#!/usr/bin/wish #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ngcgui.tcl is a front-end gui that reads one or more single function # gcode subroutine files, provides user prompts for parameters for an # arbitrary number of invocations, and creates a single output file # of gcode. # ngcgui can be run as a standalone application or its functionality # can be embedded in a parent tcl application including the axis gui. # Example standalone Usage, create link: # $ ln -s somewhere/ngcgui.tcl directory_in_your_PATH/ngcgui # # Usage: # ngcgui --help | -? # ngcgui [Options] -D nc_files_directory_name # ngcgui [Options] -i LinuxCNC_inifile_name # ngcgui [Options] # # Options: # [-S subroutine_file] # [-p preamble_file] # [-P postamble_file] # [-o output_file] # [-a autosend_file] (autosend to axis default:auto.ngc) # [--noauto] (no autosend to axis) # [-N | --nom2] (no m2 terminator (use %)) # [--font [big|small|fontspec]] (default: "Helvetica -10 bold") # [--horiz|--vert] (default: --horiz) # [--cwidth comment_width] (width of comment field) # [--vwidth varname_width] (width of varname field) # [--quiet] (fewer comments in outfile) # [--noiframe] (default: frame displays image) # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ngcgui was first developed on git-master version 2.4.0-pre # named "O" words available since: LinuxCNC 2.3.0, April 19, 2009 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright: 2010-2013 # Author: Dewey Garrett # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ngcgui allows a user to write subroutine files that contain # a single subroutine as described in # 3.7 Calling Files of the LinuxCNC ________ manual # and then use or test them with a gui frontend that simplifies # user entry of calling arguments (positional parameters #1,#2,...) # If the subroutine includes lines to equate positional parameters # (#n) to named parameters (#) on special association lines like: # # # = #n (optional_comment_text) # # then the positional parameter will be supplemented with the more # descriptive # in the gui entry box and any optional_comment_text # will be included in the gui. Use of the descriptive # in # the body of the subroutine will make it more readable but is not # mandatory. # # When this format is used, the order of appearance of the positional # parameters must be monotonically increasing with no omissions. This # helps to prevent user errors in assignment of parmnames to parameters. # # A default value can also be specified on the special association line like: # # = #n (=dvalue) # or # # = #n (=dvalue optional_comment_text) # All positional parameters used in the body of the subroutine must be # entered -- an error occurs if an item entry is missing when a feature # is made with "Create Feature" # The linuxcnc gcode language does not provide a mechanism for returning # results so subroutines must set global parameters for results. # Within ngcgui, _globals with names that contain a colon (:) character # are ignored in the creation of entry boxes. # For example, a subroutine called from a Subfile named o returns # results in globals like: #<_line:theta>, $<_line:length>, etc. # This feature can be used to hide globals from entry boxes for any purpose # or for communication between routines # Workflow (for standalone usage): # 1) The directory location for ngc gcode files used in linuxcnc is specified # in the ini file by: [DISPLAY]PROGRAM_PREFIX. # In linuxcnc2.5, multiple directories can be specified using # [RS274NGC]SUBROUTINE_PATH if # 2) Candidate subroutine files for use with this utility should contain # a single subroutine as described in: # 3.7 Calling Files of the LinuxCNC ________ manual # 3) Optionally, user supplies a Preamble file of gcode # No substitutions are performed on this file # 4) User specifies a subroutine file (Subfile). # Entry boxes are created for each positional parameter # 5) Optionally, user supplies a Postamble file of gcode # No substitutions are performed on this file # 6) "Create Feature" Button adds feature to queue for output file. # The gui will verify that all positional parameters are not # null but makes no checks on values. # 7) "Finalize" button prompts for filename, and writes output file # for all features and adds a terminating m2 # 8) After finalizing the file, the user may send the file to # the axis gui with the SendFileToAxis button. If axis is not running, # an error is displayed. User should verify axis state before # sending. Errors detected by axis are shown within the axis # application. # 9) To create a file with multiple sections from one or more # subroutine files: # a) enter values for Preamble, Subfile, Postamble # b) fill in positional parameters # d) "Create Feature" number_1 # e) If this this the only feature, select "Finalize" to write # the file. Then select "SendFileToAxis" to send the file to axis # or "Create Feature" to start a new file # f) For multiple features, continue: # enter different parameter values # or # specify new values for Preamble, Subfile, Postamble # and fill in the new entry box values # g) "Create Feature" number_2 # h) Repeat f),g) for all features # i) "Finalize" the file (as above) # The Preamble and Postamble files are optional, for example one # might specify the Preamble only for the first subroutine and the # Postamble only for the last subroutine in making a output file # for a set of features with common parameters specified in a # single preamble file of features. # Options: # "Retain values on Subfile read" # After opening a Subfile (and creating an output file) a second # Subfile (third,fourth, ...) may be opened while retaining values # for positional parameters where the names are # _matched_ in the subsequent file. This is useful when # testing new subroutines and may be useful when combining multiple # feature routines if they share parameters with common names like # "#", "#", etc. # Values for _numbered_ positional parameters (#n) without a name # association are never retained. # "Expand subroutine" # When checked, subroutines are expanded in the # output file. This allows the axis_gui to highlight # gcode lines in the text window when paths are left-clicked in # the 3D window (and vice-vera) when subroutines are used. # In expanding subroutines, labels within are made unique # to avoid name collision with labels in other expansions or # other included subroutines. Only one level of subroutine # expansion is performed. If the interpreter detects an error, it # is sometimes unclear where it occurs when subroutines are called. # Expanding the Subfile and rerunning often gives a line number # as an aid in finding the problem. # # When not checked, subroutines are called and not expanded. # Button Shortcut bindings: # Preamble, Subfile, Postamble buttons # Instead of using the button and file selection dialog, enter # a new file name in the associated entry and to open # and read different file. When the filename differs from the # currently loaded file, the filename text changes color. # This shortcut is useful when you are debugging/editing one of the # input files -- enter a in the corresponding entry item # for the filename to reload the file. # Notes: # 0. configuring ngcgui is simplified with linuxcnc2.5; support for # linuxcnc2.4 will cease when linuxcnc2.5 is released # 1. ngcgui supports subroutine files that contain a _single_ # subroutine in a file where the name of the subroutine # is the same as the name of the file. # ex: # $ cat rect.ngc # o sub # ... # o endsub # Only comments and empty lines may appear before sub or after endsub # 2. The parameters passed to a subroutine (Positional parameters) # are identified as "Numbered parameters" #1,#2,...,#n with # n <= 30 # ngcgui finds any instances of #1,...,#30 and identifies # each as a positional parameter for invocation of the subroutine. # So, if you have a subroutine with 3 parameters (#1,#2,#3), # it is not a good idea to use parameters like #4 or #30 in the # body of the routine since they will increase the number of # entry-box items in the ngcgui front-end and cause great confusion. # # In the manual: # "O- call takes up to 30 optional arguments, which are passed # to the subroutine as #1, #2, ..., #N. Parameters from #N+1 to # #30 have the same value as in the calling context." # 3. LinuxCNC gcode supports labels for conditional blocks and subroutines # in both "Numbered" (ex: o100) and "Named" (ex: o) forms. # Support for the "Numbered" label format is included, but # it would be clearer to limit ngcgui support to: # Positional Parameters --> #1, ..., #n 1<=n<=30 # Named Labels --> o # This seems consistent with the trajectory of LinuxCNC gcode and # accommodation of earlier styles (numbered labels like # #n+1 to #30) is a small matter of editing:). # 4. removed # 5. If a file (subfile,preamble,postamble) is removed or modified by # another application (like an editor), the color for its name will # change to notify the ngcgui user that it should probably be reloaded. # 6. The preamble file is provided to support simple setup actions # like g20/g21,g40 etc. Similarly, the postamble file supports # terminating actions as required like m5. # The preamble and postamble file can be more complex even # including subroutines. Such inclusion requires care # by the user if multiple files are used to make a single output # file with ngcgui because if a file containing subroutines # is included more than once, a multiple definition error is # flagged. The user can avoid this by carefully selecting/deselecting # preamble/postamble files but a better course is to avoid # subroutines in these files and rely on a library of "subroutine-only" # files in the [DISPLAY]PROGRAM_PREFIX directory. # 7. ngcgui inserts a special global variable named #<_feature:> that begins # with a value of 0 and is incremented for each added feature. This # _global can be tested in subroutines; no entry box is created for it. # Similarly, ngcgui inserts a special global variable named #<_remaining_features:> # that indicates the number of features remaining after the current feature. # A value of zero indicates the current feature is the last feature. # 8. entry boxes for positional parameters include key bindings # for keys x,y,z,a,b,c,u,v,w, and d. When embedded in axis, typing these keys # cause the current value (emc_rel_act_pos) to be entered into the # entry box. This function makes it simple to enter current coordinate # values. The d key will enter the 2*x for the diameter on a lathe) # # (If there is a tcl global ::entrykeybinding proc, it will # be used instead for these key bindings so that other embedding # applications can handle these keys -- see the source for the parameters # passed to the proc.) # 9. lines before the o<>sub line and after the o<>endsub line must # be comments (enclosed in parentheses) or begun with a semicolon (;) # 10. each time an output file is finished, ngcgui saves a copy in # /tmp/ngcgui_bak/ just in case you want to see it or reuse it later # The /tmp directory is normally purged at restart or after # a number of days determined by the variable TMPTIME in # the system file /etc/default/rcS (ubuntu for example) # 11. key bindings # Escape return to Preview page (only if embed_in_axis) # Ctrl-a Toggle autosend # Ctrl-c Clear entries # Ctrl-d Set entries to default values # Ctrl-e Open editor specified by $VISUAL on last outfile # Ctrl-f Create feature # Ctrl-F Finalize # Ctrl-k Show key bindings # Ctrl-n Restart (cancel pending) # Ctrl-p (re)Read Preamble # Ctrl-P (re)Read Postamble # Ctrl-r (re)Read Subfile # Ctrl-s Show status # Ctrl-S Show full status (debug info) # Ctrl-u Open editor specified by $VISUAL on current subfile # Ctrl-U Open editor specified by $VISUAL on current preamble # 12. All entry boxes are checked for valid numbers and the entry is # turned red if invalid. # 13. Emc gcode (2.3 19apr09) allows a single semicolon use for comments. # This gui supports semicolon comments but the syntax for special # association lines requires the () form: # # for positional parameters 1<=n<=30: # # = #n (=defaultvalue comment_text) # 14. Features requiring linuxcnc-2.4pre (that I can remember): # a) error detection when sending file to axis # 15. Helper subroutine files that are included in the # [DISPLAY]PROGRAM_PREFIX (or the[RS274NGC]SUBROUTINE_PATH) # directory may not be suitable for use as a subfile. # To indicate this to a user, include a special comment line: # (not_a_subfile) # Alternatively, these files can be placed in a different # directory specified in the ini file [WIZARD]WIZARD_ROOT # 16. Using a launcher (like ubuntu gnome desktop launcher) doesn't # make it easy to pass in environmental variables like VISUAL. # This works for a launcher: put ngcgui.tcl in a directory # such as /home/yourname/bin and create script such as # $ cat /home/yourname/bin/launch_ngc # #!/bin/sh # export VISUAL=gedit ;# your favorite editor # /home/yourname/bin/ngcgui.tcl -a auto -i your inifile # # make it executable: # $ chmod 755 /home/yourname/bin/launch_ngc # configure the launcher so the command is: # Command: /home/yourname/bin/launch_ngc # # 17. obsolete: xembed support removed, internal embedding works better # # 18. If --vwidth 0 is used and a parameter has no comment, the variable # name is placed in the comment field # # 19. For linuxcnc 2.4, the tcl proc embed_in_axis_tab will embed directly # in an axis tab using [DISPLAY]USER_COMMAND_FILE (or ~/.axisrc) # example: # w = widgets.right.insert("end", 'ngcgui', text='Ngcgui') # w.configure(borderwidth=1, highlightthickness=0) # f = Tkinter.Frame(w, container=0, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0) # f.pack(fill="both", expand=1, anchor="nw",side="top") # root_window.tk.call("source","somepath/ngcgui.tcl") # root_window.tk.call("::ngcgui::embed_in_axis_tab",f,"nameof_ngcgui_subfile") # # 20. The Preamble and Postamble entry fields may be used to insert # immediate gcode commands instead of reading files. The immediate # syntax is signaled by a leading colon (:), commands are separated by # semicolons (;). Example: # :t0m6;(debug, pausing);m0 (pause) # The commands are not validated by ngcgui but are added to the # output gcode file # # 21. When embedding in axis directly, multiple tabpages can be specified. Each # can be used independently to add multiple features from the initial or # newly selected subfiles. If multiple tabpages have created features, the # Finalize action will offer to finalize all tabpages in left-to-right order. # Beware of this ordering. If the order is incorrect, cancel and then # rearrange page order before finalizing. # # 22. Subfiles can optionally include a special comment: # (info: info_text) # The info text will be displayed (embed_in_axis only) # # 23. An optional image file (.png,.gif,.jpg,.pgm) can accompany a subfile. # The image file can help clarify the parameters; a window displaying # the image is popped up when the subfile is read. The image file # should be in the same directory as the subfile and have the same # name with an appropriate image suffix, e.g. the subfile iquad.ngc # should be accompanied by an image file iquad.png # # 24. When ngcgui pages are embedded in the axis gui, options can # be specified: # NGCGUI_OPTIONS = opt1 opt2 ... # opt items: # nonew -- disallow making new tab page # noremove -- disallow removing any tab page # noauto -- noautosend (makeFile, then manually send) # noiframe -- put image inside a toplevel instead of a frame # so all controls are available # nom2 -- no m2 terminator (use %) # # 25. When ngcgui pages are embedded in the axis gui and the user # is allowed to open new subroutines, the initial starting directory # for subfiles is: # the first directory in [RS274NGC]SUBROUTINE_PATH if # [RS274NGC]SUBROUTINE_PATH is specified # or # the dir specified by [DISPLAY]PROGRAM_PREFIX if # [DISPLAY]PROGRAM_PREFIX is specified # otherwise # "." # 26. removed # 27. Ngcgui supports .gcmc files (for gcmc the G-Code Meta Compiler) # http://www.vagrearg.org/content/gcmc # Special tags in the .gcmc file are used to: # 1) specify the info text for the tab page (optional) # 1) specify variable names requiring an ngcgui entry box # 2) specify gcmc options (optional) # # When creating a feature from a gcmc file, the gcmc program # is run with the variable values from the entry boxes and the gcmc # options specified. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval ::ngcgui { namespace export ngcgui ;# public interface } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internationalization # use the tcl-package named Emc to set up I18n support if [catch {package require Linuxcnc} msg] { # if user is trying to use as standalone in an unconfigured (non-Emc) # environment, just continue without internationalization puts stdout "Internationalization not available: <$msg>" } # use a command or proc named "_" for ::msgcat::mc # when embedded in axis, a command named "_" is predefined, # since "_" is not defined for standalone usage, make a proc named "_" if {"" == [info command "_"]} { package require msgcat proc _ {s} {return [::msgcat::mc $s]} } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::ngcgui::parse_ngc {hdl ay_name filename args} { # return 1 for ok # return 0 for error and lappend to (parse,msg) upvar $ay_name ay set ay($hdl,parse,msg) "" # default info, supersede expected: set ay($hdl,info) "[_ "Current subfile: $filename"]" if {"$filename" == ""} { lappend ay($hdl,parse,msg) "[_ "Need non-null file name"]" return 0 } if [catch {set fd [open $filename r]} msg] { lappend ay($hdl,parse,msg) $msg return 0 } set basename [file tail $filename] set idx [string last . $basename] set ay($hdl,subroutine,name) [string replace $basename $idx end] new_image $hdl $filename retain_or_unset $hdl $ay_name set min_num 999999; set max_num -1 set last_num 0 set ay($hdl,label_maxwidth) 0 set lct 0 set lno 1 catch { foreach n [array names ::ngc_sub $hdl,*] { unset ::ngc_sub($n) } } while {![eof $fd]} { gets $fd theline incr lno #remove blanks and tabs, use lower case (ngc rs274 format): set line [string map {" " "" " " ""} $theline] ;#sp,tab to "" set line [string tolower $line] # theline: original line, may have whitespace, caps, etc. # line: collapsed whitespace, lowercase set line_end [expr -1 + [string len $line]] ;# last index if {"$line" == ""} continue ;# discard empty lines set iscomment 0 if { ([string first ( $line] == 0 && [string last ) $line] == $line_end)\ || [string first \; $line] == 0 } { set iscomment 1 # match to theline for caps to find spaceFEATUREspace on a comment line if [string match "*\[ \]FEATURE\[ \]*" $theline] { lappend emsg "[_ "Disallowed use of ngcgui generated file as Subfile"]" set ay($hdl,parse,msg) $emsg catch {unset ay($hdl,argct)} ;# make parmcheck fail return 0 } if [string match "(not_a_subfile)" $theline] { lappend emsg "[_ "File"] <$filename> [_ "marked (not_a_subfile)\nNot intended for use as a subfile"]" catch {unset ay($hdl,argct)} ;# make parmcheck fail set ay($hdl,parse,msg) $emsg return 0 } if {[string first "(info:" $theline] >= 0} { set idx [string first : $theline] set info [string range $theline [expr $idx +1] end] set ay($hdl,info) [string trim $info " )"] } } # disallow embedded numbered subroutines within a single-file subroutine if {[regexp -nocase "^o\[0-9\]*sub" $line]} { puts stdout "[_ "bogus"]:$lno<$theline>" lappend emsg \ "[_ "can not include subroutines within ngcgui subfile"]:$theline" set ay($hdl,parse,msg) $emsg return 0 } # find subroutine start: if [string match o<*>sub* $line] { if [info exists found_sub_end] { lappend emsg "[_ "Multiple subroutines in file not allowed"]" set ay($hdl,parse,msg) $emsg return 0 } set found_sub_start 1 set i1 [string first < $theline] set i2 [string first > $theline] set label [string range $theline [expr $i1 + 1] [expr $i2 -1]] if {"$label" != "$ay($hdl,subroutine,name)"} { puts stdout "[_ "bogus"]:$lno<$theline>" lappend emsg \ "[_ "sub label"]: o<$label> [_ "does not match subroutine file name"]" } continue ;# the sub line itself is not saved } if {[info exists found_sub_end]} { # allow null lines and comments after endsub if $iscomment { set ::ngc_sub($hdl,$lct) $theline incr lct continue } else { # sometimes there is an m2 after endsub, ignore it if {[string first m2 [string trim [string tolower $theline]]] == 0} { set ::ngc_sub($hdl,$lct) \ "($::ngc(any,app): [_ "ignoring M2 after endsub"]: <$theline>)" puts stdout "[_ "ignoring M2 after endsub"] <$theline>" incr lct continue } else { puts stdout "[_ "bogus"]:$lno<$theline>" lappend emsg "[_ "file contains lines after subend"]" } } } if {![info exists found_sub_start]} { # allow null lines and comments before sub if $iscomment { set ::ngc_sub($hdl,$lct) $theline incr lct continue } else { puts stdout "[_ "bogus"]:$lno<$theline>" lappend emsg "[_ "file contains lines before sub"]" } } if {$iscomment} { set ::ngc_sub($hdl,$lct) $theline incr lct continue } # processing below for non-comments only # find subroutine end: if { [info exists found_sub_start] \ && [string match o<*>endsub* $line] } { set found_sub_end 1 set i1 [string first < $theline] set i2 [string first > $theline] set label [string range $theline [expr $i1 + 1] [expr $i2 -1]] if {"$label" != "$ay($hdl,subroutine,name)"} { puts stdout "[_ "bogus"]:$lno<$theline>" lappend emsg \ "[_ "endsub label"]: o<$label> [_ "does not match subroutine file name"]" } continue ;# the endsub line is not saved } # find and save labels for name mangling when expanding if { [info exists found_sub_start] \ && ![info exists found_sub_end]} { if {$lct >= 0} { # save label identifiers so they can be made unique when expanding # multiple subroutines # but do not include labels for calls: # match to line but use theline for label to preserve user case if { [string match *o<* $line] \ && ![string match *o<*>*call* $line]} { set i1 [string first < $theline] set i2 [string first > $theline] set label [string range $theline [expr $i1 + 1] [expr $i2 -1]] set ::ngc_sub($hdl,$lct,label) $label set txt [string range $theline [expr $i2+1] end] set ::ngc_sub($hdl,$lct) $txt } elseif { [string match o\[0-9\]* $line] } { set tline [string trimleft $theline] if [regexp -nocase "(^o\[0-9\]*)(.*)" $tline v label txt] { set ::ngc_sub($hdl,$lct,label) $label set ::ngc_sub($hdl,$lct) $txt } } else { set ::ngc_sub($hdl,$lct) $theline set label "" } if {[string length $label] > $ay($hdl,label_maxwidth)} { set ay($hdl,label_maxwidth) [string length $label] } } incr lct } # find numbered parameters #1--#30 inclusive # in order to identify the biggest one since all # in this range are considered to be positional parameters # even if some in the range are not explicitly used set l $line while 1 { set i1 [string first # $l] if {$i1 < 0} {break} set i2 [expr 1 + $i1] set i3 [expr 2 + $i1] set i4 [expr 3 + $i1] set char2 [string range $l $i2 $i2] set char3 [string range $l $i3 $i3] set v $char2$char3[string range $l $i4 $i4] if { [is_int $v] \ && ($v > 30) } { break ;# ignore #nnn... } if {[is_int $char2] && ![is_int $char3]} { set num_var $char2 if {$num_var < $min_num} {set min_num $num_var} if {$num_var > $max_num} {set max_num $num_var} set l [string range $l $i3 end] continue } if {[is_int $char2] && [is_int $char3]} { set num_var $char2$char3 if { 0 < $num_var & $num_var <= 30} { if {$num_var < $min_num} {set min_num $num_var} if {$num_var > $max_num} {set max_num $num_var} set l [string range $l [expr 1+$i3] end] continue } } set l [string range $l $i2 end] } # find special association lines that match: # for positional parameters, special line is # #=#n where 0 <= n <= 30 # or #=#n (=defaultvalue comment_text) if { [string match *#<*>=#\[1-9\]* $line] \ || [string match *#<*>=#\[1-2\]\[0-9\]* $line] \ || [string match *#<*>=#30* $line] } { if { [string match *#<*>=#\[3-9\]\[1-9\]* $line] } { # exclude #31-#99 } elseif {[string match *#<*>=#\[1-9\]\[0-9\]\[0-9\]* $line] } { # exclude #nnn... (3 or more digit numbers) } else { set i1 [string first >=# $line] set parmname [string range $line 2 [expr -1+$i1]] set num [string range $line [expr 3+ $i1] end] # remove trailing comment: set i1 [string first ( $num] if {$i1 >= 0} { set num [string range $num 0 [expr -1 +$i1]] } set num02 [format %02d $num] set ay($hdl,arg,name,$num02) $parmname set expect_num [expr $last_num +1] # enforce these to appear in order to help prevent user errors if {$num != $expect_num && $num <= 30} { puts stdout "[_ "bogus"]:$lno<$theline>" lappend emsg \ "[_ "out of sequence positional parameter"] $num [_ "expected"]: $expect_num " } else { set last_num $num } set i1 [string first ( $theline] set i2 [string last ) $theline] if { $i1 >0 && $i2 > $i1} { set cmt [string range $theline [expr 1 + $i1] [expr -1 + $i2]] if [regexp -nocase "= *(\\+*-*\[0-9.\]*)(.*)" \ $cmt V(match) V(dvalue) V(comment)] { set ay($hdl,arg,dvalue,$num02) $V(dvalue) set ay($hdl,arg,comment,$num02) [string trim $V(comment)] } else { set ay($hdl,arg,comment,$num02) $cmt } } # for --vwidth 0, make sure something exists for comment if { $ay(any,width,varname) == 0 \ && ( ![info exists ay($hdl,arg,comment,$num02)] \ || "$ay($hdl,arg,comment,$num02)" == "") } { set ay($hdl,arg,comment,$num02) $ay($hdl,arg,name,$num02) } } } } ;# while !eof set ay($hdl,sublines) $lct close $fd # for args without a special name association, use #n for name for {set i 1} {$i <= $max_num} {incr i} { set num02 [format %02d $i] if ![info exists ay($hdl,arg,name,$num02)] { set ay($hdl,arg,name,$num02) #$i ;# ensure all intervening parms } } set ay($hdl,argct) $max_num # remove any notused retained items for {set i [expr $max_num +1]} {$i <= 30} {incr i} { set num02 [format %02d $i] catch {unset ay($hdl,arg,name,$num02)} catch {unset ay($hdl,arg,comment,$num02)} } # error checks if {![info exists found_sub_start]} { lappend emsg "[_ "no 'sub' found in file"]" } if {[info exists found_sub_start] && ![info exists found_sub_end]} { lappend emsg "[_ "no 'endsub' found in file"]" } if [info exists emsg] { set ay($hdl,parse,msg) $emsg return 0 } return 1 ;# ok } ;# parse proc retain_or_unset {hdl ay_name} { upvar $ay_name ay if {$ay($hdl,retainvalues)} { # positional parameters: retain some foreach n [array names ay $hdl,arg,name,*] { # example: # exists arg,name,03 == xloc # arg,value,03 == 999 # set arg,byname,xloc == 999 set num [string range $n [expr 1+[string last , $n]] end] set name $ay($n) if ![info exists ay($hdl,arg,value,$num)] continue if {[string first # $name] != 0} { set ay($hdl,arg,byname,$name) $ay($hdl,arg,value,$num) } } } else { # retaining none foreach n [array names ay $hdl,arg,value*] {unset ay($n)} foreach n [array names ay $hdl,arg,byname,*] {unset ay($n)} } # always unset these foreach n [array names ay $hdl,arg,name,*] {unset ay($n)} foreach n [array names ay $hdl,arg,comment,*] {unset ay($n)} foreach n [array names ay $hdl,arg,value,*] {unset ay($n)} foreach n [array names ay $hdl,arg,dvalue,*] {unset ay($n)} foreach n [array names ay $hdl,arg,entrywidget,*] {unset ay($n)} catch { foreach n [array names ::ngc_sub $hdl,*] { unset ::ngc_sub($n) } } } ;# retain_or_unset #----------------------------------------------------------------------- proc which_exe {name} { # replaces /usr/bin/which deprecated in debian/unstable foreach dir [split $::env(PATH) :] { set f [file join $dir $name] if [file executable $f] { return $f } } return -code error "$name: executable not found" } ;# which_exe proc ::ngcgui::find_gcmc {} { if [catch {set found [which_exe gcmc]} msg] { puts stdout "find_gcmc:NOTfound:<$msg>" return "" } else { #puts stdout "find_gcmc:found:$found" } return $found } ;# find_gcmc proc ::ngcgui::parse_gcmc {hdl ay_name filename args} { # return 1 for ok # return 0 for error and lappend to (parse,msg) upvar $ay_name ay set ay($hdl,parse,msg) "" if ![info exists ::ngc(any,gcmc,executable)] { set result [find_gcmc] if {"$result" == ""} { lappend ay($hdl,parse,msg) "[_ "Cannot find gcmc executable"]" lappend ay($hdl,parse,msg) "[_ "Please Install in path"]" return 0 } else { set ::ngc(any,gcmc,executable) [find_gcmc] # outdir has to be in path # use first dir in path as dir for temporary ofile if ![info exists ::ngc(any,paths)] { set ::ngc(any,paths) [file normalize [file dirname $filename]] puts "\nngcgui: [_ "not embedded, deriving outdir from:"] $filename\n" } set ::ngc(any,gcmc,outdir) [file normalize [lindex $::ngc(any,paths) 0]] set ::ngc(any,gcmc,funcname) tmpgcmc ;# append session id and suffix # clean up prior runs by moving to tmp if ![catch {set flist [glob [file join $::ngc(any,gcmc,outdir) \ $::ngc(any,gcmc,funcname)]*] } msg] { file mkdir /tmp/oldgcmc foreach f $flist { #puts " file rename $f /tmp/[file tail $f]" file rename -force $f [file join /tmp/oldgcmc [file tail $f]] } } } set ct 1 # catch: early versions of gcmc returns $?=1 if [catch {set ans [exec $::ngc(any,gcmc,executable) --version] } msg ] { puts stdout "parse_gcmc: unexpected version:<$msg>" } else { foreach line [split $ans \n] { set ::ngc(any,gcmc,version,line$ct) $line incr ct } puts stdout "gcmc path: $::ngc(any,gcmc,executable)" puts stdout "gcmc version: $::ngc(any,gcmc,version,line1)" } } # default info, supersede expected: set ay($hdl,info) "[_ "Current subfile: $filename"]" catch {unset ::ngc($hdl,gcmc,opts)} ;# no retain on reread if {"$filename" == ""} { lappend ay($hdl,parse,msg) "[_ "Need non-null file name"]" return 0 } if [catch {set fd [open $filename r]} msg] { lappend ay($hdl,parse,msg) $msg return 0 } set basename [file tail $filename] set idx [string last . $basename] set ay($hdl,subroutine,name) [string replace $basename $idx end] new_image $hdl $filename retain_or_unset $hdl $ay_name set min_num 999999; set max_num -1 set ay($hdl,label_maxwidth) 0 set lno 1 set num 1 set num02 [format %02d $num] set names {} while {![eof $fd]} { gets $fd theline incr lno #remove blanks and tabs set theline [string trim $theline] # consider // comments only if {[string first "//" $theline] != 0} continue # The '*', '+', and '?' qualifiers are all greedy. # Greedy <.*> matches all of


# NonGreedy <.*?> matches the only first

# // ngcgui : info: describing text set einfo "^ *\\/\\/ *ngcgui *: *info: *\(.*?\)" if {[regexp $einfo $theline match info]} { set ay($hdl,info) $info continue } set eopt "^ *\\/\\/ *ngcgui *: *\(-.*\)$" if {[regexp $eopt $theline match opt]} { # remove a trailing comment: set idx [string first '//' $opt] if {$idx >= 0} { set opt [string replace $opt $idx end] } set idx [string first \; $opt] if {$idx >= 0} { set opt [string replace $opt $idx end] } set opt [string trim $opt] lappend ::ngc($hdl,gcmc,opts) $opt continue } catch {unset name dvalue comment} # // ngcgui : name [= value [,comment]] set e1 "^ *\\/\\/ *ngcgui *: *\(.*?\) *= *\(.*?\) *\, *\(.*?\) *$" set e2 "^ *\\/\\/ *ngcgui *: *\(.*?\) *= *\(.*?\) *$" set e3 "^ *\\/\\/ *ngcgui *: *\(.*?\) *$" if {[regexp $e1 $theline match name dvalue comment]} { #puts "1_____<$name>,<$dvalue>,<$comment>" } elseif {[regexp $e2 $theline match name dvalue]} { #puts "2_____<$name>,<$dvalue>" } elseif {[regexp $e3 $theline match name]} { #puts "3_____<$name>" } else { continue } if {[lsearch $names $name] >= 0} { puts "duplicate name, first one wins <$name>" # could be an error: # lappend emsg "[_ "duplicate name <$name>"]" continue } lappend names $name set ay($hdl,arg,name,$num02) $name if [info exists dvalue] { # this is a convenience to make it simple to edit to # add a var without removing the semicolon # xstart = 10; # //ngcgui: xstart = 10; set dvalue [lindex [split $dvalue ";"] 0] ;# strip after a ";" set ay($hdl,arg,dvalue,$num02) $dvalue } if [info exists comment] { set ay($hdl,arg,comment,$num02) $comment } else { set ay($hdl,arg,comment,$num02) $name } incr num set num02 [format %02d $num] } ;# while !eof close $fd set ay($hdl,argct) [llength $names] # gcmc files with no args are allowed # if {$ay($hdl,argct) <= 0} { # lappend emsg "[_ "gcmc file with no args"]" # } if {$ay($hdl,argct) > 30} { lappend emsg "[_ "gcmc file with too many args <$::ay($hdl,argct)"]" } # error checks if [info exists emsg] { set ay($hdl,parse,msg) $emsg return 0 } return 1 ;# ok } ;# parse_gcmc proc ::ngcgui::dt {} { return [clock format [clock seconds] -format %y%m%d:%H.%M.%S] } ;# dt proc ::ngcgui::is_int {v} { if [catch {format %d $v}] { return 0 } return 1 } ;# is_int proc ::ngcgui::trimprefix {s {pfx opt,} } { set idx [string first $pfx $s] if {$idx != 0} {return $s} return [string range $s [string length $pfx] end] } ;# trimprefix proc ::ngcgui::trimsuffix {s {sfx .ngc} } { set idx [string last $sfx $s] if {$idx <0} {return $s} return [string range $s 0 [expr -1 + $idx]] } ;# trimsuffix proc ::ngcgui::qid {} { # unique identifier if ![info exists ::ngc(any,qid)] { set ::ngc(any,qid) 0 } return [incr ::ngc(any,qid)] } ;# qid proc ::ngcgui::initgui {hdl} { if ![info exists ::ngc(embed,hdl)] {set ::ngc(embed,hdl) 0} if [info exists ::ngcgui($hdl,afterid)] { return ;# already done } # fixed initializations set ::ngc(any,pentries) 10 ;# number of entries in positional frame ;# 30 max positional parameters ;# 3 frames max so must have pentries >=10 set ::ngc(any,pollms) 2000 set ::ngc(any,color,black) black set ::ngc(any,color,stdbg) #dcdad5 ;# default gray color set set ::ngc(any,color,title) lightsteelblue2 set ::ngc(any,color,vdefault) darkseagreen2 ;# value defaults set ::ngc(any,color,readonly) gray set ::ngc(any,color,ok) green4 set ::ngc(any,color,single) palegreen set ::ngc(any,color,multiple) cyan set ::ngc(any,color,feature) lightslategray set ::ngc(any,color,prompt) blue3 set ::ngc(any,color,warn) darkorange set ::ngc(any,color,notice) lightgoldenrodyellow set ::ngc(any,color,override) blue3 set ::ngc(any,color,error) red set ::ngc(any,color,filegone) maroon set ::ngc(any,color,filenew) darkorange set ::ngc(any,color,filemod) purple set ::ngc(any,color,custom) ivory2 set ::ngc(any,color,default) blue4 set ::ngc(any,max_msg_len) 500 ;# limit popup msg len (gcmc) set ::ngc($hdl,afterid) "" statemap $hdl ;# set up state transitions } ;# initgui proc ::ngcgui::preset {hdl ay_name} { # using apps call this to populate ay_name, # superseded items as reqd # all required items with defaults: upvar $ay_name ay # per-instance items: set ay($hdl,fname,subfile) "" set ay($hdl,fname,preamble) "" set ay($hdl,fname,postamble) "" set ay($hdl,fname,outfile) "" set ay($hdl,auto) 1 set ay($hdl,fname,autosend) "auto.ngc" set ay($hdl,dir) "" set ay($hdl,retainvalues) 1 set ay($hdl,expandsubroutine) 0 set ay($hdl,verbose) 1 set ay($hdl,chooser) 0 set ay($hdl,info) "[_ "Choose Files"]" set ay($hdl,standalone) 0 # common to any instance items: set ay(any,app) ngcgui set ay(any,entrykeys,special) {x X y Y z Z a A b B c C u U v V w W d D} set ay(any,dir,just) "/tmp/ngcgui_bak" ;# set to "" to disable set ay(any,aspect) horiz set ay(any,font) {Helvetica -10 normal} set ay(any,width,comment) 12 set ay(any,width,varname) 12 set ay(any,img,width,max) 320 ;# subsample image to this max size set ay(any,img,height,max) 240 ;# subsample image to this max size # options currently available with embed_in_axis only set ::ngc(opt,nonew) 0 ;# default allows new set ::ngc(opt,noremove) 0 ;# default allows remove set ::ngc(opt,noauto) 0 ;# default is autosend set ::ngc(opt,noinput) 0 ;# default is to show an input frame set ::ngc(opt,noiframe) 0 ;# default uses a separate toplevel for img set ::ngc(opt,nom2) 0 ;# default use % at start and end # instead of m2 at 3end } ;# preset proc ::ngcgui::gui {hdl mode args} { # use ::ngcgui::preset for required ::ngc($hdl,) items and defaults # standalone invoke: ::ngcgui::gui $hdl standalone wframe # embedded invoke: ::ngcgui::gui $hdl create wframe switch $mode { standalone { set ::ngc($hdl,standalone) 1 set w [::ngcgui::gui $hdl create $args] return $w } create { if {"$hdl" == ""} {return -code error "hdl is null"} # mandatory arg for mode==create is a frame # caller packs/unpacks wframe which must be a valid name # but not exist yet set wframe [lindex $args 0] initgui $hdl set ::ngc($hdl,l,width) 10 ;# min lside width, see also tw if {"$::ngc(any,dir,just)" == ""} { unset ::ngc(any,dir,just) ;# disable feature: } else { if { [file isdirectory $::ngc(any,dir,just)] \ && [file writable $::ngc(any,dir,just)] \ } { # ok } else { if [catch {file mkdir $::ngc(any,dir,just)} msg] { puts stdout $msg ;# no such dir for example return "" ;# something bad happened } } } if {"$wframe" == ""} { return -code error "gui:create no arg for wframe" } set wframe [frame $wframe] ;# wframe specifies name, create it here pack $wframe -anchor nw -fill none -expand 0 ;# NB set ::ngc($hdl,top) [winfo toplevel $wframe] set ::ngc($hdl,topf) $wframe ;# ok for embed_in_axis, ok standalone if {"$::ngc($hdl,dir)" == ""} {set ::ngc($hdl,dir) .} # defaults: set ::ngc($hdl,id) 0 set ::ngc($hdl,savect) 0 conf $hdl restart,widget state disabled set ::ngc($hdl,ftypes,subfile) { {{GCODE,GCMC} {.ngc .gcmc}} } set ::ngc($hdl,ftypes,other) { {{NGC} {.ngc}} } # initializations: set ::ngc($hdl,data,preamble) "" set ::ngc($hdl,data,postamble) "" # special frame for embed,axis set removable 0; set newable 0 if {[info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] } { if !$::ngc($hdl,standalone) { if {!$::ngc(opt,noremove) || $::ngc($hdl,chooser)} { set removable 1 } if {!$::ngc(opt,nonew) || $::ngc($hdl,chooser)} { set newable 1 } } tabmanage $::ngc($hdl,axis,page) $wframe \ "$::ngc(any,app)-$hdl" \ ::ngc($hdl,info) \ $removable $newable } set wframe [frame $wframe.[qid]] set bw 8 set tw 10 ;# min text width (default is 20) see also l,width switch $::ngc(any,aspect) { vert { set wI [frame $wframe.input -bd 1 -relief sunken] ;# input frame set wO [frame $wframe.output -bd 1 -relief sunken] ;# output frame set wV [frame $wframe.var] ;# variable frame set wC [frame $wframe.create -bd 1 -relief sunken] ;# create frame set wE [frame $wframe.exit -bd 1 -relief sunken] ;# exit frame pack $wI -side top -fill x -expand 1 -anchor n pack $wE -side bottom -fill x -expand 1 -anchor s pack $wO -side bottom -fill x -expand 1 -anchor s pack $wC -side bottom -fill x -expand 1 -anchor n pack $wV -side top -fill x -expand 1 -anchor n set ::ngc($hdl,pack,positional) top } horiz { set wL [frame $wframe.left -bd 2 -relief ridge] ;# left frame set wI [frame $wL.input -bd 0 -relief sunken] ;# input frame set wO [frame $wL.output -bd 0 -relief sunken] ;# output frame set wC [frame $wL.create -bd 0 -relief sunken] ;# create frame set wE [frame $wL.exit -bd 0 -relief sunken] ;# exit frame set wV [frame $wframe.var -bd 0 -relief flat] ;# variable frame pack $wL -side left -fill x -expand 1 -anchor nw pack $wI -side top -fill x -expand 1 -anchor n pack $wO -side top -fill x -expand 1 -anchor n pack $wE -side bottom -fill x -expand 1 -anchor s pack $wC -side bottom -fill x -expand 1 -anchor s pack $wV -side left -fill x -expand 1 -anchor n set ::ngc($hdl,pack,positional) left $wframe config -relief ridge -bd 2 } default {return -code error ngc::gui:aspect <$aspect>} } set ::ngc($hdl,varframe) $wV set ::ngc($hdl,iframe) $wI image_init $hdl set w [frame $wI.[qid]] pack $w -fill x -expand 1 #pack [label $w.[qid] -anchor w -text "Input Files" \ # -width $::ngc($hdl,l,width)\ # -bg $::ngc(any,color,title) -relief groove] -fill x -expand 1 pack [label $w.[qid] -anchor w -text "[_ "Controls"]" \ -width $::ngc($hdl,l,width)\ -bg $::ngc(any,color,title) -relief groove] -fill x -expand 1 # wI inputs set w [frame $wI.[qid]] pack $w -fill x -expand 1 set b [button $w.[qid] -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -pady 0 -width $bw -text "[_ "Preamble"]" \ -command "::ngcgui::gui $hdl getpreamble"] set ::ngc($hdl,begin,widget) $b pack $b -side left -expand 0 set e [entry $w.e -width $tw -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -textvariable ::ngc($hdl,dname,preamble)] bind $e [list ::ngcgui::readfile $hdl preamble] pack $e -side left -fill x -expand 1 set ::ngc($hdl,preamble,widget) $e set w [frame $wI.[qid]] pack $w -fill x -expand 1 set b [button $w.[qid] -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -pady 0 -width $bw -text "[_ "Subfile"]" \ -command "::ngcgui::gui $hdl getsubfile"] pack $b -side left -expand 0 set e [entry $w.e -width $tw -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -textvariable ::ngc($hdl,dname,subfile)] bind $e [list ::ngcgui::readfile $hdl subfile] pack $e -side left -fill x -expand 1 set ::ngc($hdl,subfile,widget) $e set w [frame $wI.[qid]] pack $w -fill x -expand 1 set b [button $w.[qid] -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -pady 0 -width $bw -text "[_ "Postamble"]" \ -command "::ngcgui::gui $hdl getpostamble"] pack $b -side left -expand 0 set e [entry $w.e -width $tw -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -textvariable ::ngc($hdl,dname,postamble)] bind $e [list ::ngcgui::readfile $hdl postamble] pack $e -side left -fill x -expand 1 set ::ngc($hdl,postamble,widget) $e # set w [frame $wI.[qid]] # pack $w -fill x -expand 1 # pack [label $w.[qid] -anchor w -text "Options" \ # -bg $::ngc(any,color,title) -relief groove] -fill x -expand 1 set w [frame $wI.[qid]] pack $w -fill x -expand 1 set b [checkbutton $w.[qid] -anchor w -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -text "[_ "Retain values on Subfile read"]" \ -command [list ::ngcgui::aftertoggle $hdl retainvalues] \ -variable ::ngc($hdl,retainvalues)] pack $b -side left -fill x -expand 1 set w [frame $wI.[qid]] pack $w -fill x -expand 1 set b [checkbutton $w.[qid] -anchor w -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -text "[_ "Expand subroutine"]" \ -command [list ::ngcgui::aftertoggle $hdl expandsubroutine] \ -variable ::ngc($hdl,expandsubroutine)] pack $b -side left -fill x -expand 1 set ::ngc($hdl,expandsubroutine,widget) $b if {1} { set w [frame $wI.[qid]] pack $w -fill x -expand 1 set b [checkbutton $w.[qid] -anchor w -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -text "[_ "Autosend"]" \ -command [list ::ngcgui::aftertoggle $hdl auto] \ -variable ::ngc($hdl,auto)] pack $b -side left -fill x -expand 1 } if {0} { # take up too much room set w [frame $wI.[qid]] pack $w -fill x -expand 1 set b [checkbutton $w.[qid] -anchor w -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -text "[_ "Verbose ngcfile"]" \ -command [list ::ngcgui::aftertoggle $hdl verbose] \ -variable ::ngc($hdl,verbose)] pack $b -side left -fill x -expand 1 } # wC create frame # used fixed widths so buttons stay same when text is changed set w [frame $wC.[qid]] pack $w -side top -fill x -expand 1 set b [button $w.[qid] -text "[_ "Create Feature"]" -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -width 14 -padx 1\ -command "::ngcgui::gui $hdl savesection"] pack $b -side left -fill x -expand 1 set ::ngc($hdl,save,widget) $b set text "[_ "MakeFile"]" if $::ngc($hdl,auto) {set text "[_ "Finalize"]"} set b [button $w.[qid] -state disabled -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,prompt) \ -width 8 -padx 1\ -text "$text" -command "::ngcgui::gui $hdl finalize"] pack $b -side left -fill x -expand 1 set ::ngc($hdl,finalize,widget) $b set w [frame $wC.[qid]] pack $w -fill x -expand 1 pack [label $w.[qid] -width 0 -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -pady 0 -relief flat \ -textvariable ::ngc($hdl,savect)] -side left -fill x -expand 0 if {!$::ngc(opt,noinput) || $::ngc($hdl,chooser)} { # reread notapplicable with no controls set b [button $w.[qid] -width 2 -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -padx 0 -pady 0 -text "[_ "Reread"]" \ -state disabled \ -command [list ::ngcgui::reread $hdl] \ ] pack $b -side left -fill x -expand 1 set ::ngc($hdl,reread,widget) $b } set b [button $w.[qid] -width 2 -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -padx 0 -pady 0 -text "[_ "Restart"]" \ -state disabled \ -command [list ::ngcgui::message $hdl restart] \ ] pack $b -side left -fill x -expand 1 set ::ngc($hdl,restart,widget) $b # sendfile,widget button is forgettable # use wC frame avoids problems with ctrl-a resizing app set b [button $wC.[qid] -state disabled -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -pady 1 \ -text "[_ "SendFileToAxis"]" \ -command [list ::ngcgui::sendfile $hdl]] pack $b -side bottom -fill x -expand 1 set ::ngc($hdl,sendfile,widget) $b if $::ngc($hdl,auto) { pack forget $::ngc($hdl,sendfile,widget) $::ngc($hdl,finalize,widget) conf -fg $::ngc(any,color,prompt) } if $::ngc($hdl,standalone) { set b [button $w.[qid] -takefocus 0 -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -pady 0 -text "[_ "Exit"]" \ -command [list ::ngcgui::bye $hdl]] pack $b -side left -fill none -expand 0 } # wO output frame set w [frame $wO.[qid] -bd 2] pack $w -side top -fill x -expand 1 set ::ngc($hdl,msg,widget) [label $wE.[qid] \ -width 20\ -relief sunken \ -anchor w] ;# update with config pack $::ngc($hdl,msg,widget) -side left -fill x -expand 1 # wE exit frame obsoleted #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble)" != ""} { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble) [string trim $::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble)] ::ngcgui::gui $hdl readpreamble } if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)" != ""} { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile) [string trim $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)] ::ngcgui::gui $hdl readsubfile } if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble)" != ""} { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble) \ [string trim $::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble)] ::ngcgui::gui $hdl readpostamble } if [info exists ::ngc($hdl,fail)] { puts stdout "\n$::ngc(any,app):[_ "Unrecoverable problem"]:\n<$hdl>$::ngc($hdl,fail)" ::ngcgui::deletepage $::ngc($hdl,axis,page) return } update ;# ensure entry variables are updated before starting checks periodic_checks $hdl bindings $hdl init if ![info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] [list updownkeys $::ngc($hdl,top)] after 2000 [list ::ngcgui::showmessage $hdl startup] return $wframe # ::ngcgui::gui-create-end } getpreamble { if {$::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble) == ""} { set idir $::ngc($hdl,dir) } else { set idir [file dirname $::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble)] } set filename [tk_getOpenFile \ -title "$::ngc(any,app) Preamble file" \ -defaultextension .ngc \ -initialfile [file tail $::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble)] \ -initialdir $idir \ -filetypes $::ngc($hdl,ftypes,other) \ ] set filename [string trim $filename] if {"$filename" == ""} return check_path $filename set ::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble) $filename ::ngcgui::gui $hdl readpreamble return } readpreamble { if { ![string match *.ngc $::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble)]\ && [file readable "$::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble).ngc"]} { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble) "$::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble).ngc" } set ::ngc($hdl,data,preamble) "" if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble)" == ""} { # message $hdl nullpreamble return } else { if [catch {set fpre [open $::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble) r]} msg] { lappend emsg $msg showerr $emsg message $hdl preambleerror if {$::ngc(opt,noinput) && !$::ngc($hdl,chooser)} { set ::ngc($hdl,fail) "preamble:$msg" ;# unrecoverable } return } set ::ngc($hdl,dname,preamble) [file tail $::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble)] lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,preamble) \ "($::ngc(any,app): preamble file: $::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble))" # dont copy some items to preamble while {![eof $fpre]} { gets $fpre line set l [string map {" " "" " " ""} $line] ;#sp,tab to "" if {"$l" == ""} continue if ![string match "(not_a_subfile)" $line] { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,preamble) $line } } close $fpre set ::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble,time) \ [file mtime $::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble)] } message $hdl readpreamble return } getpostamble { if {$::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble) == ""} { set idir $::ngc($hdl,dir) } else { set idir [file dirname $::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble)] } set filename [tk_getOpenFile \ -title "$::ngc(any,app) [_ "Postamble file"]" \ -defaultextension .ngc \ -initialfile [file tail $::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble)] \ -initialdir $idir \ -filetypes $::ngc($hdl,ftypes,other) \ ] set filename [string trim $filename] if {"$filename" == ""} return check_path $filename set ::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble) $filename ::ngcgui::gui $hdl readpostamble return } readpostamble { if { ![string match *.ngc $::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble)]\ && [file readable "$::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble).ngc"]} { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble) "$::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble).ngc" } set ::ngc($hdl,data,postamble) "" if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble)" == ""} { # message $hdl nullpostamble return } else { if [catch {set fpost [open $::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble) r]} msg] { lappend emsg $msg showerr $emsg message $hdl postambleerror return } set ::ngc($hdl,dname,postamble) [file tail $::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble)] lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,postamble) \ "($::ngc(any,app): postamble file: $::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble))" while {![eof $fpost]} { gets $fpost line lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,postamble) "$line" } close $fpost set ::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble,time) \ [file mtime $::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble)] } message $hdl readpostamble return } getsubfile { if {$::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile) == ""} { set idir $::ngc($hdl,dir) } else { set idir [file dirname $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)] } set filename [tk_getOpenFile \ -title "$::ngc(any,app) [_ "Subroutine file"]" \ -defaultextension .ngc \ -initialfile [file tail $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)] \ -initialdir $idir \ -filetypes $::ngc($hdl,ftypes,subfile) \ ] set filename [string trim $filename] if {"$filename" == ""} return check_path $filename set ::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile) $filename ::ngcgui::gui $hdl readsubfile return } readsubfile { set parsecmd ::ngcgui::parse_ngc if {[string match *.gcmc $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)] } { set parsecmd ::ngcgui::parse_gcmc set ::ngc($hdl,gcmc,file) $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile) $::ngc($hdl,expandsubroutine,widget) configure -state disable } else { # in case earlier an earlier find for gcmc failed; catch {unset ::ngc($hdl,gcmc,file)} $::ngc($hdl,expandsubroutine,widget) configure -state normal } if { ![string match *.ngc $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)] \ && ![string match *.gcmc $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)] \ } { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile) "$::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile).ngc" } # uses two pack/unpack frames wP set ew 6; set bw 9 # wP positional parameters set wP $::ngc($hdl,varframe).positional ;# variable frame positional parms if [winfo exists $wP] {destroy $wP} set wP [frame $wP -bd 2 -relief ridge] pack $wP -side $::ngc($hdl,pack,positional) -fill x -expand 1 -anchor n if { ![string match *.ngc $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)]\ && [file readable "$::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile).ngc"]} { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile) "$::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile).ngc" } # read and parse the file set ::ngc($hdl,dname,subfile) [file tail $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)] if ![$parsecmd $hdl ::ngc $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)] { # case where user can't recover if {$::ngc(opt,noinput) && !$::ngc($hdl,chooser)} { set ::ngc($hdl,fail) "subfile:$::ngc($hdl,parse,msg)";# unrecoverable } showerr $::ngc($hdl,parse,msg) # try to display name of failed file: message $hdl parseerror # 101024:09.13 leave them alone # set ::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile) "" ;# prevents color change # set ::ngc($hdl,dname,subfile) "" ;# in periodic_checks catch {pack forget $wP} return } set ::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile,time) \ [file mtime $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)] set w [frame $wP.[qid]] pack $w -side top -fill x -expand 1 pack [label $w.[qid] -text "[_ "Positional Parameters"]" \ -bg $::ngc(any,color,title) -anchor w -relief groove] \ -side top -fill x -expand 1 # Positional parameters # find retained values for numbered parms (#n) with # a byname association foreach n [array names ::ngc $hdl,arg,name,*] { # example: # if ::ngc($hdl,arg,name,04) == xloc # and ::ngc($hdl,arg,byname,xloc) == 33 # then set ::ngc($hdl,arg,value,04) 33 # else set ::ngc($hdl,arg,value,04) "" set name $::ngc($n) set num [string range $n [expr 1 + [string last , $n]] end] if {[info exists ::ngc($hdl,arg,byname,$name)]} { set ::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num) $::ngc($hdl,arg,byname,$name) } else { # use default value if available if [info exists ::ngc($hdl,arg,dvalue,$num)] { set ::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num) $::ngc($hdl,arg,dvalue,$num) } else { set ::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num) "" } } } # Positional parameters entries, provide two frames set pnamelist [lsort [array names ::ngc $hdl,arg,name,*]] set wP1 [frame $wP.[qid] -relief flat] set wP2 [frame $wP.[qid] -relief flat] set wP3 [frame $wP.[qid] -relief flat] set npos [llength $pnamelist] pack $wP1 -side left -anchor n -fill x -expand 1 # a weird space is left if you dont do these separately: if {$npos > $::ngc(any,pentries)} { pack $wP2 -side left -anchor n -fill x -expand 1 if {$npos > [expr 2*$::ngc(any,pentries)]} { pack $wP3 -side left -anchor n -fill x -expand 1 } } set ct 0 foreach v $pnamelist { incr ct if {$ct <= $::ngc(any,pentries)} { set fdata [frame $wP1.[qid]] } elseif {$ct <= [expr 2* $::ngc(any,pentries)]} { set fdata [frame $wP2.[qid]] } else { set fdata [frame $wP3.[qid]] } pack $fdata -side top -fill x -expand 1 set i1 [string last , $v] set num [string range $v [expr 1+$i1] end] if [info exists ::ngc($hdl,arg,name,$num)] { set name $::ngc($hdl,arg,name,$num) } else { set name [format %d $num] } scan $num %d onum ;# ==>onum avoid octalinterpretation of 08,09 set num02 [format %02d $onum] set l [label $fdata.[qid] -text [format %#2d $onum] -anchor e \ -takefocus 0 -relief ridge -width 2] pack $l -side left -fill x -expand 0 # use entry since it can be expanded by user to see overfill if {$::ngc(any,width,varname) != 0} { set l [entry $fdata.[qid] -state readonly -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -textvariable ::ngc($hdl,arg,name,$num) \ -takefocus 0 -justify right -relief groove \ -width $::ngc(any,width,varname)] pack $l -side left -fill x -expand 0 } set tvar ::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num) set e [entry $fdata.[qid] \ -width $ew \ -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -textvariable $tvar\ -validate all\ -validatecommand \ [list ::ngcgui::validateNumber $hdl $tvar %W %s %P]] foreach k $::ngc(any,entrykeys,special) { bind $e \ [list ::ngcgui::entrykeybinding %K %W ::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num)] } if [info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] [list updownkeys $e] set ::ngc($hdl,arg,entrywidget,$num02) $e pack $e -side left set l [entry $fdata.[qid] -state readonly -font $::ngc(any,font) \ -textvariable ::ngc($hdl,arg,comment,$num02) \ -takefocus 0 -relief groove \ -width $::ngc(any,width,comment)\ ] pack $l -side left -fill x -expand 1 } dcheck $hdl set ::ngc($hdl,dir) [file dirname $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)] message $hdl readsubfile if [info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] { set tabname $::ngc($hdl,dname,subfile) if {[string match *.ngc $tabname] } { set idx [string last .ngc $tabname] set tabname [string replace $tabname $idx end ""] } elseif {[string match *.gcmc $tabname] } { set idx [string last .gcmc $tabname] set tabname [string replace $tabname $idx end ""] } # show last subfile used as page name $::ngc(any,axis,parent) itemconfigure $::ngc($hdl,axis,page) \ -createcmd "::ngcgui::pagecreate $hdl"\ -raisecmd "::ngcgui::pageraise $hdl"\ -leavecmd "::ngcgui::pageleave $hdl"\ -text "$tabname" # current tab names for other hdls set names "" for {set i 0} {$i <= $::ngc(embed,hdl)} {incr i} { if {$i == $hdl} continue ;# exclude name for this hdl if [info exists ::ngc($i,axis,page)] { lappend names [$::ngc(any,axis,parent) \ itemcget $::ngc($i,axis,page) -text] } } if {[lsearch $names "$tabname"] >= 0} { # name exists, make unique name for page set ct 1 while 1 { set tryname ${tabname}-$ct if {[lsearch $names "$tryname"] < 0} break incr ct if {$ct>100} {return -code error "readsubfile:problem<$trytabname>"} } $::ngc(any,axis,parent) itemconfigure $::ngc($hdl,axis,page) \ -text "$tryname" } } return ;# readsubfile } parmcheck { if ![info exists ::ngc($hdl,argct)] { if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)" == ""} { lappend err "[_ "No Subfile specified"]" } lappend err "[_ "No parameters yet"]" } else { for {set i 1} {$i <= $::ngc($hdl,argct)} {incr i} { set num02 [format %02d $i] set token $::ngc($hdl,arg,name,$num02) # nuisance spaces cause problems: set ::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num02) \ [string trim $::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num02)] if {"$::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num02)" == ""} { lappend err "[_ "Missing value for parm"] #$i ($token)" } } } if [info exists err] { showerr $err message $hdl parmerr return 0 ;# error } return 1 ;# ok } setoutfile { if {$::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile) == ""} { set idir $::ngc($hdl,dir) } else { set idir [file dirname $::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile)] } if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile)" == "" } { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile) tmp } set filename [tk_getSaveFile \ -title "$::ngc(any,app) [_ "Output file"]" \ -defaultextension .ngc \ -initialfile [file tail $::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile)] \ -initialdir $idir \ -filetypes $::ngc($hdl,ftypes,subfile) \ ] set filename [string trim $filename] # sometimes leading blanks get in set filename [string map {" " "" " " ""} $filename] ;#sp,tab to "" if {$filename == ""} { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile) "" ;# canceled return } set ::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile) $filename message $hdl setoutfile return } savesection { ::ngcgui::readfile $hdl preamble ::ngcgui::readfile $hdl postamble # save,widget has multiple presentations to steer user if ![::ngcgui::gui $hdl parmcheck] { return } if $::ngc($hdl,verbose) { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "($::ngc(any,app): files: <$::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble) $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile) $::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble)>)" } # note: this line will be replaced on file output with a count # that can include multiple tab pages lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) "#<_feature:> = $::ngc($hdl,savect)" if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble)" == "IMMEDIATE"} { # indicates preamble is interpreted as # immediate commands separated by semicolons # example ":t1m6;m1" set ::ngc($hdl,immediate,preamble) [string range \ $::ngc($hdl,dname,preamble) 1 end] if $::ngc($hdl,verbose) { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "($::ngc(any,app): IMMEDIATE preamble:)" } foreach line [split $::ngc($hdl,immediate,preamble) \;] { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) [string trim $line] } unset ::ngc($hdl,immediate,preamble) } else { for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $::ngc($hdl,data,preamble)]} {incr i} { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ [lindex $::ngc($hdl,data,preamble) $i] } } if [info exists ::ngc($hdl,gcmc,file)] { if ![savesection_gcmc $hdl] {return} ;# .gcmc file } else { if ![savesection_ngc $hdl] {return} ;# conventional .ngc file } if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble)" == "IMMEDIATE"} { # indicates postamble is interpreted as # immediate commands separated by semicolons # example ":t1m6;m1" set ::ngc($hdl,immediate,postamble) [string range \ $::ngc($hdl,dname,postamble) 1 end] if $::ngc($hdl,verbose) { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "($::ngc(any,app): IMMEDIATE postamble:)" } foreach line [split $::ngc($hdl,immediate,postamble) \;] { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) [string trim $line] } unset ::ngc($hdl,immediate,postamble) } else { for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $::ngc($hdl,data,postamble)]} {incr i} { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ [lindex $::ngc($hdl,data,postamble) $i] } } message $hdl savesection return } finalize { if {$::ngc($hdl,savect) == 0} { return ;# silently (may be bound to key) } set doall 1 ;# default if {![info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)]} { set hdllist $hdl } else { # find all tabpages with saved features # order of tabpage names determines execution order set tnames "" foreach p [$::ngc(any,axis,parent) pages] { set h [pagetohdl $p] if {$h >= 0} { if {$::ngc($h,savect) == 0} {continue} lappend hdllist $h if [info exists ::ngc($h,axis,page)] { lappend tnames [$::ngc(any,axis,parent) \ itemcget $::ngc($h,axis,page) -text] } } } set thisone [$::ngc(any,axis,parent) \ itemcget $::ngc($hdl,axis,page) -text] if {[llength $hdllist] > 1} { set ans [tk_dialog .foo \ "[_ "Multiple Tabs with Features"]" \ "[_ "Finalize all Tabs?"]\n [_ "Order"]:<$tnames>" \ questhead 0 \ "[_ "No, just this page"] <$thisone>" Yes Cancel\ ] switch $ans { 0 { set hdllist $hdl; set doall 0; #NO} 1 {} 2 {showmessage $hdl cancel; return} } } } set endhdl [lindex $hdllist end] if {$::ngc($hdl,auto) && ![sendaxis $hdl ping]} { set ::ngc($hdl,auto) 0 $::ngc($hdl,finalize,widget) conf -fg $::ngc(any,color,prompt) lappend msg "[_ "Axis is not responding"]" lappend msg "[_ "Error: "]$::ngc($hdl,axis,error)" lappend msg "" lappend msg "[_ "Autosend disabled, Ctrl-A toggles autosend"]" lappend msg "" lappend msg "[_ "File saving enabled -- Finalize to save"]" showerr $msg nosort message $hdl senderror return } if $::ngc($hdl,auto) { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile) $::ngc($hdl,fname,autosend) } else { # open and write fname,outfile title $::ngc($hdl,top) "$::ngc(any,app) <>" ::ngcgui::gui $hdl setoutfile if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile)" == ""} { message $hdl usercancel return } if {![string match *.ngc $::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile)]} { lappend msg "[_ "Require .ngc suffix for filename"]" showerr $msg message $hdl writeerror return } if { "$::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile)" == "$::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)" \ || "$::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile)" == "$::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble)" \ || "$::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile)" == "$::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble)" \ } { set msg "" lappend msg "[_ "Disallowed overwrite of"] $::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile)" showerr $msg message $hdl writeerror return } } if [catch {set fout [open $::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile) w]} msg] { lappend emsg $msg showerr $emsg message $hdl writeerror return } if {$::ngc(opt,nom2) || [info exists ::ngcgui::control(any,nom2)]} { puts $fout "%" puts $fout "($::ngc(any,app): nom2 option)" } set featurect 0; set date [dt] set features_total 0 foreach thdl $hdllist { set features_total [expr $features_total + $::ngc($thdl,savect)] } foreach thdl $hdllist { # the string FEATURE is used so files generated by ngcgui can # be detected and excluded as subfile candidates puts $fout "($::ngc(any,app): [_ "FEATURE"] $date)" for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $::ngc($thdl,data,section)]} {incr i} { set line [lindex $::ngc($thdl,data,section) $i] if {[string first "#<_feature:>" $line] >= 0} { # instead of current $line, output feature count (zero referenced) puts $fout \ "($::ngc(any,app): [_ "feature line added"]) #<_feature:> = $featurect" incr featurect 1 set remaining [expr $features_total - $featurect] puts -nonewline $fout \ "($::ngc(any,app): [_ "remaining_features line added"]) " puts $fout "#<_remaining_features:> = [expr $features_total -$featurect]" } else { puts $fout $line } } } ;# for hdllist if {$::ngc(opt,nom2) || [info exists ::ngcgui::control(any,nom2)]} { puts $fout "%" } else { if $::ngc($endhdl,verbose) { puts $fout "($::ngc(any,app): m2 [_ "line added"]) m2 (g54 [_ "activated"])" } else { puts $fout "m2 (m2 [_ "restores"] g54)" } } close $fout set ::ngc(any,gcmc,id) 0 ;# restart after finalize set ::ngc($hdl,last,outfile) $::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile) # just in case you need it later, save a dated copy in /tmp if [info exists ::ngc(any,dir,just)] { set base [file tail $::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile)] set savename [file join $::ngc(any,dir,just) [dt].${base}] if [catch {file copy $::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile) $savename} msg] { lappend emsg "<$hdl>$msg" showerr $emsg message $hdl writeerror return } } if {$::ngc($hdl,auto)} { if ![::ngcgui::sendfile $hdl] { return ;# send failed, user can start axis or Ctrl-a } } foreach thdl $hdllist { set ::ngc($thdl,savect) 0 conf $hdl restart,widget state disabled set ::ngc($thdl,data,section) "" message $thdl finalize } ;# for title $::ngc($thdl,top) "$::ngc(any,app) \ <[file tail $::ngc($thdl,fname,outfile)]>" return } default {return -code error "::ngcgui::gui: unknown mode <$mode>"} } puts stdout "[_ "NOTREACHED mode"]=<$mode>" } ;# gui proc ::ngcgui::savesection_ngc {hdl} { # could check for number here using %f set pfmt "%12s = %s" ;# positional set cfmt "(%11s = %12s = %12s)" ;# positional comment form if {$::ngc($hdl,expandsubroutine)} { # id for unique label when expanding multiple sub files set id $::ngc($hdl,id) set uwidth 3 ;# extra width for unique label 000-999 # $uwdith characters in unique ids set id [format %0${uwidth}d $::ngc($hdl,id)] incr ::ngc($hdl,id) lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "([_ "Positional parameters for"] $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile):)" for {set i 1} {$i <= $::ngc($hdl,argct)} {incr i} { set num02 [format %02d $i] set name $::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num02) lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) [format $pfmt #$i $name ] } # expand the subroutine in place lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "([_ "expanded file"]: $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile))" for {set i 0} {$i < $::ngc($hdl,sublines)} {incr i} { if [info exists ::ngc_sub($hdl,$i,label)] { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "o<$id$::ngc_sub($hdl,$i,label)> $::ngc_sub($hdl,$i)" } else { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ [format %${uwidth}s%s "" " $::ngc_sub($hdl,$i)"] } } } else { # insert the subroutine call if $::ngc($hdl,verbose) { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "($::ngc(any,app): [_ "call subroutine file"]: $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile))" lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) "($::ngc(any,app): positional parameters:)" } set cline "o<$::ngc($hdl,subroutine,name)> call " for {set i 1} {$i <= $::ngc($hdl,argct)} {incr i} { set num02 [format %02d $i] set name $::ngc($hdl,arg,name,$num02) if {[string first # $name] == 0} {set name "?"} # documenting comment if $::ngc($hdl,verbose) { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ [format $cfmt #$i $name $::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num02)] } set cline "$cline\[$::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num02)\]" } lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) "$cline" } return 1 ;# ok } ;# savesection_ngc proc ::ngcgui::savesection_gcmc {hdl} { #puts ===================================== #parray ::ngc $hdl,arg,* #parray ::ngc $hdl,gcmc,* #parray ::ngc any,gcmc,* #parray ::ngc $hdl,argct #puts ===================================== # could check for number here using %f set cfmt "(%12s = %12s)" ;# positional comment form # maybe implement later, expand after calling gcmc below if {$::ngc($hdl,expandsubroutine)} { set answer [tk_dialog .notdoneyet \ "Not done yet"\ "Expand subroutine not supported for gcmc files - continuing"\ warning -1 \ "OK"] } if ![info exists ::ngc(any,gcmc,id)] { set ::ngc(any,gcmc,id) 0 } incr ::ngc(any,gcmc,id) ;# id for any hdl set funcname $::ngc(any,gcmc,funcname) # gcmc chars: (allowed: [a-z0-9_-]) set funcname ${funcname}-[format %02d $::ngc(any,gcmc,id)] # use first one found in searchpath: set ifile [file normalize \ [pathto [file tail $::ngc($hdl,gcmc,file)]]] if {"$ifile" == ""} { return 0 ;# fail } set ::ngc($hdl,gcmc,realfile) $ifile set ofile [file join $::ngc(any,gcmc,outdir) $funcname.ngc] set cmd $::ngc(any,gcmc,executable) set opts "" if [info exists ::ngc(any,gcmc_include_path)] { foreach dir [split $::ngc(any,gcmc_include_path) ":"] { set opts "$opts --include $dir" } } # note: gcmc adds the current directory # to the search path as last entry. # maybe also ?: set opts "$opts --include [file dirname $ifile]" set opts "$opts --output $ofile" set opts "$opts --gcode-function $funcname" if [info exists ::ngc($hdl,gcmc,opts)] { foreach opt $::ngc($hdl,gcmc,opts) { set opts "$opts $opt" } } if {$::ngc($hdl,argct) > 0} { for {set i 1} {$i <= $::ngc($hdl,argct)} {incr i} { set idx [format %02d $i] # make all entry box values explicitly floating point if [catch {set floatvalue [expr 1.0 * $::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$idx)]} msg] { set answer [tk_dialog .gcmcerror \ "gcmc input ERROR" \ "<$::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$idx)> must be a number" \ error -1 \ "OK"] return 0 ;# fail } set opts "$opts --define=$::ngc($hdl,arg,name,$idx)=$floatvalue" } } # puts stdout " cmd=$cmd" # puts stdout " opts=$opts" # puts stdout " ifile=$ifile" # puts stdout "funcname=$funcname" # puts stdout " pwd=[pwd]" # puts stdout " exists=[file exists $ifile]" set eline "$cmd $opts $ifile" if $::ngc($hdl,verbose) { puts stdout "eline=$eline" } #tclsh considers any output on stderr as an error # -ignorestderr lets it pass so that --precision 2 # would not cause an error but then there are no # error messages even for hard ($? !=0) errors, just # "child process exited abnormally" # so warnings ($?=0) cause abort even though file created # partial file may be left on error so you can't tell by existence # so, parse each warning message # parse messages on stderr from gcmc set e_message ".*Runtime message\\(\\): *\(.*\)" set e_warning ".*Runtime warning\\(\\): *\(.*\)" set e_error ".*Runtime error\\(\\): *\(.*\)" set m_txt ""; set w_txt ""; set e_txt ""; set compile_txt "" if [catch {set result [eval exec $eline]} msg] { if {[string length $msg] > $::ngc(any,max_msg_len)} { set msg [string range $msg 0 $::ngc(any,max_msg_len)] set msg "$msg ..." } set lmsg [split $msg \n] foreach line $lmsg { #puts l=$line if {[regexp $e_message $line match txt]} { set m_txt "$m_txt\n$txt" } elseif { [regexp $e_warning $line match txt]} { set w_txt "$w_txt\n$txt" } elseif { [regexp $e_error $line match txt]} { set e_txt "$e_txt\n$txt" } else { if {"$line" != ""} { set compile_txt "$compile_txt\n$line" } } } if {"$m_txt" != ""} { set answer [tk_dialog .gcmcinfor \ "gcmc INFO"\ "gcmc file:\n$ifile\n\n$m_txt"\ info -1 \ "OK"] } if {"$w_txt" != ""} { set answer [tk_dialog .gcmcwarning \ "gcmc WARNING"\ "gcmc file:\n$ifile\n\n$w_txt"\ warning -1 \ "OK"] } if {"$e_txt" != ""} { set answer [tk_dialog .gcmcerror \ "gcmc ERROR"\ "gcmc file:\n$ifile\n\n$e_txt"\ error -1 \ "OK"] } if {"$compile_txt" != ""} { set answer [tk_dialog .gcmcerror \ "gcmc compile ERROR"\ "gcmc file:$compile_txt"\ error -1 \ "OK"] } if {"$e_txt" != ""} { return 0 ;# fail } } else { #puts "savesection_gcmc OK<$result>" } # insert the subroutine call lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "\n(NOTE: $funcname is provided by a one-time, gcmc-created file:)" lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "( $ofile)" lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "(gcmc: File: $::ngc($hdl,gcmc,realfile))" lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "(gcmc: Options: )" if [info exists ::ngc($hdl,gcmc,opts)] { foreach opt $::ngc($hdl,gcmc,opts) { lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "( $opt)" } } lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ "(gcmc: Variable substitutions:)" for {set i 1} {$i <= $::ngc($hdl,argct)} {incr i} { set num02 [format %02d $i] set name $::ngc($hdl,arg,name,$num02) lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) \ [format $cfmt $name $::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num02)] } lappend ::ngc($hdl,data,section) "o<$funcname> call " return 1 ;# ok } ;# savesection_gcmc proc ::ngcgui::conf {hdl wsuffix item value} { set w $hdl,$wsuffix if ![info exists ::ngc($w)] return $::ngc($w) conf -$item $value } ;# conf proc ::ngcgui::reread {hdl} { ::ngcgui::gui $hdl readpreamble ::ngcgui::gui $hdl readsubfile ::ngcgui::gui $hdl readpostamble } ;# reread proc ::ngcgui::sendfile {hdl} { if ![sendaxis $hdl ping] { showerr $::ngc($hdl,axis,error) nosort message $hdl senderror return 0 ;# err } if ![sendaxis $hdl file] { showerr $::ngc($hdl,axis,error) nosort message $hdl senderror return 0 ;# err } $::ngc($hdl,sendfile,widget) conf -state disabled message $hdl sendfile return 1 ;# ok } ;# sendfile proc ::ngcgui::readfile {hdl item} { # update fname,$item and readfile if { ("$item" == "preamble" || "$item" == "postamble") \ && [string first : $::ngc($hdl,dname,$item)] == 0} { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,$item) "IMMEDIATE" set ::ngc($hdl,immediate,$item) [string range \ $::ngc($hdl,fname,$item) 1 end] return } if {"$::ngc($hdl,dname,$item)" != ""} { set ptype [file pathtype $::ngc($hdl,dname,$item)] switch $ptype { relative { set fdir [file dirname $::ngc($hdl,fname,$item)] if {"$fdir" == "." } { set fdir $::ngc($hdl,dir) ;# -D wins for this case } set ::ngc($hdl,fname,$item) [file normalize \ [file join $fdir $::ngc($hdl,dname,$item)]] } absolute {set ::ngc($hdl,fname,$item) \ [file normalize $::ngc($hdl,dname,$item)] } default {return -code error "::ngcgui::readfile <$hdl $ptype>"} } # simplify dname,$item to just filename set ::ngc($hdl,dname,$item) [file tail $::ngc($hdl,fname,$item)] } else { #note: ngc(dname,$item) is "", each readproc must init appropriately set ::ngc($hdl,fname,$item) "" } switch $item { preamble {::ngcgui::gui $hdl readpreamble } subfile {::ngcgui::gui $hdl readsubfile } postamble {::ngcgui::gui $hdl readpostamble } } } ;# readfile proc ::ngcgui::debug {hdl} { set t .debug-$hdl catch {destroy $t} set t [toplevel $t] set lw 20;set ew 12 # hdl,$i foreach i {standalone auto state lastevent \ savect dir afterid img,orig,size img,sampled,size} { set f [frame $t.[qid] ] pack [label $f.[qid] -relief ridge -anchor e -width $lw\ -text "$i" \ -font $::ngc(any,font)\ ] -fill x -expand 0 -side left pack [entry $f.[qid] -state readonly -relief ridge -width $ew \ -textvariable ::ngc($hdl,$i) \ -font $::ngc(any,font)\ ] -fill x -expand 1 -side left pack $f -side top -fill x -expand 1 } # any,$i foreach i {any,font any,width,comment any,width,varname any,pollms\ embed,axis embed,hdl} { set f [frame $t.[qid] ] pack [label $f.[qid] -relief ridge -anchor e -width $lw\ -text "$i" \ -font $::ngc(any,font)\ ] -fill x -expand 0 -side left pack [entry $f.[qid] -state readonly -relief ridge -width $ew \ -textvariable ::ngc($i) \ -font $::ngc(any,font)\ ] -fill x -expand 1 -side left pack $f -side top -fill x -expand 1 } wm resizable $t 1 0 } ;# debug proc ::ngcgui::statemap {hdl} { # form: (next,state:mode,event) --> nextstate set ::ngc(any,next,reset:auto,savesection) start set ::ngc(any,next,reset:noauto,savesection) start set ::ngc(any,next,reset:auto,restart) reset set ::ngc(any,next,reset:noauto,restart) reset set ::ngc(any,next,start:auto,immediate) avail set ::ngc(any,next,start:noauto,immediate) avail # have one or more features available: set ::ngc(any,next,avail:auto,savesection) avail set ::ngc(any,next,avail:noauto,savesection) avail set ::ngc(any,next,avail:auto,restart) reset set ::ngc(any,next,avail:noauto,restart) reset set ::ngc(any,next,avail:auto,finalize) reset set ::ngc(any,next,avail:noauto,finalize) reset2 set ::ngc(any,next,reset2:auto,immediate) reset set ::ngc(any,next,reset2:noauto,immediate) reset set ::ngc($hdl,state) reset set ::ngc($hdl,lastevent) notsetyet } ;# statemap proc ::ngcgui::message {hdl event} { # statemachine events (and messages) # ::ngc(any,next,currentstateandmode,event) specifies next state for event switch $::ngc($hdl,auto) { 0 {set statemode $::ngc($hdl,state):noauto} 1 {set statemode $::ngc($hdl,state):auto} } if ![info exists ::ngc(any,next,$statemode,$event)] { showmessage $hdl $event #puts "NOEVENT $::ngc($hdl,state) $event" return } set ::ngc($hdl,lastevent) $event set ::ngc($hdl,state) $::ngc(any,next,$statemode,$event) #puts "$event: $statemode ------>$::ngc($hdl,state)" set mw $::ngc($hdl,msg,widget) # entry-to-state actions: # note: execute switch even if state unchanged to update gui switch $::ngc($hdl,state) { reset { if {"$event" == "finalize"} { showmessage $hdl finalize update idletasks if $::ngc($hdl,standalone) { after 500 ;#pause to see messages } } set ::ngc($hdl,savect) 0 conf $hdl restart,widget state disabled set ::ngc($hdl,data,section) "" if [info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] { set bcolor $::ngc(any,color,stdbg) if $::ngc($hdl,chooser) { set bcolor $::ngc(any,color,custom) } $::ngc(any,axis,parent) itemconfigure $::ngc($hdl,axis,page) \ -foreground $::ngc(any,color,black) \ -background $bcolor } title $::ngc($hdl,top) "$::ngc(any,app)" walktree $::ngc($hdl,varframe) normal walktree $::ngc($hdl,iframe) normal # 101024:19.49 this is better: focus $::ngc($hdl,topf) # note: dont disable sendfile,widget (wanted if noauto) $::ngc($hdl,finalize,widget) conf -state disabled $::ngc($hdl,save,widget) conf -text "[_ "Create Feature"]" $mw conf -text "[_ "Enter parms for 1st feature"]" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,prompt) } uwait { # alternate behavior: user must select "New Outfile" walktree $::ngc($hdl,varframe) disabled walktree $::ngc($hdl,iframe) disabled $::ngc($hdl,save,widget) conf -text "[_ "New Outfile"]" $::ngc($hdl,finalize,widget) conf -state disabled $mw conf -text "[_ "Ready to make New Outfile"]" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,prompt) } reset2 - uwait2 { # just make sure sendfile is made available, then go next state $::ngc($hdl,sendfile,widget) conf -state normal after 0 [list ::ngcgui::message $hdl immediate] } start { walktree $::ngc($hdl,varframe) normal walktree $::ngc($hdl,iframe) normal focus $::ngc($hdl,begin,widget) $::ngc($hdl,save,widget) conf -text "[_ "Create Feature"]" $::ngc($hdl,sendfile,widget) conf -state disabled $::ngc($hdl,finalize,widget) conf -state normal $mw conf -text "[_ "Enter parms for feature "][expr 1 + $::ngc($hdl,savect)]" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,prompt) after 0 [list ::ngcgui::message $hdl immediate] } avail { incr ::ngc($hdl,savect) conf $hdl restart,widget state active if [info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] { if {$::ngc($hdl,savect) > 1} { $::ngc(any,axis,parent) itemconfigure $::ngc($hdl,axis,page) \ -foreground $::ngc(any,color,multiple) \ -background $::ngc(any,color,feature) } else { $::ngc(any,axis,parent) itemconfigure $::ngc($hdl,axis,page) \ -foreground $::ngc(any,color,single) \ -background $::ngc(any,color,feature) } } set t "$::ngc(any,app) $::ngc($hdl,savect) [_ "feature"]" if {$::ngc($hdl,savect) > 1} { set t ${t}s} title $::ngc($hdl,top) "$t" ;# plural $::ngc($hdl,finalize,widget) conf -state normal if {$::ngc($hdl,savect) > 0} { $::ngc($hdl,save,widget) conf -text "[_ "Create Next"]" } else { $::ngc($hdl,save,widget) conf -text "[_ "Create Feature"]" } $::ngc($hdl,sendfile,widget) conf -state disabled $mw conf -text "[_ "Created feature "]$::ngc($hdl,savect)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) after 500 [list $::ngc($hdl,msg,widget) conf \ -text "[_ "Enter parms for feature "][expr 1 + $::ngc($hdl,savect)]" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,prompt) ] } } } ;# message proc ::ngcgui::title {t txt} { if ![info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] { wm title $t $txt } } ;# title proc ::ngcgui::showmessage {hdl type} { # if $hdl==opt then just show $type in *,msg,widget # if no $hdl,msg,widget then do nothing # if known type then update widgets per $type # else then just show type in *,msg,widget if {"$hdl" == "opt"} { # no message widget since opt is for all instances foreach w [array names ::ngc *,msg,widget] { $::ngc($w) conf -text "[_ "option"] :$type $::ngc($hdl,$type)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } return } if ![info exists ::ngc($hdl,msg,widget)] return set ::ngc($hdl,dname,outfile) [file tail $::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile)] ;#shorten set mw $::ngc($hdl,msg,widget) switch $type { parmerr { $mw conf -text "[_ "Missing parameters"]" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,error) } parseerror { $mw conf -text "[_ "Parse Error"]: $::ngc($hdl,dname,subfile)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,error) $::ngc($hdl,finalize,widget) conf -state disabled $::ngc($hdl,save,widget) conf -state disabled } nullpreamble { periodic_checks $hdl ;# resync $mw conf -text "[_ "Null Preamble"]" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } readpreamble { periodic_checks $hdl ;# resync $mw conf -text "[_ "Read Preamble"]: $::ngc($hdl,dname,preamble)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } preambleerror { $mw conf -text "[_ "Preamble Error"]: $::ngc($hdl,dname,preamble)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,error) } nullpostamble { periodic_checks $hdl ;# resync $mw conf -text "[_ "Null Postamble"]" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } readpostamble { periodic_checks $hdl ;# resync $mw conf -text "[_ "Read Postamble"]: $::ngc($hdl,dname,postamble)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } postambleerror { $mw conf -text "[_ "Postamble Error"]: $::ngc($hdl,dname,postamble)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,error) } readsubfile { periodic_checks $hdl ;# resync $mw conf -text "[_ "Read Subfile"]: $::ngc($hdl,dname,subfile)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) $::ngc($hdl,save,widget) conf -state normal ;# restore after parseerror } writeerror { $mw conf -text "[_ "Write Error"]: $::ngc($hdl,dname,outfile)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,error) } setoutfile { $mw conf -text "[_ "Outfile set"]: $::ngc($hdl,dname,outfile)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } finalize { $mw conf -text \ "[_ "Finished"]: ($::ngc($hdl,savect)): $::ngc($hdl,dname,outfile)"\ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } usercancel { # user canceled output file spec $mw conf -text "[_ "Canceled"]: $::ngc($hdl,savect) pending "\ -fg $::ngc(any,color,warn) walktree $::ngc($hdl,varframe) normal walktree $::ngc($hdl,iframe) normal } sendfile { $mw conf -text "[_ "Sent"]: $::ngc($hdl,dname,outfile)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } senderror { $mw conf -text "[_ "SendFileToAxis failed"]" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,error) } startup { $mw conf -text "[_ "Ctrl-k for Key bindings"]" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } expandsubroutine { $mw conf -text "[_ "Expand sub"] $::ngc($hdl,expandsubroutine)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } retainvalues { $mw conf -text "[_ "Retain values"] $::ngc($hdl,retainvalues)" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } verbose { $mw conf -text "[_ "Verbose"] $::ngc($hdl,verbose)" -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } auto { $mw conf -text "[_ "Autosend"] $::ngc($hdl,auto)" -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } cancel { $mw conf -text "[_ "Finalize Canceled"]" \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) } default { $mw conf -text "$type" -fg $::ngc(any,color,default) } } } ;# showmessage proc ::ngcgui::periodic_checks {hdl} { after cancel $::ngc($hdl,afterid) if { [info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] \ && ([$::ngc(any,axis,parent) raise] != "$::ngc($hdl,axis,page)") } { # not raised, skip tests set ::ngc($hdl,afterid) [after $::ngc(any,pollms) \ [list ::ngcgui::periodic_checks $hdl]] ;#reschedule return } # notify for modified files foreach i {subfile preamble postamble} { set f $::ngc($hdl,fname,$i) if {"$f" == ""} continue # check for widget because it can go away if { [info exists ::ngc($hdl,$i,widget)] \ && [winfo exists $::ngc($hdl,$i,widget)]} { # check for change in entry widget if {[file tail $f] != "$::ngc($hdl,dname,$i)"} { # new file specified in entry box $::ngc($hdl,$i,widget) conf -fg $::ngc(any,color,filenew) } else { $::ngc($hdl,$i,widget) conf -fg $::ngc(any,color,ok) catch {unset ::ngc($hdl,$i,reread,pending)} } # check for file removal if ![file readable $f] { # file gone/perm changed notification: $::ngc($hdl,$i,widget) conf -fg $::ngc(any,color,filegone) continue } set t [file mtime $f] if { [info exists ::ngc($hdl,fname,$i,time)] \ && $t > $::ngc($hdl,fname,$i,time)\ } { # file modified notification: conf $hdl $i,widget fg $::ngc(any,color,filemod) conf $hdl reread,widget state normal conf $hdl reread,widget fg $::ngc(any,color,filemod) set ::ngc($hdl,$i,reread,pending) 1 } } } if {[array names ::ngc $hdl,*,reread,pending] == ""} { conf $hdl reread,widget fg $::ngc(any,color,black) conf $hdl reread,widget state disabled } ::ngcgui::dcheck $hdl set ::ngc($hdl,afterid) [after $::ngc(any,pollms) \ [list ::ngcgui::periodic_checks $hdl]] ;#reschedule return } ;# periodic_checks proc ::ngcgui::dcheck {hdl} { # check display of default values for positional parameters foreach n [array names ::ngc $hdl,arg,entrywidget,*] { set i1 [string last , $n] set num02 [string range $n [expr 1 + $i1] end] # under some contitions, this entrywidget may be done: if ![winfo exists $::ngc($hdl,arg,entrywidget,$num02)] continue if { [info exists ::ngc($hdl,arg,dvalue,$num02)] \ && "$::ngc($hdl,arg,dvalue,$num02)" \ == "$::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num02)"} { $::ngc($hdl,arg,entrywidget,$num02) conf -bg $::ngc(any,color,vdefault) } else { $::ngc($hdl,arg,entrywidget,$num02) conf \ -bg $::ngc(any,color,stdbg);# restore default } } } ;# dcheck proc ::ngcgui::updownkeys {w} { # not compatible with axis key bindings # make up-arrow, down-arrow behave like tab,shift-tab navigation bind $w [bind all ] bind $w [bind all <>] # recursion: foreach child [winfo children $w] { if {$child == ""} continue updownkeys $child } } ;# updownkeys proc ::ngcgui::walktree {w mode} { # mode == normal|disabled # puts "w=$w mode=$mode" switch [winfo class $w] { Button - Checkbutton - Radiobutton - Entry { if {[$w cget -state] == "readonly"} { # skip } else { $w config -state $mode } } Toplevel - Frame { # recursion: foreach child [winfo children $w] { if {$child == ""} continue walktree $child $mode } } } } ;# walktree proc ::ngcgui::showerr {msg "opt sort" "maxerr 10"} { # msg is a list; default: sort msg set w .showerr catch {destroy $w} set w [toplevel $w] set l [label $w.l -justify left] set text "" if {"$opt" == "sort"} {set msg [lsort $msg]} set ct 0 foreach item $msg { if {$ct > $maxerr} { set text "$text\n..." break ;# avoid showing too many } else { set text "$text\n$item" } incr ct } $l configure -text $text pack $l -side top set b [button $w.b -text "[_ "Dismiss"]" \ -command "destroy $w"] pack $b -side top focus $b wm withdraw $w wm title $w "[_ "ngcgui Error"]" update idletasks set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $w]/2 \ - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2 - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $w]]] set y [expr [winfo screenheight $w]/2 \ - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $w]]] wm geom $w +$x+$y wm deiconify $w } ;# showerr proc ::ngcgui::bye {hdl} { after cancel $::ngc($hdl,afterid) catch {destroy $::ngc($hdl,top)} ;# for embedded usage set ::ngcgui::finis 1 ;# for standalone usage } ;# bye proc ::ngcgui::sendaxis {hdl cmd} { # return 1==>ok switch $cmd { ping { if ![catch {send axis pwd} msg] {return 1 ;#ok} # tk8.5 send misfeature if {[string first "X server insecure" $msg] >= 0} { puts stdout "[_ "Declining support for tk send bug in ngcgui"]" puts stdout "[_ "You should upgrade linuxcnc to >= linuxcnc2.5"]" eval exec xhost - SI:localuser:gdm eval exec xhost - SI:localuser:root # test if that worked: if [::ngcgui::sendaxis $hdl ping2] {return 1 ;# ok} } } ping2 { if ![catch {send axis pwd} msg] {return 1 ;#ok} } file { set f [file normalize $::ngc($hdl,fname,outfile)] if ![catch {send axis "remote open_file_name $f"} msg] { if {"$msg" == ""} { #puts sendaxis:file:ok:<$f>msg=$msg if [info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] { $::ngc(any,axis,parent) raise preview focus -force . } return 1 ;# ok } else { # nonnull msg means axis-remote cmd failed, see msg } } else { # axis-ui-remote command not available pre2.4 # try method that may work for axis in linuxcnc2.3.x return [pre2.4_send_file_to_axis $hdl $f] } } default {return -code error "sendaxis: unknown cmd <$cmd>"} } set ::ngc($hdl,axis,error) \{$msg\} ;# brackets needed here lappend ::ngc($hdl,axis,error) {Note: Ctrl-A toggles autosend} return 0 ;# fail } ;# sendaxis proc ::ngcgui::pre2.4_send_file_to_axis {hdl f} { # errors may be shown on axisui but NOT detected here with pre2.4 if ![catch {send axis open_file_name $f} msg] { return 1 ;# ok (expect "None") } else { # notreached i suspect puts "[_ "pre2.4_send_file_to_axis:error"]<$msg>" set ::ngc($hdl,axis,error) [list $msg] return 0 ;# error } } ;# pre2.4_send_file_to_axis proc ::ngcgui::entrykeybinding {ax w v} { # if a global ::entrykeybinding proc exists, use it only: if {[info proc ::entrykeybinding] != ""} { after 0 [list ::entrykeybinding $ax $w $v] return } set axis [string toupper $ax] # these coord values may not work for some configurations: switch $axis { X {set coord X} Y {set coord Y} Z {set coord Z} A {set coord A} B {set coord B} C {set coord C} U {set coord U} V {set coord V} W {set coord W} D {set coord X;# for diameter} } if {![info exists coord]} return ;# silently # ignore errors (standalone for example) if [catch { set value [emc_rel_act_pos $coord] switch $axis { D {set value [expr 2.0*$value] ;# diameter} default {} } set value [format %.4f $value] after 0 [list set $v $value] after 0 [list $w configure -fg $::ngc(any,color,override)] } msg] { # silently ignore, emc_rel_act_pos will fail in standalone # puts stdout "entrykeybinding:<$msg>" } } ;# entrykeybinding proc ::ngcgui::text_width_and_length {text wname lname} { upvar $wname maxwidth ;#pass by ref upvar $lname lines ;#pass by ref set linelimit 80 ;# some lines can be real long, ex ::env(LS_COLORS) set start 0; set end 0; set len 0 set maxwidth 0 set lines 0 while {$end >= 0} { set end [string first \n $text $start] set len [expr $end - $start] #puts "$len $start $end [string range $text $start $end]" set start [expr $end +1] if {$len > $maxwidth} { # dont use len of very long lines if {$len < $linelimit} { set maxwidth $len } } incr lines } return } ;# text_width_and_length proc ::ngcgui::simple_text {top text {title ""} } { #note: on first cany, top should not exist set maxheight 20 set tf $top.f set t $tf.txt set ysb $tf.ysb if {![winfo exists $top]} { toplevel $top pack [frame $tf] -fill both -expand 1 text_width_and_length "$text" twidth theight if {$theight > $maxheight} {set theight $maxheight} set t [text $t \ -width $twidth -height $theight\ -yscrollcommand "$ysb set" \ ] set ysb [scrollbar $ysb -command "$t yview" -relief sunken] set db [button $top.b -pady 1 -text "[_ "Dismiss"]" \ -command "destroy $top"] focus $db pack $t -side left -fill both -expand 0 pack $ysb -side right -fill y pack $db -side top -fill x -expand 0 # fall-thru to insert } else { wm deiconify $top } if {"$title" != ""} { wm title $top "$title" } #update #set geo [wm geometry $top] #set w [string range $geo 0 [expr [string first x $geo] -1]] #set h [string range $geo [expr [string first x $geo +1]]\ # [expr [string first + $geo] -1]] $t configure -state normal ;# to delete/insert $t delete 0.0 end $t insert end $text $t configure -state disabled ;# leave disabled: insert wm resizable $top 0 1 wmcenter $top return $top } ;# simple_text proc ::ngcgui::wmcenter w { # Withdraw the window, then update all the geometry information # so we know how big it wants to be, then center the window in the # display and de-iconify it. wm withdraw $w update idletasks set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $w]/2 \ - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2 - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $w]]] set y [expr [winfo screenheight $w]/2 \ - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $w]]] wm geom $w +$x+$y wm deiconify $w } ;# wmcenter proc ::ngcgui::entry_mend {w} { # note: entry_mend is callable by others (ttt) # axis creates jog bindings for the toplevel (.==dot): # for # eg: bind . ==> {stuff} # thus, for entries, bindtags are: {$e Entry . all} <-- the . is a problem # so, limit the bindtags for entries if {[winfo class $w] == "Entry"} { bindtags $w [list $w Entry all] ;# remove the . bindtag bind_for_axis $w } foreach child [winfo children $w] { if {$child == ""} continue ::ngcgui::entry_mend $child } } ;# entry_mend proc ::ngcgui::recursive_bind_controlkeys {hdl w} { bind_controlkeys $hdl $w foreach child [winfo children $w] { if {$child == ""} continue ::ngcgui::recursive_bind_controlkeys $hdl $child } } ;# recursive_bind_controlkeys proc ::ngcgui::bind_controlkeys {hdl w} { set ::ngc(any,kbindlist) {a c d e E f F k n p P r R s S x v t U u} bind $w [list ::ngcgui::toggle $hdl auto] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::setentries $hdl clear] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::setentries $hdl defaults] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::debug $hdl] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::editfile $hdl last] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::toggle $hdl expandsubroutine] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::gui $hdl savesection] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::gui $hdl finalize] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::bindings $hdl show] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::message $hdl restart] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::gui $hdl readpreamble] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::gui $hdl readpostamble] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::gui $hdl readsubfile] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::toggle $hdl retainvalues] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::toggle $hdl verbose] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::status $hdl] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::status $hdl full] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::editfile $hdl source] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::editfile $hdl preamble] # for debugging: bind $w [list parray ::ngc] bind $w [list parray ::env] bind $w [list ::ngcgui::test] } ;# bind_controlkeys proc ::ngcgui::bind_for_axis {w} { # Escape and other special bindings for axis embedding bind $w "$::ngc(any,axis,parent) raise preview" ;# allow Escape too # axis omits return break in estopped_clicked for F1 bind $w "[bind all ];break" # Fn keys foreach i {2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} { bind $w "[bind . ];break" } } ;# bind_for_axis proc ::ngcgui::bindings {hdl mode} { set mode [string tolower $mode] ;# -nocase doesn't work tcl8.4 switch $mode { show { set atxt "[_ "OFF"]" if {$::ngc($hdl,auto)} {set atxt "[_ "ON"]"} set msg "\ Ctrl-a [_ "Toggle autosend"]\n\ Ctrl-c [_ "Clear entries"]\n\ Ctrl-d [_ "Set entries to default values"]\n\ Ctrl-e [_ "Open editor specified by"] \$VISUAL\n\ [_ "on last outfile"]\n\ Ctrl-E [_ "toggle expand subroutines"]\n\ Ctrl-f [_ "Create feature"]\n\ Ctrl-F [_ "Finalize (AUTO send is"] $atxt)\n\ Ctrl-k [_ "Show key bindings"]\n\ Ctrl-n [_ "Restart (cancel pending)"]\n\ Ctrl-p [_ "(re)Read Preamble"]\n\ Ctrl-P [_ "(re)Read Postamble"]\n\ Ctrl-r [_ "(re)Read Subfile"]\n\ Ctrl-R [_ "toggle retain values"]\n\ Ctrl-q [_ "toggle output file verbosity"]\n\ Ctrl-s [_ "Show status"]\n\ Ctrl-S [_ "Show full status (debug info)"]\n\ Ctrl-u [_ "Open editor specified by"] \$VISUAL\n\ [_ "on current subfile"]\n\ Ctrl-U [_ "Open editor specified by"] \$VISUAL\n\ [_ "on current preamble"]\ " if [info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] { set msg "[_ " Escape Return to Preview page"]\n$msg" } # puts $msg ::ngcgui::simple_text .ngcguikeys $msg "$::ngc(any,app)-$hdl-keys" } init { # coordinate with bind_controlkeys (x,v,t for debugging) if [info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] { ::ngcgui::bind_for_axis $::ngc($hdl,topf) } if [info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] { entry_mend $::ngc($hdl,topf) } recursive_bind_controlkeys $hdl $::ngc($hdl,topf) bind $::ngc($hdl,topf) [list ::ngcgui::bindings $hdl enter] bind $::ngc($hdl,topf) [list ::ngcgui::bindings $hdl leave] set ::ngc($hdl,restore,bindtags) [bindtags $::ngc($hdl,topf)] set ::ngc($hdl,restore,focus) [focus -lastfor $::ngc($hdl,topf)] } enter { set ::ngc($hdl,restore,bindtags) [bindtags $::ngc($hdl,topf)] bindtags $::ngc($hdl,topf) $::ngc($hdl,topf) if [info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] { entry_mend $::ngc($hdl,topf) } recursive_bind_controlkeys $hdl $::ngc($hdl,topf) set ::ngc($hdl,restore,focus) [focus -lastfor $::ngc($hdl,topf)] focus $::ngc($hdl,topf) return } leave { bindtags $::ngc($hdl,topf) $::ngc($hdl,restore,bindtags) focus -force $::ngc($hdl,restore,focus) # this seems to be necessary with notebook pages foreach key $::ngc(any,kbindlist) { bind $::ngc($hdl,topf) {} } } } } ;# bindings proc ::ngcgui::aftertoggle {hdl x} { # hdl: handle (note: opt may be used too) switch $x { auto { if $::ngc($hdl,auto) { pack forget $::ngc($hdl,sendfile,widget) $::ngc($hdl,sendfile,widget) conf -state normal $::ngc($hdl,finalize,widget) config -text "[_ "Finalize"]" } else { pack $::ngc($hdl,sendfile,widget) -fill x $::ngc($hdl,finalize,widget) config -text "[_ "MakeFile"]" } } } ::ngcgui::showmessage $hdl $x } ;# aftertoggle proc ::ngcgui::toggle {hdl x} { # hdl: handle (note: opt may be used too) set ::ngc($hdl,$x) [expr $::ngc($hdl,$x)?0:1] ::ngcgui::aftertoggle $hdl $x } ;# toggle proc ::ngcgui::test {} { set text "Environmental Variables:\n" foreach v [lsort [array names ::env]] { set text "$text $v [set ::env($v)]\n" } simple_text .test $text } ;# test proc ::ngcgui::editfile {hdl {mode last} } { if ![info exists ::env(VISUAL)] { simple_text .problem "\n[_ "Editing requires setting for environmental variable VISUAL"] \n [_ "Trying gedit"]\n"\ "$::ngc(any,app)-$hdl-problem" set ::env(VISUAL) gedit update after 5000 {destroy .problem} } # note: normalize filename to honor tilde (~) switch $mode { last { if { [info exists ::ngc($hdl,last,outfile)] \ && "$::ngc($hdl,last,outfile)" != ""} { eval exec $::env(VISUAL) [file normalize $::ngc($hdl,last,outfile)] & } else { simple_text .problem "[_ "No file available for editing yet"]\n"\ "$::ngc(any,app)-$hdl-problem" return } } source { if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)" != ""} { eval exec $::env(VISUAL) [file normalize $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)] & } else { simple_text .problem "[_ "No file available for editing"]\n"\ "$::ngc(any,app)-$hdl-problem" return } } preamble { if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble)" != ""} { eval exec $::env(VISUAL) [file normalize $::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble)] & } else { simple_text .problem "[_ "No file available for editing"]\n"\ "$::ngc(any,app)-$hdl-problem" return } } } } ;# editfile proc ::ngcgui::status {hdl args} { set items {fname,preamble fname,subfile fname,postamble\ fname,outfile fname,autosend\ auto dir savect font aspect retainvalues\ expandsubroutine chooser\ } set optitems {noauto nonew noremove noiframe noinput nom2} set anyitems {app pollms aspect width,comment width,varname qid} set text "[_ "Status items"]:" if {"$args" == "full"} { #parray ::ngc;return set bitems [lsort [array names ::ngc $hdl,*]] foreach i $bitems {lappend items [string trim $i $hdl,]} set text "Status items(all):" } set fmt "%s: %s" foreach i $items { # catch in case item gets unset if [catch { set line [format "$fmt" $i $::ngc($hdl,$i)]}] continue set text "$text\n$line" } set text "$text\n\n[_ "All-page opt items"]:" foreach i $optitems { # catch in case item gets unset if [catch { set line [format "$fmt" $i $::ngc(opt,$i)]}] continue set text "$text\n$line" } set text "$text\n\n[_ "any-items"]:" foreach i $anyitems { # catch in case item gets unset if [catch { set line [format "$fmt" $i $::ngc(any,$i)]}] continue set text "$text\n$line" } simple_text .status $text "$::ngc(any,app)-$hdl-status" focus .status bind .status [list ::ngcgui::status $hdl $args] bind .status [list ::ngcgui::status $hdl $args] } ;# status proc ::ngcgui::validateNumber {hdl varname widget current new} { # all entries must be numbers if ![info exists $varname] {return 1} if [catch {format %g $new} ] { $widget configure -fg $::ngc(any,color,error) return 1 ;# problem but return ok (just change color) } else { if {"$current" != "$new"} {} $widget configure -fg $::ngc(any,color,black) return 1 ;# 1==>ok } } ;# validateNumber proc ::ngcgui::setentries {hdl opt} { # set entries per opt == defaults | clear switch $opt { defaults { foreach n [array names ::ngc $hdl,arg,dvalue,*] { set num02 [string range $n [expr 1+[string last , $n]] end] set ::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num02) $::ngc($n) } ::ngcgui::showmessage $hdl "[_ "Set defaults"]" } clear { foreach n [array names ::ngc $hdl,arg,value,*] { set num02 [string range $n [expr 1+[string last , $n]] end] set ::ngc($hdl,arg,value,$num02) "" } ::ngcgui::showmessage $hdl "[_ "Clear entries"]" } } ::ngcgui::dcheck $hdl } ;# setentries proc ::ngcgui::wgui {dir} { # for embedded applications, this proc makes a separate-window gui # in the current process # this proc is useful for testing with tkcon: # to debug using tkcon: source this file then % ::ngcgui::wgui dirname # to run ngcgui in a frame, use ::ngcgui::gui hdl create frame # multiple intantiations of ngcgui within the same process are not supported package require Tk set hdl 0 catch {unset ::ngc} ::ngcgui::preset $hdl control ;# setup control() with defaults set control(any,aspect) horiz set control(any,font) {Helvetica -10 bold} # set control(any,app) [file tail $::argv0] set control(any,app) ::ngcgui::wgui ;# with tkcon argv0 not available set control($hdl,auto) 1 ;# autosend with finalize set control($hdl,dir) $dir set control($hdl,topname) .ngcgui eval ::ngcgui::top $hdl control wm withdraw . } ;# wgui proc ::ngcgui::findkeybinding {w {key k} } { # utility set b [bind $w ] if {"$b" != ""} { puts "w=$w key=$key binding=<$b>" } foreach child [winfo children $w] { if {$child == ""} continue find $child $key } } ;# findkeybinding proc ::ngcgui::top {hdl ay_name} { # make a standalone toplevel upvar $ay_name ay foreach n [array names ay $hdl,*] { set ::ngc($n) $ay($n) } foreach n [array names ay any,*] { set ::ngc($n) $ay($n) } if ![info exists ::ngc($hdl,topname)] { set ::ngc($hdl,topname) . focus $::ngc($hdl,topname) } else { catch {destroy $::ngc($hdl,topname)} toplevel $::ngc($hdl,topname) } wm protocol $::ngc($hdl,topname) WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list ::ngcgui::bye $hdl] # if autosend, make sure file is writable if $::ngc($hdl,auto) { if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,autosend)" == ""} { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,autosend) auto.ngc } if ![string match *.ngc $::ngc($hdl,fname,autosend)] { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,autosend) $::ngc($hdl,fname,autosend).ngc } set fname $::ngc($hdl,fname,autosend) if [file writable $fname] { # ok } else { if [file exists $fname] { puts stdout "$fname [_ "not writable"]" exit 1 } else { if [catch {set fd [open $fname w]} msg] { puts stdout $msg exit 1 } else { close $fd file delete $fname } } } } if {"$::ngc($hdl,topname)" == "."} { set w [::ngcgui::gui $hdl standalone .w] } else { set w [::ngcgui::gui $hdl standalone $::ngc($hdl,topname).w] } if {"$w" == ""} {exit 1} ;# "" indicates something went wrong pack $w -expand 0 switch $::ngc(any,aspect) { vert {wm resizable $::ngc($hdl,top) 0 1} horiz {wm resizable $::ngc($hdl,top) 1 0} } } ;# top proc ::ngcgui::usage {hdl ay_name} { upvar $ay_name ay set prog [file tail $::argv0] set dfont "\"$ay(any,font)\"" ;# avoid messing up vim colors set aname $ay($hdl,fname,autosend) puts stdout "Usage: $prog --help | -? $prog \[Options\] -D nc_files_directory_name $prog \[Options\] -i LinuxCNC_inifile_name $prog \[Options\] Options: \[-S subroutine_file\] \[-p preamble_file\] \[-P postamble_file\] \[-o output_file\] \[-a autosend_file]\ (autosend to axis default:$aname) \[--noauto]\ (no autosend to axis) \[-N | --nom2]\ (no m2 terminator (use %)) \[--font \[big|small|fontspec\]\] (default: $dfont) \[--horiz|--vert\] (default: --horiz) \[--cwidth comment_width]\ (width of comment field) \[--vwidth varname_width]\ (width of varname field) \[--quiet]\ (fewer comments in outfile) \[--noiframe]\ (default: frame displays image) " exit 0 } ;# usage proc ::ngcgui::inifind {filename stanza item} { # find [STANZA]ITEM value from an ini file set fd [open $filename r] set state find_stanza while {![eof $fd]} { gets $fd theline # remove blanks and tabs, use lower case set line [string map {" " "" " " ""} $theline] ;#sp,tab to "" # remove trailing comment set i1 [string first # $line] if {$i1 > 0} { set line [string range $line 0 [expr $i1 -1]] } switch $state { find_stanza { if [regexp -nocase "^\\\[$stanza\\\]$" $line] { set state find_item } } find_item { if [regexp -nocase "^\\\[.*" $line] { break ;# new stanza found before item } if [regexp -nocase "^$item=(.*)" $line match value] { set thevalue $value # if more than one line like item=value, take the last line } } } } close $fd if [info exists thevalue] { return $value } return "" } ;# inifind proc ::ngcgui::movepage {parent lr} { set pages [$parent pages] set page [$parent raise] set idx [lsearch $pages $page] switch $lr { left { if {$idx <= $::ngc(any,axis,min,idx)} { return } incr idx -1 } right { incr idx +1 } } $parent move $page $idx updatepage } ;# movepage proc ::ngcgui::newpage {creatinghdl} { set subfile "" ;# newpage: user must open file if $::ngc(opt,noinput) { # there is no wI input frame, just use current file # file tail needed to use search path set subfile [file tail $::ngc($creatinghdl,fname,subfile)] if {"$subfile" == ""} { set ::ngc(opt,noinput) 0 ;# need input if no subfile to open page } } if $::ngc($creatinghdl,chooser) { set subfile "\"\"" ;# chooser starts with no specified subfile } set prefile "" set postfile "" if {"$::ngc($creatinghdl,dname,preamble)" != ""} { # file tail needed to use search path set prefile [file tail $::ngc($creatinghdl,fname,preamble)] } if {"$::ngc($creatinghdl,dname,postamble)" != ""} { # file tail needed to use search path set postfile [file tail $::ngc($creatinghdl,fname,postamble)] } set pageid ngcgui[qid] set w [$::ngc(any,axis,parent) insert end "$pageid" \ -text "[_ "new"]" ] $w config -borderwidth 0 ;# not sure why this needs to be by itself set f [frame $w.[qid] -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0] pack $f -fill both -expand 1 -anchor nw -side top # note: express font as list here is important fore embedded spaces set newhdl [embed_in_axis_tab $f \ subfile=$subfile \ preamble=$prefile \ postamble=$postfile \ font=$::ngc(any,font) \ options=$::ngc(input,options) \ gcmc_include_path=$::ngc(input,gcmc_include_path) \ ] $::ngc(any,axis,parent) itemconfigure $pageid \ -createcmd "::ngcgui::pagecreate $newhdl"\ -raisecmd "::ngcgui::pageraise $newhdl"\ -leavecmd "::ngcgui::pageleave $newhdl" # use directory from creating page set ::ngc($newhdl,dir) [file dir $::ngc($creatinghdl,fname,subfile)] $::ngc(any,axis,parent) raise $::ngc($newhdl,axis,page) if {$::ngc(opt,noinput) && ("$::ngc($newhdl,dname,subfile)" != "")} { set ::ngc($newhdl,info) "$::ngc($newhdl,dname,subfile)" } else { set ::ngc($newhdl,info) "[_ "Open a new Subfile"]" } updatepage } ;# newpage proc ::ngcgui::nextpage {pagename lr} { # next page to use after this page is deleted set hdl [pagetohdl $pagename] if {$hdl <0} {return -code error \ "nextpage:unexpected pagename <$pagename>" } set page $::ngc($hdl,axis,page) set pages [$::ngc(any,axis,parent) pages] set lastidx [expr -1 + [llength $pages]] set idx [lsearch $pages $page] switch $lr { left { if {$idx <= $::ngc(any,axis,min,idx)} { incr idx +1 ;# since idx page will be deleted } else { incr idx -1 } } right { if {$idx >= $lastidx} { incr idx -1 ;# since idx page will be deleted } else { incr idx +1 } } } set newpage [lindex $pages $idx] return $newpage } ;# nextpage proc ::ngcgui::pageexists {hdl} { if [info exists ::ngc($hdl,axis,page)] {return 1} return 0 } ;# pageexists proc ::ngcgui::deletepage {pagename} { set hdl [pagetohdl $pagename] if {$hdl <0} {return -code error \ "deletepage:unexpected pagename <$pagename>" } set newpage [nextpage $pagename left] after cancel $::ngc($hdl,afterid) $::ngc(any,axis,parent) delete $::ngc($hdl,axis,page) wm protocol $::ngc($hdl,img,top) WM_DELETE_WINDOW {} destroy $::ngc($hdl,img,top) foreach n [array names ::ngc $hdl,*] { unset ::ngc($n) } set idx [lsearch $::ngc(embed,pages) $pagename] set ::ngc(embed,pages) [lreplace $::ngc(embed,pages) $idx $idx] $::ngc(any,axis,parent) raise $newpage updatepage } ;# deletepage proc ::ngcgui::updatepage {} { set parent $::ngc(any,axis,parent) set allpages [$parent pages] ;# these are in tab order foreach page [$parent pages] { if {[lsearch $::ngc(embed,pages) $page] < 0} continue lappend orderedpages $page } if ![info exists orderedpages] return ;# can occur at start if {[llength $orderedpages] == 1} { set p $orderedpages foreach w {,move,l,widget move,r,widget ,remove,widget} { if [info exists ::ngc($p$w)] { $::ngc($p$w) config -state disabled } } return } foreach p $orderedpages { set idx [lsearch $orderedpages $p] if {$idx == 0} { $::ngc($p,move,l,widget) config -state disabled $::ngc($p,move,r,widget) config -state active } elseif {$idx == [expr -1 +[llength $orderedpages]]} { $::ngc($p,move,l,widget) config -state active $::ngc($p,move,r,widget) config -state disabled } else { $::ngc($p,move,l,widget) config -state active $::ngc($p,move,r,widget) config -state active } # remove,widget not always present if [info exists ::ngc($p,remove,widget)] { $::ngc($p,remove,widget) config -state active} } # if choosers exist, do not allow removal of last one set ct 0 foreach name [array names ::ngc *,chooser] { if $::ngc($name) { incr ct lappend chdls [trimsuffix $name ,chooser] } } if {$ct == 1} { set chdl $chdls set page $::ngc($chdl,axis,page) $::ngc($page,remove,widget) configure -state disabled } elseif {$ct > 1} { foreach chdl $chdls { set page $::ngc($chdl,axis,page) $::ngc($page,remove,widget) configure -state active } } } ;# updatepage proc ::ngcgui::pagetohdl {pagename} { foreach name [array names ::ngc *,axis,page] { if {"$::ngc($name)" == "$pagename"} { return [trimsuffix $name ,axis,page] break } } return -1 } ;# pagetohdl proc ::ngcgui::tabmanage {pagename wframe ident infovar \ {removable 0} {newable 0} } { # filler frame to put space below page tabs pack [frame $wframe.[qid] -relief flat -height 1m\ ] -anchor n -fill both -expand 0 set af [frame $wframe.[qid] -relief ridge -bd 2] pack $af -fill x -expand 0 -anchor n ;# always pack to hold space # another filler frame to put space below page tabs pack [frame $wframe.[qid] -relief flat -height 1m\ ] -anchor n -fill both -expand 0 pack [label $wframe.[qid] -relief flat -anchor w \ -textvariable $infovar \ -fg $::ngc(any,color,prompt)\ ] -anchor ne -fill both -expand 0 if $removable { set hdl [pagetohdl $pagename] set b [button $af.[qid] -text "[_ "remove"]" \ -padx 2 -pady 1] $b configure -command [list ::ngcgui::deletepage $pagename] pack $b -side left -fill none -expand 0 set ::ngc($pagename,remove,widget) $b } if $newable { set hdl [pagetohdl $pagename] set b [button $af.[qid] -text "[_ "new"]" \ -padx 2 -pady 1] $b configure -command [list ::ngcgui::newpage $hdl] pack $b -side left -fill none -expand 0 } set l [label $af.[qid] \ -text "$ident" \ -padx 2 -pady 1 -relief ridge\ ] pack $l -side left -fill x -expand 1 set parent $::ngc(any,axis,parent) set b [button $af.[qid] -text "[_ "move"]-->" \ -padx 2 -pady 1] $b configure -command [list ::ngcgui::movepage $parent right] pack $b -side right -fill none -expand 0 set ::ngc($pagename,move,r,widget) $b set b [button $af.[qid] -text "<--[_ "move"]" \ -padx 2 -pady 1] $b configure -command [list ::ngcgui::movepage $parent left] pack $b -side right -fill none -expand 0 set ::ngc($pagename,move,l,widget) $b updatepage } ;# tabmanage proc ::ngcgui::parent {} {return $::ngc(any,axis,parent)} proc ::ngcgui::getngcgui_frame {name} { # utility for applications managed by ngcgui set wtab [dynamic_tab $name $name] ;# axis function set w [frame $wtab.[qid] -container 0 -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0] pack $w -side top -fill both -expand 1 -anchor nw lappend ::ngc(embed,pages) $name return $w } ;# getngcgui_frame proc ::ngcgui::embed_in_axis_tab {f args} { # f: frame # args: "item=value item=value ..." if ![info exists ::ngc(embed,hdl)] { set ::ngc(embed,axis) 1 set ::ngc(embed,hdl) 0 set ::ngc(embed,pages) "" set ::ngc(any,axis,parent) [winfo parent [winfo parent $f]] # dont allow movement of tab to left of original location: set idx [lsearch [$::ngc(any,axis,parent) pages] \ [$::ngc(any,axis,parent) pages end]] if {$idx < 0} { set ::ngc(any,axis,min,idx) 10000 } else { set ::ngc(any,axis,min,idx) $idx } } else { incr ::ngc(embed,hdl) } set hdl $::ngc(embed,hdl) ;# local initgui $hdl ::ngcgui::preset $hdl ::ngc ;# setup defaults set equalitems {subfile preamble postamble \ font \ startdir \ gcmc_include_path \ options \ } foreach item $equalitems {set ::ngc(input,$item) ""} foreach input $args { set pair [split $input =] set ::ngc(input,[lindex $pair 0]) [lindex $pair 1] # ex: input,subfile } foreach item $equalitems {set $item $::ngc(input,$item)} if [info exists ::ngc(input,gcmc_include_path)] { set ::ngc(any,gcmc_include_path) $::ngc(input,gcmc_include_path) } set ::ngc($hdl,dir) $::ngc(input,startdir) if {[lsearch $options nonew ] >=0} {set ::ngc(opt,nonew) 1} if {[lsearch $options noremove ] >=0} {set ::ngc(opt,noremove) 1} if {[lsearch $options noauto ] >=0} {set ::ngc(opt,noauto) 1} if {[lsearch $options noinput ] >=0} {set ::ngc(opt,noinput) 1} if {[lsearch $options noiframe ] >=0} {set ::ngc(opt,noiframe) 1} if {[lsearch $options nom2 ] >=0} {set ::ngc(opt,nom2) 1} if {[lsearch $options expandsub ] >=0} {set ::ngc($hdl,expandsubroutine) 1} # special options if {[lsearch $options nopathcheck ] >=0} {set ::ngc($hdl,nopathcheck) 1} if $::ngc(opt,noauto) { set ::ngc($hdl,auto) 0 } else { set ::ngc($hdl,auto) 1 } # with image in frame there is not enough room so force noinput if !$::ngc(opt,noiframe) {set ::ngc(opt,noinput) 1} set ::ngc(any,width,comment) 0 ;# field can be as long as reqd set ::ngc($hdl,axis,page) [$::ngc(any,axis,parent) pages end] set page $::ngc($hdl,axis,page) ;# local # if font has leading/trailing literal quotes, remove them if { [string first \" $font] == 0 \ && [string last \" $font] == [expr [string len $font] -1]} { set font [string range $font 1 [expr [string len $font] -2]] } if {"$font" != ""} {set ::ngc(any,font) $font} # specific settings for embedding in axis tab: set ::ngc(any,aspect) horiz set ::ngc(any,width,varname) 0 if {"$subfile" != ""} { # detect ini file specified as "" # this is a chooser page -- user can open new files if {"$subfile" == "\"\""} { set ::ngc($hdl,chooser) 1 set ::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile) "" $::ngc(any,axis,parent) itemconfigure $page \ -text "[_ "Custom"]" \ -background $::ngc(any,color,custom) } else { if [info exists ::ngc($hdl,nopathcheck)] { # subfile must be a valid absolute path for this option # example: ttt uses /tmp directory specified with full path # to avoid creating persistent files # relying on purging of /tmp set ::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile) $subfile set ::ngc($hdl,dir) [file dirname $subfile] } else { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile) [::ngcgui::pathto $subfile] set ::ngc($hdl,dir) [file dirname $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)] } } } if {"$preamble" != ""} { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,preamble) [::ngcgui::pathto $preamble] } if {"$postamble" != ""} { set ::ngc($hdl,fname,postamble) [::ngcgui::pathto $postamble] } set w [::ngcgui::gui $hdl create $f.ngc_gui] if {"$w" == ""} { puts stdout "[_ "Problem creating page"] <$hdl> <$f>" } else { pack $w -side top -fill none -expand 1 -anchor nw } # package require Linuxcnc ;# needs linuxcnc v2.5.x, segfaults linuxcnc v2.4.x # just invoking emc_init works with v2.4 and v2.5 if [catch {emc_init} msg] { puts "embed_in_axis_tab: [_ "entrykeybindings not available"] <$msg>" } lappend ::ngc(embed,pages) $page updatepage return $hdl } ;# embed_in_axis_tab proc ::ngcgui::set_path {} { # set ::ngc(any,paths) on first use: if ![info exists ::ngc(any,paths)] { # expect single item, so take end item in list: set ::ngc(any,paths) [file normalize \ [lindex [inifindall DISPLAY PROGRAM_PREFIX] end]] set tmp [lindex [inifindall RS274NGC SUBROUTINE_PATH] end] foreach p [split $tmp ":"] {lappend ::ngc(any,paths) "$p"} } } ;# get_path proc ::ngcgui::pathto {fname {mode info}} { # for embedded usage, find configuration file using a search path set fname [string trim $fname] if {"$fname" == ""} {return ""} set_path ;# if not set, will set if { [string first "/" $fname] == 0 || [string first "~" $fname] == 0 || [string first "." $fname] == 0 } { if [file exists $fname] { # expected usage: spcecify search path [RS274NGC]SUBROUTINE_PATH # and: specify [DISPLAY]NGCGUI_SUBFILE as a file name only # # future: maybe it should be an error to use an absolute path # since the interpreter may not find the file # for now: only use a file if it is in search path set foundabsolute "$fname" set fname [file tail $fname] ;# to test if it is in search path } } foreach path $::ngc(any,paths) { set f [file join $path $fname] if {[info exists foundinpath] && [file exists $f]} { puts stdout "::ngcgui::pathto: [_ "Found multiple matches for"] <$fname>" puts stdout "[_ "using path"]: $::ngc(any,paths)" } if {![info exists foundinpath] && [file exists $f]} {set foundinpath $f} } if [info exists foundinpath] { if { [info exists foundabsolute] \ && [file normalize $foundinpath] != [file normalize $foundabsolute] } { puts "\nngcgui [_ "Warning"]:" puts "[_ "File absolute path specifier conflicts with searchpath result"]" puts " [_ "Absolute Specifier"]: $foundabsolute" puts " [_ "Using Search Result"]: $foundinpath" puts "" } return "$foundinpath" } else { set title "[_ "File not in Search Path"]" set msg "<$fname> [_ "Must be in search path"]\n" if {[info exists foundabsolute]} { set msg "$msg\n[_ "(File found -- not in search path)"]" } set msg "$msg\n[_ "Current directory"]:\n[pwd]" set msg "$msg\n\n[_ "Search path"]:\n" set i 1 foreach p $::ngc(any,paths) { set msg "$msg\n$i $p" set fullp [file normalize $p] if {"$p" != "$fullp"} { set msg "$msg\n== $fullp" } incr i } set msg "$msg\n\n[_ "Check setting for"]: \[RS274NGC\]SUBROUTINE_PATH" set msg "$msg\n[_ "in ini file"]:\n$::emcini" set msg "$msg\n\n[_ "(Restart required after fixing ini file)"]" switch $mode { info { set answer [tk_dialog .notfound \ "$title"\ "$msg"\ warning -1 \ "OK"] set answer 0 ;# continue with warning } default { set answer [tk_dialog .notfound \ "$title"\ "$msg" \ error 0 \ "[_ "Try to Continue"]" "[_ "Exit"]" ] } } if $answer {return \ -code error "[_ "Ngcgui Configuration File Not Found"] <$fname>" } if ![info exists foundabsolute] {set foundabsolute ""} return "$foundabsolute" ;# try to continue } } ;# pathto proc ::ngcgui::check_path filename { if [info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] { pathto [file tail $filename] info } return } ;# check_path proc ::ngcgui::raiselastpage {} { $::ngc(any,axis,parent) raise $::ngc($::ngc(embed,hdl),axis,page) } ;# raiselastpage proc ::ngcgui::position {top} { set geo [wm geometry $top] return [string range $geo [string first + $geo] end] } ;# position proc ::ngcgui::pagecreate {hdl} { #puts "n:pagecreate-$hdl" return 1 } ;# pagecreate proc ::ngcgui::pageraise {hdl} { #puts "n:pageraise-$hdl" set ::ngc($hdl,img,status) raised if {"$::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile)" != ""} { new_image $hdl $::ngc($hdl,fname,subfile) } return 1 } ;# pageraise proc ::ngcgui::pageleave {hdl} { #puts "n:pageleave-$hdl" set ::ngc($hdl,img,position) [position $::ngc($hdl,img,top)] wm withdraw $::ngc($hdl,img,top) return 1 ;# important: permission to leave } ;# pageleave proc ::ngcgui::image_init {hdl} { set ::ngc($hdl,img,status) new if [info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] { set ::ngc($hdl,img,top) .$::ngc(any,app)-$hdl } else { set ::ngc($hdl,img,top) .$::ngc(any,app) } if [winfo exists $::ngc($hdl,img,top)] return wm withdraw [toplevel $::ngc($hdl,img,top)] wm protocol $::ngc($hdl,img,top) WM_DELETE_WINDOW \ [list wm withdraw $::ngc($hdl,img,top)] if {$::ngc(opt,noinput) && !$::ngc($hdl,chooser)} { pack forget $::ngc($hdl,iframe) ;# wI remove the Input frame } if { (!$::ngc(opt,noiframe) && !$::ngc($hdl,chooser) )\ || (!$::ngc(opt,noiframe) && $::ngc($hdl,standalone) )\ } { # use a frame for image set p [winfo parent $::ngc($hdl,iframe)] set w $p.[qid] ;# name of frame set ::ngc($hdl,img,widget) [image_widget $hdl $w] set ::ngc($hdl,img,type) frame } else { # use a toplevel for image set ::ngc($hdl,img,widget) [image_widget $hdl $::ngc($hdl,img,top).i] set ::ngc($hdl,img,type) toplevel } # note: new_image packs $::ngc($hdl,img,widget) } ;# image_init proc ::ngcgui::image_widget {hdl f} { # f is name of a frame, it should not exist at call, caller packs # png, pgm,ppm etc support if {[winfo exists $f]} {return -code error "image_widget <$w> exists"} frame $f ;# caller packs set fimg [frame $f.fimg -relief groove -borderwidth 2] pack $fimg -side top -expand 1 -fill both set ::ngc($hdl,img,canvas) [canvas $fimg.canvas -bg darkgray ] pack $::ngc($hdl,img,canvas) -side left -expand 1 -fill both return $f } ;# image_widget proc ::ngcgui::new_image {hdl ngcfilename} { set idx [string first .ngc $ngcfilename] if {$idx < 0} { set idx [string first .gcmc $ngcfilename]} if {$idx < 0} { return -code error \ "new_image: unexpected filename: <$ngcfilename>"} set filestart [string range $ngcfilename 0 $idx] foreach suffix {png gif jpg pgm} { set f ${filestart}$suffix if [file readable $f] { set ifilename $f break } } if ![info exists ifilename] { catch {unset ::ngc($hdl,img,filename)} catch {pack forget $::ngc($hdl,img,widget)} ;# standalone catch {wm withdraw $::ngc($hdl,img,top)} ;# needed for standalone return ;# silently continue } set doimage 0 if ![info exists ::ngc($hdl,img,filename)] { set ::ngc($hdl,img,status) first set doimage 1 } else { if {"$::ngc($hdl,img,filename)" != "$ifilename"} { set ::ngc($hdl,img,position) [position $::ngc($hdl,img,top)] set ::ngc($hdl,img,status) new set doimage 1 } } if {$doimage} { # first time for this file for this hdl set ::ngc($hdl,img,filename) $ifilename pack forget $::ngc($hdl,img,widget) set tmpimage [image create photo -file $ifilename] set ct 0 set sw [expr [image width $tmpimage] / $::ngc(any,img,width,max) + 1] set sh [expr [image height $tmpimage] / $::ngc(any,img,height,max) + 1] set subsample $sw if {$sh > $sw} {set subsample $sh} set ::ngc($hdl,img,image) [image create photo] $::ngc($hdl,img,image) copy $tmpimage -subsample $subsample -shrink set width [image width $::ngc($hdl,img,image)] set height [image height $::ngc($hdl,img,image)] # convenience only: set ::ngc($hdl,img,orig,size) [image width $tmpimage]x[image height $tmpimage] set ::ngc($hdl,img,sampled,size) ${width}x${height} $::ngc($hdl,img,canvas) delete all $::ngc($hdl,img,canvas) configure -width $width -height $height $::ngc($hdl,img,canvas) create image [expr $width/2] [expr $height/2]\ -anchor center \ -image $::ngc($hdl,img,image) recursive_bind_controlkeys $hdl $::ngc($hdl,img,top) pack $::ngc($hdl,img,widget) } # restore the image widget toplevel if applicable if {"$::ngc($hdl,img,type)" == "toplevel"} { switch $::ngc($hdl,img,status) { first { if [info exists ::ngc($hdl,img,position)] { wmrestore $hdl } else { wmcenter $::ngc($hdl,img,top) } if { ![info exists ::ngc(embed,axis)] \ || [$::ngc(any,axis,parent) raise] == $::ngc($hdl,axis,page)} { set ::ngc($hdl,img,status) raised ;# need for standalone } else { wm withdraw $::ngc($hdl,img,top) } } new - raised { wmrestore $hdl } } wm resizable $::ngc($hdl,img,top) 0 0 wm title $::ngc($hdl,img,top) [trimsuffix $::ngc($hdl,dname,subfile)] } } ;# new_image proc ::ngcgui::wmrestore {hdl} { set w $::ngc($hdl,img,top) wm deiconify $w if [catch { if [info exists ::ngc($hdl,img,position)] { wm geometry $w $::ngc($hdl,img,position) } } msg] { puts stdout "wmrestore: unexpected<$msg>" } } ;# wmrestore # configure standalone usage: proc ::ngcgui::standalone_ngcgui {args} { # setup ::ngcgui::control() with defaults set hdl 0 ::ngcgui::preset $hdl ::ngcgui::control package require Tk # configure for standalone usage # map dot (.) to underline (_) to preclude window naming errors: set ::ngcgui::control(any,app) [string map {. _} [file tail $::argv0]] while {[llength $::argv] >0} { # beware wish handling of reserved cmdline arguments # to use -h: use -- -h, # lreplace shifts argv for no. of items for each iteration switch -- [lindex $::argv 0] { --noiframe {set ::ngc(opt,noiframe) 1 set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } -h - -? - --help {::ngcgui::usage $hdl ::ngcgui::control;exit 0} --horiz - -horiz {set ::ngcgui::control(any,aspect) horiz set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } --vert - -vert {set ::ngcgui::control(any,aspect) vert set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } -q - --quiet { set ::ngcgui::control($hdl,verbose) 0 set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } --font - -font {set ::ngcgui::control(any,font) [lindex $::argv 1] set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 1] } --vwidth {set ::ngcgui::control(any,width,varname) [lindex $::argv 1] set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 1] } --cwidth {set ::ngcgui::control(any,width,comment) [lindex $::argv 1] set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 1] } -N - --nom2 {set ::ngcgui::control(any,nom2) 0 set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } -S - --subfile {set ::ngcgui::control($hdl,fname,subfile) [lindex $::argv 1] set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 1] } -p - --preamble {set ::ngcgui::control($hdl,fname,preamble) \ [lindex $::argv 1] set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 1] } -P - --postamble {set ::ngcgui::control($hdl,fname,postamble) \ [lindex $::argv 1] set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 1] } -o - --output {set ::ngcgui::control($hdl,fname,outfile) [lindex $::argv 1] set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 1] } -D - --dir { # -D allows dir specification with no filenames set ans [lindex $::argv 1] if [file isdirectory $ans] { set ::ngcgui::control($hdl,dir) $ans } else { set ::ngcgui::control($hdl,dir) [file dirname $ans] } set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 1] } -a - --autosend {set ::ngcgui::control($hdl,auto) 1 set ::ngcgui::control($hdl,fname,autosend) \ [lindex $::argv 1] set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 1] } --noautosend - --noauto {set ::ngcgui::control($hdl,auto) 0 set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } -i - --ini* { set filename [lindex $::argv 1] if ![file readable $filename] { puts "[_ "ini file"]: <$filename> not readable" exit 1 } set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 1] set dir [file normalize [file dirname $filename]] set pdir [::ngcgui::inifind $filename \ DISPLAY PROGRAM_PREFIX] set pdir [file normalize $pdir] if {"$pdir" == ""} { puts "\[DISPLAY\]PROGRAM_PREFIX [_ "not found"] <$filename>" exit 1 } set ptype [file pathtype $pdir] switch $ptype { relative {set inidir [file join $dir $pdir]} absolute {set inidir [file normalize $pdir]} default {puts "unhandled pathtype for $pdir <$ptype>" exit 1 } } set ::ngcgui::control($hdl,dir) $inidir } default {break} } } if {"$::ngcgui::control(any,font)" == ""} { set ::ngcgui::control(any,font) small } switch -- $::ngcgui::control(any,font) { small {set ::ngcgui::control(any,font) {Helvetica -10 bold}} big {set ::ngcgui::control(any,font) {Helvetica -16 bold}} default {} } # ::ngcgui::control() specifies args eval ::ngcgui::top $hdl ::ngcgui::control tkwait variable ::ngcgui::finis exit 0 } ;# standalone_ngcgui if {[info exists ::argv0] && [info script] == $::argv0} ::ngcgui::standalone_ngcgui