# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ # Crypto SQL # Copyright (c) 2011-2024 Michael Büsch # Licensed under the GNU/GPL version 2 or later. """ import functools import hashlib import math import os import re import secrets import sqlite3 as sql import zlib from libpwman.aes import AES from libpwman.argon2 import Argon2 from libpwman.fileobj import FileObj, FileObjCollection, FileObjError __all__ = [ "CSQLError", "CryptSQL", ] def decodeInt(buf, error, minValue=None, maxValue=None): """Decode bytes into a int as decimal representation. buf: Bytes buffer. error: Error message string, in case of conversion failure. minValue: The smallest allowed integer value. maxValue: The biggest allowed integer value. """ try: value = int(buf.decode("UTF-8"), 10) if minValue is not None and value < minValue: raise ValueError if maxValue is not None and value > maxValue: raise ValueError return value except (ValueError, UnicodeError) as e: raise CSQLError("%s: %s" % (error, buf.decode("UTF-8", "ignore"))) def decodeChoices(buf, error, choices): """Decode bytes into one of the possible choices strings. buf: Bytes buffer. error: Error message string, in case of conversion failure. choices: An iterable of possible strings. """ try: string = buf.decode("UTF-8") if string not in choices: raise ValueError return string except (ValueError, UnicodeError) as e: raise CSQLError("%s: %s" % (error, buf.decode("UTF-8", "ignore"))) class CSQLError(Exception): """CryptSQL exception. """ class CryptSQLCursor: """Encrypted SQL database cursor. """ def __init__(self, db): self.__db = db self.__c = db.cursor() def sqlExec(self, code, params=[]): """Execute one SQL statement. """ try: self.__c.execute(code, params) return self except (sql.Error, sql.DatabaseError) as e: raise CSQLError("Database error: " + str(e)) def sqlExecScript(self, code): """Execute multiple SQL statements. Warning: This implicitly commits pending transactions before executing. """ try: self.__c.executescript(code) return self except (sql.Error, sql.DatabaseError) as e: raise CSQLError("Database error: " + str(e)) def fetchOne(self): """Fetches the next row of a query result set. Returns a list of query results or None. See sqlite3.Cursor.fetchone for more details. """ try: return self.__c.fetchone() except (sql.Error, sql.DatabaseError) as e: raise CSQLError("Database error: " + str(e)) def fetchAll(self): """Fetches all rows of a query result. Returns a list of lists of query results or an empty list. See sqlite3.Cursor.fetchall for more details. """ try: return self.__c.fetchall() except (sql.Error, sql.DatabaseError) as e: raise CSQLError("Database error: " + str(e)) def lastRowID(self): """Get the rowid of the last modified row. Returns an int or None. See sqlite3.Cursor.lastrowid for more details. """ try: return self.__c.lastrowid except (sql.Error, sql.DatabaseError) as e: raise CSQLError("Database error: " + str(e)) class CryptSQL: """Encrypted SQL database. """ CSQL_HEADER = b"CryptSQL v1" # Argon2 KDF parameters. KDF_SALT_NBYTES = 19 KDF_THREADS = 7 KDF_MEM_BASE = 1024 * 24 KDF_MEM_CHUNK = 4 * KDF_THREADS DEFAULT_KDF_MEM = int(math.ceil(KDF_MEM_BASE / KDF_MEM_CHUNK)) * KDF_MEM_CHUNK DEFAULT_KDF_ITER = lambda kdfMem: int(math.ceil(4000000 / kdfMem)) KDF_MEMLIMIT = DEFAULT_KDF_MEM KDF_ITERLIMIT_A = lambda kdfMem: int(math.ceil(2500000 / kdfMem)) KDF_ITERLIMIT_B = 2 def __init__(self, readOnly=True): """readOnly: If True, no commit is possible. """ self.__readOnly = readOnly self.__db = None self.__filename = None self.__passphrase = None self.__kdfMemFile = 0 self.__key = None def getPassphrase(self): """Get the current passphrase string for encryption and decryption. """ try: return self.__passphrase.decode("UTF-8") except UnicodeError as e: raise CSQLError("Cannot UTF-8-decode passphrase.") def setPassphrase(self, passphrase): """Set a new passphrase string for encryption and decryption. """ assert isinstance(passphrase, str),\ "CryptSQL: Passphrase is not 'str'." try: self.__key = None self.__passphrase = passphrase.encode("UTF-8") except UnicodeError as e: raise CSQLError("Cannot UTF-8-encode passphrase.") def getKey(self): """Get the raw key. May be None, if there is none, yet. Do not use this. getPassphrase probably is what you want. """ return self.__key def setKey(self, key): """Set the raw key. Do not use this. setPassphrase probably is what you want. """ self.__key = key def getFilename(self): """Get the file path of the currently open database. May return None, if no database file is opened. """ return self.__filename def __parseFile(self, filename): """Read all data from 'filename' and decrypt it into memory. """ cls = self.__class__ try: fc = FileObjCollection.parseFile(filename) if fc is None: return # Get the file fields. head = fc.get( name=b"HEAD", error="Missing file header object", ) if head != cls.CSQL_HEADER: raise CSQLError("Invalid file header") cipher = fc.get( name=b"CIPHER", error="Missing CIPHER header object", ) cipherMode = fc.get( name=b"CIPHER_MODE", error="Missing CIPHER_MODE header object", ) cipherIV = fc.get( name=b"CIPHER_IV", error="Missing CIPHER_IV header object", ) keyLen = fc.get( name=b"KEY_LEN", error="Missing KEY_LEN header object", ) kdfMethod = fc.get( name=b"KDF_METHOD", error="Missing KDF_METHOD header object", ) kdfSalt = fc.get( name=b"KDF_SALT", error="Missing KDF_SALT header object", ) kdfIter = fc.get( name=b"KDF_ITER", error="Missing KDF_ITER header object", ) if kdfMethod == b"PBKDF2": kdfHash = fc.get( name=b"KDF_HASH", error="Missing KDF_HASH header object", ) kdfMac = fc.get( name=b"KDF_MAC", error="Missing KDF_MAC header object", ) elif kdfMethod == b"ARGON2": kdfType = fc.get( name=b"KDF_TYPE", error="Missing KDF_TYPE header object", ) kdfVer = fc.get( name=b"KDF_VER", error="Missing KDF_VER header object", ) kdfPar = fc.get( name=b"KDF_PAR", error="Missing KDF_PAR header object", ) kdfMem = fc.get( name=b"KDF_MEM", error="Missing KDF_MEM header object", ) compress = fc.get( name=b"COMPRESS", default=b"NONE", ) paddingMethod = fc.get( name=b"PADDING", default=b"PWMAN", ) payload = fc.get( name=b"PAYLOAD", error="Missing PAYLOAD object", ) # Check payload. if len(payload) < 1: raise CSQLError("Invalid PAYLOAD length: %d" % ( len(payload))) # Check the padding method. paddingMethod = decodeChoices( buf=paddingMethod, choices=("PWMAN", "PKCS7"), error="Unknown padding method header", ) # Check the cipher. cipher = decodeChoices( buf=cipher, choices=("AES",), error="Unknown CIPHER header value", ) cipherMode = decodeChoices( buf=cipherMode, choices=("CBC",), error="Unknown CIPHER_MODE header value", ) cipherBlockSize = AES.BLOCK_SIZE # Check the cipher IV. if len(cipherIV) != cipherBlockSize: raise CSQLError("Invalid CIPHER_IV header length: %d" % ( len(cipherIV))) # Check the cipher key length. keyLen = decodeChoices( buf=keyLen, choices=("256",), error="Unknown KEY_LEN header value", ) keyLen = int(keyLen) // 8 # Check the key derivation function salt. if len(kdfSalt) < 16: raise CSQLError("Invalid KDF_SALT header length: %d" % ( len(kdfSalt))) # Check the key derivation function iterations. kdfIter = decodeInt( buf=kdfIter, minValue=1, maxValue=((1 << 32) - 1), error="Invalid KDF_ITER header value", ) # Check the key derivation function. kdfMethod = decodeChoices( buf=kdfMethod, choices=("PBKDF2", "ARGON2"), error="Unknown KDF_METHOD header value", ) if kdfMethod == "PBKDF2": kdfHash = decodeChoices( buf=kdfHash, choices=("SHA256", "SHA512", "SHA3-512"), error="Unknown KDF_HASH header value", ) kdfMac = decodeChoices( buf=kdfMac, choices=("HMAC",), error="Unknown KDF_MAC header value", ) kdf = lambda: hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac( hash_name=kdfHash, password=self.__passphrase, salt=kdfSalt, iterations=kdfIter, dklen=keyLen, ) elif kdfMethod == "ARGON2": kdfType = decodeChoices( buf=kdfType, choices=("ID",), error="Unknown KDF_TYPE header value", ) kdfVer = decodeChoices( buf=kdfVer, choices=(str(0x13), ), error="Unknown KDF_VER header value", ) kdfPar = decodeInt( buf=kdfPar, minValue=1, maxValue=((1 << 24) - 1), error="Invalid KDF_PAR header value", ) kdfMem = decodeInt( buf=kdfMem, minValue=(8 * kdfPar), maxValue=((1 << 32) - 1), error="Invalid KDF_MEM header value", ) kdf = lambda: Argon2.get().argon2id_v1p3( passphrase=self.__passphrase, salt=kdfSalt, timeCost=kdfIter, memCost=kdfMem, parallel=kdfPar, keyLen=keyLen, ) self.__kdfMemFile = kdfMem else: assert False # Check the compression method. compress = decodeChoices( buf=compress, choices=("NONE", "ZLIB"), error="Unknown COMPRESS header value", ) try: # Generate the key. key = kdf() if self.__key is None else self.__key except Exception as e: raise CSQLError("Failed to generate decryption key: %s: %s" % ( type(e), str(e))) try: # Decrypt the payload. payload = AES.get().decrypt( key=key, iv=cipherIV, data=payload, legacyPadding=(paddingMethod == "PWMAN")) # Decompress the payload (legacy). if compress == "ZLIB": payload = zlib.decompress(payload) # Import the SQL database. self.importSqlScript(payload.decode("UTF-8")) # Store the raw key. self.__key = key except Exception as e: raise CSQLError("Failed to decrypt database. " "Wrong passphrase?") except FileObjError as e: raise CSQLError("Database file error: %s" % str(e)) def isOpen(self): """Returns True, if a database file is opened. """ return self.__db is not None def open(self, filename): """Open a database file and decrypt its contents into memory. filename: The database file path. """ if self.isOpen(): raise CSQLError("A database is already open") self.__db = sql.connect(":memory:") self.setRegexpFlags() self.sqlCreateFunction("regexp", 2, self._sqlRegexpMatch) try: self.__parseFile(filename) except CSQLError as e: self.close() raise e self.__filename = filename def close(self): """Close the currently opened database. This does not commit. All uncommitted changes are lost. """ self.__db = None self.__filename = None self.__passphrase = None self.__kdfMemFile = 0 def __random(self, nrBytes): """Return cryptographically secure random bytes. nrBytes: The number of bytes to return. """ if nrBytes <= 0: raise CSQLError("__random(): Invalid number of random bytes.") data = secrets.token_bytes(nrBytes) if len(data) != nrBytes: raise CSQLError("__random(): Sanity check failed (length).") if functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, data) == 0: raise CSQLError("__random(): Sanity check failed (zero).") if functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, data) == 0xFF: raise CSQLError("__random(): Sanity check failed (ones).") return data def dropUncommitted(self): """Drop all changes that are not committed, yet. """ self.__db.rollback() def commit(self): """Write all changes to the encrypted database file. """ cls = self.__class__ if self.__readOnly: raise CSQLError("The database is read-only. " "Cannot commit changes.") if not self.__db or not self.__filename: raise CSQLError("Database is not open") # Cleanup the database. self.sqlVacuum() # Get the KDF parameters. kdfSalt = self.__random(cls.KDF_SALT_NBYTES) kdfMem = cls.DEFAULT_KDF_MEM kdfMemUser = os.getenv("PWMAN_ARGON2MEM", "").lower().strip() if kdfMemUser: # User override. try: kdfMem = int(kdfMemUser, 10) except ValueError: raise CSQLError("The value of the environment variable " "PWMAN_ARGON2MEM is invalid.") else: # By default never reduce the memory cost, # if the file already uses a higher cost. kdfMem = max(kdfMem, self.__kdfMemFile) kdfMem = max(kdfMem, cls.KDF_MEMLIMIT) kdfIter = cls.DEFAULT_KDF_ITER(kdfMem) kdfIterUser = os.getenv("PWMAN_ARGON2TIME", "").lower().strip() if kdfIterUser: # User override. try: kdfIter = int(kdfIterUser, 10) except ValueError: raise CSQLError("The value of the environment variable " "PWMAN_ARGON2TIME is invalid.") kdfIter = max(kdfIter, cls.KDF_ITERLIMIT_A(kdfMem)) kdfIter = max(kdfIter, cls.KDF_ITERLIMIT_B) kdfPar = cls.KDF_THREADS keyLen = 256 // 8 try: # Generate the key. key = Argon2.get().argon2id_v1p3( passphrase=self.__passphrase, salt=kdfSalt, timeCost=kdfIter, memCost=kdfMem, parallel=kdfPar, keyLen=keyLen, ) except Exception as e: raise CSQLError("Failed to generate the encryption key: %s" % str(e)) # Dump the database payload = self.sqlPlainDump() try: # Encrypt payload cipherIV = self.__random(AES.BLOCK_SIZE) payload = AES.get().encrypt( key=key, iv=cipherIV, data=payload, ) except Exception as e: raise CSQLError("Failed to encrypt: %s" % str(e)) try: # Assemble file objects fc = FileObjCollection(( FileObj(b"HEAD", cls.CSQL_HEADER), FileObj(b"CIPHER", b"AES"), FileObj(b"CIPHER_MODE", b"CBC"), FileObj(b"CIPHER_IV", cipherIV), FileObj(b"KEY_LEN", str(keyLen * 8).encode("UTF-8")), FileObj(b"KDF_METHOD", b"ARGON2"), FileObj(b"KDF_TYPE", b"ID"), FileObj(b"KDF_VER", str(0x13).encode("UTF-8")), FileObj(b"KDF_SALT", kdfSalt), FileObj(b"KDF_ITER", str(kdfIter).encode("UTF-8")), FileObj(b"KDF_MEM", str(kdfMem).encode("UTF-8")), FileObj(b"KDF_PAR", str(kdfPar).encode("UTF-8")), FileObj(b"PADDING", b"PKCS7"), FileObj(b"PAYLOAD", payload), )) # Write to the file self.__key = None fc.writeFile(self.__filename) self.__key = key except FileObjError as e: raise CSQLError("File error: %s" % str(e)) def setRegexpFlags(self, search=True, ignoreCase=True, multiLine=True, dotAll=True): """Change the behavior of the REGEXP operator. """ if search: self._regexpMatch = re.search else: self._regexpMatch = re.match self._regexpFlags = 0 if ignoreCase: self._regexpFlags |= re.IGNORECASE if multiLine: self._regexpFlags |= re.MULTILINE if dotAll: self._regexpFlags |= re.DOTALL def _sqlRegexpMatch(self, pattern, string): """Default implementation of the REGEXP operator. """ return 0 if self._regexpMatch(pattern, string, self._regexpFlags) is None else 1 def sqlVacuum(self): """Run the SQL VACUUM statement. This also commits all changes to the SQL database, but not to the database file. """ self.__db.commit() self.sqlExec("VACUUM;") self.__db.commit() def sqlExec(self, code, params=[]): """Execute one SQL statement. """ return CryptSQLCursor(self.__db).sqlExec(code, params) def sqlExecScript(self, code): """Execute multiple SQL statements. Warning: This implicitly commits pending transactions before executing. """ return CryptSQLCursor(self.__db).sqlExecScript(code) def sqlCreateFunction(self, name, nrParams, func): """Create an SQL function. See sqlite3.Connection.create_function for more details. """ self.__db.create_function(name, nrParams, func) def sqlIsEmpty(self): """Returns True, if the database does not contain any tables. """ c = self.sqlExec("ANALYZE;") tbl = c.sqlExec("SELECT tbl FROM sqlite_stat1;").fetchOne() return not bool(tbl) def sqlPlainDump(self): """Get a plain text dump of the database. Returns bytes. """ return ("\n".join(self.__db.iterdump())).encode("UTF-8") def importSqlScript(self, script, clear=True): """Imports a plain text dump into the database. script: The script string to import. clear: If True, drop all tables from the database before importing. """ if clear: self.dropAllTables() self.sqlExecScript(script) def dropAllTables(self): """Drop all tables from the database. """ c = self.sqlExec("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master " "WHERE type='table';") for table in c.fetchAll(): table = table[0] if table != "sqlite_sequence": self.sqlExec("DROP TABLE %s" % table)