUNER */ /*********************************************************************** * REALTIME PID LOOP CALCULATIONS * ************************************************************************/ static void calc_pid(void *arg, long period) { hal_pid_t *pid; double tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, command, feedback; int enable; double periodfp, periodrecip; /* point to the data for this PID loop */ pid = arg; #ifdef AUTO_TUNER if(pid->state != STATE_PID){ Pid_AutoTune(pid, period); return; } #endif /* precalculate some timing constants */ periodfp = period * 0.000000001; periodrecip = 1.0 / periodfp; /* get the enable bit */ enable = *(pid->enable); /* read the command and feedback only once */ command = *(pid->command); feedback = *(pid->feedback); /* calculate the error */ if((!(pid->prev_ie && !*(pid->index_enable))) && (*(pid->error_previous_target))) { // the user requests ferror against prev_cmd, and we can honor // that request because we haven't just had an index reset that // screwed it up. Otherwise, if we did just have an index // reset, we will present an unwanted ferror proportional to // velocity for this period, but velocity is usually very small // during index search. tmp1 = pid->prev_cmd - feedback; } else { tmp1 = command - feedback; } /* store error to error pin */ *(pid->error) = tmp1; #ifdef AUTO_TUNER /* Check for auto tuning mode request. */ if(*pid->pTuneMode){ *(pid->error_i) = 0; pid->prev_error = 0; *(pid->error_d) = 0; pid->prev_cmd = 0; pid->limit_state = 0; *(pid->cmd_d) = 0; *(pid->cmd_dd) = 0; // Force output to zero. *(pid->output) = 0; // Switch to tuning mode. pid->state = STATE_TUNE_IDLE; return; } #endif /* AUTO_TUNER */ /* apply error limits */ if (*(pid->maxerror) != 0.0) { if (tmp1 > *(pid->maxerror)) { tmp1 = *(pid->maxerror); } else if (tmp1 < -*(pid->maxerror)) { tmp1 = -*(pid->maxerror); } } /* apply the deadband */ if (tmp1 > *(pid->deadband)) { tmp1 -= *(pid->deadband); } else if (tmp1 < -*(pid->deadband)) { tmp1 += *(pid->deadband); } else { tmp1 = 0; } /* do integrator calcs only if enabled */ if (enable != 0) { /* if output is in limit, don't let integrator wind up */ if ( ( tmp1 * pid->limit_state ) <= 0.0 ) { /* compute integral term */ *(pid->error_i) += tmp1 * periodfp; } /* apply integrator limits */ if (*(pid->maxerror_i) != 0.0) { if (*(pid->error_i) > *(pid->maxerror_i)) { *(pid->error_i) = *(pid->maxerror_i); } else if (*(pid->error_i) < -*(pid->maxerror_i)) { *(pid->error_i) = -*(pid->maxerror_i); } } } else { /* not enabled, reset integrator */ *(pid->error_i) = 0; } /* compute command and feedback derivatives to dummysigs */ if(!(pid->prev_ie && !*(pid->index_enable))) { *(pid->commandvds) = (command - pid->prev_cmd) * periodrecip; *(pid->feedbackvds) = (feedback - pid->prev_fb) * periodrecip; } /* and calculate derivative term as difference of derivatives */ *(pid->error_d) = *(pid->commandv) - *(pid->feedbackv); pid->prev_error = tmp1; /* apply derivative limits */ if (*(pid->maxerror_d) != 0.0) { if (*(pid->error_d) > *(pid->maxerror_d)) { *(pid->error_d) = *(pid->maxerror_d); } else if (*(pid->error_d) < -*(pid->maxerror_d)) { *(pid->error_d) = -*(pid->maxerror_d); } } /* save old value for 2nd derivative calc later */ tmp2 = *(pid->cmd_d); *(pid->cmd_d) = *(pid->commandv); // save ie for next time pid->prev_ie = *(pid->index_enable); pid->prev_cmd = command; pid->prev_fb = feedback; /* apply derivative limits */ if (*(pid->maxcmd_d) != 0.0) { if (*(pid->cmd_d) > *(pid->maxcmd_d)) { *(pid->cmd_d) = *(pid->maxcmd_d); } else if (*(pid->cmd_d) < -*(pid->maxcmd_d)) { *(pid->cmd_d) = -*(pid->maxcmd_d); } } /* save old value for 3rd derivative calc later */ tmp3 = *(pid->cmd_dd); /* calculate 2nd derivative of command */ *(pid->cmd_dd) = (*(pid->cmd_d) - tmp2) * periodrecip; /* apply 2nd derivative limits */ if (*(pid->maxcmd_dd) != 0.0) { if (*(pid->cmd_dd) > *(pid->maxcmd_dd)) { *(pid->cmd_dd) = *(pid->maxcmd_dd); } else if (*(pid->cmd_dd) < -*(pid->maxcmd_dd)) { *(pid->cmd_dd) = -*(pid->maxcmd_dd); } } /* calculate 3rd derivative of command */ *(pid->cmd_ddd) = (*(pid->cmd_dd) - tmp3) * periodrecip; /* apply 3rd derivative limits */ if (*(pid->maxcmd_ddd) != 0.0) { if (*(pid->cmd_ddd) > *(pid->maxcmd_ddd)) { *(pid->cmd_ddd) = *(pid->maxcmd_ddd); } else if (*(pid->cmd_ddd) < -*(pid->maxcmd_ddd)) { *(pid->cmd_ddd) = -*(pid->maxcmd_ddd); } } /* do output calcs only if enabled */ if (enable != 0) { /* calculate the output value */ tmp1 = *(pid->bias) + *(pid->pgain) * tmp1 + *(pid->igain) * *(pid->error_i) + *(pid->dgain) * *(pid->error_d); tmp1 += command * *(pid->ff0gain) + *(pid->cmd_d) * *(pid->ff1gain) + *(pid->cmd_dd) * *(pid->ff2gain) + *(pid->cmd_ddd) * *(pid->ff3gain); /* apply output limits */ if (*(pid->maxoutput) != 0.0) { if (tmp1 > *(pid->maxoutput)) { tmp1 = *(pid->maxoutput); pid->limit_state = 1.0; } else if (tmp1 < -*(pid->maxoutput)) { tmp1 = -*(pid->maxoutput); pid->limit_state = -1.0; } else { pid->limit_state = 0.0; } } } else { /* not enabled, force output to zero */ tmp1 = 0.0; pid->limit_state = 0.0; } /* write final output value to output pin */ *(pid->output) = tmp1; /* set 'saturated' outputs */ if(pid->limit_state) { *(pid->saturated) = 1; *(pid->saturated_s) += period * 1e-9; if(*(pid->saturated_count) != 2147483647) (*pid->saturated_count) ++; } else { *(pid->saturated) = 0; *(pid->saturated_s) = 0; *(pid->saturated_count) = 0; } /* done */ } /*********************************************************************** * LOCAL FUNCTION DEFINITIONS * ************************************************************************/ static int export_pid(hal_pid_t * addr, char * prefix) { int retval, msg; char buf[HAL_NAME_LEN + 1]; /* This function exports a lot of stuff, which results in a lot of logging if msg_level is at INFO or ALL. So we save the current value of msg_level and restore it later. If you actually need to log this function's actions, change the second line below */ msg = rtapi_get_msg_level(); rtapi_set_msg_level(RTAPI_MSG_WARN); /* export pins */ retval = hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->enable), comp_id, "%s.enable", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->command), comp_id, "%s.command", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->commandv), comp_id, "%s.command-deriv", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } addr->commandvds = addr->commandv; retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->feedback), comp_id, "%s.feedback", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->feedbackv), comp_id, "%s.feedback-deriv", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } addr->feedbackvds = addr->feedbackv; retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(addr->error), comp_id, "%s.error", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(addr->output), comp_id, "%s.output", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_OUT, &(addr->saturated), comp_id, "%s.saturated", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(addr->saturated_s), comp_id, "%s.saturated-s", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_s32_newf(HAL_OUT, &(addr->saturated_count), comp_id, "%s.saturated-count", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->pgain), comp_id, "%s.Pgain", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->igain), comp_id, "%s.Igain", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->dgain), comp_id, "%s.Dgain", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->ff0gain), comp_id, "%s.FF0", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->ff1gain), comp_id, "%s.FF1", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->ff2gain), comp_id, "%s.FF2", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->ff3gain), comp_id, "%s.FF3", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } /* export pins (previously parameters) */ retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->deadband), comp_id, "%s.deadband", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->maxerror), comp_id, "%s.maxerror", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->maxerror_i), comp_id, "%s.maxerrorI", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->maxerror_d), comp_id, "%s.maxerrorD", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->maxcmd_d), comp_id, "%s.maxcmdD", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->maxcmd_dd), comp_id, "%s.maxcmdDD", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->maxcmd_ddd), comp_id, "%s.maxcmdDDD", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->bias), comp_id, "%s.bias", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->maxoutput), comp_id, "%s.maxoutput", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->index_enable), comp_id, "%s.index-enable", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->error_previous_target), comp_id, "%s.error-previous-target", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } #ifdef AUTO_TUNER /* Auto tune related */ retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_IO, &(addr->tuneEffort), comp_id, "%s.tune-effort", prefix); if(retval != 0){ return retval; } retval = hal_pin_u32_newf(HAL_IO, &(addr->tuneCycles), comp_id, "%s.tune-cycles", prefix); if(retval != 0){ return retval; } retval = hal_pin_u32_newf(HAL_IO, &(addr->tuneType), comp_id, "%s.tune-type", prefix); if(retval != 0){ return retval; } retval = hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_IN, &(addr->pTuneMode), comp_id, "%s.tune-mode", prefix); if(retval != 0){ return retval; } retval = hal_pin_bit_newf(HAL_IO, &(addr->pTuneStart), comp_id, "%s.tune-start", prefix); if(retval != 0){ return retval; } #endif /* AUTO_TUNER */ /* export optional parameters */ if (debug > 0) { retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(addr->error_i), comp_id, "%s.errorI", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(addr->error_d), comp_id, "%s.errorD", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(addr->cmd_d), comp_id, "%s.commandD", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(addr->cmd_dd), comp_id, "%s.commandDD", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(addr->cmd_ddd), comp_id, "%s.commandDDD", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } #ifdef AUTO_TUNER retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(addr->ultimateGain), comp_id, "%s.ultimate-gain", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } retval = hal_pin_float_newf(HAL_OUT, &(addr->ultimatePeriod), comp_id, "%s.ultimate-period", prefix); if (retval != 0) { return retval; } #endif /* AUTO_TUNER */ } else { addr->error_i = (hal_float_t *) hal_malloc(sizeof(hal_float_t)); addr->error_d = (hal_float_t *) hal_malloc(sizeof(hal_float_t)); addr->cmd_d = (hal_float_t *) hal_malloc(sizeof(hal_float_t)); addr->cmd_dd = (hal_float_t *) hal_malloc(sizeof(hal_float_t)); addr->cmd_ddd = (hal_float_t *) hal_malloc(sizeof(hal_float_t)); #ifdef AUTO_TUNER addr->ultimateGain = (hal_float_t *) hal_malloc(sizeof(hal_float_t)); addr->ultimatePeriod = (hal_float_t *) hal_malloc(sizeof(hal_float_t)); #endif /* AUTO_TUNER */ } *(addr->error_i) = 0.0; *(addr->error_d) = 0.0; *(addr->cmd_d) = 0.0; *(addr->cmd_dd) = 0.0; *(addr->cmd_ddd) = 0.0; /* init all structure members */ *(addr->enable) = 0; *(addr->error_previous_target) = 1; *(addr->command) = 0; *(addr->feedback) = 0; *(addr->error) = 0; *(addr->output) = 0; *(addr->deadband) = 0.0; *(addr->maxerror) = 0.0; *(addr->maxerror_i) = 0.0; *(addr->maxerror_d) = 0.0; *(addr->maxcmd_d) = 0.0; *(addr->maxcmd_dd) = 0.0; *(addr->maxcmd_ddd) = 0.0; addr->prev_error = 0.0; addr->prev_cmd = 0.0; addr->limit_state = 0.0; *(addr->bias) = 0.0; *(addr->pgain) = 1.0; *(addr->igain) = 0.0; *(addr->dgain) = 0.0; *(addr->ff0gain) = 0.0; *(addr->ff1gain) = 0.0; *(addr->ff2gain) = 0.0; *(addr->ff3gain) = 0.0; *(addr->maxoutput) = 0.0; #ifdef AUTO_TUNER /* Initialize auto tune related values */ addr->state = STATE_PID; *(addr->tuneCycles) = 50; *(addr->tuneEffort) = 0.5; *(addr->tuneType) = TYPE_PID; *(addr->pTuneMode) = 0; *(addr->pTuneStart) = 0; #endif /* AUTO_TUNER */ /* export function for this loop */ rtapi_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.do-pid-calcs", prefix); retval = hal_export_funct(buf, calc_pid, addr, 1, 0, comp_id); if (retval != 0) { rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, NAME ": ERROR: do_pid_calcs funct export failed\n"); hal_exit(comp_id); return -1; } /* restore saved message level */ rtapi_set_msg_level(msg); return 0; }