#!/usr/bin/wish # # Copyright: 2009-2012 # Author: Dewey Garrett # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # As standalone tool table editor # Usage: # tooleditor.tcl filename # tooleditor.tcl [column_1 ... column_n] filename # # This file can also be sourced and included in tcl scripts # The namespace ::tooledit exports a single function: # ::tooledit::tooledit # A single global array ::te() stores private data # Supports tool offsets along all axes (x y z a b c u v w) # Older tool table formats are not supported # No distinction is made between mill or lathe tools # Text on a line following a semicolon (;) is treated as comment # Comment-only lines are preserved package require BWidget ;# for ScrolledWindow, ScrollableFrame namespace eval ::tooledit { namespace export tooledit ;# public interface } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internationalization # use the tcl-package named Emc to set up I18n support if [catch {package require Linuxcnc} msg] { # if user is trying to use as standalone in an unconfigured (non-Emc) # environment, just continue without internationalization puts stderr "Internationalization not available: <$msg>" } # use a command or proc named "_" for ::msgcat::mc # when embedded in axis, a command named "_" is predefined, # since "_" is not defined for standalone usage, make a proc named "_" if {"" == [info command "_"]} { package require msgcat proc _ {s} {return [::msgcat::mc $s]} } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::tooledit::init { {columns ""} } { if [file readable ~/.tooleditrc] { if [catch {source ~/.tooleditrc} msg] { puts stderr "[_ "Problem reading ~/.tooleditrc"]:"\n$msg" } if [info exists geometry] { set ::te(top,restore,geometry) $geometry } } if {"$columns" == ""} { set columns $::te(allcolumns) } else { set columns [string tolower $columns] set ::te(user_specified_columns) $columns } # disallow duplicate columns (order according to first occurrence) set checked_columns {} foreach cname $columns { if {[lsearch $checked_columns $cname] >= 0} { puts stderr [format [_ "Note: Ignoring duplicate column name: %s"] $cname] continue ;# duplicate col name } lappend checked_columns $cname } # include only allowed column names: foreach cname $checked_columns { if {[lsearch $::te(allcolumns) $cname] >= 0} { lappend ::te(columns) $cname } else { puts stderr [format [_ "Unknown column: %s"] $cname] } } set ::te(filemod) 0 set ::te(fmt,int) %d set ::te(fmt,real) %g set ::te(fmt,angle) %f set ::te(msg,last) "" set ::te(pollms) 2000 set ::te(initial,width) 0 ;# initial width as reqd set ::te(initial,height) 110 ;# initial height limit here set ::te(hincr) 1 ;# height increment to bump scrollable size set ::te(autocolumns) {tool poc} set ::te(header) [concat $::te(autocolumns) $::te(columns) comment] foreach item $::te(header) { set ::te(type,$item) real ;# default } set ::te(type,tool) integer set ::te(type,poc) integer set ::te(type,orien) integer set ::te(type,comment) ascii set ::te(tool_changer) unknown # include values for each (header) item: set ::te(tool,width) 5; set ::te(tool,tag) T set ::te(poc,width) 5; set ::te(poc,tag) P set ::te(x,width) 7; set ::te(x,tag) X set ::te(y,width) 7; set ::te(y,tag) Y set ::te(z,width) 7; set ::te(z,tag) Z set ::te(a,width) 7; set ::te(a,tag) A set ::te(b,width) 7; set ::te(b,tag) B set ::te(c,width) 7; set ::te(c,tag) C set ::te(u,width) 7; set ::te(u,tag) U set ::te(v,width) 7; set ::te(v,tag) V set ::te(w,width) 7; set ::te(w,tag) W set ::te(diam,width) 7; set ::te(diam,tag) D set ::te(front,width) 7; set ::te(front,tag) I set ::te(back,width) 7; set ::te(back,tag) J set ::te(orien,width) 6; set ::te(orien,tag) Q set ::te(comment,width) 20; set ::te(comment,tag) \; # note: width 0 expands with text in entry widget # when using Bwidget scrollable frame } ;# init proc ::tooledit::validangle {v} { if {[string trim $v] == ""} {return 1} ;# allow null value if {$v <= 360 && $v >= -360} {return 1} return 0 } ;# validangle proc ::tooledit::isnegative {v} { if {$v < 0} {return 1} if {[string first - $v] >=0} {return 1} ;# this gets -0 return 0 } ;# ispositive proc ::tooledit::isinteger {v} { if ![isnumber $v] {return 0} if {[string first . $v] >=0} {return 0} if {[string first e [string tolower $v]] >= 0} {return 0} return 1 } ;# isinteger proc ::tooledit::isnumber {v} { if {[string trim $v] == ""} {return 1} ;# allow null value if [catch {format %f $v}] { return 0 } else { return 1 } } ;# isnumber proc ::tooledit::qid {} { # generate unique id if { ![info exists ::te(qid)]} { set ::te(qid) 0 } incr ::te(qid) return q$::te(qid) } ;# qid proc ::tooledit::ventry {f validatenumber tvar \ {twidth 12} {expand 0} {justify left} {fill x}} { if {$validatenumber} { set e [entry $f.[qid] \ -width $twidth -relief sunken -justify $justify \ -textvariable $tvar \ -bg white \ -validate all \ -validatecommand [list ::tooledit::validateNumber $tvar %W %s %P] \ -invalidcommand [list ::tooledit::invalidNumber $tvar %W] \ ] pack $e -side left -expand $expand -fill $fill } else { set e [entry $f.[qid] \ -width $twidth -relief sunken -justify $justify\ -textvariable $tvar \ -bg white \ -validate all \ -validatecommand [list ::tooledit::validateOther $tvar %W %s %P] \ ] pack $e -side left -expand $expand -fill $fill } return $e } ;# ventry proc ::tooledit::validateOther {varname widget current new} { if {"$current" != $new} { incr ::te(filemod) } return 1 ;# 1==>ok } ;# validateOther proc ::tooledit::validateNumber {varname widget current new} { if ![info exists $varname] {return 1} if {"$new" == ""} {return 1} if {"$new" == "[_ "NEW"]"} { return 1 ;# 1==>ok dont flag items tagged "NEW" } if {"$current" == "[_ "NEW"]"} { $widget configure -selectbackground $::te(restore,selectbackground) $widget configure -selectforeground $::te(restore,selectforeground) } if [catch {format %f $new} ] { $widget configure -fg red message verror return 1 ;# problem but return ok (just change color) } else { if {"$current" != "$new"} {message modified} $widget configure -fg black incr ::te(filemod) return 1 ;# 1==>ok } } ;# validateNumber proc ::tooledit::invalidNumber {varname widget} { tk_messageBox \ -title [_ Problem] \ -message [_ "Bad Entry"] \ -detail [_ "(must be a number)"] \ -type ok $widget configure -validate all ;# restore validation } ;# invalidNumber proc ::tooledit::readfile {filename} { set filename [file normalize $filename] if {[file exists $filename] && ![file readable $filename]} { lappend msg [format [_ "filename: <%s> not readable"] $filename] } if [file exists $filename] { if ![file writable $filename] { lappend msg "[format [_ "filename: <%s> not writable"] $filename]" } } else { set new 1 if ![file writable [file dirname $filename]] { lappend msg "[format [_ "directory: <%s> not writable"] $filename]" } } if [info exists msg] {return -code error $msg} if [info exists new] { makeline new incr ::te(filemod) message newfile return } set tooledit_pids "" # count howmany tooledits (exclusive of this one) are running # Note: pidof ignores defunct processes # catch required since child error returned if no other pids: catch { set tooledit_pids [eval exec pidof -x -o[pid] tooledit]} emsg # determine if axis is running with same filename catch { sendaxis ping set axis_is_running [sendaxis tool_table_filename] if $axis_is_running { set tchanger nonrandom ;# default if not specified if [catch {set tchanger [send axis inifindall EMCIO RANDOM_TOOLCHANGER]} msg ] { puts "UNEXPECTED: $msg" } switch "$tchanger" { 1 {set ::te(tool_changer) random} default {set ::te(tool_changer) nonrandom} } } set tooledit_pid_ct [llength $tooledit_pids] if {$axis_is_running && $tooledit_pid_ct > 0} { set msg [_ "Current file:"] set detail "$filename" if {"$::te(axis,filename)" == "$filename"} { tk_messageBox \ -title [_ "Tooledit already running"] \ -message $msg \ -detail $detail \ -type ok # try to raise it: catch {send $::te(axis,tooledit) [list wm deiconify $::te(top)]} exit 1 } } } emsg #if {$emsg != ""} {puts emsg=$emsg} set fd [open $filename r] set bct 0 set lno 0 while {1} { gets $fd newline incr lno ;# starts at 1 if [eof $fd] break foreach item {t p x y z a b c u v w d i j q comment} { set u($item) "" } set newline [string tolower $newline] set i1 [string first \; $newline] if {$i1 >= 0} { set u(comment) [string range $newline [expr $i1 +1] end] set u(comment) [string trim $u(comment)] set newline [string range $newline 0 [expr -1 + $i1]] set newline [string trim $newline] } if {"$newline" == ""} { lappend ::te(global,comments) $u(comment) continue } set bogus 0 foreach tagvalue [split [string trim $newline]] { set tagvalue [string trim $tagvalue] if {"$tagvalue" == ""} continue set tag [string range $tagvalue 0 0 ] set value [string range $tagvalue 1 end ] if ![isnumber $value] { puts stderr [format [_ "Skipping linenumber %d for tag %s, value <%s> is not a number"] \ $lno $tag $value] incr bct; set bogus 1 } switch $tag { t - p - q { if ![isinteger $value] { puts stderr [format [_ "Skipping linenumber %d for tag %s, expected integer not <%s>"] \ $lno $tag $value] incr bct; set bogus 1 } } } # catch errors since format is already checked # (line will not be displayed) # this allows all errors on a line to be flagged in one pass switch $tag { t - p - q {catch {set u($tag) [format "$::te(fmt,int)" $value]}} x - y - z - a - b - c - u - v - w - d {catch {set u($tag) [format "$::te(fmt,real)" $value]}} i - j {catch {set u($tag) [format "$::te(fmt,angle)" $value]}} default {puts stderr [format [_ "At linenumber %d, Unknown tag <%s>"] \ $lno $tag] incr bct; set bogus 1 } } } if $bogus continue makeline u ::tooledit::repack } ;# while close $fd if {$bct >0} { # schedule message after message widget is created after 0 {::tooledit::message bogus} } message opened ::tooledit::column_sort $::te(entry,header,tool) tool 1 set ::te(filemod) 0 return } ;# readfile proc ::tooledit::watch {args} { catch {after cancel $::te(afterid)} if ![file exists $::te(filename)] { ::tooledit::message filegone set ::te(afterid) [after $::te(pollms) ::tooledit::watch] return } set mtime [file mtime $::te(filename)] switch $args { start { set ::te(mtime) $mtime set ::te(md5sum) [eval exec md5sum $::te(filename)] } stop {return} default { if {$mtime > $::te(mtime)} { set ::te(mtime) $mtime set md5sum $::te(md5sum) set ::te(md5sum) [eval exec md5sum $::te(filename)] # no message if file contents unchanged if {"$md5sum" != "$::te(md5sum)"} { ::tooledit::message changed } } } } # try to clear error display in case user clears error before check # skip if newtool since error is annoying # skip if filegone|changed|bogus since important if { "$::te(msg,last)" != "newtool" && "$::te(msg,last)" != "filegone" && "$::te(msg,last)" != "changed" && "$::te(msg,last)" != "bogus" && "$::te(msg,last)" != "isort" && "$::te(msg,last)" != "dsort" } { ::tooledit::toolvalidate silent ;# to clear errors } if [info exists ::te(load,button)] { if ![sendaxis ping] { # axis disappeared pack forget $::te(load,button) unset ::te(load,button) } else { if [sendaxis check_for_reload] { $::te(load,button) configure -state normal } else { $::te(load,button) configure -state disabled } } } set ::te(afterid) [after $::te(pollms) ::tooledit::watch] } ;# watch proc ::tooledit::tooledit {filename {columns ""} } { package require Tk # name to identify tooledit used by first axis invocation: set ::te(axis,tooledit) axis_tooledit if {[package vcompare $::tcl_version 8.5] >= 0} { # tcl8.5 lsort -indices available set ::te(enable_column_sorting) 1 } else { set prog [file tail $::argv0] puts stderr [format [_ "%s: Column sorting not available with tcl_version==%s"] \ $prog $::tcl_version] } ::tooledit::init $columns set ::te(filename) [file normalize $filename] # allow for translated names for header columns: foreach h $::te(header) { switch -exact $h { tool {set ::te($h,show) [_ "tool"]} poc {set ::te($h,show) [_ "poc"]} diam {set ::te($h,show) [_ "diam"]} front {set ::te($h,show) [_ "front"]} back {set ::te($h,show) [_ "back"]} orien {set ::te($h,show) [_ "orien"]} comment {set ::te($h,show) [_ "comment"]} default {set ::te($h,show) $h} } set ::te($h,show) [string toupper $::te($h,show)] } set ::te(top) [toplevel .tooledit] wm withdraw $::te(top); update wm resizable $::te(top) 1 1 wm protocol $::te(top) WM_DELETE_WINDOW ::tooledit::bye wm title $::te(top) "tooledit: $::te(filename)" if [info exists ::te(tooledit,geometry)] { wm geometry $::te(top) $::te(tooledit,geometry) } # note: never pack ::te(scroll,frame), handled by ScrolledWindow set ::te(scroll,window) [ScrolledWindow $::te(top).scrolled \ -scrollbar vertical -auto none] set ::te(scroll,frame) [ScrollableFrame $::te(top).scrolled.sff \ -height $::te(initial,height) -width $::te(initial,width) \ -constrainedwidth 1] $::te(scroll,window) setwidget $::te(scroll,frame) ;# associates scrollbars set ::te(main,frame) [$::te(scroll,frame) getframe] ;# this is parent set ::te(lasti) 0 # header frame ------------------------------------------------- set f [frame $::te(top).header] set ::te(header,frame) $f pack $f -side top -expand 1 -fill x -anchor n pack [label $f.b -text [_ "Del"] -width 3] -side left -expand 0 foreach h $::te(header) { set e 0;set j center if {"$h" == "comment"} {set e 1;set j left} set ey [entry $f.$::te(lasti)$h -justify $j -textvariable ::te($h,show) \ -state disabled -relief groove \ -disabledforeground black \ -width $::te($h,width)] pack $ey -side left -fill x -expand $e set ::te(entry,header,$h) $ey $ey configure -cursor arrow bind $ey "::tooledit::column_sort $ey $h" } readfile $::te(filename) set ::te(filename) [file normalize $::te(filename)] if [file exists $::te(filename)] {watch start} pack $::te(scroll,window) -side top -fill x -expand 0 -anchor nw # button frame ------------------------------------------------- set bf [frame $::te(top).[qid]] pack $bf -side top -expand 0 -fill both -anchor nw pack [button $bf.[qid] -text "[_ "Quit"]" \ -command ::tooledit::bye] \ -side right -fill x -expand 1 if { ![info exists ::te(load,button)] && [sendaxis ping] && [sendaxis tool_table_filename] && "$::te(axis,filename)" == "$::te(filename)" } { tk appname $::te(axis,tooledit) set ::te(load,button) [button $bf.[qid] -text "[_ "ReLoadTable"]" \ -state disabled \ -command [list ::tooledit::sendaxis reload_tool_table]] pack $::te(load,button) -side right -fill x -expand 1 } pack [button $bf.[qid] -text "[_ "SaveFile"]" \ -command [list ::tooledit::writefile $::te(filename)]] \ -side right -fill x -expand 1 # pack [button $bf.[qid] -text "[_ "Check Entries"]" \ # -command [list ::tooledit::toolvalidate]] -side right -fill x -expand 1 pack [button $bf.[qid] -text "[_ "ReRead"]" \ -command ::tooledit::toolreread] -side right -fill x -expand 1 pack [button $bf.[qid] -text "[_ "AddTool"]" \ -command {::tooledit::makeline new}] -side right -fill x -expand 1 set bb [button $bf.[qid] -text "[_ "Delete"]"\ -command {::tooledit::deleteline}] pack $bb -side right -fill x -expand 1 set ::te(deletebutton) $bb checkdelete # message frame ------------------------------------------------- set mf [frame $::te(top).[qid]] pack $mf -side top -expand 0 -fill x set msg [label $mf.msg -anchor w] set ::te(msg,widget) $msg pack $msg -side top -expand 0 -fill x -anchor w update ;# wait for display before binding Configure events if [info exists ::te(top,restore,geometry)] { wm geometry $::te(top) $::te(top,restore,geometry) unset ::te(top,restore,geometry) } set ::te(top,geometry) [wm geometry $::te(top)] set ::te(top,height) [winfo height $::te(top)] # set min width so top cannot be disappeared inadvertently # set min height to initial wm minsize $::te(top) 100 $::te(top,height) bind $::te(top) {::tooledit::configure %W %w %h} wm deiconify $::te(top) } ;# tooledit proc ::tooledit::configure {W w h} { if {"$W" != "$::te(top)"} return if {"$W" == $::te(top) && $::te(top,geometry) != [wm geometry $::te(top)]} { set ::te(top,geometry) [wm geometry $::te(top)] set deltah [expr $h - $::te(top,height)] set fsize [$::te(scroll,frame) cget -height] if {[expr abs($deltah)] > $::te(hincr)} { $::te(scroll,frame) configure -height [expr $fsize + $deltah] set ::te(top,height) $h } } } ;# configure proc ::tooledit::message {mtype} { if ![info exists ::te(msg,widget)] return set w $::te(msg,widget) set dt [clock format [clock seconds]] switch $mtype { opened {$w conf -text "$dt: [format [_ "Opened %s"] $::te(filename)]" -fg darkblue} newfile {$w conf -text "$dt: [format [_ "Created %s"] $::te(filename)]" -fg darkblue} write {$w conf -text "$dt: [_ "File updated"]" -fg green4} modified {$w conf -text "$dt: [_ "File modified"]" -fg darkred} checke {$w conf -text "$dt: [_ "File check errors"]" -fg red} checkok {$w conf -text "$dt: [_ "File checked"]" -fg darkgreen} delete {$w conf -text "$dt: [_ "File items deleted"]" -fg cyan4} bogus {$w conf -text "$dt: [_ "Bogus lines in file ignored"]" -fg darkorange} verror {$w conf -text "$dt: [_ "File errors -- Check Entries"]" -fg red} changed {$w conf -text "$dt: [_ "Warning: File changed by another process"]" -fg red} filegone {$w conf -text "$dt: [_ "Warning: File deleted by another process"]" -fg red} newtool {$w conf -text "$dt: [_ "Added Tool"]" -fg green4 update idletasks $::te(scroll,frame) yview moveto 1.0 } isort {$w conf -text "$dt: [format [_ "Sorted by %s, increasing"] $::te(lastsort)]" -fg darkgreen} dsort {$w conf -text "$dt: [format [_ "Sorted by %s, decreasing"] $::te(lastsort)]" -fg darkgreen} } set ::te(msg,last) $mtype } ;# message proc ::tooledit::deleteline {} { set dct 0 catch {unset dlines} foreach item [array names ::te "parm,*,deleteme"] { if {$::te($item) == 1} { set i1 [expr 1 + [string first , $item]] set i2 [expr -1 + [string last , $item]] lappend dlines [string range $item $i1 $i2] } } if ![info exists dlines] continue foreach i $dlines { destroy $::te(entry,$i,frame); unset ::te(entry,$i,frame) incr dct if [info exists ::te(items)] { set idx [lsearch $::te(items) $i] if {$idx >= 0} { set ::te(items) [lreplace $::te(items) $idx $idx] } if {[string length $::te(items)] == 0} { unset ::te(items) } } foreach name [array names ::te parm,$i,*] { unset ::te($name) } } checkdelete if {$dct >0} { message delete} incr ::te(filemod) } ;# deleteline proc ::tooledit::makeline {ay_name} { if {"$ay_name" == "new"} { set new 1 set date "[_ "Added"] [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d]" foreach item {t p x y z a b c u v w d i j q} { set ay($item) "" } set ay(p) [_ "NEW"] ;# support translation of special entry item value set ay(t) [_ "NEW"] ;# support translation of special entry item value set ay(comment) "$date" after 0 {::tooledit::message newtool} } else { upvar $ay_name ay } set i $::te(lasti) set f [frame $::te(main,frame).[qid]] set ::te(entry,$i,frame) $f if {"$ay_name" == "new"} { pack $f -side top -expand 1 -fill x -anchor n } else { # caller must pack (use ::tooledit::repack) } lappend ::te(items) $i set ::te(parm,$i,tool) $ay(t) set ::te(parm,$i,poc) $ay(p) set ::te(parm,$i,x) $ay(x) set ::te(parm,$i,y) $ay(y) set ::te(parm,$i,z) $ay(z) set ::te(parm,$i,a) $ay(a) set ::te(parm,$i,b) $ay(b) set ::te(parm,$i,c) $ay(c) set ::te(parm,$i,u) $ay(u) set ::te(parm,$i,v) $ay(v) set ::te(parm,$i,w) $ay(w) set ::te(parm,$i,diam) $ay(d) set ::te(parm,$i,front) $ay(i) set ::te(parm,$i,back) $ay(j) set ::te(parm,$i,orien) $ay(q) set ::te(parm,$i,comment) [string trim $ay(comment)] pack [checkbutton $f.b -variable ::te(parm,$i,deleteme)\ -command "::tooledit::checkdelete"] -side left -expand 0 foreach h $::te(header) { set e 0;set j right;set v 1 if {"$h" == "comment"} {set e 1; set j left;set v 0} set ve [ventry $f $v ::te(parm,$i,$h) $::te($h,width) $e $j] if {[info exists new] && "$h" == "tool"} {set vefocus $ve} entrybindings $ve $h $i } incr ::te(lasti) if [info exists vefocus] { set ::te(restore,selectbackground) [$vefocus cget -selectbackground] set ::te(restore,selectforeground) [$vefocus cget -selectforeground] $vefocus configure -selectbackground white $vefocus configure -selectforeground red $vefocus selection to end focus $vefocus } } ;# makeline proc ::tooledit::entrybindings {e h i} { $e conf -takefocus 1 set ::te($i,$h,entry) $e bind $e "::tooledit::bindactions $h $i %K" bind $e "::tooledit::bindactions $h $i %K" bind $e "::tooledit::bindactions $h $i %K" bind $e "::tooledit::bindactions $h $i %K" } ;# entrybindings proc ::tooledit::bindactions {h i key args} { set nexth $h;set nexti $i; switch $key { Up { set nexti [expr $i -1] if {$nexti <0} { set nexti [expr $::te(lasti) -0] after 0 [list ::tooledit::bindactions $h $nexti $key] return } } Down { set nexti [expr $i + 1] if {$nexti >= $::te(lasti)} { set nexti -1 after 0 [list ::tooledit::bindactions $h $nexti $key] return } } Right { if {"$h" == "nosuch"} { set nextidx 0 } else { set idx [lsearch $::te(header) $h] set nextidx [expr $idx + 1] if {$nextidx >= [llength $::te(header)]} { after 0 [list ::tooledit::bindactions nosuch $nexti $key] return } } set nexth [lindex $::te(header) $nextidx] } Left { if {"$h" == "nosuch"} { set nextidx [expr [llength $::te(header)] -1] } else { set idx [lsearch $::te(header) $h] set nextidx [expr $idx + -1] if {$nextidx < 0} { after 0 [list ::tooledit::bindactions nosuch $nexti $key] return } } set nexth [lindex $::te(header) $nextidx] } } if [info exists ::te($nexti,$nexth,entry)] { $::te($nexti,$nexth,entry) selection to end focus $::te($nexti,$nexth,entry) } else { # frame has been deleted switch $key { Up - Down { set nexti [expr $nexti + 0] after 0 [list ::tooledit::bindactions $h $nexti $key] return } } } } ;# bindactions proc ::tooledit::checkdelete {} { set ct 0 foreach name [array names ::te parm,*,deleteme] { if {$::te($name) == 1} {incr ct} } if {$ct > 0} { $::te(deletebutton) conf -fg red -state normal } else { $::te(deletebutton) conf -fg black -state disabled } focus $::te(deletebutton) } ;# checkdelete proc ::tooledit::toolreread {} { set ::te(tooledit,geometry) [wm geometry $::te(top)] for {set i 0} {$i < $::te(lasti)} {incr i} { catch { destroy $::te(entry,$i,frame) unset ::te(entry,$i,frame) } ;# it may already be gone } set ::te(lasti) 0 # can be missing for some prior file open errors catch {unset ::te(items)} readfile $::te(filename) if [file exists $::te(filename)] {watch start} } ;# toolreread proc ::tooledit::writefile {filename} { if [toolvalidate] return ;# failed validation if [file exists $filename] { set backup $filename.bak file rename -force $filename $backup } set fd [open $filename w] if [info exists ::te(global,comments)] { foreach c $::te(global,comments) { puts $fd ";$c" } } # write to all populated header items (to preserve values if not displayed) set allheader [concat $::te(autocolumns) $::te(allcolumns) comment] foreach i $::te(items) { set line "" foreach h $allheader { set j "" set w $::te($h,width) # correct entries with leading zeros if {$h != "comment" && [string first 0 [string trim $::te(parm,$i,$h)]] == 0} { set ::te(parm,$i,$h) [format %g $::te(parm,$i,$h)] } set value [string trim $::te(parm,$i,$h)] if {"$value" != ""} { set line "$line $::te($h,tag)$value " } } puts $fd [string trim "$line"] } watch stop close $fd watch start message write set ::te(filemod) 0 } ;# writefile proc ::tooledit::toolvalidate {args} { set msg "" set silent 0 if {"$args" == "silent"} {set silent 1} if [info exists ::te(items)] { foreach i $::te(items) { foreach h $::te(header) { if {"$h" == "comment"} continue if ![isnumber $::te(parm,$i,$h)] { set nextmsg [format [_ "Tool %s, Column %s, parameter %s is not a number"] \ $::te(parm,$i,tool) $h $::te(parm,$i,$h)] if {[lsearch $msg $nextmsg] >= 0} continue lappend msg $nextmsg } switch -glob $h { tool* - poc* { if {![isinteger $::te(parm,$i,$h)] || [isnegative $::te(parm,$i,$h)]} { lappend msg [format [_ "Tool %s, parameter %s must be nonnegative integer"] \ $::te(parm,$i,tool) $h] } } orien* { if { "$::te(parm,$i,$h)" != "" \ && [lsearch {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} $::te(parm,$i,$h)] < 0} { lappend msg [format [_ "Tool %s: must be 0..9 integer"] \ $::te(parm,$i,tool)] } } front* - back* { if {![validangle $::te(parm,$i,$h)] } { lappend msg [format [_ "Tool %s: <%s> must be between -360 and 360"] \ $::te(parm,$i,tool) $h] } } } } } } # check for multiple uses of a single pocket if [info exists ::te(items)] { set pocs "" foreach i $::te(items) { set p $::te(parm,$i,poc) if { "$::te(tool_changer)" == "random" && [lsearch $pocs $p] >= 0 } { set nextmsg [format [_ "Pocket <%s> specified multiple times"] $p] if {[lsearch $msg $nextmsg] >= 0} continue lappend msg $nextmsg } else { lappend pocs $p } } } # check for multiple uses of a single tool if [info exists ::te(items)] { set tools "" foreach i $::te(items) { set t $::te(parm,$i,tool) if {[lsearch $tools $t] >= 0} { set nextmsg [format [_ "Tool <%s> specified multiple times"] $t] if {[lsearch $msg $nextmsg] >= 0} continue lappend msg $nextmsg } else { lappend tools $t } } } if {"$msg" != ""} { if {!$silent} {showerr $msg} message checke return 1 ;#fail } message checkok return 0 } ;# toolvalidate proc ::tooledit::showerr {msg} { set w .showerr catch {destroy $w} set w [toplevel $w] set l [label $w.l -justify left] set text "" set msg [lsort $msg] foreach item $msg {set text "$text\n$item"} $l configure -text $text pack $l -side top set b [button $w.b -text [_ "Dismiss"] -command "destroy $w"] pack $b -side top focus $b wm withdraw $w wm title $w [_ "Error"] update idletasks set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $w]/2 \ - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2 - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $w]]] set y [expr [winfo screenheight $w]/2 \ - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $w]]] wm geom $w +$x+$y wm deiconify $w } ;# showerr proc ::tooledit::bye {} { if $::te(filemod) { set ans [tk_messageBox \ -title "[_ "File Modified"]" \ -message "[_ "Save Modifications to File?"]" \ -detail $::te(filename) \ -type yesno] if {$ans == yes} { ::tooledit::writefile $::te(filename) } } catch {after cancel $::te(afterid)} if ![file exists ~/.tooleditrc] { # first time use presumed, instruct for configuring columns set used "" foreach item $::te(items) { foreach col $::te(allcolumns) { if {"$::te(parm,$item,$col)" != ""} {lappend used $col} } } # make used list unique: foreach item $used { set tmp($item) "" } set used [array names tmp] if { ![info exists ::te(user_specified_columns)] \ && ("$used" != "") \ && ([llength $used] < [llength $::te(allcolumns)]) } { set prog [file tail $::argv0] set msg "[format [_ "Only these columns are currently used:\n\n %s"] $used] \ \n\n[_ "Limit display to these columns by specifying"]:\ \n \[DISPLAY\]TOOL_EDITOR = $prog $used\ \n\n[_ "Format for ini file is"]:\ \n \[DISPLAY\]TOOL_EDITOR = $prog col_1 col_2 ... col_n\ \n\n[_ "For standalone use, invoke as"]:\ \n\n $prog col_1 col_2 ... col_n [_ "tool_table_filename"] " catch {destroy .msg} toplevel .msg set txt [text .msg.txt -width 80 -height 14] $txt insert end $msg pack $txt -side top -fill x -expand 0 pack [button .msg.b -text OK -command {destroy .msg}] -side top } update } while 1 { if ![winfo exists .msg] break after 1000 update } if [winfo exists $::te(top)] { set fd [open ~/.tooleditrc w] set time [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d.%H.%M.%S] puts $fd "# $time [format [_ "Created by %s"] [file normalize $::argv0]]" puts $fd "\n# [_ "Saved geometry (updated on program termination)"]:" puts $fd "set geometry [wm geometry $::te(top)]" close $fd destroy $::te(top) ;# for embedded usage } set ::tooledit::finis 1 ;# for standalone usage } ;# bye proc ::tooledit::sendaxis {cmd} { # return 1==>ok switch $cmd { ping { # must ping to see if axis is running and get its pwd if ![catch {set ::te(axis,pwd) [send axis pwd]} msg] {return 1 ;#ok} } tool_table_filename { set prog [file tail $::argv0] # check that tooledit opened with same filename as axis if [catch {set f [send axis inifindall EMCIO TOOL_TABLE]} msg] { return -code error "::tooledit::sendaxis tool_table_filename <$msg>" } if {[llength $f] > 1} { set f [lindex $f 0] ;# use first item specified for compatibility puts stderr [format [_ "%s: Axis inifile specifies multiple inifile items for: \[EMCIO\]TOOL_TABLE"] $prog] puts stderr [format [_ "%s: Using: %s"] $prog $f] } if {[file pathtype $f] == "relative"} { set f [file join $::te(axis,pwd) $f] } if [info exists ::te(axis,filename)] {return 1} ;# already done set ::te(axis,filename) [file normalize $f] if {"$::te(axis,filename)" == [file normalize $::te(filename)]} { return 1 ;# ok } else { set msg [format [_ "%s"] $::te(axis,filename)] set detail [format [_ "differs from the the ini specified file:\n%s"]\ $::te(filename)] tk_messageBox \ -title "[_ "Axis is Running"]" \ -message $msg \ -detail $detail \ -type ok } } check_for_reload { # use same test as axis for disabling: if [send axis {expr "$::task_state" == "$::STATE_ON"\ && "$::interp_state" == "$::INTERP_IDLE"}] { return 1 ;# ok } } reload_tool_table { if ![sendaxis check_for_reload] { showerr [list "[_ "Must be On and Idle to reload tool table"]"] return 0 ;# fail } ::tooledit::writefile $::te(filename) if [catch {send axis reload_tool_table} msg] { return -code error "::tooledit::sendaxis reload_tool_table <$msg>" } return 1 ;# ok } default {return -code error "::tooledit::sendaxis: unknown cmd <$cmd>"} } return 0 ;# fail } ;# sendaxis proc ::tooledit::repack { {entryname tool} {mode increasing} } { if ![info exist ::te(enable_column_sorting)] { foreach name [array names ::te entry*frame] { pack $::te($name) -side top -expand 1 -fill x -anchor n } return } set type $::te(type,$entryname) foreach item $::te(items) { set value $::te(parm,$item,$entryname) if { ( ("$type" == "real") || ("$type" == "integer") )\ && ( ("$value" == "" ) || ("$value" == "[_ "NEW"]") ) } { set value 0 } lappend parms $value lappend parms_i $item } foreach i $::te(items) { pack forget $::te(entry,$i,frame) } set indices [lsort -$type -$mode -indices $parms] foreach idx $indices { set i [lindex $parms_i $idx] pack $::te(entry,$i,frame) -side top -expand 1 -fill x -anchor n } } ;# repack proc ::tooledit::column_sort {e parm {initialize 0} } { if {$initialize || ![info exists ::te(columnsortorder)]} { set ::te(columnsortorder) increasing catch {$::te(lastsort,entry) configure -disabledforeground black} } else { if [info exists ::te(lastsort,entry)] { $::te(lastsort,entry) configure -disabledforeground black if {"$::te(lastsort,entry)" != "$e"} { set ::te(columnsortorder) decreasing } } if {"$::te(columnsortorder)" == "increasing"} { set ::te(columnsortorder) decreasing } else { set ::te(columnsortorder) increasing } } ::tooledit::repack $parm $::te(columnsortorder) if ![info exists ::te(enable_column_sorting)] return set ::te(lastsort,entry) $e set ::te(lastsort) [string toupper $parm] switch $::te(columnsortorder) { increasing { $e configure -disabledforeground blue ::tooledit::message isort } decreasing { $e configure -disabledforeground violetred ::tooledit::message dsort } } } ;# column_sort #------------------------------------------------------------------------ set ::te(allcolumns) {x y z a b c u v w diam front back orien} proc standalone_tooledit {args} { # configure for standalone usage: set ::te(standalone) 1 wm withdraw . if {[lindex $::argv 0] == ""} { set prog [file tail $::argv0] puts stderr "\n[_ "Usage"]:" puts stderr " $prog [_ "filename"]" puts stderr " $prog \[column_1 ... column_n\] [_ "filename"]" puts stderr "\n[format [_ "Allowed column_ names are: %s"] $::te(allcolumns)]" exit 1 } # start, unless already started (convenient for debug sourcing): if ![info exists ::te(top)] { # expect ::argv == [colname colname ...] filename set columns "" ;# default use all columns set argct [llength $::argv] switch $argct { 0 {#notreached puts stderr "$::argv0: [_ "Missing filename"]";exit 1} 1 {set filename $::argv} default {set filename [lindex $::argv end] set columns [lreplace $::argv end end] } } ::tooledit::tooledit $filename $columns tkwait variable ::tooledit::finis exit 0 } } ;# standalone_tooledit if {[info script] == $::argv0} standalone_tooledit