/* Copyright (C) 2007 Jeff Epler * Copyright (C) 2003 John Kasunich * * * Other contributors: * Martin Kuhnle * * Alex Joni * * Benn Lipkowitz * * Stephen Wille Padnos * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * THE AUTHORS OF THIS LIBRARY ACCEPT ABSOLUTELY NO LIABILITY FOR * ANY HARM OR LOSS RESULTING FROM ITS USE. IT IS _EXTREMELY_ UNWISE * TO RELY ON SOFTWARE ALONE FOR SAFETY. Any machinery capable of * harming persons must have provisions for completely removing power * from all motors, etc, before persons enter any danger area. All * machinery must be designed to comply with local and national safety * codes, and the authors of this software can not, and do not, take * any responsibility for such compliance. * * This code was written as part of the EMC HAL project. For more * information, go to www.linuxcnc.org. */ #include "config.h" #include "rtapi.h" /* RTAPI realtime OS API */ #include "hal.h" /* HAL public API decls */ #include "../hal_priv.h" /* private HAL decls */ #include "halcmd_commands.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int unloadrt_comp(char *mod_name); static void print_comp_info(char **patterns); static void print_pin_info(int type, char **patterns); static void print_pin_aliases(char **patterns); static void print_param_aliases(char **patterns); static void print_sig_info(int type, char **patterns); static void print_script_sig_info(int type, char **patterns); static void print_param_info(int type, char **patterns); static void print_funct_info(char **patterns); static void print_thread_info(char **patterns); static void print_comp_names(char **patterns); static void print_pin_names(char **patterns); static void print_sig_names(char **patterns); static void print_param_names(char **patterns); static void print_funct_names(char **patterns); static void print_thread_names(char **patterns); static void print_lock_status(); static void print_mem_status(); static const char *data_type(int type); static const char *data_type2(int type); static const char *pin_data_dir(int dir); static const char *param_data_dir(int dir); static const char *data_arrow1(int dir); static const char *data_arrow2(int dir); static const char *data_value(int type, void *valptr); static const char *data_value2(int type, void *valptr); static void save_comps(FILE *dst); static void save_aliases(FILE *dst); static void save_signals(FILE *dst, int only_unlinked); static void save_links(FILE *dst, int arrows); static void save_nets(FILE *dst, int arrows); static void save_params(FILE *dst); static void save_unconnected_input_pin_values(FILE *dst); static void save_threads(FILE *dst); static void print_help_commands(void); static int tmatch(int req_type, int type) { return req_type == -1 || type == req_type; } static int match(char **patterns, char *value) { int i; if(!patterns || !patterns[0] || !patterns[0][0]) return 1; for(i=0; patterns[i] && *patterns[i]; i++) { char *pattern = patterns[i]; if(strncmp(pattern, value, strlen(pattern)) == 0) return 1; if (fnmatch(pattern, value, 0) == 0) return 1; } return 0; } int do_lock_cmd(char *command) { int retval = 0; /* if command is blank or "all", want to lock everything */ if ((command == NULL) || (strcmp(command, "all") == 0)) { retval = hal_set_lock(HAL_LOCK_ALL); } else if (strcmp(command, "none") == 0) { retval = hal_set_lock(HAL_LOCK_NONE); } else if (strcmp(command, "tune") == 0) { retval = hal_set_lock(HAL_LOCK_TUNE); } if (retval == 0) { /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Locking completed"); } else { halcmd_error("Locking failed\n"); } return retval; } int do_unlock_cmd(char *command) { int retval = 0; /* if command is blank or "all", want to unlock everything */ if ((command == NULL) || (strcmp(command, "all") == 0)) { retval = hal_set_lock(HAL_LOCK_NONE); } else if (strcmp(command, "none") == 0) { retval = hal_set_lock(HAL_LOCK_NONE); } else if (strcmp(command, "tune") == 0) { retval = hal_set_lock(hal_get_lock() & ~HAL_LOCK_TUNE); } if (retval == 0) { /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Unlocking completed"); } else { halcmd_error("Unlocking failed\n"); } return retval; } int do_linkpp_cmd(char *first_pin_name, char *second_pin_name) { int retval; hal_pin_t *first_pin, *second_pin; static int dep_msg_printed = 0; if ( dep_msg_printed == 0 ) { halcmd_warning("linkpp command is deprecated, use 'net'\n"); dep_msg_printed = 1; } rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* check if the pins are there */ first_pin = halpr_find_pin_by_name(first_pin_name); second_pin = halpr_find_pin_by_name(second_pin_name); if (first_pin == 0) { /* first pin not found*/ rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("pin '%s' not found\n", first_pin_name); return -EINVAL; } else if (second_pin == 0) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("pin '%s' not found\n", second_pin_name); return -EINVAL; } /* give the mutex, as the other functions use their own mutex */ rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* check that both pins have the same type, don't want to create a sig, which after that won't be useful */ if (first_pin->type != second_pin->type) { halcmd_error("pins '%s' and '%s' not of the same type\n", first_pin_name, second_pin_name); return -EINVAL; } /* now create the signal */ retval = hal_signal_new(first_pin_name, first_pin->type); if (retval == 0) { /* if it worked, link the pins to it */ retval = hal_link(first_pin_name, first_pin_name); if ( retval == 0 ) { /* if that worked, link the second pin to the new signal */ retval = hal_link(second_pin_name, first_pin_name); } } if (retval < 0) { halcmd_error("linkpp failed\n"); } return retval; } int do_linkps_cmd(char *pin, char *sig) { int retval; retval = hal_link(pin, sig); if (retval == 0) { /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Pin '%s' linked to signal '%s'\n", pin, sig); } else { halcmd_error("link failed\n"); } return retval; } int do_linksp_cmd(char *sig, char *pin) { return do_linkps_cmd(pin, sig); } int do_unlinkp_cmd(char *pin) { int retval; retval = hal_unlink(pin); if (retval == 0) { /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Pin '%s' unlinked\n", pin); } else { halcmd_error("unlink failed\n"); } return retval; } int do_set_debug_cmd(char* level){ int new_level = atoi(level); if (new_level < 0 || new_level > 5){ halcmd_error("Debug level must be >=0 and <= 5\n"); return -EINVAL; } return rtapi_set_msg_level(atoi(level)); } int do_source_cmd(char *hal_filename) { FILE *f = fopen(hal_filename, "r"); char buf[MAX_CMD_LEN+1]; int fd; int result = 0; int lineno_save = halcmd_get_linenumber(); int linenumber = 1; char *filename_save = strdup(halcmd_get_filename()); if(!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open hal file '%s': %s\n", hal_filename, strerror(errno)); free(filename_save); return -EINVAL; } fd = fileno(f); fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); halcmd_set_filename(hal_filename); while(1) { char *readresult = fgets(buf, MAX_CMD_LEN, f); halcmd_set_linenumber(linenumber++); if(readresult == 0) { if(feof(f)) break; halcmd_error("Error reading file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); result = -EINVAL; break; } result = halcmd_parse_line(buf); if(result != 0) break; } halcmd_set_linenumber(lineno_save); halcmd_set_filename(filename_save); free(filename_save); fclose(f); return result; } int do_start_cmd(void) { int retval = hal_start_threads(); if (retval == 0) { /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Realtime threads started\n"); } return retval; } int do_stop_cmd(void) { int retval = hal_stop_threads(); if (retval == 0) { /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Realtime threads stopped\n"); } return retval; } int do_echo_cmd(void) { printf("Echo on\n"); return 0; } int do_unecho_cmd(void) { printf("Echo off\n"); return 0; } int do_addf_cmd(char *func, char *thread, char **opt) { char *position_str = opt ? opt[0] : NULL; int position = -1; int retval; if(position_str && *position_str) position = atoi(position_str); retval = hal_add_funct_to_thread(func, thread, position); if(retval == 0) { halcmd_info("Function '%s' added to thread '%s'\n", func, thread); } else { halcmd_error("addf failed\n"); } return retval; } int do_alias_cmd(char *pinparam, char *name, char *alias) { int retval; if ( strcmp (pinparam, "pin" ) == 0 ) { retval = hal_pin_alias(name, alias); } else if ( strcmp (pinparam, "param" ) == 0 ) { retval = hal_param_alias(name, alias); } else { retval = -EINVAL; } if(retval == 0) { halcmd_info("%s '%s' aliased to '%s'\n", pinparam, name, alias); } else { halcmd_error("alias failed\n"); } return retval; } int do_unalias_cmd(char *pinparam, char *name) { int retval; if (strcmp(pinparam, "pin") == 0) { retval = hal_pin_alias(name, NULL); } else if ( strcmp (pinparam, "param" ) == 0 ) { retval = hal_param_alias(name, NULL); } else { return -EINVAL; }; if(retval == 0) { halcmd_info("%s '%s' unaliased\n", pinparam, name); } else { halcmd_error("unalias failed\n"); } return retval; } int do_delf_cmd(char *func, char *thread) { int retval; retval = hal_del_funct_from_thread(func, thread); if(retval == 0) { halcmd_info("Function '%s' removed from thread '%s'\n", func, thread); } else { halcmd_error("delf failed\n"); } return retval; } static int preflight_net_cmd(char *signal, hal_sig_t *sig, char *pins[]) { int i, type=-1, writers=0, bidirs=0, pincnt=0; char *writer_name=0, *bidir_name=0; /* if signal already exists, use its info */ if (sig) { type = sig->type; writers = sig->writers; bidirs = sig->bidirs; } if(writers || bidirs) { hal_pin_t *pin; SHMFIELD(hal_pin_t) next; for(next = hal_data->pin_list_ptr; next; next=pin->next_ptr) { pin = SHMPTR(next); if(SHMPTR(pin->signal) == sig && pin->dir == HAL_OUT) writer_name = pin->name; if(SHMPTR(pin->signal) == sig && pin->dir == HAL_IO) bidir_name = writer_name = pin->name; } } for(i=0; pins[i] && *pins[i]; i++) { hal_pin_t *pin = 0; pin = halpr_find_pin_by_name(pins[i]); if(!pin) { halcmd_error("Pin '%s' does not exist\n", pins[i]); return -ENOENT; } if(SHMPTR(pin->signal) == sig) { /* Already on this signal */ pincnt++; continue; } else if(pin->signal != 0) { hal_sig_t *osig = SHMPTR(pin->signal); halcmd_error("Pin '%s' was already linked to signal '%s'\n", pin->name, osig->name); return -EINVAL; } if (type == -1) { /* no pre-existing type, use this pin's type */ type = pin->type; } if(type != pin->type) { halcmd_error( "Signal '%s' of type '%s' cannot add pin '%s' of type '%s'\n", signal, data_type2(type), pin->name, data_type2(pin->type)); return -EINVAL; } if(pin->dir == HAL_OUT) { if(writers || bidirs) { dir_error: halcmd_error( "Signal '%s' can not add %s pin '%s', " "it already has %s pin '%s'\n", signal, pin_data_dir(pin->dir), pin->name, bidir_name ? pin_data_dir(HAL_IO):pin_data_dir(HAL_OUT), bidir_name ? bidir_name : writer_name); return -EINVAL; } writer_name = pin->name; writers++; } if(pin->dir == HAL_IO) { if(writers) { goto dir_error; } bidir_name = pin->name; bidirs++; } pincnt++; } if(pincnt) return 0; halcmd_error("'net' requires at least one pin, none given\n"); return -EINVAL; } int do_net_cmd(char *signal, char *pins[]) { hal_sig_t *sig; int i, retval; rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* see if signal already exists */ sig = halpr_find_sig_by_name(signal); /* verify that everything matches up (pin types, etc) */ retval = preflight_net_cmd(signal, sig, pins); if(retval < 0) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return retval; } { hal_pin_t *pin = halpr_find_pin_by_name(signal); if(pin) { halcmd_error( "Signal name '%s' must not be the same as a pin. " "Did you omit the signal name?\n", signal); rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return -ENOENT; } } if(!sig) { /* Create the signal with the type of the first pin */ hal_pin_t *pin = halpr_find_pin_by_name(pins[0]); rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); if(!pin) { return -ENOENT; } retval = hal_signal_new(signal, pin->type); } else { /* signal already exists */ rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); } /* add pins to signal */ for(i=0; retval == 0 && pins[i] && *pins[i]; i++) { retval = do_linkps_cmd(pins[i], signal); } return retval; } #if 0 /* newinst deferred to version 2.2 */ int do_newinst_cmd(char *comp_name, char *inst_name) { hal_comp_t *comp = halpr_find_comp_by_name(comp_name); if(!comp) { halcmd_error( "No such component: %s\n", comp_name); return -ENOENT; } if(!comp->make) { halcmd_error( "%s does not support 'newinst'\n", comp_name); return -ENOSYS; } if ( *inst_name == '\0' ) { halcmd_error( "Must supply name for new instance\n"); return -EINVAL; } #if defined(RTAPI_USPACE) { char *argv[MAX_TOK]; int m = 0, result; argv[m++] = EMC2_BIN_DIR "/rtapi_app"; argv[m++] = "newinst"; argv[m++] = comp_name; argv[m++] = inst_name; argv[m++] = 0; result = hal_systemv(argv); if(result != 0) { halcmd_error( "newinst failed: %d\n", result); return -EINVAL; } } #else { FILE *f; f = fopen("/proc/rtapi/hal/newinst", "w"); if(!f) { halcmd_error( "cannot open proc entry: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -EINVAL; } rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); while(hal_data->pending_constructor) { struct timespec ts = {0, 100 * 1000 * 1000}; // 100ms rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); nanosleep(&ts, NULL); rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); } strncpy(hal_data->constructor_prefix, inst_name, HAL_NAME_LEN); hal_data->constructor_prefix[HAL_NAME_LEN]=0; hal_data->pending_constructor = comp->make; rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); if(fputc(' ', f) == EOF) { halcmd_error( "cannot write to proc entry: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fclose(f); rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); hal_data->pending_constructor = 0; rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return -EINVAL; } if(fclose(f) != 0) { halcmd_error( "cannot close proc entry: %s\n", strerror(errno)); rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); hal_data->pending_constructor = 0; rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return -EINVAL; } while(hal_data->pending_constructor) { struct timespec ts = {0, 100 * 1000 * 1000}; // 100ms nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } } #endif rtapi_mutex_get(&hal_data->mutex); { hal_comp_t *inst = halpr_alloc_comp_struct(); if (inst == 0) { /* couldn't allocate structure */ rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error( "insufficient memory for instance '%s'\n", inst_name); return -ENOMEM; } inst->comp_id = comp->comp_id | 0x10000; inst->mem_id = -1; inst->type = 2; inst->pid = 0; inst->ready = 1; inst->shmem_base = 0; rtapi_snprintf(inst->name, sizeof(inst->name), "%s", inst_name); /* insert new structure at head of list */ inst->next_ptr = hal_data->comp_list_ptr; hal_data->comp_list_ptr = SHMOFF(inst); rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); } return 0; } #endif /* newinst deferred */ int do_newsig_cmd(char *name, char *type) { int retval; if (strcasecmp(type, "bit") == 0) { retval = hal_signal_new(name, HAL_BIT); } else if (strcasecmp(type, "float") == 0) { retval = hal_signal_new(name, HAL_FLOAT); } else if (strcasecmp(type, "u32") == 0) { retval = hal_signal_new(name, HAL_U32); } else if (strcasecmp(type, "s32") == 0) { retval = hal_signal_new(name, HAL_S32); } else if (strcasecmp(type, "port") == 0) { retval = hal_signal_new(name, HAL_PORT); } else { halcmd_error("Unknown signal type '%s'\n", type); retval = -EINVAL; } if (retval < 0) { halcmd_error("newsig failed\n"); } return retval; } static int set_common(hal_type_t type, void *d_ptr, char *value) { // This function assumes that the mutex is held int retval = 0; double fval; long lval; unsigned long ulval; unsigned uval; char *cp = value; switch (type) { case HAL_BIT: if ((strcmp("1", value) == 0) || (strcasecmp("TRUE", value) == 0)) { *(hal_bit_t *) (d_ptr) = 1; } else if ((strcmp("0", value) == 0) || (strcasecmp("FALSE", value)) == 0) { *(hal_bit_t *) (d_ptr) = 0; } else { halcmd_error("value '%s' invalid for bit\n", value); retval = -EINVAL; } break; case HAL_FLOAT: fval = strtod ( value, &cp ); if ((*cp != '\0') && (!isspace(*cp))) { /* invalid character(s) in string */ halcmd_error("value '%s' invalid for float\n", value); retval = -EINVAL; } else { *((hal_float_t *) (d_ptr)) = fval; } break; case HAL_S32: lval = strtol(value, &cp, 0); if ((*cp != '\0') && (!isspace(*cp))) { /* invalid chars in string */ halcmd_error("value '%s' invalid for S32\n", value); retval = -EINVAL; } else { *((hal_s32_t *) (d_ptr)) = lval; } break; case HAL_U32: ulval = strtoul(value, &cp, 0); if ((*cp != '\0') && (!isspace(*cp))) { /* invalid chars in string */ halcmd_error("value '%s' invalid for U32\n", value); retval = -EINVAL; } else { *((hal_u32_t *) (d_ptr)) = ulval; } break; case HAL_PORT: uval = strtoul(value, &cp, 0); if ((*cp != '\0') && (!isspace(*cp))) { halcmd_error("value '%s' invalid for PORT\n", value); retval = -EINVAL; } else { if((*((hal_port_t*)d_ptr) != 0) && (hal_port_buffer_size(*((hal_port_t*)d_ptr)) > 0)) { halcmd_error("port is already allocated with %u bytes.\n", hal_port_buffer_size(*((hal_port_t*)d_ptr))); retval = -EINVAL; } else { *((hal_port_t*) (d_ptr)) = hal_port_alloc(uval); } } break; default: /* Shouldn't get here, but just in case... */ halcmd_error("bad type %d\n", type); retval = -EINVAL; } return retval; } int do_setp_cmd(char *name, char *value) { int retval; hal_param_t *param; hal_pin_t *pin; hal_type_t type; void *d_ptr; halcmd_info("setting parameter '%s' to '%s'\n", name, value); /* get mutex before accessing shared data */ rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* search param list for name */ param = halpr_find_param_by_name(name); if (param == 0) { pin = halpr_find_pin_by_name(name); if(pin == 0) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("parameter or pin '%s' not found\n", name); return -EINVAL; } else { /* found it */ type = pin->type; if(pin->dir == HAL_OUT) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("pin '%s' is not writable\n", name); return -EINVAL; } if(pin->signal != 0) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("pin '%s' is connected to a signal\n", name); return -EINVAL; } // d_ptr = (void*)SHMPTR(pin->dummysig); d_ptr = (void*)&pin->dummysig; } } else { /* found it */ type = param->type; /* is it read only? */ if (param->dir == HAL_RO) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("param '%s' is not writable\n", name); return -EINVAL; } d_ptr = SHMPTR(param->data_ptr); } retval = set_common(type, d_ptr, value); rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); if (retval == 0) { /* print success message */ if(param) { halcmd_info("Parameter '%s' set to %s\n", name, value); } else { halcmd_info("Pin '%s' set to %s\n", name, value); } } else { halcmd_error("setp failed\n"); } return retval; } int do_print_cmd(char *value) { halcmd_error( "HALCMD MSG: %s\n",value ); return 0; } int do_ptype_cmd(char *name) { hal_param_t *param; hal_pin_t *pin; hal_type_t type; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_DBG, "getting parameter '%s'\n", name); /* get mutex before accessing shared data */ rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* search param list for name */ param = halpr_find_param_by_name(name); if (param) { /* found it */ type = param->type; halcmd_output("%s\n", data_type2(type)); rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return 0; } /* not found, search pin list for name */ pin = halpr_find_pin_by_name(name); if(pin) { /* found it */ type = pin->type; halcmd_output("%s\n", data_type2(type)); rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return 0; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("pin or parameter '%s' not found\n", name); return -EINVAL; } int do_getp_cmd(char *name) { hal_param_t *param; hal_pin_t *pin; hal_sig_t *sig; hal_type_t type; void *d_ptr; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_DBG, "getting parameter '%s'\n", name); /* get mutex before accessing shared data */ rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* search param list for name */ param = halpr_find_param_by_name(name); if (param) { /* found it */ type = param->type; d_ptr = SHMPTR(param->data_ptr); halcmd_output("%s\n", data_value2((int) type, d_ptr)); rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return 0; } /* not found, search pin list for name */ pin = halpr_find_pin_by_name(name); if(pin) { /* found it */ type = pin->type; if (pin->signal != 0) { sig = SHMPTR(pin->signal); d_ptr = SHMPTR(sig->data_ptr); } else { sig = 0; d_ptr = &(pin->dummysig); } halcmd_output("%s\n", data_value2((int) type, d_ptr)); rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return 0; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("pin or parameter '%s' not found\n", name); return -EINVAL; } int do_sets_cmd(char *name, char *value) { int retval; hal_sig_t *sig; hal_type_t type; void *d_ptr; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_DBG, "setting signal '%s'\n", name); /* get mutex before accessing shared data */ rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* search signal list for name */ sig = halpr_find_sig_by_name(name); if (sig == 0) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("signal '%s' not found\n", name); return -EINVAL; } /* found it - it have a writer? if it is a port we can set its buffer size */ if ((sig->type != HAL_PORT) && (sig->writers > 0)) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("signal '%s' already has writer(s)\n", name); return -EINVAL; } /* no writer, so we can safely set it */ type = sig->type; d_ptr = SHMPTR(sig->data_ptr); retval = set_common(type, d_ptr, value); rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); if (retval == 0) { /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Signal '%s' set to %s\n", name, value); } else { halcmd_error("sets failed\n"); } return retval; } int do_stype_cmd(char *name) { hal_sig_t *sig; hal_type_t type; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_DBG, "getting signal '%s'\n", name); /* get mutex before accessing shared data */ rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* search signal list for name */ sig = halpr_find_sig_by_name(name); if (sig == 0) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("signal '%s' not found\n", name); return -EINVAL; } /* found it */ type = sig->type; halcmd_output("%s\n", data_type2(type)); rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return 0; } int do_gets_cmd(char *name) { hal_sig_t *sig; hal_type_t type; void *d_ptr; rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_DBG, "getting signal '%s'\n", name); /* get mutex before accessing shared data */ rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* search signal list for name */ sig = halpr_find_sig_by_name(name); if (sig == 0) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("signal '%s' not found\n", name); return -EINVAL; } /* found it */ type = sig->type; d_ptr = SHMPTR(sig->data_ptr); halcmd_output("%s\n", data_value2((int) type, d_ptr)); rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return 0; } static int get_type(char ***patterns) { char *typestr = 0; if(!(*patterns)) return -1; if(!(*patterns)[0]) return -1; if((*patterns)[0][0] != '-' || (*patterns)[0][1] != 't') return -1; if((*patterns)[0][2]) { typestr = &(*patterns)[0][2]; *patterns += 1; } else if((*patterns)[1][0]) { typestr = (*patterns)[1]; *patterns += 2; } if(!typestr) return -1; if(strcmp(typestr, "float") == 0) return HAL_FLOAT; if(strcmp(typestr, "bit") == 0) return HAL_BIT; if(strcmp(typestr, "s32") == 0) return HAL_S32; if(strcmp(typestr, "u32") == 0) return HAL_U32; if(strcmp(typestr, "signed") == 0) return HAL_S32; if(strcmp(typestr, "unsigned") == 0) return HAL_U32; if(strcmp(typestr, "port") == 0) return HAL_PORT; return -1; } int do_show_cmd(char *type, char **patterns) { if (rtapi_get_msg_level() == RTAPI_MSG_NONE) { /* must be -Q, don't print anything */ return 0; } if (!type || *type == '\0') { /* print everything */ print_comp_info(NULL); print_pin_info(-1, NULL); print_pin_aliases(NULL); print_sig_info(-1, NULL); print_param_info(-1, NULL); print_param_aliases(NULL); print_funct_info(NULL); print_thread_info(NULL); } else if (strcmp(type, "all") == 0) { /* print everything, using the pattern */ print_comp_info(patterns); print_pin_info(-1, patterns); print_pin_aliases(patterns); print_sig_info(-1, patterns); print_param_info(-1, patterns); print_param_aliases(patterns); print_funct_info(patterns); print_thread_info(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "comp") == 0) { print_comp_info(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "pin") == 0) { int type = get_type(&patterns); print_pin_info(type, patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "sig") == 0) { int type = get_type(&patterns); print_sig_info(type, patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "signal") == 0) { int type = get_type(&patterns); print_sig_info(type, patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "param") == 0) { int type = get_type(&patterns); print_param_info(type, patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "parameter") == 0) { int type = get_type(&patterns); print_param_info(type, patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "funct") == 0) { print_funct_info(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "function") == 0) { print_funct_info(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "thread") == 0) { print_thread_info(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "alias") == 0) { print_pin_aliases(patterns); print_param_aliases(patterns); } else { halcmd_error("Unknown 'show' type '%s'\n", type); return -1; } return 0; } int do_list_cmd(char *type, char **patterns) { if ( !type) { halcmd_error("'list' requires type'\n"); return -1; } if (rtapi_get_msg_level() == RTAPI_MSG_NONE) { /* must be -Q, don't print anything */ return 0; } if (strcmp(type, "comp") == 0) { print_comp_names(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "pin") == 0) { print_pin_names(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "sig") == 0) { print_sig_names(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "signal") == 0) { print_sig_names(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "param") == 0) { print_param_names(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "parameter") == 0) { print_param_names(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "funct") == 0) { print_funct_names(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "function") == 0) { print_funct_names(patterns); } else if (strcmp(type, "thread") == 0) { print_thread_names(patterns); } else { halcmd_error("Unknown 'list' type '%s'\n", type); return -1; } return 0; } int do_status_cmd(char *type) { if (rtapi_get_msg_level() == RTAPI_MSG_NONE) { /* must be -Q, don't print anything */ return 0; } if ((type == NULL) || (strcmp(type, "all") == 0)) { /* print everything */ /* add other status functions here if/when they are defined */ print_lock_status(); print_mem_status(); } else if (strcmp(type, "lock") == 0) { print_lock_status(); } else if (strcmp(type, "mem") == 0) { print_mem_status(); } else { halcmd_error("Unknown 'status' type '%s'\n", type); return -1; } return 0; } int do_loadrt_cmd(char *mod_name, char *args[]) { char arg_string[MAX_CMD_LEN+1]; int m=0, n=0, retval; hal_comp_t *comp; const char *argv[MAX_TOK+3]; char *cp1; #if defined(RTAPI_USPACE) argv[m++] = "-Wn"; argv[m++] = mod_name; argv[m++] = EMC2_BIN_DIR "/rtapi_app"; argv[m++] = "load"; argv[m++] = mod_name; /* loop thru remaining arguments */ while ( args[n] && args[n][0] != '\0' ) { argv[m++] = args[n++]; } argv[m++] = NULL; retval = do_loadusr_cmd(argv); #else static char *rtmod_dir = EMC2_RTLIB_DIR; struct stat stat_buf; char mod_path[MAX_CMD_LEN+1]; if (hal_get_lock()&HAL_LOCK_LOAD) { halcmd_error("HAL is locked, loading of modules is not permitted\n"); return -EPERM; } if ( (strlen(rtmod_dir)+strlen(mod_name)+5) > MAX_CMD_LEN ) { halcmd_error("Module path too long\n"); return -1; } /* make full module name '/.o' */ { int r; r = snprintf(mod_path, sizeof(mod_path), "%s/%s%s", rtmod_dir, mod_name, MODULE_EXT); if (r < 0) { halcmd_error("error making module path for %s/%s%s\n", rtmod_dir, mod_name, MODULE_EXT); return -1; } else if (r >= sizeof(mod_path)) { // truncation! halcmd_error("module path too long (max %lu) for %s/%s%s\n", (unsigned long)sizeof(mod_path)-1, rtmod_dir, mod_name, MODULE_EXT); return -1; } } /* is there a file with that name? */ if ( stat(mod_path, &stat_buf) != 0 ) { /* can't find it */ halcmd_error("Can't find module '%s' in %s\n", mod_name, rtmod_dir); return -1; } argv[0] = EMC2_BIN_DIR "/linuxcnc_module_helper"; argv[1] = "insert"; argv[2] = mod_path; /* loop thru remaining arguments */ n = 0; m = 3; while ( args[n] && args[n][0] != '\0' ) { argv[m++] = args[n++]; } /* add a NULL to terminate the argv array */ argv[m] = NULL; retval = hal_systemv(argv); #endif if ( retval != 0 ) { halcmd_error("insmod for %s failed, returned %d\n" #if !defined(RTAPI_USPACE) "See the output of 'dmesg' for more information.\n" #endif , mod_name, retval ); return -1; } /* make the args that were passed to the module into a single string */ n = 0; arg_string[0] = '\0'; while ( args[n] && args[n][0] != '\0' ) { strncat(arg_string, args[n++], MAX_CMD_LEN); strncat(arg_string, " ", MAX_CMD_LEN); } /* allocate HAL shmem for the string */ cp1 = (char*)hal_malloc(strlen(arg_string)+1); if ( cp1 == NULL ) { halcmd_error("failed to allocate memory for module args\n"); return -1; } /* copy string to shmem */ strcpy (cp1, arg_string); /* get mutex before accessing shared data */ rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* search component list for the newly loaded component */ comp = halpr_find_comp_by_name(mod_name); if (comp == 0) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("module '%s' not loaded\n", mod_name); return -EINVAL; } /* link args to comp struct */ comp->insmod_args = SHMOFF(cp1); rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Realtime module '%s' loaded\n", mod_name); return 0; } int do_delsig_cmd(char *mod_name) { SHMFIELD(hal_sig_t) next; int retval, retval1, n; hal_sig_t *sig; char sigs[MAX_EXPECTED_SIGS][HAL_NAME_LEN+1]; /* check for "all" */ if ( strcmp(mod_name, "all" ) != 0 ) { retval = hal_signal_delete(mod_name); if (retval == 0) { /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Signal '%s' deleted'\n", mod_name); } return retval; } else { /* build a list of signal(s) to delete */ n = 0; rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->sig_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { sig = SHMPTR(next); /* we want to unload this signal, remember its name */ if ( n < ( MAX_EXPECTED_SIGS - 1 ) ) { strncpy(sigs[n], sig->name, HAL_NAME_LEN ); sigs[n][HAL_NAME_LEN] = '\0'; n++; } next = sig->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); sigs[n][0] = '\0'; if ( sigs[0][0] == '\0' ) { /* desired signals not found */ halcmd_error("no signals found to be deleted\n"); return -1; } /* we now have a list of components, unload them */ n = 0; retval1 = 0; while ( sigs[n][0] != '\0' ) { retval = hal_signal_delete(sigs[n]); /* check for fatal error */ if ( retval < -1 ) { return retval; } /* check for other error */ if ( retval != 0 ) { retval1 = retval; } if (retval == 0) { /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Signal '%s' deleted'\n", sigs[n]); } n++; } } return retval1; } int do_unloadusr_cmd(char *mod_name) { SHMFIELD(hal_comp_t) next; int all; hal_comp_t *comp; pid_t ourpid = getpid(); /* check for "all" */ if ( strcmp(mod_name, "all" ) == 0 ) { all = 1; } else { all = 0; } /* build a list of component(s) to unload */ rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->comp_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { comp = SHMPTR(next); if ( comp->type == COMPONENT_TYPE_USER && comp->pid != ourpid) { /* found a userspace component besides us */ if ( all || ( strcmp(mod_name, comp->name) == 0 )) { /* we want to unload this component, send it SIGTERM */ kill(abs(comp->pid), SIGTERM); } } next = comp->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return 0; } int do_unloadrt_cmd(char *mod_name) { SHMFIELD(hal_comp_t) next; int retval, retval1, n, all; hal_comp_t *comp; char comps[64][HAL_NAME_LEN+1]; /* check for "all" */ if ( strcmp(mod_name, "all" ) == 0 ) { all = 1; } else { all = 0; } /* build a list of component(s) to unload */ n = 0; rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->comp_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { comp = SHMPTR(next); if ( comp->type == COMPONENT_TYPE_REALTIME ) { /* found a realtime component */ if ( all || ( strcmp(mod_name, comp->name) == 0 )) { /* we want to unload this component, remember its name */ if ( n < 63 ) { strncpy(comps[n], comp->name, HAL_NAME_LEN ); comps[n][HAL_NAME_LEN] = '\0'; n++; } } } next = comp->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* mark end of list */ comps[n][0] = '\0'; if ( !all && ( comps[0][0] == '\0' )) { /* desired component not found */ halcmd_error("component '%s' is not loaded\n", mod_name); return -1; } /* we now have a list of components, unload them */ n = 0; retval1 = 0; while ( comps[n][0] != '\0' ) { // special case: initial prefix means it is not a real comp if (strstr(comps[n],HAL_PSEUDO_COMP_PREFIX) == comps[n] ) { n++; continue; } retval = unloadrt_comp(comps[n++]); /* check for fatal error */ if ( retval < -1 ) { return retval; } /* check for other error */ if ( retval != 0 ) { retval1 = retval; } } if (retval1 < 0) { halcmd_error("unloadrt failed\n"); } return retval1; } static int unloadrt_comp(char *mod_name) { int retval; const char *argv[4]; #if defined(RTAPI_USPACE) argv[0] = EMC2_BIN_DIR "/rtapi_app"; argv[1] = "unload"; #else argv[0] = EMC2_BIN_DIR "/linuxcnc_module_helper"; argv[1] = "remove"; #endif argv[2] = mod_name; /* add a NULL to terminate the argv array */ argv[3] = NULL; retval = hal_systemv(argv); if ( retval != 0 ) { halcmd_error("rmmod failed, returned %d\n", retval); return -1; } /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Realtime module '%s' unloaded\n", mod_name); return 0; } int do_unload_cmd(char *mod_name) { if(strcmp(mod_name, "all") == 0) { int res = do_unloadusr_cmd(mod_name); if(res) return res; return do_unloadrt_cmd(mod_name); } else { hal_comp_t *comp; component_type_t type = COMPONENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN; rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); comp = halpr_find_comp_by_name(mod_name); if(comp) type = comp->type; rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); if(type == COMPONENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { halcmd_error("component '%s' is not loaded\n", mod_name); return -1; } if(type == COMPONENT_TYPE_REALTIME) return do_unloadrt_cmd(mod_name); else return do_unloadusr_cmd(mod_name); } } static const char *guess_comp_name(const char *prog_name) { static char name[HAL_NAME_LEN+1]; const char *last_slash = strrchr(prog_name, '/'); const char *st = last_slash ? last_slash + 1 : prog_name; const char *last_dot = strrchr(st, '.'); const char *en = last_dot ? last_dot : prog_name + strlen(prog_name); size_t len = en-st; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%.*s", (int)len, st); return name; } static void reset_getopt_state() { /* It turns out that it is not portable to reset the state of getopt, so that a different argv list can be parsed. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=192834 (though that thread ends with the bug being closed as fixed in lenny, it is not fixed or has regressed by debian jessie) */ #ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__ optind = 0; #else optind = 1; #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPTRESET optreset = 1; #endif } #include #include static std::set get_all_comp_names() { std::set result; for(auto comp = hal_data->comp_list_ptr; comp; comp=comp->next_ptr) { result.insert(comp->name); } return result; } static void warn_newly_loaded_comps(std::set &names, const char *newname) { auto new_names = get_all_comp_names(); for(const auto &name : new_names) { if(name == newname) continue; if(names.find(name) == names.end()) { fprintf(stderr, "\nWhile waiting for '%s', component '%s' loaded.\nDid you specify the correct name via 'loadusr -Wn'?", newname, name.c_str()); } } std::swap(new_names, names); } int do_loadusr_cmd(const char *args[]) { int wait_flag, wait_comp_flag, ignore_flag; const char *prog_name, *new_comp_name=NULL; const char *argv[MAX_TOK+1]; int n, m, retval, status; pid_t pid; int argc = 0; while(args[argc] && *args[argc]) argc++; args--; argc++; if (hal_get_lock()&HAL_LOCK_LOAD) { halcmd_error("HAL is locked, loading of programs is not permitted\n"); return -EPERM; } wait_flag = 0; wait_comp_flag = 0; ignore_flag = 0; prog_name = NULL; /* check for options (-w, -i, and/or -r) */ reset_getopt_state(); while (1) { int c = getopt(argc, (char * const *)args, "+wWin:"); if(c == -1) break; switch(c) { case 'w': wait_flag = 1; break; case 'W': wait_comp_flag = 1; break; case 'i': ignore_flag = 1; break; case 'n': new_comp_name = optarg; break; default: return -EINVAL; break; } } /* get program and component name */ args += optind; prog_name = *args++; if (prog_name == 0) { return -EINVAL; } if(!new_comp_name) { new_comp_name = guess_comp_name(prog_name); } std::set comp_names_pre = get_all_comp_names(); /* prepare to exec() the program */ argv[0] = prog_name; /* loop thru remaining arguments */ n = 0; m = 1; while ( args[n] && args[n][0] != '\0' ) { argv[m++] = args[n++]; } /* add a NULL to terminate the argv array */ argv[m] = NULL; /* start the child process */ pid = hal_systemv_nowait(argv); /* make sure we reconnected to the HAL */ if (comp_id < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "halcmd: hal_init() failed after fork: %d\n", comp_id ); exit(-1); } hal_ready(comp_id); if ( wait_comp_flag ) { int ready = 0, count=0, exited=0; hal_comp_t *comp = NULL; retval = 0; while(!ready && !exited) { /* sleep for 10mS */ struct timespec ts = {0, 10 * 1000 * 1000}; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); /* check for program ending */ retval = waitpid( pid, &status, WNOHANG ); if ( retval != 0 ) { exited = 1; if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status)) { halcmd_error("waitpid failed %s %s\n",prog_name,new_comp_name); ready = 0; break; } } /* check for program becoming ready */ rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); comp = halpr_find_comp_by_name(new_comp_name); if(comp && comp->ready) { ready = 1; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* pacify the user */ count++; if(count == 200) { fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for component '%s' to become ready.", new_comp_name); warn_newly_loaded_comps(comp_names_pre, new_comp_name); fflush(stderr); } else if(count > 200 && count % 10 == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "."); warn_newly_loaded_comps(comp_names_pre, new_comp_name); fflush(stderr); } } if (count >= 100) { /* terminate pacifier */ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /* did it work? */ if (ready) { halcmd_info("Component '%s' ready\n", new_comp_name); } else { if ( retval < 0 ) { halcmd_error("\nwaitpid(%d) failed\n", pid); } else { halcmd_error("%s exited without becoming ready\n", prog_name); } return -1; } } if ( wait_flag ) { /* wait for child process to complete */ retval = waitpid ( pid, &status, 0 ); /* check result of waitpid() */ if ( retval < 0 ) { halcmd_error("waitpid(%d) failed\n", pid); return -1; } if ( WIFEXITED(status) == 0 ) { halcmd_error("program '%s' did not exit normally\n", prog_name ); return -1; } if ( ignore_flag == 0 ) { retval = WEXITSTATUS(status); if ( retval != 0 ) { halcmd_error("program '%s' failed, returned %d\n", prog_name, retval ); return -1; } } /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Program '%s' finished\n", prog_name); } else { /* print success message */ halcmd_info("Program '%s' started\n", prog_name); } return 0; } int do_waitusr_cmd(char *comp_name) { hal_comp_t *comp; int exited; if (*comp_name == '\0') { halcmd_error("component name missing\n"); return -EINVAL; } rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); comp = halpr_find_comp_by_name(comp_name); if (comp == NULL) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_info("component '%s' not found or already exited\n", comp_name); return 0; } if (comp->type != COMPONENT_TYPE_USER) { rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_error("'%s' is not a userspace component\n", comp_name); return -EINVAL; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); /* let the user know what is going on */ halcmd_info("Waiting for component '%s'\n", comp_name); exited = 0; while(!exited) { /* sleep for 200mS */ struct timespec ts = {0, 200 * 1000 * 1000}; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); /* check for component still around */ rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); comp = halpr_find_comp_by_name(comp_name); if(comp == NULL) { exited = 1; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); } halcmd_info("Component '%s' finished\n", comp_name); return 0; } static void print_comp_info(char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_comp_t) next; hal_comp_t *comp; if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output("Loaded HAL Components:\n"); halcmd_output("ID Type %-*s PID State\n", HAL_NAME_LEN, "Name"); } rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->comp_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { comp = SHMPTR(next); if ( match(patterns, comp->name) ) { if(comp->type == COMPONENT_TYPE_OTHER) { hal_comp_t *comp1 = halpr_find_comp_by_id(comp->comp_id & 0xffff); halcmd_output(" INST %s %s", comp1 ? comp1->name : "(unknown)", comp->name); } else { halcmd_output(" %5d %-4s %-*s", comp->comp_id, (comp->type == COMPONENT_TYPE_REALTIME) ? "RT" : "User", HAL_NAME_LEN, comp->name); if(comp->type == COMPONENT_TYPE_USER) { halcmd_output(" %5d %s", comp->pid, comp->ready > 0 ? "ready" : "initializing"); } else { halcmd_output(" %5s %s", "", comp->ready > 0 ? "ready" : "initializing"); } } halcmd_output("\n"); } next = comp->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_pin_info(int type, char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_pin_t) next; hal_pin_t *pin; hal_comp_t *comp; hal_sig_t *sig; void *dptr; if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output("Component Pins:\n"); halcmd_output("Owner Type Dir Value Name\n"); } rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->pin_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { pin = SHMPTR(next); if ( tmatch(type, pin->type) && match(patterns, pin->name) ) { comp = SHMPTR(pin->owner_ptr); if (pin->signal != 0) { sig = SHMPTR(pin->signal); dptr = SHMPTR(sig->data_ptr); } else { sig = 0; dptr = &(pin->dummysig); } if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output(" %5d %5s %-3s %9s %s", comp->comp_id, data_type((int) pin->type), pin_data_dir((int) pin->dir), data_value((int) pin->type, dptr), pin->name); } else { halcmd_output("%s %s %s %s %s", comp->name, data_type((int) pin->type), pin_data_dir((int) pin->dir), data_value2((int) pin->type, dptr), pin->name); } if (sig == 0) { halcmd_output("\n"); } else { halcmd_output(" %s %s\n", data_arrow1((int) pin->dir), sig->name); } } next = pin->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_pin_aliases(char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_pin_t) next; hal_oldname_t *oldname; hal_pin_t *pin; if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output("Pin Aliases:\n"); halcmd_output(" %-*s %s\n", HAL_NAME_LEN, "Alias", "Original Name"); } rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->pin_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { pin = SHMPTR(next); if ( pin->oldname != 0 ) { /* name is an alias */ oldname = SHMPTR(pin->oldname); if ( match(patterns, pin->name) || match(patterns, oldname->name) ) { if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output(" %-*s %s\n", HAL_NAME_LEN, pin->name, oldname->name); } else { halcmd_output(" %s %s\n", pin->name, oldname->name); } } } next = pin->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_sig_info(int type, char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_sig_t) next; hal_sig_t *sig; void *dptr; hal_pin_t *pin; if (scriptmode != 0) { print_script_sig_info(type, patterns); return; } halcmd_output("Signals:\n"); halcmd_output("Type Value Name (linked to)\n"); rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->sig_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { sig = SHMPTR(next); if ( tmatch(type, sig->type) && match(patterns, sig->name) ) { dptr = SHMPTR(sig->data_ptr); halcmd_output("%s %s %s\n", data_type((int) sig->type), data_value((int) sig->type, dptr), sig->name); /* look for pin(s) linked to this signal */ pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, 0); while (pin != 0) { halcmd_output(" %s %s\n", data_arrow2((int) pin->dir), pin->name); pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, pin); } } next = sig->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_script_sig_info(int type, char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_sig_t) next; hal_sig_t *sig; void *dptr; hal_pin_t *pin; if (scriptmode == 0) { return; } rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->sig_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { sig = SHMPTR(next); if ( tmatch(type, sig->type) && match(patterns, sig->name) ) { dptr = SHMPTR(sig->data_ptr); halcmd_output("%s %s %s", data_type((int) sig->type), data_value2((int) sig->type, dptr), sig->name); /* look for pin(s) linked to this signal */ pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, 0); while (pin != 0) { halcmd_output(" %s %s", data_arrow2((int) pin->dir), pin->name); pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, pin); } halcmd_output("\n"); } next = sig->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_param_info(int type, char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_param_t) next; hal_param_t *param; hal_comp_t *comp; if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output("Parameters:\n"); halcmd_output("Owner Type Dir Value Name\n"); } rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->param_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { param = SHMPTR(next); if ( tmatch(type, param->type), match(patterns, param->name) ) { comp = SHMPTR(param->owner_ptr); if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output(" %5d %5s %-3s %9s %s\n", comp->comp_id, data_type((int) param->type), param_data_dir((int) param->dir), data_value((int) param->type, SHMPTR(param->data_ptr)), param->name); } else { halcmd_output("%s %s %s %s %s\n", comp->name, data_type((int) param->type), param_data_dir((int) param->dir), data_value2((int) param->type, SHMPTR(param->data_ptr)), param->name); } } next = param->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_param_aliases(char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_param_t) next; hal_oldname_t *oldname; hal_param_t *param; if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output("Parameter Aliases:\n"); halcmd_output(" %-*s %s\n", HAL_NAME_LEN, "Alias", "Original Name"); } rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->param_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { param = SHMPTR(next); if ( param->oldname != 0 ) { /* name is an alias */ oldname = SHMPTR(param->oldname); if ( match(patterns, param->name) || match(patterns, oldname->name) ) { if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output(" %-*s %s\n", HAL_NAME_LEN, param->name, oldname->name); } else { halcmd_output(" %s %s\n", param->name, oldname->name); } } } next = param->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_funct_info(char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_funct_t) next; hal_funct_t *fptr; hal_comp_t *comp; if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output("Exported Functions:\n"); halcmd_output("Owner CodeAddr Arg FP Users Name\n"); } rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->funct_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { fptr = SHMPTR(next); if ( match(patterns, fptr->name) ) { comp = SHMPTR(fptr->owner_ptr); if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output(" %05d %08lx %08lx %-3s %5d %s\n", comp->comp_id, (long)fptr->funct, (long)fptr->arg, (fptr->uses_fp ? "YES" : "NO"), fptr->users, fptr->name); } else { halcmd_output("%s %08lx %08lx %s %3d %s\n", comp->name, (long)fptr->funct, (long)fptr->arg, (fptr->uses_fp ? "YES" : "NO"), fptr->users, fptr->name); } } next = fptr->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_thread_info(char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_thread_t) next_thread; int n; hal_thread_t *tptr; hal_list_t *list_root, *list_entry; hal_funct_entry_t *fentry; hal_funct_t *funct; if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output("Realtime Threads:\n"); halcmd_output(" Period FP Name ( Time, Max-Time )\n"); } rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next_thread = hal_data->thread_list_ptr; while (next_thread != 0) { tptr = SHMPTR(next_thread); if ( match(patterns, tptr->name) ) { /* note that the scriptmode format string has no \n */ char name[HAL_NAME_LEN+1]; hal_pin_t* pin; hal_sig_t *sig; void *dptr; size_t ret = snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.time",tptr->name); if (ret >= sizeof(name)){ rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, "unexpected: pin name too long for buffer %s",tptr->name); } else { pin = halpr_find_pin_by_name(name); if (pin) { if (pin->signal != 0) { sig = SHMPTR(pin->signal); dptr = SHMPTR(sig->data_ptr); } else { sig = 0; dptr = &(pin->dummysig); } halcmd_output(((scriptmode == 0) ? "%11ld %-3s %20s ( %8ld, %8ld )\n" : "%ld %s %s %8ld %ld"), tptr->period, (tptr->uses_fp ? "YES" : "NO"), tptr->name, (long)*(long*)dptr, (long)tptr->maxtime); } else { rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, "unexpected: cannot find time pin for %s thread",tptr->name); } } list_root = &(tptr->funct_list); list_entry = list_next(list_root); n = 1; while (list_entry != list_root) { /* print the function info */ fentry = (hal_funct_entry_t *) list_entry; funct = SHMPTR(fentry->funct_ptr); /* scriptmode only uses one line per thread, which contains: thread period, FP flag, name, then all functs separated by spaces */ if (scriptmode == 0) { halcmd_output(" %2d %s\n", n, funct->name); } else { halcmd_output(" %s", funct->name); } n++; list_entry = list_next(list_entry); } if (scriptmode != 0) { halcmd_output("\n"); } } next_thread = tptr->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_comp_names(char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_comp_t) next; hal_comp_t *comp; rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->comp_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { comp = SHMPTR(next); if ( match(patterns, comp->name) ) { halcmd_output("%s ", comp->name); } next = comp->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_pin_names(char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_pin_t) next; hal_pin_t *pin; rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->pin_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { pin = SHMPTR(next); if ( match(patterns, pin->name) ) { halcmd_output("%s ", pin->name); } next = pin->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_sig_names(char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_sig_t) next; hal_sig_t *sig; rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->sig_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { sig = SHMPTR(next); if ( match(patterns, sig->name) ) { halcmd_output("%s ", sig->name); } next = sig->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_param_names(char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_param_t) next; hal_param_t *param; rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->param_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { param = SHMPTR(next); if ( match(patterns, param->name) ) { halcmd_output("%s ", param->name); } next = param->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_funct_names(char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_funct_t) next; hal_funct_t *fptr; rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->funct_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { fptr = SHMPTR(next); if ( match(patterns, fptr->name) ) { halcmd_output("%s ", fptr->name); } next = fptr->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_thread_names(char **patterns) { SHMFIELD(hal_thread_t) next_thread; hal_thread_t *tptr; rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next_thread = hal_data->thread_list_ptr; while (next_thread != 0) { tptr = SHMPTR(next_thread); if ( match(patterns, tptr->name) ) { halcmd_output("%s ", tptr->name); } next_thread = tptr->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); halcmd_output("\n"); } static void print_lock_status() { int lock; lock = hal_get_lock(); halcmd_output("HAL locking status:\n"); halcmd_output(" current lock value %d (%02x)\n", lock, lock); if (lock == HAL_LOCK_NONE) halcmd_output(" HAL_LOCK_NONE - nothing is locked\n"); if (lock & HAL_LOCK_LOAD) halcmd_output(" HAL_LOCK_LOAD - loading of new components is locked\n"); if (lock & HAL_LOCK_CONFIG) halcmd_output(" HAL_LOCK_CONFIG - link and addf is locked\n"); if (lock & HAL_LOCK_PARAMS) halcmd_output(" HAL_LOCK_PARAMS - setting params is locked\n"); if (lock & HAL_LOCK_RUN) halcmd_output(" HAL_LOCK_RUN - running/stopping HAL is locked\n"); } template int count_list(SHMFIELD(T) list_root) { int n; SHMFIELD(T) next; rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = list_root; n = 0; while (next != 0) { n++; next = SHMPTR(next)->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return n; } static void print_mem_status() { int active, recycled; hal_pin_t *pin; hal_param_t *param; halcmd_output("HAL memory status\n"); halcmd_output(" used/total shared memory: %ld/%d\n", (long)(HAL_SIZE - hal_data->shmem_avail), HAL_SIZE); // count components active = count_list(hal_data->comp_list_ptr); recycled = count_list(hal_data->comp_free_ptr); halcmd_output(" active/recycled components: %d/%d\n", active, recycled); // count pins active = count_list(hal_data->pin_list_ptr); recycled = count_list(hal_data->pin_free_ptr); halcmd_output(" active/recycled pins: %d/%d\n", active, recycled); // count parameters active = count_list(hal_data->param_list_ptr); recycled = count_list(hal_data->param_free_ptr); halcmd_output(" active/recycled parameters: %d/%d\n", active, recycled); // count aliases rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); { SHMFIELD(hal_pin_t) next = hal_data->pin_list_ptr; active = 0; while (next != 0) { pin = SHMPTR(next); if ( pin->oldname != 0 ) active++; next = pin->next_ptr; } } { SHMFIELD(hal_param_t) next = hal_data->param_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { param = SHMPTR(next); if ( param->oldname != 0 ) active++; next = param->next_ptr; } } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); recycled = count_list(hal_data->oldname_free_ptr); halcmd_output(" active/recycled aliases: %d/%d\n", active, recycled); // count signals active = count_list(hal_data->sig_list_ptr); recycled = count_list(hal_data->sig_free_ptr); halcmd_output(" active/recycled signals: %d/%d\n", active, recycled); // count functions active = count_list(hal_data->funct_list_ptr); recycled = count_list(hal_data->funct_free_ptr); halcmd_output(" active/recycled functions: %d/%d\n", active, recycled); // count threads active = count_list(hal_data->thread_list_ptr); recycled = count_list(hal_data->thread_free_ptr); halcmd_output(" active/recycled threads: %d/%d\n", active, recycled); } /* Switch function for pin/sig/param type for the print_*_list functions */ static const char *data_type(int type) { const char *type_str; switch (type) { case HAL_BIT: type_str = "bit "; break; case HAL_FLOAT: type_str = "float"; break; case HAL_S32: type_str = "s32 "; break; case HAL_U32: type_str = "u32 "; break; case HAL_PORT: type_str = "port "; break; default: /* Shouldn't get here, but just in case... */ type_str = "undef"; } return type_str; } static const char *data_type2(int type) { const char *type_str; switch (type) { case HAL_BIT: type_str = "bit"; break; case HAL_FLOAT: type_str = "float"; break; case HAL_S32: type_str = "s32"; break; case HAL_U32: type_str = "u32"; break; case HAL_PORT: type_str = "port"; break; default: /* Shouldn't get here, but just in case... */ type_str = "undef"; } return type_str; } /* Switch function for pin direction for the print_*_list functions */ static const char *pin_data_dir(int dir) { const char *pin_dir; switch (dir) { case HAL_IN: pin_dir = "IN"; break; case HAL_OUT: pin_dir = "OUT"; break; case HAL_IO: pin_dir = "I/O"; break; default: /* Shouldn't get here, but just in case... */ pin_dir = "???"; } return pin_dir; } /* Switch function for param direction for the print_*_list functions */ static const char *param_data_dir(int dir) { const char *param_dir; switch (dir) { case HAL_RO: param_dir = "RO"; break; case HAL_RW: param_dir = "RW"; break; default: /* Shouldn't get here, but just in case... */ param_dir = "??"; } return param_dir; } /* Switch function for arrow direction for the print_*_list functions */ static const char *data_arrow1(int dir) { const char *arrow; switch (dir) { case HAL_IN: arrow = "<=="; break; case HAL_OUT: arrow = "==>"; break; case HAL_IO: arrow = "<=>"; break; default: /* Shouldn't get here, but just in case... */ arrow = "???"; } return arrow; } /* Switch function for arrow direction for the print_*_list functions */ static const char *data_arrow2(int dir) { const char *arrow; switch (dir) { case HAL_IN: arrow = "==>"; break; case HAL_OUT: arrow = "<=="; break; case HAL_IO: arrow = "<=>"; break; default: /* Shouldn't get here, but just in case... */ arrow = "???"; } return arrow; } /* Switch function to return var value for the print_*_list functions */ /* the value is printed in a 12 character wide field */ static const char *data_value(int type, void *valptr) { const char *value_str; static char buf[15]; switch (type) { case HAL_BIT: if (*((char *) valptr) == 0) value_str = " FALSE"; else value_str = " TRUE"; break; case HAL_FLOAT: snprintf(buf, 14, "%12.7g", (double)*((hal_float_t *) valptr)); value_str = buf; break; case HAL_S32: snprintf(buf, 14, " %10ld", (long)*((hal_s32_t *) valptr)); value_str = buf; break; case HAL_U32: snprintf(buf, 14, " 0x%08lX", (unsigned long)*((hal_u32_t *) valptr)); value_str = buf; break; case HAL_PORT: snprintf(buf, 14, " %10u", hal_port_buffer_size(*((hal_port_t*) valptr))); value_str = buf; break; default: /* Shouldn't get here, but just in case... */ value_str = " undef "; } return value_str; } /* Switch function to return var value in string form */ /* the value is printed as a packed string (no whitespace */ static const char *data_value2(int type, void *valptr) { const char *value_str; static char buf[15]; switch (type) { case HAL_BIT: if (*((char *) valptr) == 0) value_str = "FALSE"; else value_str = "TRUE"; break; case HAL_FLOAT: snprintf(buf, 14, "%.7g", (double)*((hal_float_t *) valptr)); value_str = buf; break; case HAL_S32: snprintf(buf, 14, "%ld", (long)*((hal_s32_t *) valptr)); value_str = buf; break; case HAL_U32: snprintf(buf, 14, "%ld", (unsigned long)*((hal_u32_t *) valptr)); value_str = buf; break; case HAL_PORT: snprintf(buf, 14, "%u", hal_port_buffer_size(*((hal_port_t*) valptr))); value_str = buf; break; default: /* Shouldn't get here, but just in case... */ value_str = "unknown_type"; } return value_str; } int do_save_cmd(const char *type, char *filename) { FILE *dst; if (rtapi_get_msg_level() == RTAPI_MSG_NONE) { /* must be -Q, don't print anything */ return 0; } if (filename == NULL || *filename == '\0' ) { dst = stdout; } else { dst = fopen(filename, "w" ); if ( dst == NULL ) { halcmd_error("Can't open 'save' destination '%s'\n", filename); return -1; } } if (type == 0 || *type == '\0') { type = "all"; } if ( (strcmp(type, "all") == 0) || (strcmp(type, "allu") == 0) ) { /* save everything */ save_comps(dst); save_aliases(dst); save_signals(dst, 1); save_nets(dst, 3); save_params(dst); if (strcmp(type,"allu") == 0) { save_unconnected_input_pin_values(dst); } save_threads(dst); } else if (strcmp(type, "comp") == 0) { save_comps(dst); } else if (strcmp(type, "alias") == 0) { save_aliases(dst); } else if (strcmp(type, "sig") == 0) { save_signals(dst, 0); } else if (strcmp(type, "signal") == 0) { save_signals(dst, 0); } else if (strcmp(type, "sigu") == 0) { save_signals(dst, 1); } else if (strcmp(type, "link") == 0) { save_links(dst, 0); } else if (strcmp(type, "linka") == 0) { save_links(dst, 1); } else if (strcmp(type, "net") == 0) { save_nets(dst, 0); } else if (strcmp(type, "neta") == 0) { save_nets(dst, 1); } else if (strcmp(type, "netl") == 0) { save_nets(dst, 2); } else if (strcmp(type, "netla") == 0 || strcmp(type, "netal") == 0) { save_nets(dst, 3); } else if (strcmp(type, "param") == 0) { save_params(dst); } else if (strcmp(type, "parameter") == 0) { save_params(dst); } else if (strcmp(type, "thread") == 0) { save_threads(dst); } else if (strcmp(type, "unconnectedinpins") == 0) { save_unconnected_input_pin_values(dst); } else { halcmd_error("Unknown 'save' type '%s'\n", type); if (dst != stdout) fclose(dst); return -1; } if (dst != stdout) { fclose(dst); } return 0; } static void save_comps(FILE *dst) { SHMFIELD(hal_comp_t) next; hal_comp_t *comp; fprintf(dst, "# components\n"); rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); int ncomps = 0; next = hal_data->comp_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { comp = SHMPTR(next); if ( comp->type == COMPONENT_TYPE_REALTIME ) { ncomps ++; } next = comp->next_ptr; } hal_comp_t *comps[ncomps], **compptr = comps; next = hal_data->comp_list_ptr; while(next != 0) { comp = SHMPTR(next); if ( comp->type == COMPONENT_TYPE_REALTIME ) { *compptr++ = SHMPTR(next); } next = comp->next_ptr; } int i; for(i=ncomps; i--;) { comp = comps[i]; /* only print realtime components */ if ( comp->insmod_args == 0 ) { fprintf(dst, "#loadrt %s (not loaded by loadrt, no args saved)\n", comp->name); } else { fprintf(dst, "loadrt %s %s\n", comp->name, (char *)SHMPTR(comp->insmod_args)); } } #if 0 /* newinst deferred to version 2.2 */ next = hal_data->comp_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { comp = SHMPTR(next); if ( comp->type == 2 ) { hal_comp_t *comp1 = halpr_find_comp_by_id(comp->comp_id & 0xffff); fprintf(dst, "newinst %s %s\n", comp1->name, comp->name); } next = comp->next_ptr; } #endif rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); } static void save_aliases(FILE *dst) { hal_pin_t *pin; hal_param_t *param; hal_oldname_t *oldname; fprintf(dst, "# pin aliases\n"); rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); { SHMFIELD(hal_pin_t) next; next = hal_data->pin_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { pin = SHMPTR(next); if ( pin->oldname != 0 ) { /* name is an alias */ oldname = SHMPTR(pin->oldname); fprintf(dst, "alias pin %s %s\n", oldname->name, pin->name); } next = pin->next_ptr; } } fprintf(dst, "# param aliases\n"); { SHMFIELD(hal_param_t) next; next = hal_data->param_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { param = SHMPTR(next); if ( param->oldname != 0 ) { /* name is an alias */ oldname = SHMPTR(param->oldname); fprintf(dst, "alias param %s %s\n", oldname->name, param->name); } next = param->next_ptr; } } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); } static void save_signals(FILE *dst, int only_unlinked) { SHMFIELD(hal_sig_t) next; hal_sig_t *sig; fprintf(dst, "# signals\n"); rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); for( next = hal_data->sig_list_ptr; next; next = sig->next_ptr) { sig = SHMPTR(next); if(only_unlinked && (sig->readers || sig->writers)) continue; fprintf(dst, "newsig %s %s\n", sig->name, data_type((int) sig->type)); } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); } static void save_links(FILE *dst, int arrow) { SHMFIELD(hal_pin_t) next; hal_pin_t *pin; hal_sig_t *sig; const char *arrow_str; fprintf(dst, "# links\n"); rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->pin_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { pin = SHMPTR(next); if (pin->signal != 0) { sig = SHMPTR(pin->signal); if (arrow != 0) { arrow_str = data_arrow1((int) pin->dir); } else { arrow_str = "\0"; } fprintf(dst, "linkps %s %s %s\n", pin->name, arrow_str, sig->name); } next = pin->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); } static void save_nets(FILE *dst, int arrow) { SHMFIELD(hal_sig_t) next; hal_pin_t *pin; hal_sig_t *sig; const char *arrow_str; fprintf(dst, "# nets\n"); rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); for (next = hal_data->sig_list_ptr; next != 0; next = sig->next_ptr) { sig = SHMPTR(next); if(arrow == 3) { int state = 0, first = 1; /* If there are no pins connected to this signal, do nothing */ pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, 0); if(!pin) continue; fprintf(dst, "net %s", sig->name); /* Step 1: Output pin, if any */ for(pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, 0); pin; pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, pin)) { if(pin->dir != HAL_OUT) continue; fprintf(dst, " %s", pin->name); state = 1; } /* Step 2: I/O pins, if any */ for(pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, 0); pin; pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, pin)) { if(pin->dir != HAL_IO) continue; fprintf(dst, " "); if(state) { fprintf(dst, "=> "); state = 0; } else if(!first) { fprintf(dst, "<=> "); } fprintf(dst, "%s", pin->name); first = 0; } if(!first) state = 1; /* Step 3: Input pins, if any */ for(pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, 0); pin; pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, pin)) { if(pin->dir != HAL_IN) continue; fprintf(dst, " "); if(state) { fprintf(dst, "=> "); state = 0; } fprintf(dst, "%s", pin->name); } fprintf(dst, "\n"); } else if(arrow == 2) { /* If there are no pins connected to this signal, do nothing */ pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, 0); if(!pin) continue; fprintf(dst, "net %s", sig->name); pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, 0); while (pin != 0) { fprintf(dst, " %s", pin->name); pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, pin); } fprintf(dst, "\n"); } else { fprintf(dst, "newsig %s %s\n", sig->name, data_type((int) sig->type)); pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, 0); while (pin != 0) { if (arrow != 0) { arrow_str = data_arrow2((int) pin->dir); } else { arrow_str = "\0"; } fprintf(dst, "linksp %s %s %s\n", sig->name, arrow_str, pin->name); pin = halpr_find_pin_by_sig(sig, pin); } } } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); } static void save_params(FILE *dst) { SHMFIELD(hal_param_t) next; hal_param_t *param; fprintf(dst, "# parameter values\n"); rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next = hal_data->param_list_ptr; while (next != 0) { param = SHMPTR(next); if (param->dir != HAL_RO) { /* param is writable, save its value */ fprintf(dst, "setp %s %s\n", param->name, data_value((int) param->type, SHMPTR(param->data_ptr))); } next = param->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); } static void save_threads(FILE *dst) { SHMFIELD(hal_thread_t) next_thread; hal_thread_t *tptr; hal_list_t *list_root, *list_entry; hal_funct_entry_t *fentry; hal_funct_t *funct; fprintf(dst, "# realtime thread/function links\n"); rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); next_thread = hal_data->thread_list_ptr; while (next_thread != 0) { tptr = SHMPTR(next_thread); list_root = &(tptr->funct_list); list_entry = list_next(list_root); while (list_entry != list_root) { /* print the function info */ fentry = (hal_funct_entry_t *) list_entry; funct = SHMPTR(fentry->funct_ptr); fprintf(dst, "addf %s %s\n", funct->name, tptr->name); list_entry = list_next(list_entry); } next_thread = tptr->next_ptr; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); } static void save_unconnected_input_pin_values(FILE *dst) { hal_pin_t *pin; void *dptr; SHMFIELD(hal_pin_t) next; fprintf(dst, "# unconnected pin values\n"); for(next = hal_data->pin_list_ptr; next; next=pin->next_ptr) { pin = SHMPTR(next); if ( (pin->signal == 0) && ( (pin->dir == HAL_IN) || (pin->dir == HAL_IO) ) ) { dptr = &(pin->dummysig); fprintf(dst, "setp %s %s\n", pin->name, data_value((int) pin->type, dptr)); } } } int do_setexact_cmd() { int retval = 0; rtapi_mutex_get(&(hal_data->mutex)); if(hal_data->base_period) { halcmd_error( "HAL_LIB: Cannot run 'setexact'" " after a thread has been created\n"); retval = -EINVAL; } else { halcmd_warning( "HAL_LIB: HAL will pretend that the exact" " base period requested is possible.\n" "This mode is not suitable for running real hardware.\n"); hal_data->exact_base_period = 1; } rtapi_mutex_give(&(hal_data->mutex)); return retval; } int do_help_cmd(char *command) { if (!command) { print_help_commands(); } else if (strcmp(command, "help") == 0) { printf("If you need help to use 'help', then I can't help you.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "loadrt") == 0) { printf("loadrt modname [modarg(s)]\n"); printf(" Loads realtime HAL module 'modname', passing 'modargs'\n"); printf(" to the module.\n"); #if 0 /* newinst deferred to version 2.2 */ } else if (strcmp(command, "newinst") == 0) { printf("newinst modname instname\n"); printf(" Creates another instance of previously loaded module\n" ); printf(" 'modname', naming it 'instname'.\n"); #endif } else if (strcmp(command, "unload") == 0) { printf("unload compname\n"); printf(" Unloads HAL module 'compname', whether user space or realtime.\n"); printf(" If 'compname' is 'all', unloads all components.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "waitusr") == 0) { printf("waitusr compname\n"); printf(" Waits for user space HAL module 'compname' to exit.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "unloadusr") == 0) { printf("unloadusr compname\n"); printf(" Unloads user space HAL module 'compname'. If 'compname'\n"); printf(" is 'all', unloads all userspace components.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "unloadrt") == 0) { printf("unloadrt modname\n"); printf(" Unloads realtime HAL module 'modname'. If 'modname'\n"); printf(" is 'all', unloads all realtime modules.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "loadusr") == 0) { printf("loadusr [options] progname [progarg(s)]\n"); printf(" Starts user space program 'progname', passing\n"); printf(" 'progargs' to it. Options are:\n"); printf(" -W wait for HAL component to become ready\n"); printf(" -Wn NAME wait for component named NAME to become ready\n"); printf(" -w wait for program to finish\n"); printf(" -i ignore program return value (use with -w)\n"); } else if ((strcmp(command, "linksp") == 0) || (strcmp(command,"linkps") == 0)) { printf("linkps pinname [arrow] signame\n"); printf("linksp signame [arrow] pinname\n"); printf(" Links pin 'pinname' to signal 'signame'. Both forms do\n"); printf(" the same thing. Use whichever makes sense. The optional\n"); printf(" 'arrow' can be '==>', '<==', or '<=>' and is ignored. It\n"); printf(" can be used in files to show the direction of data flow,\n"); printf(" but don't use arrows on the command line.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "linkpp") == 0) { printf("linkpp firstpin secondpin\n"); printf(" Creates a signal with the name of the first pin,\n"); printf(" then links both pins to the signal. \n"); } else if(strcmp(command, "net") == 0) { printf("net signame pinname ...\n"); printf("Creates 'signame' with the type of 'pinname' if it does not yet exist\n"); printf("And then links signame to each pinname specified.\n"); }else if (strcmp(command, "unlinkp") == 0) { printf("unlinkp pinname\n"); printf(" Unlinks pin 'pinname' if it is linked to any signal.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "lock") == 0) { printf("lock [all|tune|none]\n"); printf(" Locks HAL to some degree.\n"); printf(" none - no locking done.\n"); printf(" tune - some tuning is possible (setp & such).\n"); printf(" all - HAL completely locked.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "unlock") == 0) { printf("unlock [all|tune]\n"); printf(" Unlocks HAL to some degree.\n"); printf(" tune - some tuning is possible (setp & such).\n"); printf(" all - HAL completely unlocked.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "newsig") == 0) { printf("newsig signame type\n"); printf(" Creates a new signal called 'signame'. Type\n"); printf(" is 'bit', 'float', 'port', 'u32', or 's32'.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "delsig") == 0) { printf("delsig signame\n"); printf(" Deletes signal 'signame'. If 'signame is 'all',\n"); printf(" deletes all signals\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "setp") == 0) { printf("setp paramname value\n"); printf("setp pinname value\n"); printf("paramname = value\n"); printf(" Sets parameter 'paramname' to 'value' (if writable).\n"); printf(" Sets pin 'pinname' to 'value' (if an unconnected input).\n"); printf(" 'setp' and '=' work the same, don't use '=' on the\n"); printf(" command line. 'value' may be a constant such as 1.234\n"); printf(" or TRUE, or a reference to an environment variable,\n"); #ifdef NO_INI printf(" using the syntax '$name'./n"); #else printf(" using the syntax '$name'. If option -i was given,\n"); printf(" 'value' may also be a reference to an ini file entry\n"); printf(" using the syntax '[section]name'.\n"); #endif } else if (strcmp(command, "sets") == 0) { printf("sets signame value\n"); printf(" Sets a non-port signal 'signame' to 'value' (if signal has no writers).\n"); printf(" If 'signame' is a port signal (that has not previously been allocated),\n"); printf(" then 'value' is the new maximum size in bytes of that port.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "getp") == 0) { printf("getp paramname\n"); printf("getp pinname\n"); printf(" Gets the value of parameter 'paramname' or pin 'pinname'.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "ptype") == 0) { printf("ptype paramname\n"); printf("ptype pinname\n"); printf(" Gets the type of parameter 'paramname' or pin 'pinname'.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "gets") == 0) { printf("gets signame\n"); printf(" Gets the value of signal 'signame'.\n"); printf(" If signal 'signame' is a port, returns the buffer size of that port.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "stype") == 0) { printf("stype signame\n"); printf(" Gets the type of signal 'signame'\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "addf") == 0) { printf("addf functname threadname [position]\n"); printf(" Adds function 'functname' to thread 'threadname'. If\n"); printf(" 'position' is specified, adds the function to that spot\n"); printf(" in the thread, otherwise adds it to the end. Negative\n"); printf(" 'position' means position with respect to the end of the\n"); printf(" thread. For example '1' is start of thread, '-1' is the\n"); printf(" end of the thread, '-3' is third from the end.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "delf") == 0) { printf("delf functname threadname\n"); printf(" Removes function 'functname' from thread 'threadname'.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "show") == 0) { printf("show [type] [pattern]\n"); printf(" Prints info about HAL items of the specified type.\n"); printf(" 'type' is 'comp', 'pin', 'sig', 'param', 'funct',\n"); printf(" 'thread', or 'all'. If 'type' is omitted, it assumes\n"); printf(" 'all' with no pattern. If 'pattern' is specified\n"); printf(" it prints only those items whose names match the\n"); printf(" pattern, which may be a 'shell glob'.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "list") == 0) { printf("list type [pattern]\n"); printf(" Prints the names of HAL items of the specified type.\n"); printf(" 'type' is 'comp', 'pin', 'sig', 'param', 'funct', or\n"); printf(" 'thread'. If 'pattern' is specified it prints only\n"); printf(" those names that match the pattern, which may be a\n"); printf(" 'shell glob'.\n"); printf(" For 'sig', 'pin' and 'param', the first pattern may be\n"); printf(" -tdatatype where datatype is the data type (e.g., 'float')\n"); printf(" in this case, the listed pins, signals, or parameters\n"); printf(" are restricted to the given data type\n"); printf(" Names are printed on a single line, space separated.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "status") == 0) { printf("status [type]\n"); printf(" Prints status info about HAL.\n"); printf(" 'type' is 'lock', 'mem', or 'all'. \n"); printf(" If 'type' is omitted, it assumes\n"); printf(" 'all'.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "debug")==0){ printf("debug [level]\n"); printf(" set the messaging level for the realtime API (calls rtapi_set_msg_level)\n"); printf(" levels are \n"); printf(" 0 = None\n"); printf(" 1 = Errors only (default)\n"); printf(" 2 = Warnings and above\n"); printf(" 3 = Info and above\n"); printf(" 4 = Debug and above\n"); printf(" 5 = All messages\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "save") == 0) { printf("save [type] [filename]\n"); printf(" Prints HAL state to 'filename' (or stdout), as a series\n"); printf(" of HAL commands. State can later be restored by using\n"); printf(" \"halcmd -f filename\".\n"); printf(" Type can be 'comp', 'alias', 'sig[u]', 'signal', 'link[a]'\n"); printf(" 'net[a]', 'netl', 'netla', netal', 'param', 'parameter,\n"); printf(" 'unconnectedinpins', 'all, 'allu', or 'thread'.\n"); printf(" (A final 'a' character (like 'neta' means show arrows for pin direction.)\n"); printf(" If 'type' is 'allu'), does the equivalent of:\n"); printf(" 'comp', 'alias', 'sigu', 'netla', 'param', 'unconnectedinpins' and 'thread'.\n\n"); printf(" If 'type' is omitted (or type is 'all'), does the equivalent of:\n"); printf(" 'comp', 'alias', 'sigu', 'netla', 'param', and 'thread'.\n\n"); printf(" See the man page ($man halcmd) for save option details\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "start") == 0) { printf("start\n"); printf(" Starts all realtime threads.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "stop") == 0) { printf("stop\n"); printf(" Stops all realtime threads.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "quit") == 0) { printf("quit\n"); printf(" Stop processing input and terminate halcmd (when\n"); printf(" reading from a file or stdin).\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "exit") == 0) { printf("exit\n"); printf(" Stop processing input and terminate halcmd (when\n"); printf(" reading from a file or stdin).\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "alias") == 0) { printf("alias type name alias\n"); printf(" Assigns \"alias\" as a second name for the pin or parameter\n"); printf(" \"name\". For most operations, an alias provides a second\n"); printf(" name that can be used to refer to a pin or parameter, both the\n"); printf(" original name and the alias will work.\n"); printf(" \"type\" must be pin or param\n"); printf(" \"name\" must be an existing name or alias of the specified type.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "unalias") == 0) { printf("unalias type name\n"); printf(" Removes any alias from the pin or parameter \"name\".\n"); printf(" \"type\" must be pin or param\n"); printf(" \"name\" must be an existing name or alias of the specified type.\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "echo") == 0) { printf("echo\n"); printf("echo the commands from stdin to stderr\n"); printf("Useful for debugging scripted commands from a running program\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "unecho") == 0) { printf("unecho\n"); printf("Turn off echo of commands from stdin to stdout\n"); } else if (strcmp(command, "print") == 0) { printf("print [message]\n"); printf("This will print to the terminal the filename, line number and\n"); printf("an (optional) message. If the message has spaces, put it inside quotes.\n"); printf("Useful for debugging ie. confirming a HAL file is being run.\n"); } else { printf("No help for unknown command '%s'\n", command); } return 0; } static void print_help_commands(void) { printf("Use 'help ' for more details about each command\n"); printf("Available commands:\n"); printf(" loadrt Load realtime module(s)\n"); printf(" loadusr Start user space program\n"); printf(" waitusr Waits for userspace component to exit\n"); printf(" unload Unload realtime module or terminate userspace component\n"); printf(" unloadrt Unload realtime module \n"); printf(" unloadusr Unload userspace component\n"); printf(" lock, unlock Lock/unlock HAL behaviour\n"); printf(" linkpp Link pin to pin (OBSOLETE)\n"); printf(" linkps Link pin to signal (OBSOLETE)\n"); printf(" linksp Link signal to pin (OBSOLETE)\n"); printf(" net Link a number of pins to a signal\n"); printf(" unlinkp Unlink pin\n"); printf(" newsig Create a signal (OBSOLETE)\n"); printf(" delsig Delete a signal\n"); printf(" getp, gets Get the value of a pin, parameter or signal\n"); printf(" ptype, stype Get the type of a pin, parameter or signal\n"); printf(" setp, sets Set the value of a pin, parameter or signal\n"); printf(" addf, delf Add/remove function to/from a thread\n"); printf(" show Display info about HAL objects\n"); printf(" list Display names of HAL objects\n"); printf(" source Execute commands from another .hal file\n"); printf(" status Display status information\n"); printf(" debug Set the rtapi message level\n"); printf(" save Print config as commands\n"); printf(" start, stop Start/stop realtime threads\n"); printf(" alias, unalias Add or remove pin or parameter name aliases\n"); printf(" echo, unecho Echo commands from stdin to stderr\n"); printf(" print print filename, line number and optional message to terminal\n"); printf(" quit, exit Exit from halcmd\n"); }