/** This file, 'halcmd.c', is a HAL component that provides a simple command line interface to the hal. It is a user space component. For detailed instructions, see "man halcmd". */ /** Copyright (C) 2003 John Kasunich Other contributors: Martin Kuhnle Alex Joni Benn Lipkowitz Stephen Wille Padnos */ /** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. THE AUTHORS OF THIS LIBRARY ACCEPT ABSOLUTELY NO LIABILITY FOR ANY HARM OR LOSS RESULTING FROM ITS USE. IT IS _EXTREMELY_ UNWISE TO RELY ON SOFTWARE ALONE FOR SAFETY. Any machinery capable of harming persons must have provisions for completely removing power from all motors, etc, before persons enter any danger area. All machinery must be designed to comply with local and national safety codes, and the authors of this software can not, and do not, take any responsibility for such compliance. This code was written as part of the EMC HAL project. For more information, go to www.linuxcnc.org. */ #include "config.h" #include "emc/linuxcnc.h" #ifndef NO_INI #include "inifile.h" /* iniFind() from libnml */ FILE *halcmd_inifile = NULL; #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rtapi.h" /* RTAPI realtime OS API */ #include "hal.h" /* HAL public API decls */ #include "../hal_priv.h" /* private HAL decls */ #include "halcmd_commands.h" /*********************************************************************** * LOCAL FUNCTION DECLARATIONS * ************************************************************************/ /* These functions are used internally by this file. The code is at the end of the file. */ /*********************************************************************** * GLOBAL VARIABLES * ************************************************************************/ int comp_id = -1; /* -1 means hal_init() not called yet */ int hal_flag = 0; /* used to indicate that halcmd might have the hal mutex, so the sig handler can't just exit, instead it must set 'done' */ int halcmd_done = 0; /* used to break out of processing loop */ int scriptmode = 0; /* used to make output "script friendly" (suppress headers) */ int echo_mode = 0; char comp_name[HAL_NAME_LEN+1]; /* name for this instance of halcmd */ static void quit(int); int halcmd_startup(int quiet) { int msg_lvl_save=rtapi_get_msg_level(); /* register signal handlers - if the process is killed we need to call hal_exit() to free the shared memory */ signal(SIGINT, quit); signal(SIGTERM, quit); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* at this point all options are parsed, connect to HAL */ /* create a unique module name, to allow for multiple halcmd's */ snprintf(comp_name, sizeof(comp_name), "halcmd%d", getpid()); /* tell the signal handler that we might have the mutex */ hal_flag = 1; if (quiet) rtapi_set_msg_level(RTAPI_MSG_NONE); /* connect to the HAL */ comp_id = hal_init(comp_name); if (quiet) rtapi_set_msg_level(msg_lvl_save); /* done with mutex */ hal_flag = 0; /* check result */ if (comp_id < 0) { if (!quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "halcmd: hal_init() failed: %d\n", comp_id ); fprintf(stderr, "NOTE: 'rtapi' kernel module must be loaded\n" ); } return -EINVAL; } hal_ready(comp_id); return 0; } void halcmd_shutdown(void) { /* tell the signal handler we might have the mutex */ hal_flag = 1; hal_exit(comp_id); } /* parse_cmd() decides which command has been invoked, gathers any arguments that are needed, and calls a function to execute the command. */ #define FUNCT(x) ((halcmd_func_t)x) struct halcmd_command halcmd_commands[] = { {"addf", FUNCT(do_addf_cmd), A_TWO | A_PLUS }, {"alias", FUNCT(do_alias_cmd), A_THREE }, {"delf", FUNCT(do_delf_cmd), A_TWO | A_OPTIONAL }, {"delsig", FUNCT(do_delsig_cmd), A_ONE }, {"debug", FUNCT(do_set_debug_cmd),A_ONE }, {"echo", FUNCT(do_echo_cmd), A_ZERO }, {"getp", FUNCT(do_getp_cmd), A_ONE }, {"gets", FUNCT(do_gets_cmd), A_ONE }, {"print", FUNCT(do_print_cmd), A_ONE | A_OPTIONAL}, {"ptype", FUNCT(do_ptype_cmd), A_ONE }, {"stype", FUNCT(do_stype_cmd), A_ONE }, {"help", FUNCT(do_help_cmd), A_ONE | A_OPTIONAL }, {"linkpp", FUNCT(do_linkpp_cmd), A_TWO | A_REMOVE_ARROWS }, {"linkps", FUNCT(do_linkps_cmd), A_TWO | A_REMOVE_ARROWS }, {"linksp", FUNCT(do_linksp_cmd), A_TWO | A_REMOVE_ARROWS }, {"list", FUNCT(do_list_cmd), A_ONE | A_PLUS }, {"loadrt", FUNCT(do_loadrt_cmd), A_ONE | A_PLUS }, {"loadusr", FUNCT(do_loadusr_cmd), A_PLUS | A_TILDE }, {"lock", FUNCT(do_lock_cmd), A_ONE | A_OPTIONAL }, {"net", FUNCT(do_net_cmd), A_ONE | A_PLUS | A_REMOVE_ARROWS }, {"newsig", FUNCT(do_newsig_cmd), A_TWO }, {"save", FUNCT(do_save_cmd), A_TWO | A_OPTIONAL | A_TILDE }, {"setexact_for_test_suite_only", FUNCT(do_setexact_cmd), A_ZERO }, {"setp", FUNCT(do_setp_cmd), A_TWO }, {"sets", FUNCT(do_sets_cmd), A_TWO }, {"show", FUNCT(do_show_cmd), A_ONE | A_OPTIONAL | A_PLUS}, {"source", FUNCT(do_source_cmd), A_ONE | A_TILDE }, {"start", FUNCT(do_start_cmd), A_ZERO}, {"status", FUNCT(do_status_cmd), A_ONE | A_OPTIONAL }, {"stop", FUNCT(do_stop_cmd), A_ZERO}, {"unalias", FUNCT(do_unalias_cmd), A_TWO }, {"unecho", FUNCT(do_unecho_cmd), A_ZERO }, {"unlinkp", FUNCT(do_unlinkp_cmd), A_ONE }, {"unload", FUNCT(do_unload_cmd), A_ONE }, {"unloadrt", FUNCT(do_unloadrt_cmd), A_ONE }, {"unloadusr", FUNCT(do_unloadusr_cmd), A_ONE }, {"unlock", FUNCT(do_unlock_cmd), A_ONE | A_OPTIONAL }, {"waitusr", FUNCT(do_waitusr_cmd), A_ONE }, }; int halcmd_ncommands = (sizeof(halcmd_commands) / sizeof(halcmd_commands[0])); static int sort_command(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct halcmd_command *ca = a, *cb = b; return strcmp(ca->name, cb->name); } static int compare_command(const void *namep, const void *commandp) { const char *name = namep; const struct halcmd_command *command = commandp; return strcmp(name, command->name); } pid_t hal_systemv_nowait(const char *const argv[]) { pid_t pid; int n; /* now we need to fork, and then exec .... */ /* disconnect from the HAL shmem area before forking */ hal_exit(comp_id); comp_id = 0; /* now the fork() */ pid = fork(); if ( pid < 0 ) { /* fork failed */ halcmd_error("fork() failed\n"); /* reconnect to the HAL shmem area */ comp_id = hal_init(comp_name); if (comp_id < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "halcmd: hal_init() failed after fork: %d\n", comp_id ); exit(-1); } hal_ready(comp_id); return -1; } if ( pid == 0 ) { /* child process */ /* print debugging info if "very verbose" (-V) */ for(n=0; argv[n] != NULL; n++) { rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_DBG, "%s ", argv[n] ); } if (n == 0) { halcmd_error("hal_systemv_nowait: empty argv array passed in\n"); exit(1); } rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_DBG, "\n" ); /* call execv() to invoke command */ execvp(argv[0], (char * const *)argv); /* should never get here */ halcmd_error("execv(%s): %s\n", argv[0], strerror(errno) ); exit(1); } /* parent process */ /* reconnect to the HAL shmem area */ comp_id = hal_init(comp_name); return pid; } int hal_systemv(const char *const argv[]) { pid_t pid; int status; int retval; /* do the fork */ pid = hal_systemv_nowait(argv); /* this is the parent process, wait for child to end */ retval = waitpid ( pid, &status, 0 ); if (comp_id < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "halcmd: hal_init() failed after systemv: %d\n", comp_id ); exit(-1); } hal_ready(comp_id); /* check result of waitpid() */ if ( retval < 0 ) { halcmd_error("waitpid(%d) failed: %s\n", pid, strerror(errno) ); return -1; } if ( WIFEXITED(status) == 0 ) { halcmd_error("child did not exit normally\n"); return -1; } retval = WEXITSTATUS(status); if ( retval != 0 ) { halcmd_error("exit value: %d\n", retval ); return -1; } return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * MAIN PROGRAM * ************************************************************************/ /* signal handler */ static void quit(int sig) { if ( hal_flag ) { /* this process might have the hal mutex, so just set the 'done' flag and return, exit after mutex work finishes */ halcmd_done = 1; } else { /* don't have to worry about the mutex, but if we just return, we might return into the fgets() and wait all day instead of exiting. So we exit from here. */ if ( comp_id > 0 ) { hal_exit(comp_id); } _exit(1); } } /* main() is responsible for parsing command line options, and then parsing either a single command from the command line or a series of commands from a file or standard input. It breaks the command[s] into tokens, and passes them to parse_cmd() which does the actual work for each command. */ static int count_args(char **argv) { int i = 0; while(argv[i] && argv[i][0]) i++; return i; } #define ARG(i) (argc > i ? argv[i] : 0) #define REST(i) (argc > i ? argv + i : argv + argc) static int parse_cmd1(char **argv) { struct halcmd_command *command = bsearch(argv[0], halcmd_commands, halcmd_ncommands, sizeof(struct halcmd_command), compare_command); int argc = count_args(argv); if(argc == 0) return 0; if(!command) { // special case: pin/param = newvalue if(argc == 3 && !strcmp(argv[1], "=")) { return do_setp_cmd(argv[0], argv[2]); } else { halcmd_error("Unknown command '%s'\n", argv[0]); return -EINVAL; } } else { int result = -EINVAL; int is_optional = command->type & A_OPTIONAL, is_plus = command->type & A_PLUS, nargs = command->type & 0xff, posargs; if(command->type & A_REMOVE_ARROWS) { int s, d; for(s=d=0; argv[s] && argv[s][0]; s++) { if(!strcmp(argv[s], "<=") || !strcmp(argv[s], "=>") || !strcmp(argv[s], "<=>")) { continue; } else { argv[d++] = argv[s]; } } argv[d] = 0; argc = d; } posargs = argc - 1; if(posargs < nargs && !is_optional) { halcmd_error("%s requires %s%d arguments, %d given\n", command->name, is_plus ? "at least " : "", nargs, posargs); return -EINVAL; } if(posargs > nargs && !is_plus) { halcmd_error("%s requires %s%d arguments, %d given\n", command->name, is_optional ? "at most " : "", nargs, posargs); return -EINVAL; } #ifndef NO_INI if(command->type & A_TILDE) { int i; for(i=0; iname, "echo")) {echo_mode = 1;} if(!strcmp(command->name, "unecho")) {echo_mode = 0;} switch(nargs | is_plus) { case A_ZERO: { result = command->func(); break; } case A_PLUS: { int(*f)(char **args) = (int(*)(char**))command->func; result = f(REST(1)); break; } case A_ONE: { int(*f)(char *arg) = (int(*)(char*))command->func; result = f(ARG(1)); break; } case A_ONE | A_PLUS: { int(*f)(char *arg, char **rest) = (int(*)(char*,char**))command->func; result = f(ARG(1), REST(2)); break; } case A_TWO: { int(*f)(char *arg, char *arg2) = (int(*)(char*,char*))command->func; result = f(ARG(1), ARG(2)); break; } case A_TWO | A_PLUS: { int(*f)(char *arg, char *arg2, char **rest) = (int(*)(char*,char*,char**))command->func; result = f(ARG(1), ARG(2), REST(3)); break; } case A_THREE: { int(*f)(char *arg, char *arg2, char *arg3) = (int(*)(char*,char*,char*))command->func; result = f(ARG(1), ARG(2), ARG(3)); break; } case A_THREE | A_PLUS: { int(*f)(char *arg, char *arg2, char *arg3, char **rest) = (int(*)(char*,char*,char*,char**))command->func; result = f(ARG(1), ARG(2), ARG(3), REST(4)); break; } default: halcmd_error("BUG: unchandled case: command=%s type=0x%x", command->name, command->type); result = -EINVAL; } #ifndef NO_TILDE if(command->type & A_TILDE) { int i; for(i=0; i $(envvar) INI vars are in the following formats: [SECTION]VAR [SECTION](VAR) return values: 0 success -1 missing close parenthesis -2 null variable name (either environment or INI varname) -3 missing close square bracket -4 environment variable not found -5 INI variable not found -6 replacement would overflow output buffer -7 var name exceeds limit */ static int replace_vars(char *source_str, char *dest_str, int max_chars, char **detail) { int retval = 0, loopcount=0; int next_delim, remaining, buf_space; char *replacement, sec[128], var[128]; static char info[256]; char *sp=source_str, *dp=dest_str, *secP, *varP; const char * words = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.-_"; dest_str[max_chars-1] = '\0'; /* make sure there's a terminator */ *dest_str='\0'; /* return null string if input is null string */ buf_space = max_chars-1; /* leave space for terminating null */ while ((remaining = strlen(sp)) > 0) { loopcount++; next_delim=strcspn(sp, "$["); if (strlimcpy(&dp, sp, next_delim, &buf_space) < 0) return -6; sp += next_delim; if (next_delim < remaining) { /* a new delimiter was found */ switch (*sp++) { /* this is the found delimiter, since sp was incremented */ case '$': varP = sp; if (*sp=='(') { /* look for a parenthesized var */ varP=++sp; next_delim=strcspn(varP, ")"); if (next_delim >= strlen(varP)) /* error - no matching parens */ return -1; sp++; } else next_delim = strspn(varP, words); if (next_delim == 0) /* null var name */ return -2; if (next_delim > 127) /* var name too long */ return -7; strncpy(var, varP, next_delim); var[next_delim]='\0'; replacement = getenv(var); if (replacement == NULL) { size_t ret = snprintf(info, sizeof(info), "%s", var); if (ret >= sizeof(info)) return -7; *detail = info; return -4; } if (strlimcpy(&dp, replacement, strlen(replacement), &buf_space) <0) return -6; sp += next_delim; break; case '[': secP = sp; next_delim = strcspn(secP, "]"); if (next_delim >= strlen(secP)) /* error - no matching square bracket */ return -3; if (next_delim > 127) /* section name too long */ return -7; strncpy(sec, secP, next_delim); sec[next_delim]='\0'; sp += next_delim+1; varP = sp; /* should point past the ']' now */ if (*sp=='(') { /* look for a parenthesized var */ varP=++sp; next_delim=strcspn(varP, ")"); if (next_delim > strlen(varP)) /* error - no matching parens */ return -1; sp++; } else next_delim = strspn(varP, words); if (next_delim == 0) return -2; if (next_delim > 127) /* var name too long */ return -7; strncpy(var, varP, next_delim); var[next_delim]='\0'; if ( strlen(sec) > 0 ) { /* get value from INI file */ /* cast to char ptr, we are discarding the 'const' */ replacement = (char *) iniFind(halcmd_inifile, var, sec); } else { /* no section specified */ replacement = (char *) iniFind(halcmd_inifile, var, NULL); } if (replacement==NULL) { *detail = info; size_t ret = snprintf(info, sizeof(info), "[%s]%s", sec, var); if (ret >= sizeof(info)) return -7; return -5; } if (strlimcpy(&dp, replacement, strlen(replacement), &buf_space) < 0) return -6; sp += next_delim; break; } } } return retval; } static const char *replace_errors[] = { "Missing close parenthesis.\n", "Empty variable name.\n", "Missing close square bracket.\n", "Environment variable '%s' not found.\n", "Ini variable '%s' not found.\n", "Line too long.\n", "Variable name too long.\n", }; int halcmd_preprocess_line ( char *line, char **tokens ) { int retval; char *detail = NULL; static char cmd_buf[2*MAX_CMD_LEN]; /* strip comments and trailing newline (if any) */ retval = strip_comments(line); if (retval != 0) { halcmd_error("unterminated quoted string\n"); return -1; } /* copy to cmd_buf while doing variable replacements */ retval = replace_vars(line, cmd_buf, sizeof(cmd_buf)-2, &detail); if (retval != 0) { if ((retval < 0) && (retval >= -7)) { /* print better replacement errors */ if(detail) { halcmd_error(replace_errors[(-retval) -1], detail); } else { halcmd_error("%s", replace_errors[(-retval) -1]); } } else { halcmd_error("unknown variable replacement error\n"); } return -2; } /* split cmd_buff into tokens */ retval = tokenize(cmd_buf, tokens); if (retval != 0) { return -3; } /* tokens[] contains MAX_TOK+1 elements so there is always at least one empty one at the end... make it empty now */ tokens[MAX_TOK] = ""; return 0; } int halcmd_parse_line(char *line) { char *tokens[MAX_TOK+1]; int result = halcmd_preprocess_line(line, tokens); if(result < 0) return result; return halcmd_parse_cmd(tokens); } static int linenumber=0; static char *filename=NULL; void halcmd_set_filename(const char *new_filename) { if(filename) free(filename); filename = strdup(new_filename); } const char *halcmd_get_filename(void) { return filename; } void halcmd_set_linenumber(int new_linenumber) { linenumber = new_linenumber; } int halcmd_get_linenumber(void) { return linenumber; } /* vim:sts=4:sw=4:et */