/***************************************************************************** * Description: inifile.cc * C++ INI file reader * * Derived from a work by Fred Proctor & Will Shackleford * * Author: * License: GPL Version 2 * System: Linux * * Copyright (c) 2004 All rights reserved. * * Last change: *****************************************************************************/ #include /* FILE *, fopen(), fclose(), NULL */ #include #include /* strstr() */ #include /* isspace() */ #include #include "config.h" #include "emc/linuxcnc.h" #include "inifile.hh" #define MAX_EXTEND_LINES 20 /// Return TRUE if the line has a line-ending problem static bool check_line_endings(const char *s) { if(!s) return false; for(; *s; s++ ) { if(*s == '\r') { char c = s[1]; if(c == '\n' || c == '\0') { static bool warned = 0; if(!warned) fprintf(stderr, "inifile: warning: File contains DOS-style line endings.\n"); warned = true; continue; } fprintf(stderr, "inifile: error: File contains ambiguous carriage returns\n"); return true; } } return false; } IniFile::IniFile(int _errMask, FILE *_fp) { fp = _fp; errMask = _errMask; owned = false; if(fp != NULL) LockFile(); } /*! Opens the file for reading. If a file was already open, it is closed and the new one opened. @return true on success, false on failure */ bool IniFile::Open(const char *file) { char path[LINELEN] = ""; if(IsOpen()) Close(); TildeExpansion(file, path, sizeof(path)); if((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) return(false); owned = true; if(!LockFile()) return(false); return(true); } /*! Closes the file descriptor.. @return true on success, false on failure */ bool IniFile::Close() { int rVal = 0; if(fp != NULL){ lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; fcntl(fileno(fp), F_SETLKW, &lock); if(owned) rVal = fclose(fp); fp = NULL; } return(rVal == 0); } IniFile::ErrorCode IniFile::Find(int *result, StrIntPair *pPair, const char *tag, const char *section, int num, int *lineno) { const char *pStr; int tmp; if((pStr = Find(tag, section, num)) == NULL){ // We really need an ErrorCode return from Find() and should be passing // in a buffer. Just pick a suitable ErrorCode for now. if (lineno) *lineno = 0; return(ERR_TAG_NOT_FOUND); } if(sscanf(pStr, "%i", &tmp) == 1){ *result = tmp; if (lineno) *lineno = lineNo; return(ERR_NONE); } while(pPair->pStr != NULL){ if(strcasecmp(pStr, pPair->pStr) == 0){ *result = pPair->value; if (lineno) *lineno = lineNo; return(ERR_NONE); } pPair++; } ThrowException(ERR_CONVERSION); return(ERR_CONVERSION); } IniFile::ErrorCode IniFile::Find(double *result, StrDoublePair *pPair, const char *tag, const char *section, int num, int *lineno) { const char *pStr; double tmp; if((pStr = Find(tag, section, num)) == NULL){ // We really need an ErrorCode return from Find() and should be passing // in a buffer. Just pick a suitable ErrorCode for now. if (lineno) *lineno = 0; return(ERR_TAG_NOT_FOUND); } if(sscanf(pStr, "%lf", &tmp) == 1){ if (lineno) *lineno = lineNo; *result = tmp; if (lineno) *lineno = lineNo; return(ERR_NONE); } while(pPair->pStr != NULL){ if(strcasecmp(pStr, pPair->pStr) == 0){ *result = pPair->value; if (lineno) *lineno = lineNo; return(ERR_NONE); } pPair++; } ThrowException(ERR_CONVERSION); return(ERR_CONVERSION); } /*! Finds the nth tag in section. @param tag Entry in the ini file to find. @param section The section to look for the tag. @param num (optionally) the Nth occurrence of the tag. @return pointer to the the variable after the '=' delimiter */ const char * IniFile::Find(const char *_tag, const char *_section, int _num, int *lineno) { // WTF, return a pointer to the middle of a local buffer? // FIX: this is totally non-reentrant. static char line[LINELEN + 2] = ""; /* 1 for newline, 1 for NULL */ char bracketSection[LINELEN + 2] = ""; char *nonWhite; int newLinePos; /* position of newline to strip */ int len; char tagEnd; char *valueString; char *endValueString; char eline [(LINELEN + 2) * (MAX_EXTEND_LINES + 1)]; char* elineptr; char* elinenext = eline; int extend_ct = 0; // For exceptions. lineNo = 0; tag = _tag; section = _section; num = _num; /* check valid file */ if(!CheckIfOpen()) return(NULL); /* start from beginning */ rewind(fp); /* check for section first-- if it's non-NULL, then position file at line after [section] */ if(section != NULL){ sprintf(bracketSection, "[%s]", section); /* find [section], and position fp just after it */ while (!feof(fp)) { if (NULL == fgets(line, LINELEN + 1, fp)) { /* got to end of file without finding it */ ThrowException(ERR_SECTION_NOT_FOUND); return(NULL); } if(check_line_endings(line)) { ThrowException(ERR_CONVERSION); return(NULL); } /* got a line */ lineNo++; /* strip off newline */ newLinePos = strlen(line) - 1; /* newline is on back from 0 */ if (newLinePos < 0) { newLinePos = 0; } if (line[newLinePos] == '\n') { line[newLinePos] = 0; /* make the newline 0 */ } if (NULL == (nonWhite = SkipWhite(line))) { /* blank line-- skip */ continue; } /* not a blank line, and nonwhite is first char */ if (strncmp(bracketSection, nonWhite, strlen(bracketSection)) != 0){ /* not on this line */ continue; } /* it matches-- fp is now set up for search on tag */ break; } } while (!feof(fp)) { /* check for end of file */ if (NULL == fgets(line, LINELEN + 1, (FILE *) fp)) { /* got to end of file without finding it */ ThrowException(ERR_TAG_NOT_FOUND); return(NULL); } if(check_line_endings(line)) { ThrowException(ERR_CONVERSION); return(NULL); } /* got a line */ lineNo++; /* strip off newline */ newLinePos = strlen(line) - 1; /* newline is on back from 0 */ if (newLinePos < 0) { newLinePos = 0; } if (line[newLinePos] == '\n') { line[newLinePos] = 0; /* make the newline 0 */ } // honor backslash (\) as line-end escape if (newLinePos > 0 && line[newLinePos-1] == '\\') { newLinePos = newLinePos-1; line[newLinePos] = 0; if (!extend_ct) { elineptr = (char*)eline; //first time strncpy(elineptr,line,newLinePos); elinenext = elineptr + newLinePos; } else { strncpy(elinenext,line,newLinePos); elinenext = elinenext + newLinePos; } *elinenext = 0; extend_ct++; if (extend_ct > MAX_EXTEND_LINES) { fprintf(stderr, "INIFILE lineno=%d:Too many backslash line extends (limit=%d)\n", lineNo, MAX_EXTEND_LINES); ThrowException(ERR_OVER_EXTENDED); return(NULL); } continue; // get next line to extend } else { if (extend_ct) { strncpy(elinenext,line,newLinePos); elinenext = elinenext + newLinePos; *elinenext = 0; } } if (!extend_ct) { elineptr = (char*)line; } extend_ct = 0; /* skip leading whitespace */ if (NULL == (nonWhite = SkipWhite(elineptr))) { /* blank line-- skip */ continue; } /* check for '[' char-- if so, it's a section tag, and we're out of our section */ if (NULL != section && nonWhite[0] == '[') { ThrowException(ERR_TAG_NOT_FOUND); return(NULL); } len = strlen(tag); if (strncmp(tag, nonWhite, len) != 0) { /* not on this line */ continue; } /* it matches the first part of the string-- if whitespace or = is next char then call it a match */ tagEnd = nonWhite[len]; if (tagEnd == ' ' || tagEnd == '\r' || tagEnd == '\t' || tagEnd == '\n' || tagEnd == '=') { /* it matches-- return string after =, or NULL */ if (--_num > 0) { /* Not looking for this one, so skip it... */ continue; } nonWhite += len; valueString = AfterEqual(nonWhite); /* Eliminate white space at the end of a line also. */ if (NULL == valueString) { ThrowException(ERR_TAG_NOT_FOUND); return(NULL); } endValueString = valueString + strlen(valueString) - 1; while (*endValueString == ' ' || *endValueString == '\t' || *endValueString == '\r') { *endValueString = 0; endValueString--; } if (lineno) *lineno = lineNo; return(valueString); } /* else continue */ } ThrowException(ERR_TAG_NOT_FOUND); return(NULL); } const char * IniFile::FindString(char *dest, size_t n, const char *_tag, const char *_section, int _num, int *lineno) { const char *res = Find(_tag, _section, _num, lineno); if(res == NULL) return res; int r = snprintf(dest, n, "%s", res); if(r < 0 || (size_t)r >= n) { ThrowException(ERR_CONVERSION); return NULL; } return dest; } const char * IniFile::FindPath(char *dest, size_t n, const char *_tag, const char *_section, int _num, int *lineno) { const char *res = Find(_tag, _section, _num, lineno); if(!res) return res; if(TildeExpansion(res, dest, n)) { return 0; } return dest; } bool IniFile::CheckIfOpen(void) { if(IsOpen()) return(true); ThrowException(ERR_NOT_OPEN); return(false); } bool IniFile::LockFile(void) { lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = 0; lock.l_len = 0; if(fcntl(fileno(fp), F_SETLK, &lock) == -1){ if(owned) fclose(fp); fp = NULL; return(false); } return(true); } /*! Expands the tilde to $(HOME) and concatenates file to it. If the first char If file does not start with ~/, file will be copied into path as-is. @param the input filename @param pointer for returning the resulting expanded name */ IniFile::ErrorCode IniFile::TildeExpansion(const char *file, char *path, size_t size) { char *home; int res = snprintf(path, size, "%s", file); if(res < 0 || (size_t)res >= size) return ERR_CONVERSION; if (strlen(file) < 2 || !(file[0] == '~' && file[1] == '/')) { /* no tilde expansion required, or unsupported tilde expansion type requested */ return ERR_NONE; } home = getenv("HOME"); if (!home) { ThrowException(ERR_CONVERSION); return ERR_CONVERSION; } res = snprintf(path, size, "%s%s", home, file + 1); if(res < 0 || (size_t)res >= size) { ThrowException(ERR_CONVERSION); return ERR_CONVERSION; } return ERR_NONE; } int TildeExpansion(const char *file, char *path, size_t size) { static IniFile f; return !f.TildeExpansion(file, path, size); } void IniFile::ThrowException(ErrorCode errCode) { if(errCode & errMask){ exception.errCode = errCode; exception.tag = tag; exception.section = section; exception.num = num; exception.lineNo = lineNo; throw(exception); } } /*! Ignoring any tabs, spaces or other white spaces, finds the first character after the '=' delimiter. @param string Pointer to the tag @return NULL or pointer to first non-white char after the delimiter Called By: find() and section() only. */ char * IniFile::AfterEqual(const char *string) { const char *spot = string; for (;;) { if (*spot == '=') { /* = is there-- return next non-white, or NULL if not there */ for (;;) { spot++; if (0 == *spot) { /* ran out */ return(NULL); } else if (*spot != ' ' && *spot != '\t' && *spot != '\r' && *spot != '\n') { /* matched! */ return((char *)spot); } else { /* keep going for the text */ continue; } } } else if (*spot == 0) { /* end of string */ return(NULL); } else { /* haven't seen '=' yet-- keep going */ spot++; continue; } } } /*! Finds the first non-white character on a new line and returns a pointer. Ignores any line that starts with a comment char i.e. a ';' or '#'. @return NULL if not found or a valid pointer. Called By: find() and section() only. */ char * IniFile::SkipWhite(const char *string) { while(true){ if (*string == 0) { return(NULL); } if ((*string == ';') || (*string == '#')) { return(NULL); } if (*string != ' ' && *string != '\t' && *string != '\r' && *string != '\n') { return((char *)string); } string++; } } void IniFile::Exception::Print(FILE *fp) { const char *msg; switch(errCode){ case ERR_NONE: msg = "ERR_NONE"; break; case ERR_NOT_OPEN: msg = "ERR_NOT_OPEN"; break; case ERR_SECTION_NOT_FOUND: msg = "ERR_SECTION_NOT_FOUND"; break; case ERR_TAG_NOT_FOUND: msg = "ERR_TAG_NOT_FOUND"; break; case ERR_CONVERSION: msg = "ERR_CONVERSION"; break; case ERR_LIMITS: msg = "ERR_LIMITS"; break; case ERR_OVER_EXTENDED: msg = "ERR_OVER_EXTENDED"; break; default: msg = "UNKNOWN"; } fprintf(fp, "INIFILE: %s, section=%s, tag=%s, num=%d, lineNo=%d\n", msg, section, tag, num, lineNo); } extern "C" const char * iniFind(FILE *fp, const char *tag, const char *section) { IniFile f(false, fp); return(f.Find(tag, section)); } extern "C" const int iniFindInt(FILE *fp, const char *tag, const char *section, int *result) { IniFile f(false, fp); return(f.Find(result, tag, section)); } extern "C" const int iniFindDouble(FILE *fp, const char *tag, const char *section, double *result) { IniFile f(false, fp); return(f.Find(result, tag, section)); }