#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2007 John Kasunich and Jeff Epler # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. from vismach import * import hal import math import sys c = hal.component("scaragui") c.newpin("joint0", hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_IN) c.newpin("joint1", hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_IN) c.newpin("joint2", hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_IN) c.newpin("joint3", hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_IN) c.newpin("joint4", hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_IN) c.newpin("joint5", hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_IN) c.ready() # parameters that define the geometry see scarakins.c for definitions these # numbers match the defaults there, and will need to be changed or specified on # the commandline if you are not using the defaults. d1 = 490.0 d2 = 340.0 d3 = 50.0 d4 = 250.0 d5 = 50.0 d6 = 50.0 j3min = 40.0 j3max = 270.0 for setting in sys.argv[1:]: exec(setting) # calculate a bunch of other dimensions that are used # to scale the model of the machine # most of these scale factors are arbitrary, to give # a nicely proportioned machine. If you know specifics # for the machine you are modeling, feel free to change # these numbers tool_len = math.sqrt(d5*d5+d6*d6) # don't change tool_dia = tool_len / 6.0 # diameters of the arms l1_dia = d2 / 5.0 l2_dia = d4 / 5.0 l3_dia = l2_dia * 0.8 # diameters of the "lumps" at the joints j0_dia = l1_dia * 1.5 j1_dia = max(l1_dia * 1.25, l2_dia * 1.5) j2_dia = l2_dia * 1.25 # other dims j0_hi = l1_dia * 1.2 j1_hi1 = l1_dia * 1.1 j1_hi2 = l2_dia * 1.2 j2_hi = l2_dia * 1.3 # don't change these tool_angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(d6,d5)) tool_radius = tool_dia / 2.0 l1_rad = l1_dia / 2.0 l2_rad = l2_dia / 2.0 l3_len = j3max + j2_hi * 0.7 l3_rad = l3_dia / 2.0 j0_hi = j0_hi / 2.0 j0_rad = j0_dia / 2.0 j1_hi1 = j1_hi1 / 2.0 j1_hi2 = j1_hi2 / 2.0 j1_rad = j1_dia / 2.0 j2_hi = j2_hi / 2.0 j2_rad = j2_dia / 2.0 size = max(d1+d3+l3_len,d2+d4+d6) # tool - cylinder with a point, and a ball to hide the blunt back end # the origin starts out at the tool tip, and we want to capture this # "tooltip" coordinate system tooltip = Capture() tool = Collection([ tooltip, Sphere(0.0, 0.0, tool_len, tool_dia), CylinderZ(tool_len, tool_radius, tool_dia, tool_radius), CylinderZ(tool_dia, tool_radius, 0.0, 0.0)]) # translate so origin is at base of tool, not the tip tool = Translate([tool],0.0,0.0,-tool_len) # the tool might not be pointing straight down tool = Rotate([tool],tool_angle,0.0,-1.0,0.0) # make joint 3 rotate tool = HalRotate([tool],c,"joint3",1,0,0,1) link3 = CylinderZ(0.0, l3_rad, l3_len, l3_rad) # attach tool to end link3 = Collection([tool,link3]) # make joint 2 go up and down link3 = HalTranslate([link3],c,"joint2",0,0,-1) # outer arm # start with link3 and the cylinder it slides in link2 = Collection([ link3, CylinderZ(-j2_hi, j2_rad, j2_hi, j2_rad)]) # move to end of arm link2 = Translate([link2], d4, 0.0, 0.0) # add the arm itself link2 = Collection([ link2, CylinderX(d4, l2_rad, 1.5*j1_rad, l2_rad)]) # the joint gets interesting, because link2 can be above or below link1 if d3 > 0: flip = 1 else: flip = -1 # add the joint link2 = Collection([ link2, Box(1.5*j1_rad, -0.9*j1_rad, -j1_hi2, 1.15*j1_rad, 0.9*j1_rad, j1_hi2), Box(1.15*j1_rad, -0.9*j1_rad, -0.4*d3, 0.0, 0.9*j1_rad, flip*j1_hi2), CylinderZ(-0.4*d3, j1_rad, flip*1.2*j1_hi2, j1_rad)]) # make the joint work link2 = HalRotate([link2],c,"joint1",1,0,0,1) # inner arm # the outer arm and the joint link1 = Collection([ Translate([link2],0.0,0.0,d3), Box(-1.5*j1_rad, -0.9*j1_rad, -j1_hi1, -1.15*j1_rad, 0.9*j1_rad, j1_hi1), Box(-1.15*j1_rad, -0.9*j1_rad, 0.4*d3, 0.0, 0.9*j1_rad, -flip*j1_hi1), CylinderZ(0.4*d3, j1_rad, flip*-1.2*j1_hi1, j1_rad), CylinderZ(0.6*d3, 0.8*j1_rad, 0.4*d3, 0.8*j1_rad)]) # move to end of arm link1 = Translate([link1], d2, 0.0, 0.0) # add the arm itself, and the inner joint link1 = Collection([ link1, CylinderX(d2-1.5*j1_rad, l1_rad, 1.5*j0_rad, l1_rad), Box(1.5*j0_rad, -0.9*j0_rad, -j0_hi, 0.0, 0.9*j0_rad, j0_hi), CylinderZ(-1.2*j0_hi, j0_rad, 1.2*j0_hi, j0_rad)]) # make the joint work link1 = HalRotate([link1],c,"joint0",1,0,0,1) #stationary base link0 = Collection([ CylinderZ(d1-j0_hi, 0.8*j0_rad, d1-1.5*j0_hi, 0.8*j0_rad), CylinderZ(d1-1.5*j0_hi, 0.8*j0_rad, 0.07*d1, 1.3*j0_rad), CylinderZ(0.07*d1, 2.0*j0_rad, 0.0, 2.0*j0_rad)]) # slap the arm on top link0 = Collection([ link0, Translate([link1],0,0,d1)]) # add a floor floor = Box(-0.5*size,-0.5*size,-0.02*size,0.5*size,0.5*size,0.0) # and a table for the workpiece - define in workpiece coords reach = d2+d4-d6 table_height = d1+d3-j3max-d5 work = Capture() table = Collection([ work, Box(-0.35*reach,-0.5*reach, -0.1*d1, 0.35*reach, 0.5*reach, 0.0)]) # make the table moveable (tilting) table = HalRotate([table],c,"joint4",1,0,1,0) table = HalRotate([table],c,"joint5",1,1,0,0) # put the table into its proper place table = Translate([table],0.5*reach,0.0,table_height) model = Collection([link0, floor, table]) main(model, tooltip, work, size, lat=-50, lon=-65)