component updown "Counts up or down, with optional limits and wraparound behavior"; pin in bit countup "Increment count when this pin goes from 0 to 1"; pin in bit countdown "Decrement count when this pin goes from 0 to 1"; pin in bit reset "Reset count when this pin goes from 0 to 1"; pin out s32 count "The current count"; param rw bit clamp "If TRUE, then clamp the output to the min and max parameters."; param rw bit wrap "If TRUE, then wrap around when the count goes above or below the min and max parameters. Note that wrap implies (and overrides) clamp."; param rw s32 max = 0x7FFFFFFF "If clamp or wrap is set, count will never exceed this number"; param rw s32 min "If clamp or wrap is set, count will never be less than this number"; variable int oldup; variable int olddown; variable int first = 1; function _ nofp "Process inputs and update count if necessary"; license "GPL"; author "Stephen Wille Padnos"; ;; FUNCTION(_) { hal_s32_t temp_count = count; if (first) { oldup=countup; olddown=countdown; first=0; } if ((!oldup) && (countup)) { // positive edge, count up temp_count++; } if ((!olddown) && (countdown)) { // positive edge, count down temp_count--; } if (reset) { temp_count=0; } if (wrap) { if (temp_count > max) temp_count = min; else if (temp_count < min) temp_count = max; } else if (clamp) { if (temp_count > max) temp_count = max; else if (temp_count < min) temp_count = min; } count = temp_count; oldup = countup; olddown = countdown; }