// Copyright 2004-2010, various authors // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. /* nml_mod.cc Definition of NML_MODULE class. */ /* Modification history: 9-Sep-1997 WPS eliminated LOAL_LOCAL_VARIABLES, UNLOAD_LOCAL_VARIABLES, READ_CHILD_BUFFERS, WRITE_CHILD_BUFFERS, and DETERMINE_CHILD_STATUS 29-May-1997 WPS replaced include nml_emc.hh with nml_oi.hh 3-Apr-1997 WPS brought over the functions from RCS_MODULE_C 11-Feb-1997 WPS modified calc_avg_time, update_line_history, and stop_timing all use exec_history but fail to check to see if it is initialized. I override them here minimize changes to rcs_module.cc 3-Dec-1996 FMP changed NML to RCS_CMD/STAT_CHANNEL for commandIn, statusOut, etc. 112696-hui, changed the base class for commandInData, etc., from NMLmsg to RCS_CMD_MSG and RCS_STAT_MSG. 16-Oct-1996 FMP inited done to 0 in ctor 29-Jul-1996 FMP moved NML_ERROR, NML_TEXT, NML_DISPLAY, and NML_STATUS into nml_emc.cc 29-Jul-1996 FMP added NML_TEXT and NML_DISPLAY classes 10-Jun-1996 Fred Proctor added malloc/free of cmdOutstanding array 5-Jun-1996 Fred Proctor added NML error stuff 16-Apr-1996 Fred Proctor added NMLmsg * initing 5-Apr-1996 Fred Proctor created */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include // malloc() #include // strcpy() #include // errno #include #include // fabs() #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include #include "nml_mod.hh" #include "nml_oi.hh" // NML_ERROR, NML_TEXT, NML_DISPLAY #include "rcs_print.hh" #include "rcs_exit.hh" NML_MODULE::NML_MODULE (const char *inifile, const char *section) { zero_common_vars (); } NML_MODULE::NML_MODULE () { zero_common_vars (); } void NML_MODULE::zero_common_vars () { commandIn = 0; force_command = 0; commandInData = 0; statusOut = 0; statusOutData = 0; subs = 0; commandLastNum = 0; commandOutstanding = 0; timer = 0; numSubordinates = 0; errorLog = 0; done = 0; statusInData = 0; commandOutData = 0; cycle_start = 0; cycle_stop = 0; command_time_averaged = 0; new_command_sequence = 0; new_line_num_sequence = 0; new_sup_request = 0; delta_clock = 0; command_current_time = 0; pause_status = 0; command = 0; last_line = 0; execute = 0; command_time = 0; state = UNINITIALIZED_STATE; status = UNINITIALIZED_STATUS; sup_req_num = 0; sup_req_num_echo = 0; command_num = 0; command_num_echo = 0; // state table vars matched = 0; stateBegin = 0; /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 //below 010997-hui exec_status.command_num = 0; exec_status.command = 0; exec_status.status = 0; exec_status.state = 0; exec_status.line_num = 0; exec_status.command_time = 0; run_command.run_state = 0; run_command.step_num = 0; run_status.step_num_echo = 0; run_status.dummy1 = 0; #endif source_line = -1; source_file = NULL; commands_received = 0; commands_executed = 0; last_command_completed_serial_number = -1; total_run_time = 0; cycles = 0; max_cycle_time = 0; min_cycle_time = 1e6; last_cycle_time = 0; start_run_time = 0; stop_run_time = 0; last_start_run_time = 0; subs_allocated = 0; expected_cycle_time = 0; min_run_time = 1e6; max_run_time = 0; start_cycle_time = 0; temp_file = 0; temp_line = 0; Dclock_expiration = 0; Dclock_start_time = 0; log_line = 0; log_src = 0; } NML_MODULE::~NML_MODULE () { int t; if (commandIn != 0) delete commandIn; commandIn = 0; if (statusOut != 0) delete statusOut; statusOut = 0; if (errorLog != 0) delete (errorLog); errorLog = 0; if (subs != 0) { for (t = 0; t < numSubordinates; t++) { if (subs[t] == 0) { continue; } if (subs[t]->commandOut != 0) { delete subs[t]->commandOut; subs[t]->commandOut = 0; } if (subs[t]->statusIn != 0) { delete subs[t]->statusIn; subs[t]->statusIn = 0; } subs[t]->commandOutData = 0; subs[t]->statusInData = 0; delete subs[t]; subs[t] = 0; } free(subs); /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 if (NULL != ini) { delete ini; ini = NULL; } #endif subs = 0; } if (commandOutstanding != 0) { free(commandOutstanding); commandOutstanding = 0; } if (commandLastNum != 0) { free(commandLastNum); commandLastNum = 0; } if (timer != 0) { delete timer; timer = 0; } if (proc_name != 0) { free(proc_name); proc_name = 0; } } void NML_MODULE::setCmdChannel (RCS_CMD_CHANNEL * cmd_channel) { if (NULL == cmd_channel) { rcs_print_error ("Command channel is NULL.\n"); rcs_exit (-1); } commandIn = cmd_channel; if (!commandIn->valid ()) { rcs_print_error ("Command channel is invalid.\n"); rcs_exit (-1); } else { commandInData = commandIn->get_address (); } if (NULL != commandIn->cms) { if (NULL != commandIn->cms->ProcessName) { proc_name = (char *) malloc (strlen (commandIn->cms->ProcessName) + 1); strcpy (proc_name, commandIn->cms->ProcessName); } } } void NML_MODULE::setStatChannel (RCS_STAT_CHANNEL * stat_channel, RCS_STAT_MSG * stat_msg) { if (NULL == stat_channel) { rcs_print_error ("Status channel is NULL.\n"); rcs_exit (-1); } statusOut = stat_channel; if (!statusOut->valid ()) { rcs_print_error ("Status channel is invalid.\n"); rcs_exit (-1); } if (NULL == stat_msg) { rcs_print_error ("Status out message is NULL.\n"); rcs_exit (-1); } if (stat_msg->type <= 0) { rcs_print_error ("Status out message must have positive type. (type = %d)\n", (int)stat_msg->type); rcs_exit (-1); } if (stat_msg->size < ((long) sizeof (RCS_STAT_MSG))) { rcs_print_error ("Status out message must have a size of atleast sizeof(RCS_STAT_MSG) or %zu bytes,", sizeof (RCS_STAT_MSG)); rcs_print_error ("but the status out message size was only %ld.\n", stat_msg->size); rcs_exit (-1); } statusOutData = stat_msg; } void NML_MODULE::setErrorLogChannel (NML * errorLog_channel) { if (NULL == errorLog_channel) { rcs_print_error ("Error Log channel is NULL.\n"); rcs_exit (-1); } errorLog = errorLog_channel; if (!errorLog->valid ()) { rcs_print_error ("Error Log channel is invalid.\n"); rcs_exit (-1); } } int NML_MODULE::addSubordinate (RCS_CMD_CHANNEL * cmd_channel, RCS_STAT_CHANNEL * stat_channel) { int sub_num = numSubordinates; setSubordinates (numSubordinates + 1); if (NULL == cmd_channel) { logError ("Command Channel for subordinate %d is NULL.\n", sub_num); rcs_exit (-1); } if (NULL == stat_channel) { logError ("Status Channel for subordinate %d is NULL.\n", sub_num); rcs_exit (-1); } subs[sub_num]->commandOut = cmd_channel; if (!subs[sub_num]->commandOut->valid ()) { logError ("Command Channel for subordinate %d is invalid.\n", sub_num); rcs_exit (-1); } else { subs[sub_num]->commandOutData = subs[sub_num]->commandOut->get_address (); } commandOutData[sub_num] = subs[sub_num]->commandOutData; subs[sub_num]->statusIn = stat_channel; if (!subs[sub_num]->statusIn->valid ()) { logError ("Command Channel for subordinate %d is invalid.\n", sub_num); rcs_exit (-1); } else { subs[sub_num]->statusInData = subs[sub_num]->statusIn->get_address (); } statusInData[sub_num] = subs[sub_num]->statusInData; return sub_num; } int NML_MODULE::use_realloc = 1; int NML_MODULE::setSubordinates (int number) { int t; int previousNumSubordinates = numSubordinates; if (NULL == subs) { subs_allocated = 0; } if (subs_allocated > numSubordinates) { numSubordinates = number; subs[number]->commandOut = 0; subs[number]->commandOutData = 0; subs[number]->statusIn = 0; subs[number]->statusInData = 0; statusInData[number] = 0; commandOutData[number] = 0; return 0; } if (number < 0) return -1; // record number of subordinates numSubordinates = number; // get out now if nothing else to do if (number == 0) return 0; // allocate subordinate NML channels // On NT we sometimes get a lame problem with realloc if (use_realloc) { NML_SUBORDINATE_STRUCT **subsNew = (NML_SUBORDINATE_STRUCT **) realloc (subs, number * sizeof (NML_SUBORDINATE_STRUCT *)); RCS_STAT_MSG** statusInDataNew = (RCS_STAT_MSG **) realloc (statusInData, number * sizeof (RCS_STAT_MSG *)); RCS_CMD_MSG** commandOutDataNew = (RCS_CMD_MSG **) realloc (statusInData, number * sizeof (RCS_CMD_MSG *)); if (subsNew) subs=subsNew; if (statusInDataNew) statusInData=statusInDataNew; if (commandOutDataNew) commandOutData=commandOutDataNew; if (!subsNew || !statusInDataNew ||!commandOutDataNew) { free(subs); free(statusInData); free(commandOutData); rcs_print_error ("Out of memory.\n"); rcs_exit (-1); } } else { NML_SUBORDINATE_STRUCT **old_subs = subs; RCS_STAT_MSG **old_statusInData = statusInData; RCS_CMD_MSG **old_commandOutData = commandOutData; subs = (NML_SUBORDINATE_STRUCT **) malloc (number * sizeof (NML_SUBORDINATE_STRUCT *)); if (NULL != old_subs && NULL != subs) { memcpy (subs, old_subs, previousNumSubordinates * sizeof (NML_SUBORDINATE_STRUCT *)); } free(old_subs); old_subs=NULL; statusInData = (RCS_STAT_MSG **) malloc (number * sizeof (RCS_STAT_MSG *)); if (NULL != old_statusInData && NULL != statusInData) { memcpy (statusInData, old_statusInData, previousNumSubordinates * sizeof (RCS_STAT_MSG *)); } free(old_statusInData); old_statusInData=NULL; commandOutData = (RCS_CMD_MSG **) malloc (number * sizeof (RCS_CMD_MSG *)); if (NULL != old_commandOutData && NULL != commandOutData) { memcpy (commandOutData, old_commandOutData, previousNumSubordinates * sizeof (RCS_CMD_MSG *)); } free(old_commandOutData); old_commandOutData=NULL; if (NULL == subs || NULL == statusInData || commandOutData) { rcs_print_error ("Out of memory.\n"); rcs_exit (-1); } } /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 // allocate commandOutstanding array commandLastNum = (int *) realloc (commandLastNum, number * sizeof (int)); commandOutstanding = (int *) realloc (commandOutstanding, number * sizeof (int)); #endif // initialize each NML channel in the new arrays to 0 for (t = previousNumSubordinates; t < number; t++) { subs[t] = new NML_SUBORDINATE_STRUCT (); if (NULL == subs[t]) { rcs_print_error ("Out of memory.\n"); rcs_exit (-1); } subs[t]->commandOut = 0; subs[t]->commandOutData = 0; subs[t]->statusIn = 0; subs[t]->statusInData = 0; statusInData[t] = 0; commandOutData[t] = 0; // commandOutstanding[t] = 0; } subs_allocated = numSubordinates; return 0; } /* Error, text, and display functions. Note that all these go to the errorLog channel */ int NML_MODULE::setLogInfo (const char *src, int l) { log_line = l; log_src = src; return (0); }; int NML_MODULE::logError (const char *fmt, ...) { NML_ERROR error_msg; va_list ap; memset (error_msg.error, 0, NML_ERROR_LEN); if (log_line > 0 && log_src != NULL) { snprintf (error_msg.error, sizeof(error_msg.error), "%s:%d ", log_src, log_line); } // write args to NML message va_start (ap, fmt); vsprintf (error_msg.error, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); // force a NULL at the end for safety error_msg.error[NML_ERROR_LEN - 1] = 0; set_print_rcs_error_info (NULL, -1); print_rcs_error_new ("%s\n", error_msg.error); // check channel for validity if (errorLog == NULL) return -1; if (!errorLog->valid ()) return -1; // write it errorLog->write (error_msg); return 0; } int NML_MODULE::logText (const char *fmt, ...) { NML_TEXT text_msg; va_list ap; // check channel for validity if (errorLog == NULL) return -1; if (!errorLog->valid ()) return -1; // write args to NML message va_start (ap, fmt); vsprintf (text_msg.text, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); rcs_print ("%s\n", text_msg.text); // force a NULL at the end for safety text_msg.text[NML_TEXT_LEN - 1] = 0; // write it errorLog->write (text_msg); return 0; } int logTextToNML (NML * errorLog, const char *fmt, ...) { NML_TEXT text_msg; va_list ap; // check channel for validity if (errorLog == NULL) return -1; // write args to NML message va_start (ap, fmt); vsprintf (text_msg.text, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); // rcs_print("%s\n", text_msg.text); // force a NULL at the end for safety text_msg.text[NML_TEXT_LEN - 1] = 0; // write it if (errorLog->write (text_msg) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int NML_MODULE::requestDisplay (const char *display) { NML_DISPLAY display_msg; // check channel for validity if (errorLog == NULL) return -1; if (!errorLog->valid ()) return -1; // write args to NML message rtapi_strxcpy (display_msg.display, display); // force a NULL at the end for safety display_msg.display[NML_DISPLAY_LEN - 1] = 0; // write it errorLog->write (display_msg); return 0; } // The rest of the functions here were taken from RCS_MODULE_C // Virtual Functions // void NML_MODULE::DECISION_PROCESS (void) { } void NML_MODULE::setSelfCommand (RCS_CMD_MSG * cmd) { if (NULL == cmd || NULL == statusOutData || NULL == commandInData || NULL == commandIn) { return; } if (NULL == commandIn->cms) { return; } if (cmd->size > commandIn->cms->size) { rcs_print_error ("NML_MODULE::setSelfCommand, Command too big! %ld(0x%lX) > %ld(0x%lX)\n", cmd->size, cmd->size, commandIn->cms->size, commandIn->cms->size); } statusOutData->echo_serial_number++; cmd->serial_number = statusOutData->echo_serial_number + 1; commandIn->write (cmd); memcpy (commandInData, cmd, cmd->size); statusOutData->command_type = cmd->type; force_command = 1; } void NML_MODULE::read_command_in () { NMLTYPE type; if (force_command) { force_command = 0; return; } switch (type = commandIn->read ()) { case -1: logError ("Can not read input command. (%d)", commandIn->error_type); if (NULL != statusOutData) { statusOutData->command_type = type; } break; case 0: // no new command break; default: commandInData = commandIn->get_address (); if (NULL != statusOutData) { statusOutData->command_type = type; } break; } } void NML_MODULE::read_subordinates_status () { int t; NMLTYPE type; // read NML STATUS buffer from subordinates for (t = 0; t < numSubordinates; t++) { if (NULL == subs[t]) { continue; } if (NULL == subs[t]->statusIn) { continue; } switch (type = subs[t]->statusIn->peek ()) { case -1: // error on NML channel logError ("Can not read status from subodinate %s (%d).\n", subs[t]->statusIn->cms->BufferName, subs[t]->statusIn->error_type); break; case 0: // no new data break; default: subs[t]->statusInData = subs[t]->statusIn->get_address (); if (NULL != subs[t]->statusInData && NULL != subs[t]->commandOutData) { if (subs[t]->statusInData->echo_serial_number != subs[t]->commandOutData->serial_number) { subs[t]->statusInData->status = RCS_EXEC; } } // something new in STATUS break; } } } void NML_MODULE::READ_COMM_BUFFERS (void) { read_command_in (); read_subordinates_status (); check_if_new_command (); } void NML_MODULE::PRE_PROCESS (void) { } void NML_MODULE::POST_PROCESS (void) { } void NML_MODULE::write_status_out () { if (NULL == statusOutData) { return; } // update NML STATUS statusOutData->command_type = commandInData->type; statusOutData->state = state; statusOutData->status = (RCS_STATUS) status; if (status == RCS_DONE && last_command_completed_serial_number != commandInData->serial_number) { last_command_completed_serial_number = commandInData->serial_number; commands_executed++; } statusOutData->source_line = source_line; if (NULL != source_file) { strncpy (statusOutData->source_file, source_file, 64); } // write STATUS if (-1 == statusOut->write (statusOutData)) { logError ("bad write to status (%d)\n", statusOut->error_type); } } void NML_MODULE::write_commands_to_subordinates () { int t; // write subordinates for (t = 0; t < numSubordinates; t++) { if (subs[t]->commandOutData == NULL) { continue; } if (subs[t]->commandOutData->type == 0) { continue; } if (subs[t]->statusInData != NULL) { if (subs[t]->statusInData->echo_serial_number == subs[t]->commandOutData->serial_number && subs[t]->statusInData->echo_serial_number > 0 && subs[t]->modification_number <= 0) { subs[t]->commandOutData->type = 0; continue; } } if (-1 == subs[t]->commandOut->write (subs[t]->commandOutData)) { logError ("Error writing to %s (%d).\n", subs[t]->commandOut->cms->BufferName, subs[t]->commandOut->error_type); } else { //if the subordinates command buffer is queued then // mark the command so it isn't sent out again. if (subs[t]->commandOut->cms->queuing_enabled) { subs[t]->commandOutData->type = 0; } } } } void NML_MODULE::WRITE_COMM_BUFFERS (void) { write_status_out (); write_commands_to_subordinates (); } //*********************************************************************************** //* Overhead ** Overhead ** Overhead ** Overhead **Overhead ** Overhead **Overhead ** //*********************************************************************************** void NML_MODULE::controller (void) { check_cycle_time_start (); READ_COMM_BUFFERS (); PRE_PROCESS (); /* reset state table flags */ stateBegin = 1; matched = 0; if (commandInData != NULL) { if (statusOutData != NULL) { if (statusOutData->command_type > 0) { DECISION_PROCESS (); } } } POST_PROCESS (); WRITE_COMM_BUFFERS (); check_cycle_time_end (); } void NML_MODULE::check_cycle_time_start () { start_run_time = etime (); cycles++; if (cycles < 2) { start_cycle_time = start_run_time; } else { last_cycle_time = start_run_time - last_start_run_time; if (last_cycle_time > max_cycle_time) { max_cycle_time = last_cycle_time; } if (last_cycle_time < min_cycle_time) { min_cycle_time = last_cycle_time; } } last_start_run_time = start_run_time; } void NML_MODULE::check_if_new_command (void) { if (NULL == commandInData) { return; } if (NULL == statusOutData) { return; } if (statusOutData->echo_serial_number != commandInData->serial_number) { state = NEW_COMMAND; status = RCS_EXEC; commands_received++; statusOutData->echo_serial_number = commandInData->serial_number; statusOutData->command_type = commandInData->type; command_time_averaged = 0; new_command_sequence = 1; new_line_num_sequence = 1; // exec_status.line_num = 0; } } void NML_MODULE::print_statistics () { double total_time = stop_run_time - start_cycle_time; rcs_print ("\n*************************************************\n"); if (NULL != proc_name) { rcs_print ("Module Name: %s\n", proc_name); } rcs_print ("Total cycles: %d\n", cycles); rcs_print ("Total time: %f\n", total_time); if (cycles > 0) { rcs_print ("Average Cycle Time: %f\n", total_time / cycles); } else { rcs_print ("Average Cycle Time: CAN NOT BE DETERMINED\n"); } rcs_print ("Minimum Cycle Time: %f\n", min_cycle_time); rcs_print ("Max Cycle Time: %f\n", max_cycle_time); rcs_print ("Commands Received: %d\n", commands_received); if (total_time > 0) { rcs_print ("Commands Received per second: %f\n", commands_received / total_time); } else { rcs_print ("Commands Received per second: CAN NOT BE DETERMINED\n"); } if (total_time > 0) { rcs_print ("Load: %f%%\n", total_run_time * 100 / total_time); } else { rcs_print ("Load: CAN NOT BE DETERMINED\n"); } rcs_print ("*************************************************\n"); } void NML_MODULE::check_cycle_time_end () { stop_run_time = etime (); total_run_time += stop_run_time - start_run_time; } void NML_MODULE::set_file_and_line (char *_source_file, int _source_line) { temp_file = _source_file; temp_line = _source_line; } /* 'stateBegin' and 'matched' are set to 1 and 0, respectively, by controller(). Calls to stateMatch() in the controller logic will use these to determine if the line number needs to be set to 1 or incremented, and if matches have occurred so that only one state table line is executed per pass. */ int NML_MODULE::stateMatch (char *_source_file, int _source_line, int st, int conds) { set_file_and_line (_source_file, _source_line); return stateMatch (st, conds); } int NML_MODULE::stateMatch (int st, int conds) { if (matched) { return 0; } // check if this is the first line in the state table if (stateBegin) { if (NULL != statusOutData) { statusOutData->line = 0; } source_line = -1; source_file = NULL; stateBegin = 0; if (state != st || !conds) { temp_line = -1; temp_file = NULL; } } else { // lines have gone before-- just increment if (NULL != statusOutData) { statusOutData->line++; } } // see if we match state and conditions if (state == st && conds) { matched = 1; source_file = temp_file; source_line = temp_line; return 1; } else { // no match return 0; } } void NML_MODULE::stateNext (int st) { state = (RCS_STATE) st; } void NML_MODULE::stateNext (RCS_STATE st) { state = (RCS_STATE) st; } int NML_MODULE::sendCommand (RCS_CMD_MSG * cmd_msg, int sub_num) { if (sub_num >= numSubordinates || sub_num < 0) { return -1; } if (cmd_msg == NULL) { return -1; } if (cmd_msg->size <= 0 || cmd_msg->type <= 0) { return -1; } if (NULL == subs[sub_num]) { return -1; } if (NULL == subs[sub_num]->statusInData) { return -1; } if (NULL == subs[sub_num]->commandOutData) { return -1; } if (NULL == subs[sub_num]->commandOut) { return -1; } if (NULL == subs[sub_num]->commandOut->cms) { return -1; } if (cmd_msg->size >= subs[sub_num]->commandOut->cms->size) { return -1; } memcpy (subs[sub_num]->commandOutData, cmd_msg, cmd_msg->size); subs[sub_num]->modification_number = 0; subs[sub_num]->commandOutData->serial_number = subs[sub_num]->statusInData->echo_serial_number + 1; return (0); } int NML_MODULE::modifyCommand (RCS_CMD_MSG * cmd_msg, int sub_num) { if (sub_num >= numSubordinates || sub_num < 0) { return -1; } if (cmd_msg == NULL) { return -1; } if (NULL == subs[sub_num]) { return -1; } if (NULL == subs[sub_num]->commandOutData) { return -1; } cmd_msg->serial_number = subs[sub_num]->commandOutData->serial_number; memcpy (subs[sub_num]->commandOutData, cmd_msg, cmd_msg->size); subs[sub_num]->modification_number++; return (0); } void NML_MODULE::loadDclock (double expiration) { Dclock_expiration = expiration; Dclock_start_time = etime (); } int NML_MODULE::checkDclock () { return (fabs (etime () - Dclock_start_time) < Dclock_expiration); }