/******************************************************************** * Description: cms_aup.cc * Provides the interface to CMS used by NML update functions * including a CMS update function for all the basic C data types * to convert NMLmsgs to XDR. * NOTES: There are no update functions for enumerations, or pointers. * The update function for long doubles is included, but it is * recommended that doubles be used instead of long doubles since they * will be faster and the increased range and precision of long doubles * will be lost anyway. * * Derived from a work by Fred Proctor & Will Shackleford * * Author: * License: LGPL Version 2 * System: Linux * * Copyright (c) 2004 All rights reserved. * * Last change: ********************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include /* errno global variable */ #include /* SHORT_MIN, SHOR_MAX, . . . */ #include /* FLT_MIN, FLT_MAX */ #include /* memcpy(), strerror() */ #include /* strtol(), strtoul(), strtod() */ #include /* sprintf() */ #include /* isspace() */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include "cms.hh" /* class CMS */ #include "cms_aup.hh" /* class CMS_ASCII_UPDATER */ #include "rcs_print.hh" /* rcs_print_error() */ #define DEFAULT_WARNING_COUNT_MAX 100 /* Member functions for CMS_ASCII_UPDATER Class */ CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::CMS_ASCII_UPDATER(CMS * _cms_parent):CMS_UPDATER (_cms_parent) { /* Set pointers to NULL. */ begin_current_string = (char *) NULL; end_current_string = (char *) NULL; max_length_current_string = 0; /* Store and validate constructors arguments. */ cms_parent = _cms_parent; if (NULL == cms_parent) { rcs_print_error("CMS parent for updater is NULL.\n"); return; } /* Allocate the encoded header too large, and find out what size it really is. */ encoded_header = malloc(cms_encoded_data_explosion_factor * sizeof(CMS_HEADER)); if (encoded_header == NULL) { rcs_print_error("CMS:can't malloc encoded_header"); status = CMS_CREATE_ERROR; return; } /* If queuing is enabled, then initialize streams for encoding and decoding the header with the queue information. */ if (cms_parent->queuing_enabled) { /* Allocate the encoded header too large, and find out what size it really is. */ encoded_queuing_header = malloc(neutral_size_factor * sizeof(CMS_QUEUING_HEADER)); } warning_count = 0; warning_count_max = DEFAULT_WARNING_COUNT_MAX; } CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::~CMS_ASCII_UPDATER() { if (NULL != encoded_data && !using_external_encoded_data) { free(encoded_data); encoded_data = NULL; } if (NULL != encoded_header) { free(encoded_header); encoded_header = NULL; } if (NULL != encoded_queuing_header) { free(encoded_queuing_header); encoded_queuing_header = NULL; } } int CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::set_mode(CMS_UPDATER_MODE _mode) { CMS_UPDATER::set_mode(_mode); mode = _mode; switch (mode) { case CMS_NO_UPDATE: begin_current_string = end_current_string = (char *) NULL; max_length_current_string = 0; length_current_string = 0; break; case CMS_ENCODE_DATA: begin_current_string = end_current_string = (char *) encoded_data; max_length_current_string = neutral_size_factor * size; if (max_length_current_string > cms_parent->max_encoded_message_size) { max_length_current_string = cms_parent->max_encoded_message_size; } length_current_string = 0; encoding = 1; break; case CMS_DECODE_DATA: begin_current_string = end_current_string = (char *) encoded_data; max_length_current_string = neutral_size_factor * size; if (max_length_current_string > cms_parent->max_encoded_message_size) { max_length_current_string = cms_parent->max_encoded_message_size; } length_current_string = 0; encoding = 0; break; case CMS_ENCODE_HEADER: begin_current_string = end_current_string = (char *) encoded_header; max_length_current_string = neutral_size_factor * sizeof(CMS_HEADER); length_current_string = 0; encoding = 1; break; case CMS_DECODE_HEADER: begin_current_string = end_current_string = (char *) encoded_header; max_length_current_string = neutral_size_factor * sizeof(CMS_HEADER); length_current_string = 0; encoding = 0; break; case CMS_ENCODE_QUEUING_HEADER: begin_current_string = end_current_string = (char *) encoded_queuing_header; max_length_current_string = neutral_size_factor * sizeof(CMS_QUEUING_HEADER); length_current_string = 0; encoding = 1; break; case CMS_DECODE_QUEUING_HEADER: begin_current_string = end_current_string = (char *) encoded_queuing_header; max_length_current_string = neutral_size_factor * sizeof(CMS_QUEUING_HEADER); length_current_string = 0; encoding = 0; break; default: rcs_print_error("CMS updater in invalid mode.\n"); return (-1); } return (0); } int CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::check_pointer(char *_pointer, long _bytes) { if (NULL == cms_parent || NULL == begin_current_string || NULL == end_current_string) { rcs_print_error("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: Required pointer is NULL.\n"); return (-1); } if (length_current_string + _bytes * neutral_size_factor > max_length_current_string) { rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: length of current string(%ld) + bytes to add of(%ld) exceeds maximum of %ld.\n", length_current_string, _bytes * neutral_size_factor, max_length_current_string); return (-1); } return (cms_parent->check_pointer(_pointer, _bytes)); } /* Repositions the data buffer to the very beginning */ void CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::rewind() { CMS_UPDATER::rewind(); end_current_string = begin_current_string; length_current_string = 0; if (NULL != cms_parent) { cms_parent->format_size = 0; } } int CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::get_encoded_msg_size() { return (length_current_string); } /* Safe strlen function. */ int safe_strlen(char *string, int max) { int retval; if (string == NULL) { return (-1); } retval = 0; while (string[retval]) { if (isspace(string[retval])) break; retval++; if (retval >= max) { return (-1); } } return retval; } /* bool functions */ CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(bool &x) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) &x, sizeof(bool))) { return (CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { end_current_string[0] = (char) x; } else { x = (bool) end_current_string[0]; } end_current_string += 1; length_current_string += 1; return (status); } /* Char functions */ CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(char &x) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) &x, sizeof(char))) { return (CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { end_current_string[0] = x; } else { x = end_current_string[0]; } end_current_string += 1; length_current_string += 1; return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(char *x, unsigned int len) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) x, sizeof(char) * len)) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { memcpy(end_current_string, x, len); } else { memcpy(x, end_current_string, len); } end_current_string += len; length_current_string += len; return (status); } /* Char functions */ CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(unsigned char &x) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) &x, sizeof(unsigned char))) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { end_current_string[0] = x; } else { x = end_current_string[0]; } end_current_string += 1; length_current_string += 1; return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(unsigned char *x, unsigned int len) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) x, sizeof(unsigned char) * len)) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { memcpy(end_current_string, x, len); } else { memcpy(x, end_current_string, len); } end_current_string += len; length_current_string += len; return (status); } /* Short functions */ CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(short int &x) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) &x, sizeof(short))) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { end_current_string[7] = 0; sprintf(end_current_string, "%-6d", x); if (end_current_string[7] != 0 && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: (warning) short with value %-6d caused an overflow.\n", x); } end_current_string[7] = 0; } else { if (-1 == safe_strlen(end_current_string, 8)) { rcs_print_error("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: String is too long.\n"); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } errno = 0; long number = strtol(end_current_string, (char **) NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: Error %d: %s occurred during strtol of(%s).\n", errno, strerror(errno), end_current_string); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if ((number < SHRT_MIN || SHRT_MAX < number) && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: (warning) Number %ld out of range for short(%d,%d)\n", number, SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX); } x = (short) number; } end_current_string += 8; length_current_string += 8; return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(short *x, unsigned int len) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) x, sizeof(short) * len)) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (CMS_UPDATE_ERROR == update(x[i])) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } } return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(unsigned short int &x) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) &x, sizeof(short))) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { end_current_string[7] = 0; sprintf(end_current_string, "%-6d", x); if (end_current_string[7] != 0 && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: (warning) unsigned short with value %-6d caused an overflow.\n", x); } end_current_string[7] = 0; } else { if (-1 == safe_strlen(end_current_string, 8)) { rcs_print_error("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: String is too long.\n"); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } errno = 0; unsigned long number = strtoul(end_current_string, (char **) NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: Error %d: %s occurred during strtoul of (%s).\n", errno, strerror(errno), end_current_string); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (number > USHRT_MAX && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: Number %lu out of range for unsigned short(0,%d)\n", number, USHRT_MAX); } x = (unsigned short) number; } end_current_string += 8; length_current_string += 8; return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(unsigned short *x, unsigned int len) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) x, sizeof(unsigned short) * len)) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (CMS_UPDATE_ERROR == update(x[i])) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } } return (status); } /* Int functions */ CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(int &x) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) &x, sizeof(int))) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { if (x > 9999999 && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: int %d is too large. (Use type long.)\n", x); } end_current_string[7] = 0; sprintf(end_current_string, "%-6d", x); if (end_current_string[7] != 0 && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: (warning) int with value %-6d caused an overflow.\n", x); } end_current_string[7] = 0; } else { if (-1 == safe_strlen(end_current_string, 8)) { rcs_print_error("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: String is too long.\n"); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } errno = 0; long number = strtol(end_current_string, (char **) NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: Error %d: %s occurred during strtol of (%s).\n", errno, strerror(errno), end_current_string); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if ((number < ((long) INT_MIN)) || ((((long) INT_MAX) < number) && (warning_count < warning_count_max))) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: (warning) Number %ld out of range for int(%d,%d)\n", number, INT_MIN, INT_MAX); } x = (int) number; } end_current_string += 8; length_current_string += 8; return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(int *x, unsigned int len) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) x, sizeof(int) * len)) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (CMS_UPDATE_ERROR == update(x[i])) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } } return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(unsigned int &x) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) &x, sizeof(unsigned int))) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { if (x > 9999999 && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: unsigned int %d is too large. (Use type long.)\n", x); } end_current_string[7] = 0; sprintf(end_current_string, "%-6d", x); if (end_current_string[7] != 0 && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: (warning)unsigned int with value %-6d caused an overflow.\n", x); } end_current_string[7] = 0; } else { if (-1 == safe_strlen(end_current_string, 8)) { rcs_print_error("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: String is too long.\n"); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } errno = 0; unsigned long number = strtoul(end_current_string, (char **) NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: Error %d:%s occurred during strtoul of (%s).\n", errno, strerror(errno), end_current_string); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (UINT_MAX < number && warning_count < warning_count_max) { rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: Number %lu out of range for unsigned int (0,%u)\n", number, UINT_MAX); } x = (unsigned int) number; } end_current_string += 8; length_current_string += 8; return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(unsigned int *x, unsigned int len) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) x, sizeof(unsigned int) * len)) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (CMS_UPDATE_ERROR == update(x[i])) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } } return (status); } /* Long functions */ CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(long int &x) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) &x, sizeof(long))) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { end_current_string[15] = 0; sprintf(end_current_string, "%-14ld", x); if (end_current_string[15] != 0 && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: (warning) long with value %-14ld caused an overflow\n", x); } end_current_string[15] = 0; } else { if (-1 == safe_strlen(end_current_string, 16)) { rcs_print_error("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: String is too long.\n"); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } errno = 0; long number = strtol(end_current_string, (char **) NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: Error %d occurred during strtol.\n", errno); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } x = number; } end_current_string += 16; length_current_string += 16; return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(long *x, unsigned int len) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) x, sizeof(long) * len)) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (CMS_UPDATE_ERROR == update(x[i])) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } } return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(unsigned long int &x) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) &x, sizeof(unsigned long))) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { end_current_string[15] = 0; sprintf(end_current_string, "%-14ld", x); if (end_current_string[15] != 0 && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: (warning) unsigned long with value %-14ld caused an overflow\n", x); } end_current_string[15] = 0; } else { if (-1 == safe_strlen(end_current_string, 16)) { rcs_print_error("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: String is too long.\n"); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } errno = 0; unsigned long number = strtoul(end_current_string, (char **) NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: Error %d:%s occurred during strtoul of(%s).\n", errno, strerror(errno), end_current_string); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } x = number; } end_current_string += 16; length_current_string += 16; return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(unsigned long *x, unsigned int len) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) x, sizeof(unsigned long) * len)) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (CMS_UPDATE_ERROR == update(x[i])) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } } return (status); } /* Float functions */ CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(float &x) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) &x, sizeof(float))) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { end_current_string[15] = 0; sprintf(end_current_string, "%-13.7e", x); if (end_current_string[15] != 0 && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: (warning) float with value %-13.7e caused an overflow\n", x); } end_current_string[15] = 0; } else { if (-1 == safe_strlen(end_current_string, 16)) { rcs_print_error("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: String is too long.\n"); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } errno = 0; double number = strtod(end_current_string, (char **) NULL); if (errno != 0) { rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: Error %d occurred during strtol.\n", errno); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if ((number < -FLT_MAX || FLT_MAX < number) && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: (warning) Number %lf out of range for float(%f,%f)\n", number, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX); } x = (float) number; } end_current_string += 16; length_current_string += 16; return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(float *x, unsigned int len) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) x, sizeof(float) * len)) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (CMS_UPDATE_ERROR == update(x[i])) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } } return (status); } /* Double functions */ CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(double &x) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) &x, sizeof(double))) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { end_current_string[15] = 0; sprintf(end_current_string, "%-13.7e", x); if (end_current_string[15] != 0 && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: (warning) double with value %-13.7e caused an overflow\n", x); } end_current_string[15] = 0; } else { if (-1 == safe_strlen(end_current_string, 16)) { rcs_print_error("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: String is too long.\n"); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } errno = 0; double number = strtod(end_current_string, (char **) NULL); if (errno != 0) { rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: Error %d occurred during strtol.\n", errno); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } x = number; } end_current_string += 16; length_current_string += 16; return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(double *x, unsigned int len) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) x, sizeof(double) * len)) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (CMS_UPDATE_ERROR == update(x[i])) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } } return (status); } /* long double functions */ CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(long double &x) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) &x, sizeof(long double))) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } if (encoding) { end_current_string[15] = 0; sprintf(end_current_string, "%-13.7e", (double) x); if (end_current_string[15] != 0 && warning_count < warning_count_max) { warning_count++; rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: (warning) long double with value %-13.7Le caused an overflow\n", x); } end_current_string[15] = 0; } else { if (-1 == safe_strlen(end_current_string, 16)) { rcs_print_error("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: String is too long.\n"); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } errno = 0; double number = strtod(end_current_string, (char **) NULL); if (errno != 0) { rcs_print_error ("CMS_ASCII_UPDATER: Error %d occurred during strtol.\n", errno); return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } x = (long double) number; } end_current_string += 16; length_current_string += 16; return (status); } CMS_STATUS CMS_ASCII_UPDATER::update(long double *x, unsigned int len) { /* Check to see if the pointers are in the proper range. */ if (-1 == check_pointer((char *) x, sizeof(long double) * len)) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (CMS_UPDATE_ERROR == update(x[i])) { return (status = CMS_UPDATE_ERROR); } } return (status); }