/** This file, 'scope_disp.c', contains the portion of halscope that actually displays waveforms. */ /** Copyright (C) 2003 John Kasunich */ /** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. THE AUTHORS OF THIS LIBRARY ACCEPT ABSOLUTELY NO LIABILITY FOR ANY HARM OR LOSS RESULTING FROM ITS USE. IT IS _EXTREMELY_ UNWISE TO RELY ON SOFTWARE ALONE FOR SAFETY. Any machinery capable of harming persons must have provisions for completely removing power from all motors, etc, before persons enter any danger area. All machinery must be designed to comply with local and national safety codes, and the authors of this software can not, and do not, take any responsibility for such compliance. This code was written as part of the EMC HAL project. For more information, go to https://linuxcnc.org. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rtapi.h" /* RTAPI realtime OS API */ #include "hal.h" /* HAL public API decls */ #include "../hal_priv.h" /* private HAL decls */ #include #include "miscgtk.h" /* generic GTK stuff */ #include "scope_usr.h" /* scope related declarations */ #define BUFLEN 80 /* length for sprintf buffers */ /*********************************************************************** * GLOBAL VARIABLES DECLARATIONS * ************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************** * LOCAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES * ************************************************************************/ static void init_display_window(void); static void clear_display_window(void); static void alloc_color(GdkRGBA *color, int red, int green, int blue); static void update_readout(void); static void draw_grid(void); static void draw_baseline(int chan_num, int highlight); static void draw_waveform(int chan_num, int highlight); static void draw_triggerline(int chan_num, int highlight); static int handle_click(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data); static int handle_release(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data); static int handle_motion(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data); static int handle_scroll(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventScroll *event, gpointer data); static void conflict_avoid(int *y, int h); static int conflict_avoid_dy(int y, int h, int dy); static void conflict_reset(int height); static void update_drawing_size(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event, gpointer data); static void create_context(void); /*********************************************************************** * PUBLIC FUNCTIONS * ************************************************************************/ static int DRAWING = 0; static int cursor_valid = 0; static double cursor_time = 0; static double cursor_prev_value = 0.; static double cursor_value = 0; void init_display(void) { /* allocate a user space buffer */ ctrl_usr->disp_buf = g_malloc(sizeof(scope_data_t) * ctrl_shm->buf_len); if (ctrl_usr->disp_buf == 0) { /* malloc failed */ /* should never get here - gmalloc checks its return value */ exit(-1); } /* initialize waveform window */ init_display_window(); invalidate_all_channels(); } void invalidate_channel(int chan) { ctrl_usr->vert.data_offset[chan - 1] = -1; } void invalidate_all_channels(void) { int n; for (n = 0; n < 16; n++) { ctrl_usr->vert.data_offset[n] = -1; } } void request_display_refresh(int delay) { if (delay > 5) { delay = 5; } if (delay < 1) { delay = 1; } /* request a refresh after approximately delay/10 seconds of idleness */ ctrl_usr->display_refresh_timer = delay; } /* * Redraws the oscilloscope window */ void redraw_window(void) { scope_disp_t *disp; disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); gtk_widget_queue_draw(disp->drawing); } static int motion_x = -1, motion_y = -1; static void calculate_offset(int chan_num) { int n; scope_chan_t *chan = &(ctrl_usr->chan[chan_num]); scope_data_t *dptr = ctrl_usr->disp_buf + ctrl_usr->vert.data_offset[chan_num]; int type = chan->data_type; double sum=0, value; if(!chan->ac_offset) return; for(n=0; n < ctrl_usr->samples; n++) { switch (type) { case HAL_BIT: if (dptr->d_u8) { value = 1.0; } else { value = 0.0; }; break; case HAL_FLOAT: value = dptr->d_real; break; case HAL_S32: value = dptr->d_s32; break; case HAL_U32: value = dptr->d_u32; break; default: value = 0.0; break; } sum = sum + value; } if(n == 0) { chan->vert_offset = 0; } else { chan->vert_offset = sum / n; } } void refresh_display(void) { int n; scope_disp_t *disp; scope_vert_t *vert; scope_horiz_t *horiz; double pixels_per_div, pixels_per_sec, overall_record_length; double screen_center_time, screen_start_time, screen_end_time; /* cancel any pending refresh request */ ctrl_usr->display_refresh_timer = 0; /* set pointers */ disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); vert = &(ctrl_usr->vert); horiz = &(ctrl_usr->horiz); /* calculate horizontal params that depend on width */ pixels_per_div = disp->width * 0.1; pixels_per_sec = pixels_per_div / horiz->disp_scale; disp->pixels_per_sample = pixels_per_sec * horiz->sample_period; overall_record_length = horiz->sample_period * ctrl_shm->rec_len; screen_center_time = overall_record_length * horiz->pos_setting; screen_start_time = screen_center_time - (5.0 * horiz->disp_scale); disp->horiz_offset = screen_start_time * pixels_per_sec; disp->start_sample = screen_start_time / horiz->sample_period; if (disp->start_sample < 0) { disp->start_sample = 0; } screen_end_time = screen_center_time + (5.0 * horiz->disp_scale); disp->end_sample = (screen_end_time / horiz->sample_period) + 1; if (disp->end_sample > ctrl_shm->rec_len - 1) { disp->end_sample = ctrl_shm->rec_len - 1; } DRAWING = 1; clear_display_window(); draw_grid(); /* calculate offsets for AC-offset channels */ for (n = 0; n < 16; n++) { if (vert->chan_enabled[n]) calculate_offset(n); } /* draw baselines first */ for (n = 0; n < 16; n++) { if ((vert->chan_enabled[n]) && (n + 1 != vert->selected)) { draw_baseline(n + 1, FALSE); } } if (vert->selected > 0 && vert->chan_enabled[vert->selected - 1]) { draw_baseline(vert->selected, TRUE); } /* Draw trigger line */ int trig_chan = ctrl_shm->trig_chan - 1 ; if (trig_chan >= 0 && trig_chan < 16 && vert->chan_enabled[trig_chan]) { draw_triggerline(ctrl_shm->trig_chan, ctrl_shm->trig_chan == vert->selected); } conflict_reset(disp->height); /* draw non-highlighted waveforms next */ for (n = 0; n < 16; n++) { if ((vert->chan_enabled[n]) && (vert->data_offset[n] >= 0) && (n + 1 != vert->selected)) { draw_waveform(n + 1, FALSE); } } /* draw highlighted waveform (if any) last */ if (vert->selected > 0 && (vert->chan_enabled[vert->selected - 1]) && (vert->data_offset[vert->selected - 1] >= 0)) { draw_waveform(vert->selected, TRUE); } update_readout(); } /*********************************************************************** * LOCAL FUNCTIONS * ************************************************************************/ static void alloc_color(GdkRGBA *color, int red, int green, int blue) { char buf[17]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "rgb(%d,%d,%d)", red, green, blue); if (!gdk_rgba_parse(color, buf)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to parse color, RGB(%d, %d, %d)\n", __func__, red, green, blue); } } int normal_colors[16][3] = { {204, 0, 0}, { 0, 204, 204}, {102, 204, 0}, {102, 0, 204}, {204, 153, 0}, { 0, 204, 51}, { 0, 51, 204}, {204, 0, 153}, {153, 95, 61}, {141, 153, 61}, { 72, 153, 61}, { 61, 153, 118}, { 61, 118, 153}, { 72, 61, 153}, {141, 61, 153}, {153, 61, 95}, }; int selected_colors[16][3] = { {255, 204, 204}, {204, 255, 255}, {229, 255, 204}, {229, 204, 255}, {255, 242, 204}, {204, 255, 216}, {204, 216, 255}, {255, 204, 242}, {229, 186, 160}, {220, 229, 160}, {169, 229, 160}, {160, 229, 203}, {160, 203, 229}, {169, 160, 229}, {220, 160, 229}, {229, 160, 186}, }; static void init_display_window(void) { scope_disp_t *disp; int i; disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); /* allocate a drawing area */ disp->drawing = gtk_drawing_area_new(); /* put it into the display window */ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(ctrl_usr->waveform_win), disp->drawing, TRUE, TRUE, 0); /* hook up a function to handle expose events */ g_signal_connect(disp->drawing, "size_allocate", G_CALLBACK(update_drawing_size), NULL); g_signal_connect(disp->drawing, "realize", G_CALLBACK(create_context), NULL); g_signal_connect(disp->drawing, "draw", G_CALLBACK(refresh_display), NULL); g_signal_connect(disp->drawing, "button_release_event", G_CALLBACK(handle_release), NULL); g_signal_connect(disp->drawing, "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK(handle_click), NULL); g_signal_connect(disp->drawing, "motion_notify_event", G_CALLBACK(handle_motion), NULL); g_signal_connect(disp->drawing, "scroll_event", G_CALLBACK(handle_scroll), NULL); gtk_widget_add_events(GTK_WIDGET(disp->drawing), GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | GDK_BUTTON2_MOTION_MASK | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK | GDK_SCROLL_MASK ); gtk_widget_show(disp->drawing); /* allocate colors */ alloc_color(&disp->color_bg, 0, 0, 0); alloc_color(&disp->color_grid, 255, 255, 255); alloc_color(&disp->color_baseline, 128, 128, 128); for(i = 0; i<16; i++) { alloc_color(&(disp->color_normal[i]), normal_colors[i][0], normal_colors[i][1], normal_colors[i][2]); alloc_color(&(disp->color_selected[i]), selected_colors[i][0], selected_colors[i][1], selected_colors[i][2]); } } /* * Paints the entire widget black. * This is being used as background for the oscilloscope. */ static void clear_display_window(void) { scope_disp_t *disp; disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba(disp->context, &disp->color_bg); cairo_paint(disp->context); } void draw_grid(void) { scope_disp_t *disp; double xscale, yscale; int xmajor, xminor, ymajor, yminor; int nx, ny, m; double fx, fy; int x, y; disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); /* set color to draw */ gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba(disp->context, &disp->color_grid); /* calculate scale factors */ xscale = disp->width - 1.0; yscale = disp->height - 1.0; /* calculate grid spacings */ xmajor = xscale * 0.1; if (xmajor >= 40) { xminor = 10; } else if (xmajor >= 20) { xminor = 5; } else { xminor = xmajor / 4; } ymajor = yscale * 0.1; if (ymajor >= 40) { yminor = 10; } else if (ymajor >= 20) { yminor = 5; } else { yminor = ymajor / 4; } /* draw the vertical lines */ for (nx = 0; nx <= 10; nx++) { /* calc the major division x coordinate */ fx = nx * 0.1; for (ny = 0; ny <= 10; ny++) { /* calc the major division y coordinate */ fy = ny * 0.1; /* draw the major division point */ x = fx * xscale; y = fy * yscale; cairo_rectangle(disp->context, x, y, 1, 1); cairo_fill(disp->context); /* draw minor divisions (vertical) */ if (ny < 10) { for (m = 1; m < yminor; m++) { y = (((0.1 * m) / yminor) + fy) * yscale; cairo_rectangle(disp->context, x, y, 1, 1); cairo_fill(disp->context); } } /* draw minor divisions (horizontal) */ if (nx < 10) { y = fy * yscale; for (m = 1; m < xminor; m++) { x = (((0.1 * m) / xminor) + fx) * xscale; cairo_rectangle(disp->context, x, y, 1, 1); cairo_fill(disp->context); } } } } } static int select_x, select_y, target; static double min_dist; static int select_trace(int x, int y) { int n; scope_disp_t *disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); min_dist = hypot(disp->width, disp->height) / 100.; if(min_dist < 5) min_dist = 5; target = -1; DRAWING = 0; select_x = x; select_y = y; for(n=0; n<16; n++) { scope_vert_t *vert = &(ctrl_usr->vert); draw_baseline(n+1, FALSE); if((vert->chan_enabled[n]) && (vert->data_offset[n] >= 0)) { draw_waveform(n+1, FALSE); } } draw_triggerline(ctrl_shm->trig_chan, FALSE); return target; } static int handle_release(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data) { return 1; } static void change_zoom(int dir, int x) { scope_horiz_t *horiz = &(ctrl_usr->horiz); scope_disp_t *disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); double old_pixels_per_sample, pixels_per_div, pixels_per_sec, new_pixels_per_sample, old_fraction, new_fraction; old_pixels_per_sample = disp->pixels_per_sample; set_horiz_zoom(horiz->zoom_setting + dir); /* calculate horizontal params that depend on width */ pixels_per_div = disp->width * 0.1; pixels_per_sec = pixels_per_div / horiz->disp_scale; disp->pixels_per_sample = new_pixels_per_sample = pixels_per_sec * horiz->sample_period; // how many samples away from the center of the window is this // pixel? old_fraction = (x - disp->width / 2) / old_pixels_per_sample / ctrl_shm->rec_len; // and new? new_fraction = (x - disp->width / 2) / new_pixels_per_sample / ctrl_shm->rec_len; // displace by the difference set_horiz_pos( horiz->pos_setting - new_fraction + old_fraction ); } static int handle_click(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data) { scope_vert_t *vert = &(ctrl_usr->vert); scope_disp_t *disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); motion_y = event->y; motion_x = event->x; if(event->button == 4) { // zoom in change_zoom(1, event->x); } else if(event->button == 5) { // zoom out change_zoom(-1, event->x); } else { int z = select_trace(event->x, event->y); int new_channel = z & 0xff; int channel_part = z >> 8; disp->selected_part = channel_part; if(new_channel != vert->selected) { if(z == -1) vert->selected = -1; else vert->selected = new_channel; channel_changed(); } if(channel_part == 3) { set_trigger_polarity(!ctrl_shm->trig_edge); } } return 1; } static int get_cursor_info(double *t, double *p, double *v) { if(!cursor_valid) return 0; if(t) *t = cursor_time; if(p) *p = cursor_prev_value; if(v) *v = cursor_value; return 1; } static int handle_scroll(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventScroll *event, gpointer data) { change_zoom(event->direction ? -1 : 1, event->x); return TRUE; } static void middle_drag(int dx) { scope_disp_t *disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); scope_horiz_t *horiz = &(ctrl_usr->horiz); double dt = (dx / disp->pixels_per_sample) / ctrl_shm->rec_len; set_horiz_pos(horiz->pos_setting + 5 * dt); redraw_window(); } static double snap(int y) { scope_disp_t *disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); double new_position = y * 1.0 / disp->height; double mod = fmod(new_position, 0.05); if(mod > .045) new_position = new_position + (.05-mod); if(mod < .005) new_position = new_position - mod; return new_position; } static void left_drag(int dy, int y, GdkModifierType state) { scope_vert_t *vert = &(ctrl_usr->vert); if(vert->selected <= 0) return; scope_disp_t *disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); scope_chan_t *chan = &(ctrl_usr->chan[vert->selected - 1]); if(disp->selected_part == 2 || (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK)) { double new_position = snap(y); set_trigger_level(new_position); } else if(disp->selected_part == 1 || (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK)) { double new_position = snap(y); set_vert_pos(new_position); // chan->position = new_position; redraw_window(); motion_y = y; } else { if(abs(dy) > 5) { int direction = dy > 0 ? 1 : -1; int baseline_y = chan->position * disp-> height; int side = select_y > baseline_y ? -1 : 1; set_vert_scale(chan->scale_index + direction * side); motion_y = y; } } } static int handle_motion(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data) { scope_disp_t *disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); GdkModifierType mod; int x, y; gdk_window_get_device_position(gtk_widget_get_window(disp->drawing), event->device, &x, &y, &mod); if(mod & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) { left_drag(y-motion_y, y, event->state); return TRUE; } if(mod & GDK_BUTTON2_MASK) { middle_drag(motion_x - x); } motion_x = x; redraw_window(); return TRUE; } #define TIPFORMAT "f(% 8.5f) = % 8.5f (ddt % 8.5f)" void update_readout(void) { scope_vert_t *vert = &(ctrl_usr->vert); scope_horiz_t *horiz = &(ctrl_usr->horiz); char tip[512]; if(vert->selected > 0) { double t=0, p=0, v=0; int result = get_cursor_info(&t, &p, &v); if(result > 0) { snprintf(tip, sizeof(tip), TIPFORMAT, t, v, (v - p)/horiz->sample_period); } else { rtapi_strxcpy(tip, ""); } } else { rtapi_strxcpy(tip, ""); } gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(vert->readout_label), tip); } struct pt { double x, y; }; static double dot(struct pt *a, struct pt *b) { return a->x * b->x + a->y * b->y; } static double mag(struct pt *p) { return hypot(p->x, p->y); } static double distance_point_line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { struct pt M = {x2-x1, y2-y1}, Q = {x-x1, y-y1}, R; double t0 = dot(&M, &Q) / dot(&M, &M); if(t0 < 0) t0 = 0; if(t0 > 1) t0 = 1; R.x = x - (x1 + t0 * M.x); R.y = y - (y1 + t0 * M.y); return mag(&R); } #define COORDINATE_CLIP(coord) ((coord < -32768) ? -32768 : (coord > 32767) ? 32767 : coord) void line(int chan_num, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { scope_disp_t *disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); if(DRAWING) { cairo_move_to(disp->context, COORDINATE_CLIP(x1), COORDINATE_CLIP(y1)); cairo_line_to(disp->context, COORDINATE_CLIP(x2), COORDINATE_CLIP(y2)); cairo_stroke(disp->context); } else { double dist = distance_point_line(select_x, select_y, x1, y1, x2, y2); if(dist < min_dist) { min_dist = dist; target = chan_num; } } } void lines(int chan_num, GdkPoint points[], gint npoints) { double dist; int n; scope_disp_t *disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); if(DRAWING) { cairo_move_to(disp->context, points[0].x, points[0].y); for (n = 1; n < npoints; n++) { cairo_line_to(disp->context, points[n].x, points[n].y); } cairo_stroke(disp->context); } else { int x1 = points[0].x, y1 = points[0].y, x2, y2, i; for(i=1; idisp); scope_chan_t *chan = &(ctrl_usr->chan[chan_num - 1]); scope_trig_t *trig = &(ctrl_usr->trig); double yfoffset = chan->vert_offset; double ypoffset = chan->position * disp->height; double yscale = disp->height / (-10.0 * chan->scale); double fp_level = chan->scale * ((chan->position - trig->level) * 10) + chan->vert_offset; const double dashes[2] = {2,4}; int ndash = sizeof(dashes) / sizeof(dashes[0]); int y1 = (fp_level-yfoffset) * yscale + ypoffset; double dx = hypot(disp->width, disp->height) * .01; double dy = dx * 1.3; if(dx < 5) dx = 5; if(dy < dx + 1) dy = dx + 1; if(chan->data_type == HAL_BIT) y1 = ypoffset; if(ctrl_shm->trig_edge) dy = -dy; if(highlight) { gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba(disp->context, &disp->color_selected[chan_num - 1]); } else { gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba(disp->context, &disp->color_normal[chan_num - 1]); } cairo_set_dash(disp->context, dashes, ndash, 0.0); line(chan_num | 0x200, 0, y1, disp->width, y1); /* setting ndash = 0 to disable dashing */ cairo_set_dash(disp->context, dashes, 0, 0.0); if(highlight) { gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba(disp->context, &disp->color_grid); } else { gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba(disp->context, &disp->color_baseline); } line(chan_num | 0x300, 2*dx, y1, 2*dx, y1 + 2*dy); line(chan_num | 0x300, dx, y1+dy, 2*dx, y1 + 2*dy); line(chan_num | 0x300, 3*dx, y1+dy, 2*dx, y1 + 2*dy); } void draw_baseline(int chan_num, int highlight) { scope_disp_t *disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); scope_chan_t *chan = &(ctrl_usr->chan[chan_num - 1]); double yfoffset = chan->vert_offset; double ypoffset = chan->position * disp->height; double yscale = disp->height / (-10.0 * chan->scale); int y1 = -yfoffset * yscale + ypoffset;; if(highlight) { gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba(disp->context, &disp->color_grid); } else { gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba(disp->context, &disp->color_baseline); } line(chan_num | 0x100, 0, y1, disp->width, y1); } /* waveform styles: if neither is defined, an intermediate style is used */ // #define DRAW_STEPPED // #define DRAW_SMOOTH void draw_waveform(int chan_num, int highlight) { scope_data_t *dptr; int start, end, n, sample_len; scope_disp_t *disp; scope_chan_t *chan; double xscale, xoffset; double yscale, yfoffset, ypoffset, fy, prev_fy = 0.; hal_type_t type; int x1, y1, x2, y2, miny, maxy, midx, ct, pn; int first=1; scope_horiz_t *horiz = &(ctrl_usr->horiz); cursor_valid = 0; disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); chan = &(ctrl_usr->chan[chan_num - 1]); /* calculate a bunch of local vars */ sample_len = ctrl_shm->sample_len; xscale = disp->pixels_per_sample; xoffset = disp->horiz_offset; miny = -disp->height; maxy = 2 * disp->height; type = chan->data_type; yscale = disp->height / (-10.0 * chan->scale); yfoffset = chan->vert_offset; ypoffset = chan->position * disp->height; /* point to first sample in the record for this channel */ dptr = ctrl_usr->disp_buf + ctrl_usr->vert.data_offset[chan_num - 1]; /* point to first one that gets displayed */ start = disp->start_sample; end = disp->end_sample; ct = end - start + 1; GdkPoint points[2*ct]; pn = 0; n = start; dptr += n * sample_len; /* set color to draw */ if (highlight) { gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba(disp->context, &disp->color_selected[chan_num - 1]); } else { gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba(disp->context, &disp->color_normal[chan_num - 1]); } x1 = y1 = 0; while (n <= end) { /* calc x coordinate of this point */ x2 = (n * xscale) - xoffset; /* calc y coordinate of this point */ switch (type) { case HAL_BIT: if (dptr->d_u8) { fy = 1.0; } else { fy = 0.0; }; break; case HAL_FLOAT: fy = dptr->d_real; break; case HAL_S32: fy = dptr->d_s32; break; case HAL_U32: fy = dptr->d_u32; break; default: fy = 0.0; break; } y2 = ((fy - yfoffset) * yscale) + ypoffset; if (y2 < miny) { y2 = miny; } else if (y2 > maxy) { y2 = maxy; } x1 = COORDINATE_CLIP(x1); x2 = COORDINATE_CLIP(x2); y1 = COORDINATE_CLIP(y1); y2 = COORDINATE_CLIP(y2); /* don't draw segment ending at first point */ if (n > start) { if(pn == 0) { points[pn].x = x1; points[pn].y = y1; pn++; } if(xscale < 1) { if(points[pn-1].x != x2 || points[pn-1].y != y2) { points[pn].x = x2; points[pn].y = y2; pn++; } } else { #if defined(DRAW_SMOOTH) /* this is a smoothed line display */ points[pn].x = x2; points[pn].y = y2; pn++; #elif defined(DRAW_STEPPED) /* this is a stepped one */ points[pn].x = x1; points[pn].y = y2; pn++; points[pn].x = x2; points[pn].y = y2; pn++; #else /* this is halfway between the two extremes */ midx = (x1 + x2) / 2; if(midx != x2) { points[pn].x = midx; points[pn].y = y2; pn++; } points[pn].x = x2; points[pn].y = y2; pn++; #endif } if(first && highlight && DRAWING && x2 >= motion_x) { first = 0; cairo_arc(disp->context, x2, y2, 5, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI); cairo_fill(disp->context); cursor_prev_value = prev_fy; cursor_value = fy; cursor_time = (n - ctrl_shm->pre_trig)*horiz->sample_period; cursor_valid = 1; } } /* end of this segment is start of next one */ x1 = x2; y1 = y2; /* point to next sample */ dptr += sample_len; n++; prev_fy = fy; } if(pn) { lines(chan_num, points, pn); if(DRAWING) { PangoLayout *p; int y = points[0].y; char scale[HAL_NAME_LEN]; char buffer[2 * HAL_NAME_LEN]; int h; PangoRectangle r; format_scale_value(scale, sizeof(scale), chan->scale); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s\n%s", chan->name, scale); p=gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(disp->drawing, buffer); pango_layout_get_extents(p, NULL, &r); h = PANGO_PIXELS(r.height); if(y < 0 || y+h > disp->height) // if the first sample isn't visible, try the zero value y = (0-yfoffset) * yscale + ypoffset; if(y < 0 || y+h > disp->height) // if that's not visible either, try the offset value y = ypoffset; conflict_avoid(&y, h); cairo_move_to(disp->context, 5, y); pango_cairo_show_layout(disp->context, p); g_object_unref(p); } } } static int ch=0; // X limits all windows to 16-bit heights, so this static array will be OK static char conflict_map[32768]; void conflict_reset(int h) { ch = h; memset(conflict_map, 0, sizeof(conflict_map)); } int conflict_avoid_dy(int y0, int h, int dy) { int oc = 0; for(; y0 > 0 && y0 < ch-h; y0 += dy) { if(conflict_map[y0]) { oc = 0; } oc++; if(oc == h) break; } return y0; } void conflict_avoid(int *y, int h) { int yd = conflict_avoid_dy(*y, h, 1)-h; int yu = conflict_avoid_dy(*y, h, -1); if(abs(yd-*y) < abs(yu-*y)) *y = yd; else *y = yu; memset(conflict_map+*y, 1, h); } /* * Function gets called every time the window size changes. It updates the * variables width and height, with the new size. * * This function gets called with GTK signal "size-allocate". */ static void update_drawing_size(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event, gpointer data) { scope_disp_t *disp; disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); disp->width = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width(widget); disp->height = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height(widget); } /* * Function gets called when the widget (disp->drawing) is going to * be drawn. Destroys the surface if it exist, then creates a new surface * with correct size. * * This function gets called with GTK signal "realize". */ static void create_context(void) { scope_disp_t *disp; disp = &(ctrl_usr->disp); if (disp->surface) { cairo_surface_destroy(disp->surface); } disp->surface = gdk_window_create_similar_surface( gtk_widget_get_window(disp->drawing), CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR, disp->width, disp->height); disp->context = cairo_create(disp->surface); cairo_set_source_rgb(disp->context, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); cairo_paint(disp->context); cairo_destroy(disp->context); } // vim:sts=4:sw=4:et