#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2007 Jeff Epler # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import linux_event import sys import os import fcntl import hal import select import time import glob import fnmatch import select from hal import * def tohalname(s): return str(s).lower().replace("_", "-") class HalWrapper: def __init__(self, comp): self._comp = comp self._drive = {} self._pins = set() self._params = set() def drive(self): for k, v in list(self._drive.items()): setattr(self._comp, k, v) def newpin(self, *args): self._pins.add(args[0]) return self._comp.newpin(*args) def newparam(self, *args): self._params.add(args[0]) return self._comp.newparam(*args) def __getitem__(self, k): if k in self._drive: return self._drive[k] return self._comp[k] def __setitem__(self, k, v): if k in self._params: self._comp[k] = v return if k in self._pins: self._comp[k] = v return raise KeyError(k) self._drive[k] = v class HalInputDevice: def __init__(self, comp, idx, name, parts='KRAL'): self.device = linux_event.InputDevice(name) self.idx = idx self.codes = set() self.last = {} self.rel_items = [] self.abs_items = [] self.comp = comp self.parts = parts if 'K' in parts: for key in self.device.get_bits('EV_KEY'): key = tohalname(key) self.codes.add(key) comp.newpin("%s.%s" % (idx, key), HAL_BIT, HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("%s.%s-not" % (idx, key), HAL_BIT, HAL_OUT) self.set(key + "-not", 1) if 'R' in parts: for axis in self.device.get_bits('EV_REL'): name = tohalname(axis) self.codes.add(name) comp.newpin("%s.%s-position" % (idx, name), HAL_FLOAT, HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("%s.%s-counts" % (idx, name), HAL_S32, HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("%s.%s-reset" % (idx, name), HAL_BIT, HAL_IN) comp.newpin("%s.%s-scale" % (idx, name), HAL_FLOAT, HAL_IN) self.set(name + '-scale', 1.) self.rel_items.append(name) if 'A' in parts: for axis in self.device.get_bits('EV_ABS'): name = tohalname(axis) self.codes.add(name) absinfo = self.device.get_absinfo(axis) comp.newpin("%s.%s-position" % (idx, name), HAL_FLOAT, HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("%s.%s-counts" % (idx, name), HAL_S32, HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("%s.%s-is-pos" % (idx, name), HAL_BIT, HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("%s.%s-is-neg" % (idx, name), HAL_BIT, HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("%s.%s-scale" % (idx, name), HAL_FLOAT, HAL_IN) comp.newpin("%s.%s-offset" % (idx, name), HAL_FLOAT, HAL_IN) comp.newpin("%s.%s-fuzz" % (idx, name), HAL_S32, HAL_IN) comp.newpin("%s.%s-flat" % (idx, name), HAL_S32, HAL_IN) comp.newparam("%s.%s-min" % (idx, name), HAL_S32, HAL_RO) comp.newparam("%s.%s-max" % (idx, name), HAL_S32, HAL_RO) center = (absinfo.minimum + absinfo.maximum)/2. halfrange = (absinfo.maximum - absinfo.minimum)/2. or 1 self.set(name + "-counts", absinfo.value) self.set(name + "-position", (absinfo.value - center) / halfrange) self.set(name + "-scale", halfrange) self.set(name + "-offset", center) self.set(name + "-fuzz", absinfo.fuzz) self.set(name + "-flat", absinfo.flat) self.set(name + "-min", absinfo.minimum) self.set(name + "-max", absinfo.maximum) self.abs_items.append(name) self.ledmap = {} if 'L' in parts: for led in self.device.get_bits('EV_LED'): name = tohalname(led) self.ledmap[name] = led comp.newpin("%s.%s" % (idx, name), HAL_BIT, HAL_IN) comp.newpin("%s.%s-invert" % (idx, name), HAL_BIT, HAL_IN) self.last[name] = 0 self.device.write_event('EV_LED', led, 0) def get(self, name): name = "%s.%s" % (self.idx, name) return self.comp[name] def set(self, name, value): name = "%s.%s" % (self.idx, name) self.comp[name] = value def update(self): while self.device.readable(): ev = self.device.read_event() if ev.type == 'EV_SYN': continue elif ev.type == 'EV_SND': continue elif ev.type == 'EV_MSC': continue elif ev.type == 'EV_LED': continue elif ev.type == 'EV_KEY' and 'K' not in self.parts: continue elif ev.type == 'EV_REL' and 'R' not in self.parts: continue elif ev.type == 'EV_ABS' and 'A' not in self.parts: continue code = tohalname(ev.code) if code not in self.codes: print("Unexpected event", ev.type, ev.code, file=sys.stderr) continue if ev.type == 'EV_KEY': if ev.value: self.set(code, 1) self.set(code + "-not", 0) else: self.set(code, 0) self.set(code + "-not", 1) elif ev.type == 'EV_REL': self.set(code + "-counts", self.get(code + "-counts") + ev.value) elif ev.type == 'EV_ABS': flat = self.get(code + "-flat") fuzz = self.get(code + "-fuzz") center = int(self.get(code + "-offset")) if ev.value < center-flat or ev.value > center+flat: value = ev.value else: value = center if abs(value - self.get(code + "-counts")) > fuzz: self.set(code + "-counts", value) for a in self.abs_items: value = self.get(a + "-counts") scale = self.get(a + "-scale") or 1 offset = self.get(a + "-offset") position = (value - offset) / scale self.set(a + "-position", position) # Use .01 because my Joystick isn't exactly zero at rest. maybe should be a parameter? self.set(a + "-is-neg", (position < -.01)) self.set(a + "-is-pos", (position > .01)) for r in self.rel_items: reset = self.get(r + "-reset") scale = self.get(r + "-scale") or 1 if reset: self.set(r + "-counts", 0) self.set(r + "-position", self.get(r + "-counts") / scale) for k, v in list(self.last.items()): # Note: this is OK because the hal module always returns True or False for HAL_BIT values u = self.comp["%s.%s" % ( self.idx, k)] != self.comp["%s.%s-invert" % (self.idx, k)] if u != self.last[k]: led = self.ledmap[k] self.device.write_event('EV_LED', led, u) self.last[k] = u h = component("hal_input") w = HalWrapper(h) h.setprefix("input") d = [] i = 0 parts = 'KRAL' for f in sys.argv[1:]: if f.startswith("-"): parts = f[1:] else: try: d.append(HalInputDevice(w, i, f, parts)) except LookupError as detail: raise SystemExit(detail) parts = 'KRAL' i += 1 w.drive() h.ready() fds = [dev.device.fileno() for dev in d] try: while 1: select.select(fds, [], [], .01) for i in d: i.update() w.drive() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass