#!/usr/bin/tclsh # read ini items, source ngcgui.tcl, create axis tabs # provide tcl package Ngcgui #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright: 2010-2012 # Author: Dewey Garrett # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ngcgui_app_init {} { if {[info command inifindall] == ""} { return -code error "ngcgui_app_init: [_ "requires command inifindall from axis.py (LinuxCNC 2.5) or"] \[DISPLAY\]USER_COMMAND_FILE (LinuxCNC 2.4)" } # DISPLAY:NGCGUI_* expect these inifile items to be specified as a list set ngcgui_subfile [inifindall DISPLAY NGCGUI_SUBFILE] # optional (expect single item, so take last item in list): set ngcgui_preamble [lindex [inifindall DISPLAY NGCGUI_PREAMBLE] end] set ngcgui_postamble [lindex [inifindall DISPLAY NGCGUI_POSTAMBLE] end] set ngcgui_font [lindex [inifindall DISPLAY NGCGUI_FONT] end] set ngcgui_options [lindex [inifindall DISPLAY NGCGUI_OPTIONS] end] set program_prefix [lindex [inifindall DISPLAY PROGRAM_PREFIX] end] set subroutine_path [lindex [inifindall RS274NGC SUBROUTINE_PATH] end] set gcmc_include_path [lindex [inifindall DISPLAY GCMC_INCLUDE_PATH] end] set ngcgui [file join [file dirname [info script]] ngcgui.tcl] if ![file readable $ngcgui] { return -code error "ngcgui_app.tcl: <$ngcgui> [_ "not readable"]" } if {[info procs ::ngcui::gui] == ""} { source $ngcgui ;# main ngcgui code } else { # this can occur due to obsolete USER_COMMAND_FILE puts "[_ "Unexpected: multiple startups for ngcgui"] <$ngcgui>" puts "\n[_ LinuxCNC version"] = $::version" puts "[_ "for LinuxCNC 2.5.xxx, Do not include tkapp.py in the ini file"]\n" return -code error "[_ "Unexpected: multiple startups for ngcgui"] <$ngcgui>" } if {"$subroutine_path" != ""} { # first choice is first element of subroutine_path set startdir [lindex [split $subroutine_path :] 0] } elseif {"$program_prefix" != ""} { set startdir $program_prefix } else { set startdir "." } set ::ngcguict 0 foreach fname $ngcgui_subfile { set wtab [dynamic_tab ngcgui$::ngcguict [file tail $fname] ] ;# axis func if {"$wtab" == "None"} { # functions of tkapp.py were incorporated in LinuxCNC 2.5 27dec10 af6ae9907e1c0 #puts "\nerrorInfo: $::errorInfo" puts "\n[_ "LinuxCNC version"] = $::version" puts "[_ "for LinuxCNC 2.5.xxx, Do not include tkapp.py in the ini file"]\n" continue } set w [frame $wtab.tframe -container 0 -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0] pack $w -side top -fill both -expand 1 -anchor nw ::ngcgui::embed_in_axis_tab $w \ subfile=$fname \ preamble=$ngcgui_preamble \ postamble=$ngcgui_postamble \ font=$ngcgui_font \ startdir=$startdir \ options=$ngcgui_options \ gcmc_include_path=$gcmc_include_path incr ::ngcguict } return } ;# ngcgui_app_init ngcgui_app_init ;# sources ngcgui.tcl rename ngcgui_app_init {} ;# no longer needed package provide Ngcgui 1.0