#include "mb2hal.h" retCode parse_main_args(int argc, char **argv) { char *fnct_name = "parse_main_args"; char *arg_filename; char *tmp; if (argc != 2) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "wrong number of args"); return retERR; } if (strncmp(argv[1], "config=", 7) != 0) { //has config file ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "config parameter not found"); return retERR; } arg_filename = argv[1]; arg_filename += 7; if (*arg_filename == '\"') { //file name is quoted arg_filename++; tmp = arg_filename; while (*tmp != '\"' && *tmp != 0) { tmp++; } *tmp = 0; //remove trailing quote } gbl.ini_file_path = strdup(arg_filename); return retOK; } retCode parse_ini_file() { char *fnct_name = "parse_ini_file"; int counter; if (gbl.ini_file_ptr == NULL) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "gbl.ini_file_ptr NULL pointer"); return retERR; } if (parse_common_section() != retOK) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "parse_common_section failed"); return retERR; } //default = one link per transaction //realloc will be used if there are common links gbl.mb_links = malloc(sizeof(mb_link_t) * gbl.tot_mb_tx); if (gbl.mb_links == NULL) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "malloc gbl.mb_links failed [%s]", strerror(errno)); return retERR; } memset(gbl.mb_links, 0, sizeof(mb_link_t) * gbl.tot_mb_tx); gbl.mb_tx = malloc(sizeof(mb_tx_t) * gbl.tot_mb_tx); if (gbl.mb_tx == NULL) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "malloc gbl.mb_tx failed [%s]", strerror(errno)); return retERR; } memset(gbl.mb_tx, 0, sizeof(mb_tx_t) * gbl.tot_mb_tx); for (counter = 0; counter < gbl.tot_mb_tx; counter++) { if (parse_transaction_section(counter) != retOK) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "parse_transaction_section %d failed", counter); return retERR; } OK(gbl.init_dbg, "parse_transaction_section %d OK", counter); } return retOK; } retCode parse_common_section() { char *fnct_name = "parse_common_section"; char *section = "MB2HAL_INIT", *tag; const char *tmpstr; if (gbl.ini_file_ptr == NULL) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "gbl.ini_file_ptr NULL pointer"); return retERR; } tag = "INIT_DEBUG"; //optional iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &gbl.init_dbg); DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, gbl.init_dbg); tag = "VERSION"; //optional tmpstr = iniFind(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section); if (tmpstr != NULL) { int major, minor; sscanf(tmpstr, "%d.%d", &major, &minor); gbl.version = major*1000 + minor; } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, gbl.version); tag = "HAL_MODULE_NAME"; //optional tmpstr = iniFind(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section); if (tmpstr != NULL) { gbl.hal_mod_name = strdup(tmpstr); } //else already initilizaed by default DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%s]", section, tag, gbl.hal_mod_name); tag = "SLOWDOWN"; //optional iniFindDouble(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &gbl.slowdown); DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%0.3f]", section, tag, gbl.slowdown); tag = "TOTAL_TRANSACTIONS"; //required if (iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &gbl.tot_mb_tx) != 0) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required [%s] [%s] not found", section, tag); return retERR; } if (gbl.tot_mb_tx <= 0) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d], must be > 0", section, tag, gbl.tot_mb_tx); return retERR; } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, gbl.tot_mb_tx); return retOK; } #define NAME_ALLOC_SIZE 5 retCode parse_pin_names(const char * names_string, mb_tx_t *this_mb_tx) { char *fnct_name = "parse_pin_names"; int name_count = 0; int name_buf_size = NAME_ALLOC_SIZE; char **name_ptrs = malloc(sizeof(char *) * name_buf_size); char *names = malloc(strlen(names_string) + 1); if(name_ptrs == NULL || names == NULL) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "Failed allocating memory"); return retERR; } strcpy(names, names_string); // Keep the names in a buffer char * name = strtok(names, ","); while(name) { if(strlen(name) > HAL_NAME_LEN - 15) //this is only a rough estimate { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "pin name '%s' is too long", name); return retERR; } if(name_count >= name_buf_size) { name_buf_size += NAME_ALLOC_SIZE; name_ptrs = realloc(name_ptrs, sizeof(char *) * name_buf_size); if(name_ptrs == NULL) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "Failed allocating memory"); return retERR; } } name_ptrs[name_count++]=name; name = strtok(NULL, ","); } if(name_count == 0) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "no pin names specified"); return retERR; } this_mb_tx->mb_tx_nelem = name_count; this_mb_tx->mb_tx_names = name_ptrs; return retOK; } retCode parse_transaction_section(const int mb_tx_num) { char *fnct_name = "parse_transaction_section"; char section[40]; char *tag; const char *tmpstr; mb_tx_t *this_mb_tx; if (gbl.ini_file_ptr == NULL) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "gbl.ini_file_ptr NULL pointer"); return retERR; } if (mb_tx_num < 0 || mb_tx_num > gbl.tot_mb_tx) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "out of range"); return retERR; } this_mb_tx = &gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num]; if (gbl.ini_file_ptr == NULL || mb_tx_num < 0 || mb_tx_num > gbl.tot_mb_tx) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "parameter error"); return retERR; } snprintf(section, sizeof(section)-1, "TRANSACTION_%02d", mb_tx_num); tag = "LINK_TYPE"; //required 1st time, then optional tmpstr = iniFind(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section); if (tmpstr != NULL) { if (strcasecmp(tmpstr, "tcp") == retOK) { this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type = linkTCP; rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, tmpstr); } else if (strcasecmp(tmpstr, "serial") == retOK) { this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type = linkRTU; rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, tmpstr); } else { this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type = -1; rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, ""); ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%s] is not valid", section, tag, tmpstr); return retERR; } } else { if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type = gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type; rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str); } else { //required 1rst time this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type = -1; rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, ""); ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required 1st time [%s] [%s] not found", section, tag); return retERR; } } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type); if (this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type == linkTCP) { //tcp if (parse_tcp_subsection(section, mb_tx_num) != retOK) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "parsing error"); return retERR; } } else { //serial if (parse_serial_subsection(section, mb_tx_num) != retOK) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "parsing error"); return retERR; } } tag = "MB_SLAVE_ID"; //1st time required if (iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &this_mb_tx->mb_tx_slave_id) != 0) { //not found if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { this_mb_tx->mb_tx_slave_id = gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].mb_tx_slave_id; } else { this_mb_tx->mb_tx_slave_id = -1; ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required [%s] [%s] not found, and previous LINK_TYPE is useless", section, tag); return retERR; } } else { //required 1rst time this_mb_tx->mb_tx_slave_id = -1; ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required 1st time [%s] [%s] not found", section, tag); return retERR; } } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->mb_tx_slave_id); tag = "FIRST_ELEMENT"; //required if (iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &this_mb_tx->mb_tx_1st_addr) != 0) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required [%s] [%s] not found", section, tag); return retERR; } if (this_mb_tx->mb_tx_1st_addr < 0) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d] out of range", section, tag, this_mb_tx->mb_tx_1st_addr); return retERR; } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->mb_tx_1st_addr); tag = "PIN_NAMES"; tmpstr = iniFind(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section); if (tmpstr != NULL) { if(parse_pin_names(tmpstr, this_mb_tx) != retOK) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%s] list format error", section, tag, tmpstr); return retERR; } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%s]", section, tag, tmpstr); } else { this_mb_tx->mb_tx_names = NULL; } tag = "NELEMENTS"; //required if (iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &this_mb_tx->mb_tx_nelem) != 0 && this_mb_tx->mb_tx_names == NULL) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required [%s] [%s] or [%s] [PIN_NAMES] were not found", section, tag, section); return retERR; } if (this_mb_tx->mb_tx_nelem < 1) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d] out of range", section, tag, this_mb_tx->mb_tx_nelem); return retERR; } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->mb_tx_nelem); tag = "MAX_UPDATE_RATE"; //optional this_mb_tx->cfg_update_rate = 0; //default: 0=infinite if (iniFindDouble(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &this_mb_tx->cfg_update_rate) != 0) { //not found if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { this_mb_tx->cfg_update_rate = gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_update_rate; } } } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%0.3f]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_update_rate); tag = "MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS"; //optional this_mb_tx->mb_response_timeout_ms = MB2HAL_DEFAULT_MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS; //default if (iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &this_mb_tx->mb_response_timeout_ms) != 0) { //not found if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { this_mb_tx->mb_response_timeout_ms = gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].mb_response_timeout_ms; } } } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->mb_response_timeout_ms); tag = "MB_BYTE_TIMEOUT_MS"; //optional this_mb_tx->mb_byte_timeout_ms = MB2HAL_DEFAULT_MB_BYTE_TIMEOUT_MS; //default if (iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &this_mb_tx->mb_byte_timeout_ms) != 0) { //not found if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { this_mb_tx->mb_byte_timeout_ms = gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].mb_byte_timeout_ms; } } } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->mb_byte_timeout_ms); tag = "DEBUG"; //optional this_mb_tx->cfg_debug = debugERR; //default if (iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &this_mb_tx->cfg_debug) != 0) { //not found if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { this_mb_tx->cfg_debug = gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_debug; } } } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_debug); tag = "MB_TX_CODE"; //required tmpstr = iniFind(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section); if (tmpstr != NULL) { int i; for (i=0 ; imb_tx_fnct = i; strncpy(this_mb_tx->mb_tx_fnct_name, tmpstr, sizeof(this_mb_tx->mb_tx_fnct_name)-1); break; } } int max = gbl.version<1001?mbtx_01_READ_COILS:mbtxMAX; if (this_mb_tx->mb_tx_fnct <= mbtxERR || this_mb_tx->mb_tx_fnct >= max) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%s] out of range", section, tag, tmpstr); return retERR; } } else { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required [%s] [%s] not found", section, tag); return retERR; } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->mb_tx_fnct_name, this_mb_tx->mb_tx_fnct); tag = "HAL_TX_NAME"; //optional tmpstr = iniFind(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section); if (tmpstr != NULL) { strncpy(this_mb_tx->hal_tx_name, tmpstr, HAL_NAME_LEN); } else { snprintf(this_mb_tx->hal_tx_name, sizeof(this_mb_tx->hal_tx_name), "%02d", mb_tx_num); } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%s]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->hal_tx_name); /* str = iniFind(gbl.ini_file_ptr, "PINNAME", mb_tx_name); if (str != NULL) { pin_name = malloc(strlen(str) + 1); rtapi_strxcpy(pin_name, str); // convert a const string into one // we can modify } else { pin_name = malloc(1); // empty string *pin_name = 0; } if (mb_tx->name[0] != 0) { strncpy(mb_tx_name, mb_tx->name, HAL_NAME_LEN); } else { snprintf(mb_tx_name, sizeof(mb_tx_name), "%02d", mb_tx_num); } memcpy(&gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num], mb_tx, sizeof(mb_tx_t)); rc = create_pins(mb_tx_name, &gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num], pin_name); free(pin_name); if (rc != retOK) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "Failed to create pins"); return retERR; } */ return retOK; } retCode parse_tcp_subsection(const char *section, const int mb_tx_num) { char *fnct_name="parse_tcp_subsection"; char *tag; const char *tmpstr; mb_tx_t *this_mb_tx; if (gbl.ini_file_ptr == NULL || section == NULL) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "gbl.ini_file_ptr NULL pointer"); return retERR; } if (mb_tx_num < 0 || mb_tx_num > gbl.tot_mb_tx) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "out of range"); return retERR; } this_mb_tx = &gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num]; tag = "TCP_IP"; //required 1st time, then optional tmpstr = iniFind(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section); if (tmpstr != NULL) { strncpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_ip, tmpstr, sizeof(this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_ip)-1); } else { if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_ip, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_tcp_ip); } else { rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_ip, ""); ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required [%s] [%s] not found, and previous LINK_TYPE is useless", section, tag); return retERR; } } else { //required 1rst time rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_ip, ""); ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required 1st time [%s] [%s] not found", section, tag); return retERR; } } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%s]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_ip); tag = "TCP_PORT"; //optional this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_port = MB2HAL_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT; //default if (iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_port) != 0) { //not found if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_port = gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_tcp_port; } } } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_port); return retOK; } retCode parse_serial_subsection(const char *section, const int mb_tx_num) { char *fnct_name="parse_serial_subsection"; char *tag; const char *tmpstr; mb_tx_t *this_mb_tx; if (gbl.ini_file_ptr == NULL || section == NULL) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "gbl.ini_file_ptr NULL pointer"); return retERR; } if (mb_tx_num < 0 || mb_tx_num > gbl.tot_mb_tx) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "out of range"); return retERR; } this_mb_tx = &gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num]; tag = "SERIAL_PORT"; //required 1st time tmpstr = iniFind(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section); if (tmpstr != NULL) { strncpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_device, tmpstr, sizeof(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_device)-1); } else { if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_device, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_serial_device); } else { rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_device, ""); ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required [%s] [%s] not found, and previous LINK_TYPE is useless", section, tag); return retERR; } } else { //required 1rst time rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_device, ""); ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required 1st time [%s] [%s] not found", section, tag); return retERR; } } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%s]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_device); tag = "SERIAL_BAUD"; //1st time required if (iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_baud) != 0) { //not found if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_baud = gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_serial_baud; } else { this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_baud = -1; ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required [%s] [%s] not found, and previous LINK_TYPE is useless", section, tag); return retERR; } } else { //required 1rst time this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_baud = -1; ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required 1st time [%s] [%s] not found", section, tag); return retERR; } } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_baud); tag = "SERIAL_BITS"; //1st time required if (iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_data_bit) != 0) { //not found if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_data_bit = gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_serial_data_bit; } else { this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_data_bit = -1; ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required [%s] [%s] not found, and previous LINK_TYPE is useless", section, tag); return retERR; } } else { //required 1rst time this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_data_bit = -1; ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required 1st time [%s] [%s] not found", section, tag); return retERR; } } if (check_int_in(4, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_data_bit, 5, 6, 7, 8) != retOK) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d] out of range", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_data_bit); return retERR; } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_data_bit); tag = "SERIAL_PARITY"; //required 1st time tmpstr = iniFind(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section); if (tmpstr != NULL) { strncpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_parity, tmpstr, sizeof(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_parity)-1); } else { if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_parity, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_serial_parity); } else { rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_parity, ""); ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required [%s] [%s] not found, and previous LINK_TYPE is useless", section, tag); return retERR; } } else { //required 1rst time rtapi_strxcpy(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_parity, ""); ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required 1st time [%s] [%s] not found", section, tag); return retERR; } } if (check_str_in(3, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_parity, "even", "odd", "none") != retOK) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%s] out of range", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_parity); return retERR; } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%s]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_parity); tag = "SERIAL_STOP"; //1st time required if (iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_stop_bit) != 0) { //not found if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_stop_bit = gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_serial_stop_bit; } else { this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_stop_bit = -1; ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required [%s] [%s] not found, and previous LINK_TYPE is useless", section, tag); return retERR; } } else { //required 1rst time this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_stop_bit = -1; ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "required 1st time [%s] [%s] not found", section, tag); return retERR; } } if (check_int_in(2, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_stop_bit, 1, 2) != retOK) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d] out of range", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_stop_bit); return retERR; } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_stop_bit); tag = "SERIAL_DELAY_MS"; //optional this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_delay_ms = 0; //default if (iniFindInt(gbl.ini_file_ptr, tag, section, &this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_delay_ms) != 0) { //not found if (mb_tx_num > 0) { //previous value? if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type_str, gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_link_type_str) == 0) { this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_delay_ms = gbl.mb_tx[mb_tx_num-1].cfg_serial_delay_ms; } } } DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "[%s] [%s] [%d]", section, tag, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_delay_ms); return retOK; } retCode check_int_in(int n_args, const int int_value, ...) { va_list ap; int counter; va_start(ap, int_value); for (counter = 2; counter < (n_args+2); counter++) { if (int_value == va_arg(ap, int)) { va_end(ap); return retOK; //found } } va_end(ap); return retERR; //not found } retCode check_str_in(int n_args, const char *str_value, ...) { va_list ap; int counter; if (str_value == NULL) { return retERR; //not found } va_start(ap, str_value); for (counter = 2; counter < (n_args+2); counter++) { if (strcasecmp(str_value, va_arg(ap, char *)) == 0) { va_end(ap); return retOK; //found } } va_end(ap); return retERR; //not found } /* * init global (unrepeated) modbus links (gbl.mb_links[]) * (serial or tcp connections) */ retCode init_mb_links() { char *fnct_name="init_mb_links"; int tx_counter, lk_counter; int isNewLink; mb_link_t *this_mb_link; mb_tx_t *this_mb_tx; //group common links transactions gbl.tot_mb_links = 0; //total and next available unused link for (tx_counter = 0; tx_counter < gbl.tot_mb_tx; tx_counter++) { this_mb_tx = &gbl.mb_tx[tx_counter]; isNewLink = 1; //Default to true if (this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type == linkRTU) { //serial for (lk_counter = 0; lk_counter < gbl.tot_mb_links; lk_counter++) { if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_device, gbl.mb_links[lk_counter].lp_serial_device) == 0) { isNewLink = 0; //repeated link this_mb_tx->mb_link_num = lk_counter; //each tx know its own link break; } } } else { //tcp for (lk_counter = 0; lk_counter < gbl.tot_mb_links; lk_counter++) { if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_ip, gbl.mb_links[lk_counter].lp_tcp_ip) == 0) { isNewLink = 0; //repeated link this_mb_tx->mb_link_num = lk_counter; //each tx know its own link break; } } } if (isNewLink != 0) { //initialize new link this_mb_tx->mb_link_num = gbl.mb_links[gbl.tot_mb_links].mb_link_num = gbl.tot_mb_links; //next available unused link this_mb_link = &gbl.mb_links[gbl.tot_mb_links]; this_mb_link->lp_link_type = this_mb_tx->cfg_link_type; if (this_mb_link->lp_link_type == linkRTU) { //serial strncpy(this_mb_link->lp_serial_device, this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_device, MB2HAL_MAX_DEVICE_LENGTH-1); this_mb_link->lp_serial_baud=this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_baud; if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_parity, "even") == 0) { this_mb_link->lp_serial_parity = 'E'; } else if (strcasecmp(this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_parity, "odd") == 0) { this_mb_link->lp_serial_parity = 'O'; } else { //default = parity none this_mb_link->lp_serial_parity = 'N'; } this_mb_link->lp_serial_data_bit=this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_data_bit; this_mb_link->lp_serial_stop_bit=this_mb_tx->cfg_serial_stop_bit; this_mb_link->modbus = modbus_new_rtu(this_mb_link->lp_serial_device, this_mb_link->lp_serial_baud, this_mb_link->lp_serial_parity, this_mb_link->lp_serial_data_bit, this_mb_link->lp_serial_stop_bit); if (this_mb_link->modbus == NULL) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "modbus_new_rtu failed [%s] [%d] [%c] [%d] [%d]", this_mb_link->lp_serial_device, this_mb_link->lp_serial_baud, this_mb_link->lp_serial_parity, this_mb_link->lp_serial_data_bit, this_mb_link->lp_serial_stop_bit); return retERR; } } else { //tcp strncpy(this_mb_link->lp_tcp_ip, this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_ip, sizeof(this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_ip)-1); this_mb_link->lp_tcp_port=this_mb_tx->cfg_tcp_port; this_mb_link->modbus = modbus_new_tcp(this_mb_link->lp_tcp_ip, this_mb_link->lp_tcp_port); if (this_mb_link->modbus == NULL) { ERR(gbl.init_dbg, "modbus_new_tcp failed [%s] [%d]", this_mb_link->lp_tcp_ip, this_mb_link->lp_tcp_port); return retERR; } } if (this_mb_link->modbus) { gbl.tot_mb_links++; //set new total and next available unused link } } } //DEBUG messagess if needed for (lk_counter = 0; lk_counter < gbl.tot_mb_links; lk_counter++) { this_mb_link = &gbl.mb_links[lk_counter]; if (this_mb_link->lp_link_type == linkRTU) { //serial DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "LINK %d (RTU) link_type[%d] device[%s] baud[%d] data[%d] parity[%c] stop[%d] fd[%d]", lk_counter, this_mb_link->lp_link_type, this_mb_link->lp_serial_device, this_mb_link->lp_serial_baud, this_mb_link->lp_serial_data_bit, this_mb_link->lp_serial_parity, this_mb_link->lp_serial_stop_bit, modbus_get_socket(this_mb_link->modbus)); } else { //tcp DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "LINK %d (TCP) link_type[%d] IP[%s] port[%d] fd[%d]", lk_counter, this_mb_link->lp_link_type, this_mb_link->lp_tcp_ip, this_mb_link->lp_tcp_port, modbus_get_socket(this_mb_link->modbus)); } } gbl.mb_links = realloc(gbl.mb_links, sizeof(mb_link_t) * gbl.tot_mb_links); if (gbl.mb_links == NULL) { DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "realloc gbl.mb_links failed [%s]", strerror(errno)); return retERR; } return retOK; } /* * init more parameters of global modbus transactions (gbl.mb_tx) */ retCode init_mb_tx() { char *fnct_name="init_mb_tx"; int tx_counter; mb_tx_t *this_mb_tx; for (tx_counter = 0; tx_counter < gbl.tot_mb_tx; tx_counter++) { this_mb_tx = &gbl.mb_tx[tx_counter]; this_mb_tx->mb_tx_num = tx_counter; this_mb_tx->protocol_debug = (this_mb_tx->cfg_debug >= debugDEBUG)? 1 : 0; if (this_mb_tx->cfg_update_rate > 0) { this_mb_tx->time_increment = 1.0 / this_mb_tx->cfg_update_rate; //wait time between tx } this_mb_tx->next_time = 0; //next time for this tx DBG(gbl.init_dbg, "MB_TX %d lk_n[%d] tx_n[%d] cfg_dbg[%d] lk_dbg[%d] t_inc[%0.3f] nxt_t[%0.3f]", tx_counter, this_mb_tx->mb_link_num, this_mb_tx->mb_tx_num, this_mb_tx->cfg_debug, this_mb_tx->protocol_debug, this_mb_tx->time_increment, this_mb_tx->next_time); } return retOK; }