from pyprofibus.compat import * import time PARITY_EVEN = "E" PARITY_ODD = "O" STOPBITS_ONE = 1 STOPBITS_TWO = 2 class SerialException(Exception): pass class Serial(object): def __init__(self): self.__isMicropython = isMicropython self.port = "/dev/ttyS0" self.__portNum = None self.baudrate = 9600 self.bytesize = 8 self.parity = PARITY_EVEN self.stopbits = STOPBITS_ONE self.timeout = 0 self.xonxoff = False self.rtscts = False self.dsrdtr = False self.__lowlevel = None def open(self): if self.__isMicropython: port = self.port for sub in ("/dev/ttyS", "/dev/ttyUSB", "/dev/ttyACM", "COM", "UART", ): port = port.replace(sub, "") try: self.__portNum = int(port.strip()) except ValueError: raise SerialException("Invalid port: %s" % self.port) try: import machine self.__lowlevel = machine.UART( self.__portNum, self.baudrate, self.bytesize, 0 if self.parity == PARITY_EVEN else 1, 1 if self.stopbits == STOPBITS_ONE else 2) print("Opened machine.UART(%d)" % self.__portNum) except Exception as e: raise SerialException("UART%d: Failed to open:\n%s" % ( self.__portNum, str(e))) return raise NotImplementedError def close(self): if self.__isMicropython: try: if self.__lowlevel is not None: self.__lowlevel.deinit() self.__lowlevel = None print("Closed machine.UART(%d)" % self.__portNum) except Exception as e: raise SerialException("UART%d: Failed to close:\n%s" % ( self.__portNum, str(e))) return raise NotImplementedError def write(self, data): if self.__isMicropython: try: self.__lowlevel.write(data) except Exception as e: raise SerialException("UART%d write(%d bytes) failed: %s" % ( self.__portNum, len(data), str(e))) return raise NotImplementedError def read(self, size=1): if self.__isMicropython: try: data = if data is None: return b"" return data except Exception as e: raise SerialException("UART%d read(%d bytes) failed: %s" % ( self.__portNum, size, str(e))) raise NotImplementedError def flushInput(self): if self.__isMicropython: while self.__lowlevel.any(): return raise NotImplementedError def flushOutput(self): if self.__isMicropython: time.sleep(0.01) return raise NotImplementedError