#ifndef RTAPI_H #define RTAPI_H /** RTAPI is a library providing a uniform API for several real time operating systems. As of ver 2.0, RTLinux and RTAI are supported. */ /******************************************************************** * Description: rtapi.h * This file, 'rtapi.h', defines the RTAPI for both * realtime and non-realtime code. * * Author: John Kasunich, Paul Corner * License: LGPL Version 2.1 * * Copyright (c) 2004 All rights reserved. * * Last change: ********************************************************************/ /** This file, 'rtapi.h', defines the RTAPI for both realtime and non-realtime code. This is a change from Rev 2, where the non- realtime (user space) API was defined in ulapi.h and used different function names. The symbols RTAPI and ULAPI are used to determine which mode is being compiled, RTAPI for realtime and ULAPI for non-realtime. The API is implemented in files named 'xxx_rtapi.c', where xxx is the RTOS. */ /** Copyright (C) 2003 John Kasunich Copyright (C) 2003 Paul Corner This library is based on version 1.0, which was released into the public domain by its author, Fred Proctor. Thanks Fred! */ /** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. THE AUTHORS OF THIS LIBRARY ACCEPT ABSOLUTELY NO LIABILITY FOR ANY HARM OR LOSS RESULTING FROM ITS USE. IT IS _EXTREMELY_ UNWISE TO RELY ON SOFTWARE ALONE FOR SAFETY. Any machinery capable of harming persons must have provisions for completely removing power from all motors, etc, before persons enter any danger area. All machinery must be designed to comply with local and national safety codes, and the authors of this software can not, and do not, take any responsibility for such compliance. This code was written as part of the EMC HAL project. For more information, go to www.linuxcnc.org. */ #if ( !defined RTAPI ) && ( !defined ULAPI ) #error "Please define either RTAPI or ULAPI!" #endif #if ( defined RTAPI ) && ( defined ULAPI ) #error "Can't define both RTAPI and ULAPI!" #endif #include // provides NULL #define RTAPI_NAME_LEN 31 /* length for module, etc, names */ #ifdef __cplusplus #define RTAPI_BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" { #define RTAPI_END_DECLS } #else #define RTAPI_BEGIN_DECLS #define RTAPI_END_DECLS #endif RTAPI_BEGIN_DECLS /*********************************************************************** * GENERAL PURPOSE FUNCTIONS * ************************************************************************/ /** 'rtapi_init() sets up the RTAPI. It must be called by any module that intends to use the API, before any other RTAPI calls. 'modname' can optionally point to a string that identifies the module. The string will be truncated at RTAPI_NAME_LEN characters. If 'modname' is NULL, the system will assign a name. On success, returns a positive integer module ID, which is used for subsequent calls to rtapi_xxx_new, rtapi_xxx_delete, and rtapi_exit. On failure, returns an error code as defined above. Call only from within user or init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_init(const char *modname); /** 'rtapi_exit()' shuts down and cleans up the RTAPI. It must be called prior to exit by any module that called rtapi_init. 'module_id' is the ID code returned when that module called rtapi_init(). Returns a status code. rtapi_exit() may attempt to clean up any tasks, shared memory, and other resources allocated by the module, but should not be relied on to replace proper cleanup code within the module. Call only from within user or init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_exit(int module_id); /** 'rtapi_snprintf()' works like 'snprintf()' from the normal C library, except that it may not handle long longs. It is provided here because some RTOS kernels don't provide a realtime safe version of the function, and those that do don't provide support for printing doubles. On systems with a good kernel snprintf(), or in user space, this function simply calls the normal snprintf(). May be called from user, init/cleanup, and realtime code. */ extern int rtapi_snprintf(char *buf, unsigned long int size, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /** 'rtapi_vsnprintf()' works like 'vsnprintf()' from the normal C library, except that it doesn't handle long longs. It is provided here because some RTOS kernels don't provide a realtime safe version of the function, and those that do don't provide support for printing doubles. On systems with a good kernel vsnprintf(), or in user space, this function simply calls the normal vsnrintf(). May be called from user, init/cleanup, and realtime code. */ #include extern int rtapi_vsnprintf(char *buf, unsigned long size, const char *fmt, va_list ap); /** 'rtapi_print()' prints a printf style message. Depending on the RTOS and whether the program is being compiled for user space or realtime, the message may be printed to stdout, stderr, or to a kernel message log, etc. The calling syntax and format string is similar to printf except that floating point and longlongs are NOT supported in realtime and may not be supported in user space. For some RTOS's, a 80 byte buffer is used, so the format line and arguments should not produce a line more than 80 bytes long. (The buffer is protected against overflow.) Does not block, but can take a fairly long time, depending on the format string and OS. May be called from user, init/cleanup, and realtime code. */ extern void rtapi_print(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,1,2))); /** 'rtapi_print_msg()' prints a printf-style message when the level is less than or equal to the current message level set by rtapi_set_msg_level(). May be called from user, init/cleanup, and realtime code. */ typedef enum { RTAPI_MSG_NONE = 0, RTAPI_MSG_ERR, RTAPI_MSG_WARN, RTAPI_MSG_INFO, RTAPI_MSG_DBG, RTAPI_MSG_ALL } msg_level_t; extern void rtapi_print_msg(msg_level_t level, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3))); /** Set the maximum level of message to print. In userspace code, each component has its own independent message level. In realtime code, all components share a single message level. Returns 0 for success or -EINVAL if the level is out of range. */ extern int rtapi_set_msg_level(int level); /** Retrieve the message level set by the last call to rtapi_set_msg_level */ extern int rtapi_get_msg_level(void); /** 'rtapi_get_msg_handler' and 'rtapi_set_msg_handler' access the function pointer used by rtapi_print and rtapi_print_msg. By default, messages appear in the kernel log, but by replacing the handler a user of the rtapi library can send the messages to another destination. Calling rtapi_set_msg_handler with NULL restores the default handler. Call from real-time init/cleanup code only. When called from rtapi_print(), 'level' is RTAPI_MSG_ALL, a level which should not normally be used with rtapi_print_msg(). */ typedef void(*rtapi_msg_handler_t)(msg_level_t level, const char *fmt, va_list ap); #ifdef RTAPI extern void rtapi_set_msg_handler(rtapi_msg_handler_t handler); extern rtapi_msg_handler_t rtapi_get_msg_handler(void); #endif /*********************************************************************** * TIME RELATED FUNCTIONS * ************************************************************************/ /** NOTE: These timing related functions are only available in realtime modules. User processes may not call them! */ #ifdef RTAPI /** 'rtapi_clock_set_period() sets the basic time interval for realtime tasks. All periodic tasks will run at an integer multiple of this period. The first call to 'rtapi_clock_set_period() with 'nsecs' greater than zero will start the clock, using 'nsecs' as the clock period in nano-seconds. Due to hardware and RTOS limitations, the actual period may not be exactly what was requested. On success, the function will return the actual clock period if it is available, otherwise it returns the requested period. If the requested period is outside the limits imposed by the hardware or RTOS, it returns -EINVAL and does not start the clock. Once the clock is started, subsequent calls with non-zero 'nsecs' return -EINVAL and have no effect. Calling 'rtapi_clock_set_period() with 'nsecs' set to zero queries the clock, returning the current clock period, or zero if the clock has not yet been started. Call only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. This function is not available from user (non-realtime) code. */ extern long int rtapi_clock_set_period(long int nsecs); #endif /* RTAPI */ /** rtapi_delay() is a simple delay. It is intended only for short delays, since it simply loops, wasting CPU cycles. 'nsec' is the desired delay, in nano-seconds. 'rtapi_delay_max() returns the max delay permitted (usually approximately 1/4 of the clock period). Any call to 'rtapi_delay()' requesting a delay longer than the max will delay for the max time only. 'rtapi_delay_max()' should be called before using 'rtapi_delay()' to make sure the required delays can be achieved. The actual resolution of the delay may be as good as one nano-second, or as bad as a several microseconds. May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. */ extern void rtapi_delay(long int nsec); extern long int rtapi_delay_max(void); /** rtapi_get_time returns the current time in nanoseconds. Depending on the RTOS, this may be time since boot, or time since the clock period was set, or some other time. Its absolute value means nothing, but it is monotonically increasing and can be used to schedule future events, or to time the duration of some activity. Returns a 64 bit value. The resolution of the returned value may be as good as one nano-second, or as poor as several microseconds. May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. Experience has shown that the implementation of this function in some RTOS/Kernel combinations is horrible. It can take up to several microseconds, which is at least 100 times longer than it should, and perhaps a thousand times longer. Use it only if you MUST have results in seconds instead of clocks, and use it sparingly. See rtapi_get_clocks() instead. Note that longlong math may be poorly supported on some platforms, especially in kernel space. Also note that rtapi_print() will NOT print longlongs. Most time measurements are relative, and should be done like this: deltat = (long int)(end_time - start_time); where end_time and start_time are longlong values returned from rtapi_get_time, and deltat is an ordinary long int (32 bits). This will work for times up to about 2 seconds. */ extern long long int rtapi_get_time(void); /** rtapi_get_clocks returns the current time in CPU clocks. It is fast, since it just reads the TSC in the CPU instead of calling a kernel or RTOS function. Of course, times measured in CPU clocks are not as convenient, but for relative measurements this works fine. Its absolute value means nothing, but it is monotonically increasing* and can be used to schedule future events, or to time the duration of some activity. (* on SMP machines, the two TSC's may get out of sync, so if a task reads the TSC, gets swapped to the other CPU, and reads again, the value may decrease. RTAPI tries to force all RT tasks to run on one CPU.) Returns a 64 bit value. The resolution of the returned value is one CPU clock, which is usually a few nanoseconds to a fraction of a nanosecond. May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. Note that longlong math may be poorly supported on some platforms, especially in kernel space. Also note that rtapi_print() will NOT print longlongs. Most time measurements are relative, and should be done like this: deltat = (long int)(end_time - start_time); where end_time and start_time are longlong values returned from rtapi_get_time, and deltat is an ordinary long int (32 bits). This will work for times up to a second or so, depending on the CPU clock frequency. It is best used for millisecond and microsecond scale measurements though. */ extern long long int rtapi_get_clocks(void); /*********************************************************************** * TASK RELATED FUNCTIONS * ************************************************************************/ /** NOTE: These realtime task related functions are only available in realtime modules. User processes may not call them! */ #ifdef RTAPI /** NOTE: The RTAPI is designed to be a _simple_ API. As such, it uses a very simple strategy to deal with SMP systems. It ignores them! All tasks are scheduled on the first CPU. That doesn't mean that additional CPUs are wasted, they will be used for non-realtime code. */ /** The 'rtapi_prio_xxxx()' functions provide a portable way to set task priority. The mapping of actual priority to priority number depends on the RTOS. Priorities range from 'rtapi_prio_lowest()' to 'rtapi_prio_highest()', inclusive. To use this API, use one of two methods: 1) Set your lowest priority task to 'rtapi_prio_lowest()', and for each task of the next lowest priority, set their priorities to 'rtapi_prio_next_higher(previous)'. 2) Set your highest priority task to 'rtapi_prio_highest()', and for each task of the next highest priority, set their priorities to 'rtapi_prio_next_lower(previous)'. A high priority task will preempt a lower priority task. The linux kernel and userspace are always a lower priority than all rtapi tasks. Call these functions only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_prio_highest(void); extern int rtapi_prio_lowest(void); extern int rtapi_prio_next_higher(int prio); extern int rtapi_prio_next_lower(int prio); /** 'rtapi_task_new()' creates but does not start a realtime task. The task is created in the "paused" state. To start it, call either rtapi_task_start() for periodic tasks, or rtapi_task_resume() for free-running tasks. On success, returns a positive integer task ID. This ID is used for all subsequent calls that need to act on the task. On failure, returns a negative error code as listed above. 'taskcode' is the name of a function taking one int and returning void, which contains the task code. 'arg' will be passed to 'taskcode' as an arbitrary void pointer when the task is started, and can be used to pass any amount of data to the task (by pointing to a struct, or other such tricks). 'prio' is the priority, as determined by one of the priority functions above. 'owner' is the module ID of the module that is making the call (see rtapi_init). 'stacksize' is the amount of stack to be used for the task - be generous, hardware interrupts may use the same stack. 'uses_fp' is a flag that tells the OS whether the task uses floating point so it can save the FPU registers on a task switch. Failing to save registers when needed causes the dreaded "NAN bug", so most tasks should set 'uses_fp' to RTAPI_USES_FP. If a task definitely does not use floating point, setting 'uses_fp' to RTAPI_NO_FP saves a few microseconds per task switch. Call only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ #define RTAPI_NO_FP 0 #define RTAPI_USES_FP 1 extern int rtapi_task_new(void (*taskcode) (void *), void *arg, int prio, int owner, unsigned long int stacksize, int uses_fp); /** 'rtapi_task_delete()' deletes a task. 'task_id' is a task ID from a previous call to rtapi_task_new(). It frees memory associated with 'task', and does any other cleanup needed. If the task has been started, you should pause it before deleting it. Returns a status code. Call only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_task_delete(int task_id); /** 'rtapi_task_start()' starts a task in periodic mode. 'task_id' is a task ID from a call to rtapi_task_new(). The task must be in the "paused" state, or it will return -EINVAL. 'period_nsec' is the task period in nanoseconds, which will be rounded to the nearest multiple of the global clock period. A task period less than the clock period (including zero) will be set equal to the clock period. Call only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_task_start(int task_id, unsigned long int period_nsec); /** 'rtapi_wait()' suspends execution of the current task until the next period. The task must be periodic, if not, the result is undefined. The function will return at the beginning of the next period. Call only from within a realtime task. */ extern void rtapi_wait(void); /** 'rtapi_task_resume() starts a task in free-running mode. 'task_id' is a task ID from a call to rtapi_task_new(). The task must be in the "paused" state, or it will return -EINVAL. A free running task runs continuously until either: 1) It is prempted by a higher priority task. It will resume as soon as the higher priority task releases the CPU. 2) It calls a blocking function, like rtapi_sem_take(). It will resume when the function unblocks. 3) it is returned to the "paused" state by rtapi_task_pause(). May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_task_resume(int task_id); /** 'rtapi_task_pause() causes 'task_id' to stop execution and change to the "paused" state. 'task_id' can be free-running or periodic. Note that rtapi_task_pause() may called from any task, or from init or cleanup code, not just from the task that is to be paused. The task will resume execution when either rtapi_task_resume() or rtapi_task_start() is called. May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_task_pause(int task_id); /** 'rtapi_task_self()' returns the task ID of the current task or -EINVAL. May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_task_self(void); #if defined(RTAPI_USPACE) || defined(USPACE) #define RTAPI_TASK_PLL_SUPPORT /** 'rtapi_task_pll_get_reference()' gets the reference timestamp for the start of the current cycle. Returns 0 if not called from within task context or on platforms that do not support this. */ extern long long rtapi_task_pll_get_reference(void); /** 'rtapi_task_pll_set_correction()' sets the correction value for the next scheduling cycle of the current task. This could be used to synchronize the task cycle to external sources. Returns -EINVAL if not called from within task context or on platforms that do not support this. */ extern int rtapi_task_pll_set_correction(long value); #endif /* USPACE */ #endif /* RTAPI */ /*********************************************************************** * SHARED MEMORY RELATED FUNCTIONS * ************************************************************************/ /** 'rtapi_shmem_new()' allocates a block of shared memory. 'key' identifies the memory block, and must be non-zero. All modules wishing to access the same memory must use the same key. 'module_id' is the ID of the module that is making the call (see rtapi_init). The block will be at least 'size' bytes, and may be rounded up. Allocating many small blocks may be very wasteful. When a particular block is allocated for the first time, all bytes are zeroed. Subsequent allocations of the same block by other modules or processes will not touch the contents of the block. On success, it returns a positive integer ID, which is used for all subsequent calls dealing with the block. On failure it returns a negative error code. Call only from within user or init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_shmem_new(int key, int module_id, unsigned long int size); /** 'rtapi_shmem_delete()' frees the shared memory block associated with 'shmem_id'. 'module_id' is the ID of the calling module. Returns a status code. Call only from within user or init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_shmem_delete(int shmem_id, int module_id); /** 'rtapi_shmem_getptr()' sets '*ptr' to point to shared memory block associated with 'shmem_id'. Returns a status code. May be called from user code, init/cleanup code, or realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_shmem_getptr(int shmem_id, void **ptr); /*********************************************************************** * SEMAPHORE RELATED FUNCTIONS * ************************************************************************/ /** NOTE: These semaphore related functions are only available in realtime modules. User processes may not call them! Consider the mutex functions listed above instead. */ #ifdef RTAPI /** 'rtapi_sem_new()' creates a realtime semaphore. 'key' identifies identifies the semaphore, and must be non-zero. All modules wishing to use the same semaphore must specify the same key. 'module_id' is the ID of the module making the call (see rtapi_init). On success, it returns a positive integer semaphore ID, which is used for all subsequent calls dealing with the semaphore. On failure it returns a negative error code. Call only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_sem_new(int key, int module_id); /** 'rtapi_sem_delete()' is the counterpart to 'rtapi_sem_new()'. It discards the semaphore associated with 'sem_id'. Any tasks blocked on 'sem' will resume execution. 'module_id' is the ID of the calling module. Returns a status code. Call only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_sem_delete(int sem_id, int module_id); /** 'rtapi_sem_give()' unlocks a semaphore. If a higher priority task is blocked on the semaphore, the calling task will block and the higher priority task will begin to run. Returns a status code. May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_sem_give(int sem_id); /** 'rtapi_sem_take()' locks a semaphore. Returns 0 or -EINVAL. If the semaphore is unlocked it returns 0 immediately. If the semaphore is locked, the calling task blocks until the semaphore is unlocked, then it returns 0. Call only from within a realtime task. */ extern int rtapi_sem_take(int sem_id); /** 'rtapi_sem_try()' does a non-blocking attempt to lock a semaphore. Returns 0, -EINVAL, or -EBUSY. If the semaphore is unlocked, it returns 0. If the semaphore is locked it does not block, instead it returns -EBUSY, and the caller can decide how to deal with the situation. Call only from within a realtime task. */ extern int rtapi_sem_try(int sem_id); #endif /* RTAPI */ /*********************************************************************** * FIFO RELATED FUNCTIONS * ************************************************************************/ /** 'rtapi_fifo_new()' creates a realtime fifo. 'key' identifies the fifo, all modules wishing to access the same fifo must use the same key. 'module_id' is the ID of the module making the call (see rtapi_init). 'size' is the depth of the fifo. 'mode' is either 'R' or 'W', to request either read or write access to the fifo. On success, it returns a positive integer ID, which is used for subsequent calls dealing with the fifo. On failure, returns a negative error code. Call only from within user or init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ /* NOTE - RTAI fifos require (stacksize >= fifosze + 256) to avoid oops messages on removal. */ extern int rtapi_fifo_new(int key, int module_id, unsigned long int size, char mode); /** 'rtapi_fifo_delete()' is the counterpart to 'rtapi_fifo_new()'. It closes the fifo associated with 'fifo_ID'. 'module_id' is the ID of the calling module. Returns status code. Call only from within user or init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_fifo_delete(int fifo_id, int module_id); /** FIFO notes. These comments apply to both read and write functions. A fifo is a character device, an int is typically four bytes long... If less than four bytes are sent to the fifo, expect corrupt data out of the other end ! The RTAI programming manual clearly states that the programmer is responsible for the data format and integrity. Additional NOTE: IMHO you should be able to write any amount of data to a fifo, from 1 byte up to (and even beyond) the size of the fifo. At a future date, the somewhat peculiar RTAI fifos will be replaced with something that works better. John Kasunich */ /** NOTE: The fifo read and write functions operated differently in realtime and user space. The realtime versions do not block, but the userspace ones do. A future version of the RTAPI may defined different names for the blocking and non-blocking functions, but for now, just read the following docs carefully! */ #ifdef RTAPI /** 'rtapi_fifo_read()' reads data from 'fifo_id'. 'buf' is a buffer for the data, and 'size' is the maximum number of bytes to read. Returns the number of bytes actually read, or -EINVAL. Does not block. If 'size' bytes are not available, it will read whatever is available, and return that count (which could be zero). Call only from within a realtime task. */ #else /* ULAPI */ /** 'rtapi_fifo_read()' reads data from 'fifo_id'. 'buf' is a buffer for the data, and 'size' is the maximum number of bytes to read. Returns the number of bytes actually read, or -EINVAL. If there is no data in the fifo, it blocks until data appears (or a signal occurs). If 'size' bytes are not available, it will read whatever is available, and return that count (will be greater than zero). If interrupted by a signal or some other error occurs, will return -EINVAL. */ #endif /* ULAPI */ extern int rtapi_fifo_read(int fifo_id, char *buf, unsigned long int size); #ifdef RTAPI /** 'rtapi_fifo_write()' writes data to 'fifo_id'. Up to 'size' bytes are taken from the buffer at 'buf'. Returns the number of bytes actually written, or -EINVAL. Does not block. If 'size' bytes of space are not available in the fifo, it will write as many bytes as it can and return that count (which may be zero). */ #else /* ULAPI */ /** 'rtapi_fifo_write()' writes data to 'fifo_id'. Up to 'size' bytes are taken from the buffer at 'buf'. Returns the number of bytes actually written, or -EINVAL. If 'size' bytes of space are not available in the fifo, rtapi_fifo_write() may block, or it may write as many bytes as it can and return that count (which may be zero). */ #endif /* ULAPI */ extern int rtapi_fifo_write(int fifo_id, char *buf, unsigned long int size); /*********************************************************************** * INTERRUPT RELATED FUNCTIONS * ************************************************************************/ /** NOTE: These interrupt related functions are only available in realtime modules. User processes may not call them! */ #ifdef RTAPI /** 'rtapi_assign_interrupt_handler()' is used to set up a handler for a hardware interrupt. 'irq' is the interrupt number, and 'handler' is a pointer to a function taking no arguments and returning void. 'handler will be called when the interrupt occurs. 'owner' is the ID of the calling module (see rtapi_init). Returns a status code. Note: The simulated RTOS does not support interrupts. Call only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_irq_new(unsigned int irq_num, int owner, void (*handler) (void)); /** 'rtapi_free_interrupt_handler()' removes an interrupt handler that was previously installed by rtapi_assign_interrupt_handler(). 'irq' is the interrupt number. Removing a realtime module without freeing any handlers it has installed will almost certainly crash the box. Returns 0 or -EINVAL. Call only from within init/cleanup code, not from realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_irq_delete(unsigned int irq_num); /** 'rtapi_enable_interrupt()' and 'rtapi_disable_interrupt()' are are used to enable and disable interrupts, presumably ones that have handlers assigned to them. Returns a status code. May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. */ extern int rtapi_enable_interrupt(unsigned int irq); extern int rtapi_disable_interrupt(unsigned int irq); #endif /* RTAPI */ /*********************************************************************** * I/O RELATED FUNCTIONS * ************************************************************************/ /** 'rtapi_outb() writes 'byte' to 'port'. May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. Note: This function does nothing on the simulated RTOS. Note: Many platforms provide an inline outb() that is faster. */ extern void rtapi_outb(unsigned char byte, unsigned int port); /** 'rtapi_inb() gets a byte from 'port'. Returns the byte. May be called from init/cleanup code, and from within realtime tasks. Note: This function always returns zero on the simulated RTOS. Note: Many platforms provide an inline inb() that is faster. */ extern unsigned char rtapi_inb(unsigned int port); #if defined(__KERNEL__) /** 'rtapi_request_region() reserves I/O memory starting at 'base', going for 'size' bytes, for component 'name'. Note that on kernels before 2.4.0, this function always succeeds. If the allocation fails, this function returns NULL. Otherwise, it returns a non-NULL value. */ #include #include static __inline__ void *rtapi_request_region(unsigned long base, unsigned long size, const char *name) { return (void*)request_region(base, size, name); } /** 'rtapi_release_region() releases I/O memory reserved by 'rtapi_request_region', starting at 'base' and going for 'size' bytes. 'base' and 'size' must exactly match an earlier successful call to rtapi_request_region or the result is undefined. */ static __inline__ void rtapi_release_region(unsigned long base, unsigned long int size) { release_region(base, size); } #else #define rtapi_request_region(base, size, name) ((void*)-1) #define rtapi_release_region(base, size) ((void)0) #endif /*********************************************************************** * MODULE PARAMETER MACROS * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef RTAPI /* The API for module parameters has changed as the kernel evolved, and will probably change again. We define our own macro for declaring parameters, so the code that uses RTAPI can ignore the issue. */ /** RTAPI_MP_INT() declares a single integer module parameter. RTAPI_MP_LONG() declares a single long module parameter. RTAPI_MP_STRING() declares a single string module parameter. RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_INT() declares an array of integer module parameters. RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_LONG() declares an array of long module parameters. RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_STRING() declares a single string module parameters. 'var' is the name of the variable used for the parameter, which should be initialized with the default value(s) when it is declared. 'descr' is a short description of the parameter. 'num' is the number of elements in an array. */ #if !defined(__KERNEL__) #define MODULE_INFO1(t, a, c) __attribute__((section(".modinfo"))) \ t rtapi_info_##a = c; EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtapi_info_##a); #define MODULE_INFO2x(t, a, b, c) MODULE_INFO2(t,a,b,c) #define MODULE_INFO2(t, a, b, c) __attribute__((section(".modinfo"))) \ t rtapi_info_##a##_##b = c; EXPORT_SYMBOL(rtapi_info_##a##_##b); #define MODULE_PARM(v,t) MODULE_INFO2(const char*, type, v, t) MODULE_INFO2(void*, address, v, &v) #define MODULE_PARM_DESC(v,t) MODULE_INFO2(const char*, description, v, t) #define MODULE_LICENSE(s) MODULE_INFO1(const char*, license, s) #define MODULE_AUTHOR(s) MODULE_INFO1(const char*, author, s) #define MODULE_DESCRIPTION(s) MODULE_INFO1(const char*, description, s) #define MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE(s) MODULE_INFO1(const char*, supported_device, s) #define MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(x,y) MODULE_INFO2(struct rtapi_pci_device_id*, device_table, x, y) #define MODULE_INFO(x,y) MODULE_INFO2x(char*, x, __LINE__, y) #define EXPORT_SYMBOL(x) __attribute__((section(".rtapi_export"))) \ char rtapi_exported_##x[] = #x; #define EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(x) __attribute__((section(".rtapi_export"))) \ char rtapi_exported_##x[] = #x; #else #ifndef LINUX_VERSION_CODE #include #endif #endif #ifndef KERNEL_VERSION #define KERNEL_VERSION(a,b,c) (((a) << 16) + ((b) << 8) + (c)) #endif #ifndef LINUX_VERSION_CODE #define LINUX_VERSION_CODE 0 #endif #if !defined(__KERNEL__) #define RTAPI_STRINGIFY(x) #x #define RTAPI_MP_INT(var,descr) \ MODULE_PARM(var,"i"); \ MODULE_PARM_DESC(var,descr); #define RTAPI_MP_LONG(var,descr) \ MODULE_PARM(var,"l"); \ MODULE_PARM_DESC(var,descr); #define RTAPI_MP_STRING(var,descr) \ MODULE_PARM(var,"s"); \ MODULE_PARM_DESC(var,descr); #define RTAPI_MP_ARRAY(type, var, num, descr) \ MODULE_PARM(var,type); \ MODULE_INFO2(int, size, var, num); \ MODULE_PARM_DESC(var,descr); #define RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_INT(var,num,descr) \ RTAPI_MP_ARRAY("i", var, num, descr); #define RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_LONG(var,num,descr) \ RTAPI_MP_ARRAY("l", var, num, descr); #define RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_STRING(var,num,descr) \ RTAPI_MP_ARRAY("s", var, num, descr); #else /* kernel */ #include #define RTAPI_MP_INT(var,descr) \ module_param(var, int, 0); \ MODULE_PARM_DESC(var,descr); #define RTAPI_MP_LONG(var,descr) \ module_param(var, long, 0); \ MODULE_PARM_DESC(var,descr); #define RTAPI_MP_STRING(var,descr) \ module_param(var, charp, 0); \ MODULE_PARM_DESC(var,descr); #define RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_INT(var,num,descr) \ int __dummy_##var; \ module_param_array(var, int, &(__dummy_##var), 0); \ MODULE_PARM_DESC(var,descr); #define RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_LONG(var,num,descr) \ int __dummy_##var; \ module_param_array(var, long, &(__dummy_##var), 0); \ MODULE_PARM_DESC(var,descr); #define RTAPI_MP_ARRAY_STRING(var,num,descr) \ int __dummy_##var; \ module_param_array(var, charp, &(__dummy_##var), 0); \ MODULE_PARM_DESC(var,descr); #endif #endif /* RTAPI */ #if !defined(__KERNEL__) extern long int simple_strtol(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base); #include int rtapi_spawn_as_root(pid_t *pid, const char *path, const posix_spawn_file_actions_t *file_actions, const posix_spawnattr_t *attrp, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]); int rtapi_spawnp_as_root(pid_t *pid, const char *path, const posix_spawn_file_actions_t *file_actions, const posix_spawnattr_t *attrp, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]); #endif extern int rtapi_is_kernelspace(void); extern int rtapi_is_realtime(void); int rtapi_open_as_root(const char *filename, int mode); RTAPI_END_DECLS #endif /* RTAPI_H */