""" # # PROFIBUS - GSD file interpreter # # Copyright (c) 2016 Michael Buesch # # Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, # or (at your option) any later version. # """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from pyprofibus.gsd.parser import GsdParser, GsdError from pyprofibus.dp import DpCfgDataElement import difflib class GsdInterp(GsdParser): """GSD file/data interpreter. """ def __init__(self, text, filename = None, debug = False): super(GsdInterp, self).__init__(text, filename, debug) self.__configMods = [] self.__addPresetModules(onlyFixed = False) def __interpErr(self, errorText): raise GsdError("GSD '%s': %s" % ( self.getFileName() or "", errorText)) def __interpWarn(self, errorText): if not self.debugEnabled(): return print("Warning in GSD '%s': %s" % ( self.getFileName() or "", errorText)) @staticmethod def __findInSequence(sequence, findName, getItemName): if not sequence: return None nameLower = findName.lower().strip() # Check if there's only one matching exactly. matches = [ item for item in sequence if findName == getItemName(item) ] if len(matches) == 1: return matches[0] # Check if there's only one matching exactly (case insensitive). matches = [ item for item in sequence if nameLower == getItemName(item).lower().strip() ] if len(matches) == 1: return matches[0] # Check if there's only one matching at the start. matches = [ item for item in sequence if getItemName(item).lower().strip().startswith(nameLower) ] if len(matches) == 1: return matches[0] # Fuzzy match. matches = difflib.get_close_matches( findName, ( getItemName(item) for item in sequence ), n = 1) if matches: matches = [ item for item in sequence if getItemName(item) == matches[0] ] if matches: return matches[0] return None def findModule(self, name): """Find a module by name. Returns a _Module instance, if found. None otherwise. """ return self.__findInSequence(self.getField("Module"), name, lambda module: module.name) def __addPresetModules(self, onlyFixed = False): if not self.getField("FixPresetModules", False) and\ onlyFixed: return for mod in self.getField("Module", []): if mod.getField("Preset", False): self.__configMods.append(mod) def clearConfiguredModules(self): """Remove all configured modules. This also removes all preset modules, except for the fixed preset mods. """ self.__configMods = [] self.__addPresetModules(onlyFixed = True) def setConfiguredModule(self, moduleName, index = -1, force = False): """Set a configured module that is plugged into the device. If index>=0 then set the module at the specified index. If index<0 then append the module. If moduleName is None then the module is removed. """ if not self.isModular() and not force: self.__interpErr("Trying to configure modules, " "but station is non-modular.") if index >= 0 and index < len(self.__configMods) and\ self.getField("FixPresetModules", False) and\ self.__configMods[index].getField("Preset", False): self.__interpErr("Not modifying fixed preset module " "at index %d." % index) if moduleName is None: if index >= 0 and index < len(self.__configMods): self.__configMods.pop(index) else: self.__interpErr("Module index %d out of range." % ( index)) else: mod = self.findModule(moduleName) if not mod: self.__interpErr("Module '%s' not found in GSD." % ( moduleName)) if index < 0 or index >= len(self.__configMods): self.__configMods.append(mod) else: self.__configMods[index] = mod def isModular(self): """Returns True, if this is a modular device. """ return self.getField("Modular_Station", False) def isDPV1(self): """Returns True, if this is a DPV1 slave. """ return self.getField("DPV1_Slave", False) def getCfgDataElements(self): """Get a tuple of config data elements (DpCfgDataElement) for this station with the configured modules. """ elems = [] for mod in self.__configMods: elems.append(DpCfgDataElement( mod.configBytes[0], mod.configBytes[1:])) return elems def getUserPrmData(self, dp1PrmMask = None, dp1PrmSet = None): """Get a bytearray of User_Prm_Data for this station with the configured modules. dp1PrmMask/Set: Optional mask/set override for the DPV1 prm. """ def merge(baseData, extData, offset): if extData is not None: baseData[offset : len(extData) + offset] = extData def trunc(data, length, fieldname, extend = True): if length is not None: if extend: data.extend((0,) * (length - len(data))) if len(data) > length: self.__interpWarn("User_Prm_Data " "truncated by %s" % fieldname) data[:] = data[0:length] # Get the global data. data = self.getField("User_Prm_Data", bytearray()) trunc(data, self.getField("User_Prm_Data_Len"), "User_Prm_Data_Len") for dataConst in self.getField("Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const", []): merge(data, dataConst.dataBytes, dataConst.offset) # Append the module parameter data. for mod in self.__configMods: modData = bytearray() for dataConst in mod.getField("Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const", []): merge(modData, dataConst.dataBytes, dataConst.offset) trunc(modData, mod.getField("Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len"), "Ext_Module_Prm_Data_Len") # Add to global data. data += modData if self.isDPV1(): assert((dp1PrmMask is None and dp1PrmSet is None) or\ (dp1PrmMask is not None and dp1PrmSet is not None)) if dp1PrmMask is not None: assert(len(dp1PrmMask) == 3 and len(dp1PrmSet) == 3) if len(data) < 3: self.__interpErr("DPv1 User_Prm_Data is " "shorter than 3 bytes.") # Apply the DPv1 prm override. for i in range(3): data[i] = (data[i] & ~dp1PrmMask[i]) |\ (dp1PrmSet[i] & dp1PrmMask[i]) elif dp1PrmMask is not None: self.__interpWarn("DPv1 User_Prm_Data override ignored") trunc(data, self.getField("Max_User_Prm_Data_Len"), "Max_User_Prm_Data_Len", False) return data def getIdentNumber(self): """Get the ident number. """ ident = self.getField("Ident_Number") if ident is None: self.__interpErr("No Ident_Number in GSD.") return ident def __str__(self): text = [] if self.getFileName(): text.append("File: %s\n" %\ self.getFileName()) vendor = self.getField("Vendor_Name", "") model = self.getField("Model_Name", "") rev = self.getField("Revision", "") ident = self.getField("Ident_Number") text.append("Device: %s; %s; %s; Ident %s\n" % ( vendor, model, rev, ("0x%04X" % ident) if ident is not None else "-")) order = self.getField("OrderNumber") if order: text.append("Order number: %s\n" % order) for module in self.getField("Module"): if module.getField("Preset"): continue text.append("Available module: \"%s\"\n" % module.name) return "".join(text)