""" # Razer device configuration # High level user interface library # # This library connects to the lowlevel 'razerd' system daemon. # # Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. """ import sys if sys.version_info[0] != 3: print("Python %d is not supported by razercfg." % sys.version_info[0]) print("Please install Python 3.x") sys.exit(1) import socket import select import hashlib import struct RAZER_VERSION = "0.39" class RazerEx(Exception): "Exception thrown by pyrazer code." __be32_struct = struct.Struct(">I") __be16_struct = struct.Struct(">H") def razer_be32_to_int(be32, offset=0): return __be32_struct.unpack_from(be32, offset)[0] def razer_be16_to_int(be16, offset=0): return __be16_struct.unpack_from(be16, offset)[0] def razer_int_to_be32(integer): return __be32_struct.pack(integer) def razer_int_to_be16(integer): return __be16_struct.pack(integer) def razer_str2bool(string): string = string.lower().strip() if string in ["no", "off", "false"]: return False if string in ["yes", "on", "true"]: return True try: return bool(int(string)) except ValueError as e: pass raise ValueError class RazerDevId(object): "devid parser" DEVTYPE_UNKNOWN = "Unknown" DEVTYPE_MOUSE = "Mouse" BUSTYPE_UNKNOWN = "Unknown" BUSTYPE_USB = "USB" def __init__(self, devid): self.devtype = self.DEVTYPE_UNKNOWN self.bustype = self.BUSTYPE_UNKNOWN self.buspos = "" self.devname = "" self.devid = "" try: id = devid.split(':') self.devtype = id[0] self.devname = id[1] bus = id[2].split('-') self.bustype = bus[0] self.buspos = bus[1] if len(bus) >= 3: self.buspos += "-" + bus[2] self.devid = id[3] except IndexError: pass def getDevType(self): "Returns DEVTYPE_..." return self.devtype def getBusType(self): "Returns BUSTYPE_..." return self.bustype def getBusPosition(self): "Returns the bus position ID string" return self.buspos def getDevName(self): "Returns the device name string" return self.devname def getDevId(self): "Returns the device ID string" return self.devid class RazerRGB(object): "An RGB color" def __init__(self, r, g, b): self.r = r self.g = g self.b = b @classmethod def fromU32(cls, u32): return cls(r=(u32 >> 16) & 0xFF, g=(u32 >> 8) & 0xFF, b=(u32 >> 0) & 0xFF) def toU32(self): return ((self.r & 0xFF) << 16) |\ ((self.g & 0xFF) << 8) |\ ((self.b & 0xFF) << 0) @classmethod def fromString(cls, string): string = string.strip().lstrip("#") if len(string) != 6: raise ValueError return cls(r=int(string[0:2], 16), g=int(string[2:4], 16), b=int(string[4:6], 16)) class RazerLEDMode(object): "Representation of LED mode" LED_MODE_STATIC = 0 LED_MODE_SPECTRUM = 1 LED_MODE_BREATHING = 2 LED_MODE_WAVE = 3 LED_MODE_REACTION = 4 def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def toString(self): return { self.LED_MODE_STATIC: 'static', self.LED_MODE_SPECTRUM: 'spectrum', self.LED_MODE_BREATHING: 'breathing', self.LED_MODE_WAVE: 'wave', self.LED_MODE_REACTION: 'reaction' }[self.val] @classmethod def listFromSupportedModes(cls, mask): modes = [] for mode in (cls.LED_MODE_STATIC, cls.LED_MODE_SPECTRUM, cls.LED_MODE_BREATHING, cls.LED_MODE_WAVE, cls.LED_MODE_REACTION): if mask & (1 << mode): modes.append(cls(mode)) return modes @classmethod def fromString(cls, string): return { 'static': cls(cls.LED_MODE_STATIC), 'spectrum': cls(cls.LED_MODE_SPECTRUM), 'breathing': cls(cls.LED_MODE_BREATHING), 'wave': cls(cls.LED_MODE_WAVE), 'reaction': cls(cls.LED_MODE_REACTION) }[string] class RazerLED(object): "LED representation" def __init__(self, profileId, name, state, mode, supported_modes, color, canChangeColor): self.profileId = profileId self.name = name self.state = state self.mode = mode self.supported_modes = supported_modes self.color = color self.canChangeColor = canChangeColor class RazerDpiMapping(object): "DPI mapping" def __init__(self, id, res, profileMask, mutable): self.id = id self.res = res self.profileMask = profileMask self.mutable = mutable class Razer(object): SOCKET_PATH = "/var/run/razerd/socket" PRIVSOCKET_PATH = "/var/run/razerd/socket.privileged" INTERFACE_REVISION = 6 COMMAND_MAX_SIZE = 512 COMMAND_HDR_SIZE = 1 BULK_CHUNK_SIZE = 128 RAZER_IDSTR_MAX_SIZE = 128 RAZER_LEDNAME_MAX_SIZE = 64 RAZER_NR_DIMS = 3 COMMAND_ID_GETREV = 0 # Get the revision number of the socket interface. COMMAND_ID_RESCANMICE = 1 # Rescan mice. COMMAND_ID_GETMICE = 2 # Get a list of detected mice. COMMAND_ID_GETFWVER = 3 # Get the firmware rev of a mouse. COMMAND_ID_SUPPFREQS = 4 # Get a list of supported frequencies. COMMAND_ID_SUPPRESOL = 5 # Get a list of supported resolutions. COMMAND_ID_SUPPDPIMAPPINGS = 6 # Get a list of supported DPI mappings. COMMAND_ID_CHANGEDPIMAPPING = 7 # Modify a DPI mapping. COMMAND_ID_GETDPIMAPPING = 8 # Get the active DPI mapping for a profile. COMMAND_ID_SETDPIMAPPING = 9 # Set the active DPI mapping for a profile. COMMAND_ID_GETLEDS = 10 # Get a list of LEDs on the device. COMMAND_ID_SETLED = 11 # Set the state of a LED. COMMAND_ID_GETFREQ = 12 # Get the current frequency. COMMAND_ID_SETFREQ = 13 # Set the frequency. COMMAND_ID_GETPROFILES = 14 # Get a list of supported profiles. COMMAND_ID_GETACTIVEPROF = 15 # Get the active profile. COMMAND_ID_SETACTIVEPROF = 16 # Set the active profile. COMMAND_ID_SUPPBUTTONS = 17 # Get a list of physical buttons. COMMAND_ID_SUPPBUTFUNCS = 18 # Get a list of supported button functions. COMMAND_ID_GETBUTFUNC = 19 # Get the current function of a button. COMMAND_ID_SETBUTFUNC = 20 # Set the current function of a button. COMMAND_ID_SUPPAXES = 21 # Get a list of supported axes. COMMAND_ID_RECONFIGMICE = 22 # Reconfigure all mice COMMAND_ID_GETMOUSEINFO = 23 # Get detailed information about a mouse COMMAND_ID_GETPROFNAME = 24 # Get a profile name. COMMAND_ID_SETPROFNAME = 25 # Set a profile name. COMMAND_PRIV_FLASHFW = 128 # Upload and flash a firmware image COMMAND_PRIV_CLAIM = 129 # Claim the device. COMMAND_PRIV_RELEASE = 130 # Release the device. # Replies to commands REPLY_ID_U32 = 0 # An unsigned 32bit integer. REPLY_ID_STR = 1 # A string # Notifications. These go through the reply channel. __NOTIFY_ID_FIRST = 128 NOTIFY_ID_NEWMOUSE = 128 # New mouse was connected. NOTIFY_ID_DELMOUSE = 129 # A mouse was removed. # String encodings STRING_ENC_ASCII = 0 STRING_ENC_UTF8 = 1 STRING_ENC_UTF16BE = 2 ERR_NONE = 0 ERR_CMDSIZE = 1 ERR_NOMEM = 2 ERR_NOMOUSE = 3 ERR_NOLED = 4 ERR_CLAIM = 5 ERR_FAIL = 6 ERR_PAYLOAD = 7 ERR_NOTSUPP = 8 errorToStringMap = { ERR_NONE : "Success", ERR_CMDSIZE : "Invalid command size", ERR_NOMEM : "Out of memory", ERR_NOMOUSE : "Could not find mouse", ERR_NOLED : "Could not find LED", ERR_CLAIM : "Failed to claim device", ERR_FAIL : "Failure", ERR_PAYLOAD : "Payload error", ERR_NOTSUPP : "Operation not supported", } # Axis flags RAZER_AXIS_INDEPENDENT_DPIMAPPING = (1 << 0) # Mouseinfo flags MOUSEINFOFLG_RESULTOK = (1 << 0) # Other flags are ok, if this is set. MOUSEINFOFLG_GLOBAL_LEDS = (1 << 1) # The device has global LEDs. MOUSEINFOFLG_PROFILE_LEDS = (1 << 2) # The device has per-profile LEDs. MOUSEINFOFLG_GLOBAL_FREQ = (1 << 3) # The device has global frequency settings. MOUSEINFOFLG_PROFILE_FREQ = (1 << 4) # The device has per-profile frequency settings. MOUSEINFOFLG_PROFNAMEMUTABLE = (1 << 5) # Profile names can be changed. MOUSEINFOFLG_SUGGESTFWUP = (1 << 6) # A firmware update is suggested. # LED flags LED_FLAG_HAVECOLOR = (1 << 0) LED_FLAG_CHANGECOLOR = (1 << 1) # Special profile ID PROFILE_INVALID = 0xFFFFFFFF @staticmethod def strerror(errno): try: errstr = Razer.errorToStringMap[errno] except KeyError: errstr = "Unknown error" return "Errorcode %d: %s" % (errno, errstr) def __init__(self, enableNotifications=False): "Connect to razerd." self.enableNotifications = enableNotifications self.notifications = [] try: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect(self.SOCKET_PATH) except socket.error as e: raise RazerEx("Failed to connect to razerd socket: %s" % e) try: self.privsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.privsock.connect(self.PRIVSOCKET_PATH) except socket.error as e: self.privsock = None # No privileged access self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_GETREV) rev = self.__recvU32() if (rev != self.INTERFACE_REVISION): additional = "" if rev < self.INTERFACE_REVISION: additional = "\nThe running razerd is too old. " \ "Try to delete all razerd binaries and " \ "re-install the razercfg package." raise RazerEx("Incompatible razerd daemon socket interface revision.\n" "razerd reported revision %u, but we expected revision %u." "%s" %\ (rev, self.INTERFACE_REVISION, additional)) def __constructCommand(self, commandId, idstr, payload): cmd = bytes((commandId,)) idstr = idstr.encode("UTF-8") idstr += b'\0' * (self.RAZER_IDSTR_MAX_SIZE - len(idstr)) cmd += idstr cmd += payload cmd += b'\0' * (self.COMMAND_MAX_SIZE - len(cmd)) return cmd def __send(self, data): self.sock.sendall(data) def __sendPrivileged(self, data): try: self.privsock.sendall(data) except (socket.error, AttributeError) as e: raise RazerEx("Privileged command failed. Do you have permission?") def __sendBulkPrivileged(self, data): for i in range(0, len(data), self.BULK_CHUNK_SIZE): chunk = data[i : i + self.BULK_CHUNK_SIZE] self.__sendPrivileged(chunk) result = self.__recvU32Privileged() if result != 0: raise RazerEx("Privileged bulk write failed. %u" % result) def __sendCommand(self, commandId, idstr="", payload=b""): cmd = self.__constructCommand(commandId, idstr, payload) self.__send(cmd) def __sendPrivilegedCommand(self, commandId, idstr="", payload=b""): cmd = self.__constructCommand(commandId, idstr, payload) self.__sendPrivileged(cmd) def __handleReceivedMessage(self, packet): id = packet[0] if id < self.__NOTIFY_ID_FIRST: raise RazerEx("Received unhandled packet %u" % id) if self.enableNotifications: self.notifications.append(packet) def __receive(self, sock): "Receive the next message. This will block until a message arrives." hdrlen = 1 hdr = sock.recv(hdrlen) id = hdr[0] payload = None if id == self.REPLY_ID_U32: payload = razer_be32_to_int(sock.recv(4)) elif id == self.REPLY_ID_STR: encoding = sock.recv(1)[0] strlen = razer_be16_to_int(sock.recv(2)) if encoding == self.STRING_ENC_ASCII: nrbytes = strlen decode = lambda pl: pl.decode("ASCII") elif encoding == self.STRING_ENC_UTF8: nrbytes = strlen decode = lambda pl: pl.decode("UTF-8") elif encoding == self.STRING_ENC_UTF16BE: nrbytes = strlen * 2 decode = lambda pl: pl.decode("UTF-16-BE") else: raise RazerEx("Received invalid string encoding %d" %\ encoding) payload = sock.recv(nrbytes) if nrbytes else b"" try: payload = decode(payload) except UnicodeError as e: raise RazerEx("Unicode decode error in received payload") elif id == self.NOTIFY_ID_NEWMOUSE: pass elif id == self.NOTIFY_ID_DELMOUSE: pass else: raise RazerEx("Received unknown message (id=%u)" % id) return (id, payload) def __receiveExpectedMessage(self, sock, expectedId): """Receive messages until the expected one appears. Unexpected messages will be handled by __handleReceivedMessage. This function returns the payload of the expected message.""" while 1: id, payload = self.__receive(sock) if id == expectedId: break else: self.__handleReceivedMessage((id, payload)) return payload def __recvU32(self): "Receive an expected REPLY_ID_U32" return self.__receiveExpectedMessage(self.sock, self.REPLY_ID_U32) def __recvU32Privileged(self): "Receive an expected REPLY_ID_U32 on the privileged socket" try: return self.__receiveExpectedMessage(self.privsock, self.REPLY_ID_U32) except (socket.error, AttributeError) as e: raise RazerEx("Privileged recvU32 failed. Do you have permission?") def __recvString(self): "Receive an expected REPLY_ID_STR" return self.__receiveExpectedMessage(self.sock, self.REPLY_ID_STR) def pollNotifications(self): "Returns a list of pending notifications (id, payload)" if not self.enableNotifications: raise RazerEx("Polled notifications while notifications were disabled") while 1: res = select.select([self.sock], [], [], 0.001) if not res[0]: break pack = self.__receive(self.sock) self.__handleReceivedMessage(pack) notifications = self.notifications self.notifications = [] return notifications def rescanMice(self): "Send the command to rescan for mice to the daemon." self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_RESCANMICE) def rescanDevices(self): "Rescan for new devices." self.rescanMice() def getMice(self): "Returns a list of ID-strings for the detected mice." self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_GETMICE) count = self.__recvU32() mice = [] for i in range(0, count): mice.append(self.__recvString()) return mice def getMouseInfo(self, idstr): "Get detailed information about a mouse" self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_GETMOUSEINFO, idstr) flags = self.__recvU32() if (flags & self.MOUSEINFOFLG_RESULTOK) == 0: raise RazerEx("Failed to get mouseinfo for " + idstr) return flags def reconfigureMice(self): "Reconfigure all mice." self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_RECONFIGMICE) def reconfigureDevices(self): "Reconfigure all devices." self.reconfigureMice() def getFwVer(self, idstr): "Returns the firmware version. The returned value is a tuple (major, minor)." self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_GETFWVER, idstr) rawVer = self.__recvU32() return ((rawVer >> 8) & 0xFF, rawVer & 0xFF) def getSupportedFreqs(self, idstr): "Returns a list of supported frequencies for a mouse." self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_SUPPFREQS, idstr) count = self.__recvU32() freqs = [] for i in range(0, count): freqs.append(self.__recvU32()) return freqs def getCurrentFreq(self, idstr, profileId=PROFILE_INVALID): "Returns the currently selected frequency for a mouse." payload = razer_int_to_be32(profileId) self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_GETFREQ, idstr, payload) return self.__recvU32() def getSupportedRes(self, idstr): "Returns a list of supported resolutions for a mouse." self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_SUPPRESOL, idstr) count = self.__recvU32() res = [] for i in range(0, count): res.append(self.__recvU32()) return res def getLeds(self, idstr, profileId=PROFILE_INVALID): """Returns a list of RazerLED instances for the given profile, or the global LEDs, if no profile given""" payload = razer_int_to_be32(profileId) self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_GETLEDS, idstr, payload) count = self.__recvU32() leds = [] for i in range(0, count): flags = self.__recvU32() name = self.__recvString() state = self.__recvU32() mode = RazerLEDMode(self.__recvU32()) supported_modes = RazerLEDMode.listFromSupportedModes(self.__recvU32()) color = self.__recvU32() if (flags & self.LED_FLAG_HAVECOLOR) == 0: color = None else: color = RazerRGB.fromU32(color) canChangeColor = bool(flags & self.LED_FLAG_CHANGECOLOR) leds.append(RazerLED(profileId, name, state, mode, supported_modes, color, canChangeColor)) return leds def setLed(self, idstr, led): "Set a LED to a new state." if len(led.name) > self.RAZER_LEDNAME_MAX_SIZE: raise RazerEx("LED name string too long") payload = razer_int_to_be32(led.profileId) led_name = led.name.encode("UTF-8") payload += led_name payload += b'\0' * (self.RAZER_LEDNAME_MAX_SIZE - len(led_name)) payload += b'\x01' if led.state else b'\x00' payload += bytes([led.mode.val]) if led.color: payload += razer_int_to_be32(led.color.toU32()) else: payload += razer_int_to_be32(0) self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_SETLED, idstr, payload) return self.__recvU32() def setFrequency(self, idstr, profileId, newFrequency): "Set a new scan frequency (in Hz)." payload = razer_int_to_be32(profileId) + razer_int_to_be32(newFrequency) self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_SETFREQ, idstr, payload) return self.__recvU32() def getSupportedDpiMappings(self, idstr): "Returns a list of supported DPI mappings. Each entry is a RazerDpiMapping() instance." self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_SUPPDPIMAPPINGS, idstr) count = self.__recvU32() mappings = [] for i in range(0, count): id = self.__recvU32() dimMask = self.__recvU32() res = [] for i in range(0, self.RAZER_NR_DIMS): rVal = self.__recvU32() if (dimMask & (1 << i)) == 0: rVal = None res.append(rVal) profileMaskHigh = self.__recvU32() profileMaskLow = self.__recvU32() profileMask = (profileMaskHigh << 32) | profileMaskLow mutable = self.__recvU32() mappings.append(RazerDpiMapping( id, res, profileMask, mutable)) return mappings def changeDpiMapping(self, idstr, mappingId, dimensionId, newResolution): "Changes the resolution value of a DPI mapping." payload = razer_int_to_be32(mappingId) +\ razer_int_to_be32(dimensionId) +\ razer_int_to_be32(newResolution) self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_CHANGEDPIMAPPING, idstr, payload) return self.__recvU32() def getDpiMapping(self, idstr, profileId, axisId=None): "Gets the resolution mapping of a profile." if axisId is None: axisId = 0xFFFFFFFF payload = razer_int_to_be32(profileId) +\ razer_int_to_be32(axisId) self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_GETDPIMAPPING, idstr, payload) return self.__recvU32() def setDpiMapping(self, idstr, profileId, mappingId, axisId=None): "Sets the resolution mapping of a profile." if axisId is None: axisId = 0xFFFFFFFF payload = razer_int_to_be32(profileId) +\ razer_int_to_be32(axisId) +\ razer_int_to_be32(mappingId) self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_SETDPIMAPPING, idstr, payload) return self.__recvU32() def getProfiles(self, idstr): "Returns a list of profiles. Each entry is the profile ID." self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_GETPROFILES, idstr) count = self.__recvU32() profiles = [] for i in range(0, count): profiles.append(self.__recvU32()) return profiles def getActiveProfile(self, idstr): "Returns the ID of the active profile." self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_GETACTIVEPROF, idstr) return self.__recvU32() def setActiveProfile(self, idstr, profileId): "Selects the active profile." payload = razer_int_to_be32(profileId) self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_SETACTIVEPROF, idstr, payload) return self.__recvU32() def getProfileName(self, idstr, profileId): "Get a profile name." payload = razer_int_to_be32(profileId) self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_GETPROFNAME, idstr, payload) return self.__recvString() def setProfileName(self, idstr, profileId, newName): "Set a profile name. newName is expected to be unicode." payload = razer_int_to_be32(profileId) rawstr = newName.encode("UTF-16-BE") rawstr = rawstr[:min(len(rawstr), 64 * 2)] rawstr += b'\0' * (64 * 2 - len(rawstr)) payload += rawstr self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_SETPROFNAME, idstr, payload) return self.__recvU32() def flashFirmware(self, idstr, image): "Flash a new firmware on the device. Needs high privileges!" payload = razer_int_to_be32(len(image)) self.__sendPrivilegedCommand(self.COMMAND_PRIV_FLASHFW, idstr, payload) self.__sendBulkPrivileged(image) return self.__recvU32Privileged() def getSupportedButtons(self, idstr): "Get a list of supported buttons. Each entry is a tuple (id, name)." self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_SUPPBUTTONS, idstr) buttons = [] count = self.__recvU32() for i in range(0, count): id = self.__recvU32() name = self.__recvString() buttons.append( (id, name) ) return buttons def getSupportedButtonFunctions(self, idstr): "Get a list of possible button functions. Each entry is a tuple (id, name)." self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_SUPPBUTFUNCS, idstr) funcs = [] count = self.__recvU32() for i in range(0, count): id = self.__recvU32() name = self.__recvString() funcs.append( (id, name) ) return funcs def getButtonFunction(self, idstr, profileId, buttonId): "Get a button function. Returns a tuple (id, name)." payload = razer_int_to_be32(profileId) + razer_int_to_be32(buttonId) self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_GETBUTFUNC, idstr, payload) id = self.__recvU32() name = self.__recvString() return (id, name) def setButtonFunction(self, idstr, profileId, buttonId, functionId): "Set a button function." payload = razer_int_to_be32(profileId) +\ razer_int_to_be32(buttonId) +\ razer_int_to_be32(functionId) self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_SETBUTFUNC, idstr, payload) return self.__recvU32() def getSupportedAxes(self, idstr): "Get a list of axes on the device. Each entry is a tuple (id, name, flags)." self.__sendCommand(self.COMMAND_ID_SUPPAXES, idstr) axes = [] count = self.__recvU32() for i in range(0, count): id = self.__recvU32() name = self.__recvString() flags = self.__recvU32() axes.append( (id, name, flags) ) return axes class IHEXParser(object): TYPE_DATA = 0 TYPE_EOF = 1 TYPE_ESAR = 2 TYPE_SSAR = 3 TYPE_ELAR = 4 TYPE_SLAR = 5 def __init__(self, ihex): self.ihex = ihex def parse(self): bin = [] try: lines = self.ihex.decode("ASCII").splitlines() hiAddr = 0 for line in lines: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue if len(line) < 11 or (len(line) - 1) % 2 != 0: raise RazerEx("Invalid firmware file format (IHEX length error)") if line[0] != ':': raise RazerEx("Invalid firmware file format (IHEX magic error)") count = int(line[1:3], 16) if len(line) != count * 2 + 11: raise RazerEx("Invalid firmware file format (IHEX count error)") addr = (int(line[3:5], 16) << 8) | int(line[5:7], 16) addr |= hiAddr << 16 type = int(line[7:9], 16) checksum = 0 for i in range(1, len(line), 2): byte = int(line[i:i+2], 16) checksum = (checksum + byte) & 0xFF checksum = checksum & 0xFF if checksum != 0: raise RazerEx("Invalid firmware file format (IHEX checksum error)") if type == self.TYPE_EOF: break if type == self.TYPE_ELAR: if count != 2: raise RazerEx("Invalid firmware file format (IHEX inval ELAR)") hiAddr = (int(line[9:11], 16) << 8) | int(line[11:13], 16) continue if type == self.TYPE_DATA: if len(bin) < addr + count: # Reallocate bin += [b'\0'] * (addr + count - len(bin)) for i in range(9, 9 + count * 2, 2): byte = bytes( (int(line[i:i+2], 16), ) ) if bin[(i - 9) // 2 + addr] != b'\0': raise RazerEx("Invalid firmware file format (IHEX corruption)") bin[(i - 9) // 2 + addr] = byte continue raise RazerEx("Invalid firmware file format (IHEX unsup type %d)" % type) except (ValueError, UnicodeError) as e: raise RazerEx("Invalid firmware file format (IHEX digit format)") return b"".join(bin) class RazerFirmwareParser(object): class Descriptor: def __init__(self, startOffset, endOffset, parser, binTruncate): # startOffset: The offset where the ihex/srec/etc starts # endOffset: The offset where the ihex/srec/etc ends # parser: ihex/srec/etc parser # binTruncate: Number of bytes to truncate the binary to self.start = startOffset self.len = endOffset - startOffset + 1 self.parser = parser self.binTruncate = binTruncate DUMP = 0 # Set to 1 to dump all images to /tmp FWLIST = { # Deathadder 1.27 "92d7f44637858405a83c0f192c61388c" : Descriptor(0x14B28, 0x1D8F4, IHEXParser, 0x4000) } def __init__(self, filepath): try: self.data = open(filepath, "rb").read() except IOError as e: raise RazerEx("Could not read file: %s" % e.strerror) md5sum = hashlib.md5(self.data).hexdigest().lower() try: descriptor = self.FWLIST[md5sum] except KeyError: raise RazerEx("Unsupported firmware file") try: rawFwData = self.data[descriptor.start : descriptor.start+descriptor.len] if self.DUMP: open("/tmp/razer.dump", "wb").write(rawFwData) fwImage = descriptor.parser(rawFwData).parse() if self.DUMP: open("/tmp/razer.dump.image", "wb").write(fwImage) if descriptor.binTruncate: fwImage = fwImage[:descriptor.binTruncate] if self.DUMP: open("/tmp/razer.dump.image.trunc", "wb").write(fwImage) except IndexError: raise RazerEx("Invalid firmware file format") self.fwImage = fwImage def getImage(self): return self.fwImage