/******************************************************************** * Description: nmldiag.cc * * Derived from a work by Fred Proctor & Will Shackleford * * Author: * License: LGPL Version 2 * System: Linux * * Copyright (c) 2004 All rights reserved. * * Last change: ********************************************************************/ #include "nml.hh" // NML_MAIN_Channel_List #include "nmldiag.hh" #include "rcs_print.hh" #include "linklist.hh" #include static char access_name[9][40] = { "ZERO", "READ", "CHECK_IF_READ", "PEEK", "WRITE", "WRITE_IF_READ", "CLEAR", "GET_MSG_COUNT", "GET_DIAG_INFO" }; void NML_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO::print() { if (NULL != last_writer_dpi) { rcs_print("Last writer = %ld (%s)\n", last_writer, last_writer_dpi->name); } if (NULL != last_reader_dpi) { rcs_print("Last reader = %ld (%s)\n", last_reader, last_reader_dpi->name); } if (NULL == dpis) { return; } CMS_DIAG_PROC_INFO *dpi = (CMS_DIAG_PROC_INFO *) dpis->get_head(); while (NULL != dpi) { rcs_print("\n"); rcs_print("Info for process %s:\n", dpi->name); rcs_print("\t Host and system info: %s\n", dpi->host_sysinfo); rcs_print("\t Process Id: %ld\n", dpi->pid); rcs_print("\t RCS Library Version: %f\n", dpi->rcslib_ver); if (dpi->access_type >= 0 && dpi->access_type <= 9) { rcs_print("\t Last operation: %d (%s)\n", dpi->access_type, access_name[dpi->access_type]); } rcs_print("\t msg_id: %ld\n", dpi->msg_id); rcs_print("\t msg_size: %ld\n", dpi->msg_size); rcs_print("\t msg_type: %ld\n", dpi->msg_type); rcs_print("\t number_of_accesses: %ld\n", dpi->number_of_accesses); rcs_print("\t number_of_new_messages: %ld\n", dpi->number_of_new_messages); rcs_print("\t bytes_moved: %f\n", dpi->bytes_moved); time_t t = 0; const char *ctime_ret = ""; if (dpi->first_access_time > 0.0) { t = (time_t) dpi->first_access_time; ctime_ret = ctime(&t); if (NULL == ctime_ret) { ctime_ret = ""; } } rcs_print("\t first_access_time: %f : %s\n", dpi->first_access_time, ctime_ret); ctime_ret = ""; if (dpi->last_access_time > 0.0) { t = (time_t) dpi->last_access_time; ctime_ret = ctime(&t); if (NULL == ctime_ret) { ctime_ret = ""; } } rcs_print("\t last_access_time: %f : %s\n", dpi->last_access_time, ctime_ret); if (dpi->max_difference >= dpi->min_difference) { rcs_print("\t Maximum time between accesses: %f\n", dpi->max_difference); rcs_print("\t Minimum time between accesses: %f\n", dpi->min_difference); } double total_time = dpi->last_access_time - dpi->first_access_time; if (total_time > 0) { int h, m, s; h = ((int) total_time) / 3600; m = ((int) total_time - h * 60) / 60; s = ((int) total_time - h * 3600 - m * 60); rcs_print ("\t Time between first and last access: %f -- %02d:%02d:%02d\n", total_time, h, m, s); if (dpi->number_of_accesses > 0) { rcs_print("\t Average time between accesses: %f\n", (total_time) / dpi->number_of_accesses); } if (dpi->number_of_new_messages > 0) { rcs_print("\t Average time between new messages: %f\n", (total_time) / dpi->number_of_new_messages); } if (dpi->bytes_moved > 0) { rcs_print("\t Average bytes moved per second: %f\n", dpi->bytes_moved / (total_time)); } } if (dpi->bytes_moved > 0 && dpi->number_of_new_messages > 0) { rcs_print("\t Average bytes moved per message: %f\n", dpi->bytes_moved / (dpi->number_of_new_messages)); } dpi = (CMS_DIAG_PROC_INFO *) dpis->get_next(); } } int nml_print_diag_list() { if (NULL != NML_Main_Channel_List) { NML *nml = (NML *) NML_Main_Channel_List->get_head(); while (NULL != nml) { if (NULL != nml->cms) { if (!nml->cms->enable_diagnostics) { nml = (NML *) NML_Main_Channel_List->get_next(); continue; } rcs_print ("\n*********************************************\n"); if (NULL != nml->cms->BufferName) { rcs_print("* Buffer Name: %s\n", nml->cms->BufferName); } NML_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO *ndi = nml->get_diagnostics_info(); if (NULL != ndi) { ndi->print(); } rcs_print ("*********************************************\n\n"); } nml = (NML *) NML_Main_Channel_List->get_next(); } } return (0); }